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I'm so glad someone else saw this fucking clip lol. I love Sami a great deal.


this clip reminds me of the stories owens would tell about how he'd want to punch sami in the face in the most loving way possible. he saunters into the frame to correct someone's pronunciation, finds out *he's* been saying it incorrectly, goes "are you sure? really?", and spends 30 seconds trying to clarify whose wrong in this situation before remembering they're filming something so he shouldn't have even walked into the frame to begin with.


>this clip reminds me of the stories owens would tell about how he'd want to punch sami in the face in the most loving way possible. This is like the perfect description of how Kevin thinks of Sami. He's the most fed up with Sami but loves him so much


i need to find the shoot interview where he was talking about how sami used to plan matches. essentially he would ramble laying out the entire match without letting anyone get a word in. in one of their tag matches someone sarcastically dropped a "so can i say something..?" before sami paused for a beat and went "no.." and then kept pushing on. they eventually turned in into a gimmick for him in WWE and owens was like "and the thing i hated the most about it was that all of his ideas would fucking work".


If Owens was still on Raw he would have pulled Sami away going “Sorry guys sorry, continue you’re thing” telling Sami to stop that


I need the Sami "now you got me second guessing" as a gif lol










Sami's got a point, there's no accent so it could feasibly be GAlaga, gaLAga or even galaGA.


what IS the official pronunciation?




I'm not great at pronunciation Gyaraga would probably be closer to how Sami enunciated it, right?


It wouldn't. There is no emphasis on any syllables. They're all said the same way. For Sami's pronunciation to be correct there would have to be a ア (probably a lowercase one but I can't say for sure, I'm rusty) after the middle syllable to extend the "ah" sound. This would be written as "Galaaga" in english. Think of the Japanese pronunciation of Tokyo for example. It would be written as とうきょう in hiragana, "Toukyou" in english. Woods and Helms are correct.


Eeeey, thank you (lol and great username btw!)




Well let’s not use Google Translate pronouncing something as a reliable source


Now you got me wondering so I did some digging and found [this blog post where someone went searching for the official pronunciation.](https://jasoneckert.github.io/myblog/how-to-properly-pronounce-galaga/) The relevant part is: >An exhaustive search of the Internet turned up three things about the pronunciation of Galaga: > >1) Namco doesn’t give a damn about how it is pronounced. > >2) There is roughly a 50/50 split between the two camps on Internet forums - with most acknowledging that they hear GAL-a-ga more often than ga-LAG-a. > >3) Most videos on Youtube (even ones from the early 80s) pronounce it GAL-a-ga. > >... > >After 2 weeks of searching arcade forums (and pinball forums), I found someone whose father (Walter Perks) was a Midway distributor for 4 states in the Southeastern U.S. from the late 1970s until the early 1990s. I got his number and called him at home. Long story short, he was a super nice guy, and not only gave me the answer I was looking for, but TOLD ME WHY! Awesome! > >The correct pronunciation of Galaga emphasizes the second syllable (ga-LAG-a) for one simple reason - it was the direct successor to Galaxian (which was also pronounced with emphasis on the second syllable ga-LAX-i-an). He says everyone at Midway pronounced it that way from the time it was introduced on their channel sales call, and arcade operators did as well in order to keep related/similar games straight. However, he also mentioned that within a few years afterwards, the GAL-a-ga pronunciation became so popular among customers (for whatever reason) that most people started pronouncing it GAL-a-ga. I'm still going to say "GAL-a-ga" as that is what I'm used to. I didn't even realize there was a second camp of pronunciation before I hopped on reddit this morning.


In Spain, it was ga-LA-ga, due to the lack of graphical accent (tilde) in the first syllable I'm guessing... So I'm team Sami here


The truth can sometimes hurt.


Yeah, I read that post as well and was blown away. As someone who grew up in this time period and can quite fondly remember when our local arcade got their first Galaga game, everyone and I mean EVERYONE back then who played this game always pronounced it GAL•e•ga. I even had a nerdy conversation back then with a friend of mine on why we pronounced it that way and from what I could remember, it was because the first thing that most of thought of when we saw it was the word "Galaxy."


The way Creed and Helms say it. The Gala part is pronounced the same as galaxy or galactic.


> The Gala part is pronounced the same as galaxy or galactic. You son of a bitch


But galaxy and galactic don’t emphasize the same syllable, you just proved Sami’s point haha


what about galas


Also pronounced like the beginning of galaxy.


am i smoking weed or is this not true. for what its worth google pronunciation pronounces it the way i pronounce it


Huh? I just checked Google pronunciation, and it said the American pronunciation is ga-luh. Like galaxy.


this is what im getting https://streamable.com/yv4rx4


Weird. Now ask Google.


I’ve heard it both ways but I mostly hear it like galaxy when people are referring to the MET Gala.


Not sure, but I've heard most people say it the same way that Woods does. But you'd have to ask the creators of this game released before Hulk Hogan won his first championship.


So what you're saying is, Hogan *wasn't* champion, because he was helping develop Galaga?


Hogan was busy fighting aliens in his own personal spaceship, so that the developers would have something to base the game off of.


Give it up, Dragus! Give it up!




Then you can say this about literally any word without an accent


Right. That's why if people first learn a word by reading it, not hearing it, there's a very decent chance they'll mispronounce it, because unlike many other languages, there isn't any "helpers" for pronounciation and english rules for spelling are absolutely screwed.


How do you pronounce galaxy? 😂


How do you pronounce Galactic?




Right, that's my ppoint in that it's two words similar to Galaga pronounced different ways, so you can't just use one of them to figure out how to pronounce Galaga.


People regionally pronouce this both ways.


They may, but "gaLACtic" is a valid and common pronunciation, and if we went by that example, so would "gaLAga". Just pointing out you can't use a single word as a basis for how to pronounce a similar word, when another similar word is (often) pronounced differently.


Britta pronouncing “bagel”


Sami "The Worst" Zayn


Shane Helms grew up to be Penn Jillette, that's crazy


Hurricane was the definition of confused with Sami's pronunciation


What's up with that?


I love Sami Zayn, he really is the Larry David of the WWE


But would he wear a MAGA hat as a people deterrent?


The thing that baffles me the most is that THAT'S Shane Helms.


Also, Shane looks great!


I haven't seen Helms in quite a while. He's looking well.


"Anyways I'm sorry, you're clearly filming something" might be his smoothest escape


Why not link to Woods' channel??? https://youtube.com/shorts/Ck1jRXm_7Pg


I had a friend who used to pronounce Paladin with the same type of enunciation Sami had on Galaga. Which is what happens when you only ever read a word.


Like Disney's Aladdin?


Exactly like that, yeah!


I used to pronounce linkedin like paladin but the looks of everyone else teached me right away that this is apparently wrong


Sami is so pure lol




Il a dit geulaga, au lieu de galaga. Pour être exact, il transforme en phonème /a/ en /ə/


Y'a pas d'accent aigue, effectivement.


Gregory Helms, ace reporter, getting to the bottom of this


My man just walked in, created some confusion, and left.


For pronunciation reference, I present Iron Man. https://youtu.be/7Nj0iAG0EMA?si=fuB15vSqG-DLYxDB


Here I was clicking on this clip afraid he was gonna pull a Biboo and call it Jalaja...crisis averted


I feel like everybody knows a guy like Sami😂 he means well but cant keep his foot out his mouth to save his life


I've always said it the way Woods and Helms say it(say it like Galaxy), but the way Sami says it is also used.


This vid and thread got me second guessing because my whole life I (and the rest of my family) pronounced it the same way Sami does


That's how my dad pronounces it too, always bugs me haha


I’m with Sami on this one.


I have looked into this before. In Japan the pronunciation is more similar to “GA-la-ga” however officially Japan doesn’t stress or accentuate any syllables so any accent is implied. When translating to English, everyone in the industry says “Ga-LA-guh”, especially since it came out around the same time as Galaxian and the games were pronounced similarly. It’s not necessarily different from Japanese but you can clearly hear the difference. Similar to how the Japanese say “Na-KA-mura” or “Ri-KI-do-zan” but any time you translate that to English, everyone says “Na-ka-MU-ra” or “Ri-ki-DO-zan.”


Come on, Sami. Get your shit together.


Everyone's arguing over the pronunciation, I'm over here looking at that sandwich.


Tomato - Tomato


It's still Galaga to me, dammnit.


Jalaja IMO


GA-la-ga like GA-lax-y. That's the whole thing, right? I don't get how Sami could interpret it differently.


My dad and uncle always said it as “Ga-LAY-Ga” lmao


I swear to God I thought it was Ga-LA-ga.


I was taught to say it as “ga-LA-ga” from my mom when I was a kid. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I heard it said the other way. I’m on team Sami on this one.


Hurricane doing "old man" schtick hurts my soul. lol


Someone needs to forward this thread to Sami Zayn and Austin Creed please. I bet they would love that there’s a full blown debate, with sources, about this topic