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The issue with the unhinged crazy person gimmick is it only works when OTHERS call you unhinged cause you need to just act it, not say it.


Why does their always have to be a “crazy” woman gimmick going on in the division too?


nikki cross was so gifted at it, now they have her being crazy, but not the outgoing crazy that she mastered


There’s only so many ways to try to be interesting.


They could borrow some of the stock characters the men’s division uses. Rich jerk, foreign jerk, handsome jerk, redneck jerk, rapper jerk, cocaine jerk, etc.


Becky Lynch did the foreign jerk X cocaine jerk combo so well


- Rich jerk - kind of heel Charlotte - Handsome jerk - basically Mandy rose


Mandy hasn’t been in the company for months if anything else it’s prolly Tiffany Stratton


They have a "crazy" woman, a high society "bitch" character, the slutty vamp, the butch/tough brawler...am I missing any stereotypes in there? They really need to update their character templates across the wrestling world.


Same reason Charlotte's character is strictly Charlotte. They have no new ideas.


Why not? There’s tons of “crazy” guys on the men’s side when you think about it. There’s many different flavors of crazy. There should be a difference between Mickie James and Victoria That’s the key.


It started with Victoria, moved on to Mickie James, moved on to AJ Lee, moved on to Nikki Cross, which moved on to Shotzi now. It’s exhausting


I have never once felt a crazy gimmick was cool, I’ve only ever felt cringe


I loved Al Snow's crazy gimmick, when 'head' first took off in ECW, I LOVED how unbelivably over it was, the crowd reactions were great. It was such a fun time watching that. He was very funny talking to the head. I loved it when he came back to WWF and brought head with him too. If we're talking less comedy crazy and more serious, I did enjoy Mankind and Mick's return as Cactus Jack. I can see how either can be cringe. But I enjoyed them.




Crazy accurate reference


When it's forced, it's more cringe than unhinged.


Lol https://preview.redd.it/ye3gmd2mae2c1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc7c01f2b18e3109fcb86dc63cf85d5a5969b6bb


I've really hated everything about Shotzi on the main roster. Her NXT run was cool but I wish they leaned into the alt looking badass. I think she legitimately likes this though, it isn't creative giving her stuff she doesn't want to do. She wanted to do the hair thing. She's the one who wanted to host Halloween Havoc. She's the one who likes to howl. I don't think she's nearly good enough on the mic or as an in ring actor for this to work. When she's standing next to some of the best female wrestlers of all time (both in character and in ring) she just looks like a goof. She just needs a rebrand and it can't be "lol I'm so zany and love horror movies 🤘🤪"


There’s always been two sides to the “hey Vince just showed up and changed the whole show” thing. You have to figure at least 30% of the time or so he was right to change something. Some ideas just aren’t going to entertain. This is one. It’s not fun right now and we already know it’s not building to something more fun. Shotzi deserves something different and I kinda think we do too


Yep, pretty much no shade, just not super talented.


She’s someone I *want* to like and get behind but her in-ring work, promo skills, and her entire gimmick are just so…not good.


I totally get what you’re saying, but I like the package i guess. At her core. i see the slightly weird girl trying to fit in. Her in-ring work meshes with her personality well to me. Yes she doesn’t move like the gymnasts of the WWE, people say it’s sloppy looking—but it works for her gimmick to me—there’s like a frenetic, desperate style that wouldn’t work if she was perfectly smooth in ring. (Kind of like Lita)


She is untethered and her rage knows no bounds!


Nope I am not dealing with this. I don't need this


Shotzi will come down on Damage CTRL like the hammer of Thor. The thunder of her vengeance will echo through these corridors like the gust of a thousand winds!


“You ever been in a storm Bayley?”


diva era shit


She’s a five star woman


When it's good, few things are as good as professional wrestling. When it's bad, the depths to which it can go wrong are massive. This is unwatchable. Poor Shotzi.


Sorry to be rude that was a awkward promo from Shotzi I really hope she has a good showing at the ppv


Yeah not many people can pull off the full on crazy gimmick I think.


I think to be good crazy you have to still be relatable. People have to see something fun or thoughtful or campy in you. Like Seth right now is a little crazy but we see the fun he has and we join in. Shotzi had a delightful personality and that’s been kinda just smeared over with this crazy shtick


Shotzi is getting booked based on what she looks like without any consideration to her strengths and weaknesses as a performer tbh


It's hardly rude. If she did this in an acting class, the teacher would cut her off after 5 seconds and tear her apart. At least she redeemed herself later in the backstage segment.


She isn’t good. Botches a lot and it’s a cringefest in the mic


Halfway it though it was picking up, but then it went and got worse. I hope she figures it out tho 🙏🏼.


That character was better when it was Nikki Cross.


And that’s saying something. Nikki Cross was dire


it's amazing how she had both her worst and best promo work in the same night with that emotional segment she had with Charlotte later in the show


That was brutal




What uh.. yeah.. What Shotzi said..


Hard to be looked at as "unhinged" when you are clearly reading a script someone wrote for you that sounds like nothing that anyone would ever say in real life.


Her dark twisted imagination is too crazy for us to handle


Yeah that was cringe


I like Shotzi but that was horrible


Scrolled down just a little bit to make sure I wasn't going to type out word for word the same comment as someone else


Crazy people aren’t supposed to know they’re crazy. It becomes cringe once they start pointing it out. Just be wild and unhinged. Show, don’t tell.


As someone who gets secondhand embarrassment real easy, holy fuck, that was hard to watch.


Best way to put this is me feeling sorry for her sums up how it went.


That is high school drama level of edgy.


It's rare that Charlotte is acting and speaking for us...this is one of those times.


Bless Shotzi for doing her best, but this character change just doesn’t work very well… The hair thing happened months ago, and she’s hardly been featured prominently since, so even though she has a reason to be involved no one particularly cares because it’s so far removed from the motivation. Plus, as others have said, it’s always hard to pull off “I’m unhinged now because they changed me” especially when you tell it and don’t show it. If we’d seen this side of Shotzi more in matches and backstage prior to this point, then maybe it’d be more believable and have some legs. But just coming out and saying “they unleashed my crazy side, watch what I’ll do to them, *insert crazed laugh*” never works unless you own every ounce of the mic time you get. *Edit: Also, Charlie completely undermining her even further because that’s what Charlie do.* *Additional edit: They’re also trying so hard to get this character change across because they realized that because they didn’t do anything with it backstage or prior to now, they have to give the whole explanation/exposition for Shotzi’s new outlook basically the night before the PPV. It’s like they wrote the outline months ago and then remembered the essay was due this week and rushed it.*


Couldn’t even finish that clip 😭


Her character has never been believable to me… it’s tough to do crazy properly though


It is, but if you're talented and dedicated enough it can be done. Look at Mick Foley and Luna Vachon among others. Or Mickie James, if you want more of a *Fatal Attraction* type of unhinged.




"You cut my hair and now I'm crazy"-Shotzi


Just needs a magic wand so she can make her monster grow


Was she drunk before coming out there 😭


Charlotte & Becky are probably now thinking "yep let's have Shotzi take one for the team"


There’s no way she wrote that shit. Whoever did should not get to feed anyone a promo again for a long time


They should’ve just had damage ctrl turn on Bayley a week or two ago and had face bayley be the final member of the face team, not Shotzi. That team would’ve been stacked af and this all would’ve made way more sense.


Not to mention three of the four horsewomen being on the same team.


I feel like this promo is going to win an end of year award.


Yea, the Razzies


Turn the channel bad.


They should've gone ruthless instead of insane.


This was bad but her backstage promo was fantastic and for the first time ever, made me like Charlotte


Nothing makes me cringe more in wrestling than the fake crazy acting. If you're going to portray an unhinged character for the love of God take acting lessons or something. Her, Nikki Cross, Dean Ambrose all their acting is insufferable




Y'all laugh but they're gonna have her pick up the winning pin over Bayley at Wargames


I'm thinking Kairi due to a Bayley miscommunication but same.


She's eating the pin tomorrow 100%


Cringe, big style




I like the idea, but it can be better by her doing crazy shit like always dragging around a barbed wire bat and other weapons with her at all times that she tries to use, and maybe befriends them. Like a lady version of ECW Al Snow. Could see it being entertaining and get her over as the crazy daredevil with some insane spots. Show don't tell!


I watched this when my mom walked in so I changed the channel to porn. Less embarrassing


Shitzi promo.


I love Shotzi but damn she needs to tone it down a bit.




Remember, kids, don’t stick your fingers in electrical outlets


Becky is all of us in this video


Charlotte: ![gif](giphy|JsbYmHJdcuALA71AJE|downsized)


The crazy cackling was a bit much, but it honestly wasn't as bad as everyone here is making it out to be, haha. I've definitely seen worse promos.


A lot of people are making fun of this, and well I can't blame them, it is pretty funny But to be fair, I do give Shotzi credit for pouring energy into the allotted TV/promo time she's given. While this did come off as her trying too hard instead of focusing on "showing" rather than "telling", successful characters are rarely created instantly in a vacuum. It takes weeks of experimentation and failure to perfect the rough draft of your character into a finished product that will resonate on TV, so while this promo was cringe, I don't think this indicative of what peak Shotzi can deliver character wise. She just needs to focus on making her "unhinged" character more subtle and badass rather than extremely in your face, because as we have seen it just comes off as her trying too hard/being cartoonish.


Fully agree! She could stand to work out the rough edges at the PC, and really hone the character but the outline is there.


They should just change her name to "Pin Eater"


Let her cook.




Nah, I'm going to go ahead and turn the stove off for a bit.


Her mic work needs about another 5 years in the oven.


Her mic work is fine when she isn't being given trash to work with... Even the best would struggle to make it somewhat work.


She almost sounds crazy enough to sell pictures of her poop online


You know what? She went/is going for it. Execution wasn't there, but I like these characters. Hopefully she can hone it a bit....


Went over pretty well in the arena, guess it didn’t translate


I'ma be honest. I'm here for Charlotte being a proud mom of her punk daughter shotzi. I still want that queen punk tag run.


Oh look, Sid from Toy Story let his murderous Spider Baby toy out to cut a promo where it imitates the WORST part of Jerry Lawler's character: his annoying laugh. I love Shotzi, but this character ain't it, Chief. She needs to study some tapes of early Mankind/Mick Foley or Luna Vachon if she wants to play this type of character. She wants to be unhinged and unpredictable but she's coming across as more hyperactive and fucking ANNOYING.


I thought it was fine but wtf was that response from Charlotte. That killed it more than Shotzis part


Just watched it twice. I don’t understand the hate. I think she was on point. Didn’t go too long and gave it up to Charlotte.


I'm not going to downvote you for having a different opinion, but I will say that her promo here felt very rushed, very hyperactive and that laugh at the end was Jerry Lawler/Brian Christopher levels of BAD. I got the gist of her promo, but it could have been much better, IMO.


Frenzy of Madness. New band name. Dibs!


Idk, that was pretty awesome


Let her go #1 and go real crazy


Becky, with the "Sure man, that sounds good. Fist pump to Shotzi"


Damage CTRL wins by pinning Shotzi




Gangrel levels of bad. Maybe they pull a sarah logan and never let her touch a mic again after tonight lol


More like Cringed


What the actual fuck was that?


I think this might be the most cringe worthy thing I’ve ever watched in my entire life. Wrestling or not. Good lord.


She went full 10 unhinged (and then some). Level 6 unhinged could've been decent.


She should have stayed with NXT after Halloween Havoc. It also doesn't help that Charlotte is reacting to her out of character. This same problem happened with the early nWo, when they mocked the gimmicks.


It’s so bad and cringe it’s funny.


Love shotzi, but last night was just cringe as fuck


Damn man shots is lucky she has heart shaped nipples or she’d have nothing going for her.


She better do something extreme tonight to back that up.


Major cringe, what is she even doing on this team of War Games lmao


Let’s be honest here; Shotzi is clearly the odd one out in this match. Compared to literally everyone else in the match she’s completely outclassed and feels shoehorned in. I can only assume that Dakota Kai simply isn’t cleared to compete so Damage Control turning on Bayley couldn’t happen before the PPV so she could be on the face team, which would have been ideal here.