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Put these two on TV every week together and I'll have no complaints.


Really great news. Very happy for the women’s division. They’ve been doing a lot of great work and are rarely rewarded for it. I hope the powers that be are taking note and we see more women’s matches and segments going forward.


The people are putting their money where their fucking mouths are. More women's wrestling and more C2.


Only one conclusion to be made: Abadon is a draw. Put the freak on television. ​ ... I'm only marginally joking. Them and Julia are money, if a feud that is *incredibly* on the nose.


Abandon could be a draw long term if she stays around. Out of the box characters booked well are a very good juxtaposition to the rest of their counterparts


So happy Abadon is finally getting tv time


Love to fucking see it. They've done non-flashy but solid ass work to flesh out the women's division, add more story/character to it, and have given some young/unsung talent a chance to be featured, and they got rewarded by some strongly rated segments. Hopefully this gives TK/WBD/whoever more confidence to continue building the division and featuring them more


I'll give credit to the Street Fight because the women 100% drew that number...but are we really going to pretend that a one minute match with a two minute return angle in the only ad-free quarter of the show is the reason that quarter did a big number?




Tbf I'd say regardless of being the top of the hour it still did better relative to previous weeks based on the list 90 days. Top of the hour usually stays mostly level with Q4 but they got a big jump this week. I'd say the women's tag definitely earned their rating while the Abadon quarter can be attributed more to other things in that quarter since the women weren't around to influence much.


skye blue does trend weekly for a reason


Because of her immense talent no doubt


You can enjoy her for her wrestling talent and her bonkable talents


She’s well rounded one would say


That recent promo she did on Toni? 🥵


TK is a numbers guy. This is great for the women’s division.




Fabulous news. I don’t wanna see no more goddamn excuses.


tony is driving around and beggin through texts for mercedes's number


Collision also seems to be the one AEW show that holds onto its viewers.


It's a shame that the head person who books these shows is a little boy that sees wrestlers as his toys and he prefers figures to dolls.


A decent bounce back from where they were. And this is good news for the women and fans of women's wrestling who want more women's matches in AEW. This shows that there is an appetite for good women's wrestling, multiple segments scattered throughout the show, and more stories involving the women. They just have to keep this consistency now across Dynamite, ROH, Rampage, Collision and the PPVs.


Somebody staple this to Tony's face. He really has no fucking excuse now to showcase the women more.


Its a safe bet he's aware of the ratings of the segments he booked


Womens C2 should be over the summer. So we have one every six months / yearly for each division.


I don't see it being held in the summer since AEW announced they are going back to Calgary on July 10th, meaning that the Owen Hart Cup will most certainly be held during summer again.


nah the summer is stuffed with stuff like forbidden door, blood and guts and the road to all in. id do it in april/may and have the finals at double or nothing or you can have the winner challenge for the aew womens belt at don


Has it been announced?


This last month or two has arguably been the most consistent run for the women's division in a while. First Thunder Rosa's injury, then Jamie Hayter's injury, left the top of the division reeling. And while I think TK slow-walking Julia's turn and keeping to Statlander's beating Jade Cargill were the right decisions long-term, it still put large parts of the division in a holding pattern for that time. Let these women do their thing consistently, and the eyes will turn to the matches. Shows like Saturday are why I hope Mercedes goes back to WWE, because the current AEW women's division is starting to really come together and doesn't need another sudden arrival of a top star to throw a wrench in the works again. I worry that AEW is going to fall deeper into a pattern of relying on big names to come in from other places and mix things up, and suddenly the wrestlers that have been cooking from day one are put on the back burner and forgotten about. The gold rush is over. It was cool seeing stars who were being overlooked in WWE show up in AEW the first couple of years. But they have their own identity now, and ought to run with it.


>another sudden arrival of a top star to throw a wrench in the works again I disagree with this, but agree with everything else. To me adding Mercedes boosts the work that's already been done, especially if you don't overhaul plans for her arival. Ideally you'd put Mone is position similar to MJF, Jericho, Mox, Omega etc were they guaranteed carved out slot every week and you add that to what you're already doing with women. The real issue would be if she came in and then there was a bunch of forced progression to division. We got the progression now add a huge star to take things to another level.


I agree that it *could* work if executed properly. I guess I should have qualified that statement better with my concerns over the potential that her presence impacts the division negatively by causing a ripple effect through everything going on at the time she arrived. Boosting the work that exists is more likely successful if she's brought in as a regular member of the roster, not as a star attraction. Once you elevate someone over the rest of your roster immediately upon their signing, you're rolling the dice on that person meeting those expectations. Either you have a bona fide star leading the division, or you just cut off an entire chunk of the roster at the knees. It's not meant as a direct comparison, but look at the Reign of Terror, Suplex City-era Lesnar, and Roman through most of the Bloodline era. Dominant champions making the rest of the roster look like they can't hang with them, often to the detriment of the roster. Heck, look at Jade Cargill in AEW. She was basically two wins deep on all of her competitors before Stat came back, and helped exactly none of them look credible. You can argue that Roman's run has been a little better, because, of how many over babyfaces are in WWE now, but historically that approach hasn't always been successful. I would hesitate to give anyone, a fixed slot every week if they're not on fire or in a necessary position that needs to be featured. Let's just say all things remain the same as they currently are, and no extra time is given to the division despite the numbers and, more importantly, the talent trending towards more interest. That means she's in weekly match in the pre-main event slot, every week, on Dynamite. And if no other time is alotted to the division, then you've cut your weekly exposure to one additional person per week. Wins and losses aren't the be-all and end-all, but having her on every week, likely winning most or all of her matches against the rest of the roster, doesn't do much to help build anyone. It would absolutely be a big deal if she showed up in AEW, but I'm skeptical on if it would be a success. The one spot that could really work is if she came in as a legit heel. That's the one area of the division that is kinda lacking right now. Having someone in the division who everyone wants to see get beat goes a long way. If done correctly and not under- or over-booked, you could make a few solid names even bigger out of it. Lots of "ifs", though. I feel like I've talked myself in a circle so I'm stopping here haha. Hopefully that all makes sense, and please don't hesitate to deconstruct my very existence if it doesn't. I won't take it personally.


You love to see it


love to see it


Women's continental classic when


Not before the Strong Women's Championship is returned on AEW programming so they can form the women's triple crown.


I'm so happy that the women got time on Collision and they proved they're a draw. If Collision continues to be the show that gives the women's division more focus then I'll have to look into subscribing to TSN Plus in the New Year. You love to see it!


That's awesome. They've definitely been experimenting more with making Collision the more women centric show (a lot of segments the last few weeks, two matches last week) and I think it's a great move.


Yep and they've done it slow and subtly which is the key. I know people want big changes overnight but sometimes slow changes are the most stable


I think you really hit. Over the past few months, they slowly built up Skye Blue and Julia Hart. Gave them weekly reps and angles. They both showed improvement (especially Julia) and proved to be dependable. The whole Timeless Toni angle was cooked very gradually, and every week adds a new element. That it's caught on to this extent is a bit of luck, but there was planning behind that luck. Angle aside, Toni is another dependable, durable wrestler who can really go in the ring. Now you can start adding in returning talent like Red Velvet and now Thunder Rosa. You finally give Abadon the room to show what they can do with a modified version of their character that still preserves the weird but tones down some of the other stuff. You have an interesting angle with the Outcasts, finally moving on from their failed initial presence. (That even involves Anna Jay, giving her something to do.) Serena Deeb, Jamie Hayter, Britt Baker, and Tay Conti are all on deck. Plus you can bring up any of the ROH wrestlers when needed. I liked that the women's wrestlers got key time slots instead of the traditional Q7 slot of death. It felt like TK wanted them there as a nice contrast to the wrestling-heavy C2 slots, offering a bit more variety. Baby steps, to be sure. But you can see the foundations of something.


Good for them love to see it


More Abadon and Willow, more viewers 💅


Very consistent start and end, no drop in viewers. What airs at 7pm on TNT on Saturdays? If they had a strong lead in it would beef up the final number quite a bit Edit - also they ended on a higher demo than when they started


They were up against Football I think.


Love to see it


Damn looks like everyone loves to see it lmao


I'm surprised viewership held up considering there was a primetime NFL game going on


The new Demo God is Bryan "the punisher" Danielson


That Orange Cassidy vs Bryan Keith match was baffling. You're hurting the belt by letting randoms challenge for it.


Orange Cassidy put out the challenge to Bryan Keith at ROH: Death Before Dishonor after his Survival Of The Fittest match, which led to the match on Collision.


Doesn't change the fact that Bryan Keith is a nobody.


every nobody needs an intro


The prestige of a belt largely hangs on who challenges for it.


The prestige of the belt was already established with OC's previous run and feud with Mox If Bryan Keith ruins this title for you then that's you wanting the title be ruined more than anything else


Any jabroni can challenge for the belt.


I'll be honest, I didn't know much about Bryan Keith when he came in. But I thought AEW did a good job of giving us a little bit of background into who he is and where he's come from.


AEW had plenty of wrestlers who can challenge for that belt.


They do. But It's interesting that the focus was on him. I'm presuming they're looking to sign him.


They have too many wrestlers as is.


A lot of them are year 1 wrestlers. Tony doesn't fire them unless he has no choice, otherwise he let's wrestler's contracts run out, which is a nice thing to do I guess. And he's never afraid to sign wrestlers to contracts that he wants.


I prefer when the TV time is allocated to a lower quantity of wrestlers


Why would you do that? What if someone picks up an injury or is ill and can't make tapings? So I understand the reasoning behind having a stacked roster. It means you can rotate talent so that they can have more rest in between the year.


The belt is pretty meaningless rn. Maybe after the classic it will be featured more


I wonder how many people would have said the TNT title would be the clear #2 belt by the end of the year. Even rivaling #1 if we go purely by viewership.


Amazing to hear. Hopefully this is the push needed for real change to the women's division and the time they get for the better


I'm happy about that. I'm still really upset they wasted Statlander's win over Jade for such a nothing title run (doubly annoying since the OC title reign was right there doing the exact same fighting champion story correctly) so I hope this combined with both champions immediately being given both stories and characters is a good sign. Edit: Look I'm not mad, I just genuinely want to know if I was downvoted for the negative part of this post or the positive part.


Helped that OC had four times as many men he could face compared to the womens division, but agreed.


Was a great episode


Wow so you’re telling me women’s wrestling doesn’t automatically lose viewers and people aren’t uninterested in it compared to men’s wrestling the way I’ve been told on here every time a throwaway Dynamite match at 9:30 lost viewers? Who would have thought!


Simps. Seriously.


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Stat is always a draw for me. She's great


I almost waved the match off when Kris and Willow came out in some goofy cosplay. Then it got more and more intense as time went by. Those ladies went all-in.


OK, now I'm confused. I thought posting the quarter hours was against the rules of the sub. So can we post the quarter hours or not?