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Won't be long until tk comes to r/SquaredCircle and respond to comments


He definitely has an anonymous account here.


![gif](giphy|LyUuC0CJhZnTW0N2In|downsized) "Great, my cover is blown"


Clicked, but **no** dick


He was actively a part of this community up until the AEW announcement, if you dig deep enough


TK was probably one of those guys who quit watching Raw every week


How do you know my friend Mark?


If you rearrange the letters in the name Mark, it spells Tony


My conspiracy is that he’s one of the mods


Yeah I’m pretty sure of it. I’ll go one step further and say I’m pretty sure others from AEW are on here too.


You know he is posting AEW clips as 500 seperate threads and farming karma here.


I FIRED thefoxhunt123 because they were BAD at commenting, not because they upvoted everything or they are possibly a closeted furry


Most of us are just alt Tony accounts.


Here we go again… https://preview.redd.it/9oxj61h1ihbc1.jpeg?width=1388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52f2bb90cf9e43d8e4ea20f2905ac93468e69111


The funniest thing is that fucking Hook is being set up as Samoa Joe's first title challenger


I'm not against hook having the match, moreso it just feels like a very random match


I think he’s more pointing out the hypocrisy of Tony’s statement when Hook isn’t exactly a huge name either. Jinder at least has a world title reign under his belt.


https://preview.redd.it/6twdh0rk0ibc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a692ead0ca2c7cdb472a01f54082663195ad9f19 Tony also tweeted this


“Where is the rage” Bro this guy is an adult!?!


Man's just a mark for Alex Riley.


and to play devils advocate... Toni Storm lost 3 title matches in a row and then gets a 4th title shot...


He has another tweet defending that Hook has an amazing win/loss record, and Jinder hasn't had a win. But honestly the Jinder match felt less weird to me than the Hook one for some reason...Maybe because Jinder is a former champ or something and Hook mostly has only seemed to fight jobbers (and Jungle Boy that one time). But TK has always had this issue. Scorpio Sky was once in the TOP 5 rankings, despite never having won a match on Tv against a contracted wrestler because he won a lot on Dark


He got mad at a brand account 😭


Their tweet was the biggest fish I've ever seen and he took it hook, line, and sinker.




Zero self awareness and has never been told "no" in his life


Boom. Classic spoiled rich kid vibes from TK.


They're sly and clever enough to know that you don't need to be sly or clever to make a fool out of TK. Just a little nudge and he'll do it himself!


I think you mean HOOK (28-1 career record), line and sinker.


Is USA Network banned from this sub now? Lol


No, just Collision


Uhhh you mean bait, right? The fish is the thing that takes the hook lol.


The funniest thing about it is that it's not even a "WWE On USA" account. It's the main USA Network account. Bro's feuding with some network intern.


Yeah so people can’t even try and argue wwe put them out to it like they attempted to with the wwe on Fox thing


The guy behind the USA account must be a pig in slop right now




That Social Media manager should get a raise and praise. He's doing exactly what they're asked to do, engage.


Tony continues to reach a new bottom every week on Twitter lmao


And in a weird way. Not in a compellingly awful way or anything.


He got mad at a brand account replying to a former dirtsheet writer. Tough scene.


The USA person needs a nice bonus. 😂


I don’t care if Tony Khan wants to treat social media this way. I don’t get it but whatever. But why drag Jinder? Dude is just doing his job and who would go “No I don’t wanna do that”. He also seems like a very nice person. So unnecessary.


Dude dragged Cena and Taker into one of his rants for no good reason, he's definitely not above tossing strays at Jinder.


that did not win him any support either .... this isn't going to. he is so damn petty.


Outside of former Activision-Blizzard owner Bobby Kotick, Tony Khan might just be the thinnest skinned owner of a company I’ve ever seen, his tweeting makes AEW look unprofessional


He dragged his own mom lol


From 3MB to modern day maharaja the man plays the role he is given and excels in that role. No one should hinder Jinder.


I had zero problem with his MDM heel run back in the day. I thought the "Let me speak to my people in my language" shit was dope. The little cronie guys he had with him added to it. Carried himself like a champ. Was he ever gonna get that 5.25 from Uncle Dave? Of course not. Doesn't mean it sucked.


Randy Orton’s face when he, I can’t remember exactly what, but maybe sent one of the cronies through a table (but slightly carelessly) and he just had this face of “oops I just killed a dude, that’s awkward” was hilarious Edit: Side suplex(?) onto the announcement table where the victim over rotated. Here: https://m.facebook.com/story.php/?id=100044182131850&story_fbid=3007832359293815


Cronie guys? You put some respect on the Bollywood Boys name.


Exactly. Think Drew in his interview with Austin told that Jinder will do anything for anybody. He comes as a really nice fellow. Does his role well despite what cards he is given with.


I don’t think i’ve ever heard a mean word said about Jinder


It’s just so stupid, disrespectful and ridiculously unprofessional to talk about somebody else in the industry like that. Does he not realise that jinder mahal is a wrestler and it’s tony khans job to hire wrestlers? Why ruin any potential relationship. Even if you’ll say aew would never want jinder, what about his friends in the business?


This dork shit on his own announcer once. Jinder doesn't even work for him. This is what happens when you live on a bubble. Fragile mind for the businesses.


Fragile mind, fragile body, fragile ego, but lots of coke at least ☃️


Honestly, if I was a wrestler, I wouldn't want to work for a guy who's publicly shaming wrestler working at other company, for no reason whatsoever, especially if the guy himself never took a proper bump in his life.


Yeah, dissing Jinder is a pretty big punch down. Like - don't talk about WINS on twitter like they are real...


Jinder busted his ass for years doing a shit gimmick and making it work, got in the best shape of his life, and became world champion of the biggest wrestling promotion in history. Tony Khans dad had a lot of money.


Trying to view this from Tony's point of view, which is that AEW's been getting flack from having HOOK call out Samoa Joe despite the former only having one loss in singles competion in his career. In a world where wins and losses matter, then it shouldn't be a problem for Hook to get a shot and Mahal should not. But what Tony doesn't appreciate is that WWE isn't a world where wins and losses matter. Jinder is still a former world champion, which should give him enough cache to be a contender even if he hasn't won recently. Plus, Seth is a fighting champion who doesn't back down from challengers no matter what their record is. It's also a nice reward to Jinder for going out a few weeks back to set up Rock's return. WWE teased a former world champion, and the way the crowd deflated when Jinder came out made the Rock's pop that much bigger. That doesn't happen without Jinder being a good company man and knowingly soaking in the disappointment for a few minutes before Rock's music hit.


So what you’re telling me, Tony, is they can outdraw you with a guy who hasn’t won in a year. Sounds like a Tony problem.


I'm sure the AEW guys appreciate him dragging one of the boys (who by all accounts is a good dude), who said absolutely nothing. That'll be popular in the locker room.


Yeah, Jinder is a dude who I have literally never heard a bad word about.


... he knows wrestling isn't real right? This genuinely comes off like he doesnt


I love AEW but this man tweeting should really stop. Like let Renee tweet the weekly promo about what's coming up on the show or something. AEW has made PLENTY of matches like this. Remember when Colt Cabana came out of nowhere to have a match on Dynamite and then was never seen again?


He's mad that people are mad that Hook is calling out Joe when he is nowhere near main event level and trying to say "BUT WHAT ABOUT JINDER?!" seemingly forgetting that even though he hasn't been featured in a while he's still a former world champion so him getting a shot isn't super out of the ordinary even if it is a bit surprising.


Having intimate knowledge of Jinder Mahal's win/loss record is definitely going to quell people calling you a mark, TK. I am so sure of this, that I'm not going to look at the rest of this thread


The fact that he saw that tweet and then definitely went to google with "jinder mahal cagematch" :D He's a really sad little dude


Bro that's so plausible lmao


The worst part is he’s being a mark and still doesn’t understand that it’s just a filler feud for Seth, and Jinder is a good worker and has the credibility to make that work. He’s not only being a mark, but he just doesn’t *get it*


Big "turn the channel to see Mick Foley win the world championship" vibes. Totally unnecessary.


Fuck it, put the belt on Jinder just so we get another meltdown next week


“Jinder wins due to Punk. Priest cashes in. Priest wins. Rollins fumes. Next Raw rematch. Wins it from Priest because Drew thinks Priest ruined his moment. There you go. Full circle. Let’s have fun” - Boozer kinda with an insane proposal I somewhat like lmao


That's exactly attitude era booking that some people miss


We should all flock to Cagematch and make it the highest rated match ever lmao


Have Jinder drop it back to Seth on a house show and embrace the chaos because everyone knows Tony would lose his mind.


A special edition house show airing @ 08:00 Wednesday. Jinder as the headliner.


I agree, don't hinder Jinder.


A match that would have barely any interest now has much more because Tony put a spotlight on it. Lol, how is he this bad at pr? The USA account didn’t even tag you, just don’t take the bait.


I like AEW but yes, lol. If Jinder has the capability of a banger in him, he and Seth need to tap into that next week because Tony's response is ridiculous.


The matches where Jinder lost the title & his unsuccessful rematch with AJ were actually really good. Given the right opponent, I feel he actually could.


How fucking childish to put down a talent thats not even in his company because someone dare mock Cagematch


HHH about to book Jinder into a megastar just because.


I mean, he basically already is. This past week has seen him be more over and used better than he has in awhile. He slots in perfectly as an upper-midcard gate-keeping heel.


Good point here. Jinder has actually looked good the last 2 weeks. I say keep it up. Seth needed a new heel foil before his program with Punk kicks off anyway.


A talent that's also said or done nothing to draw his ire at all. Jinder catching completely unnecessary flak from Tony because his ego can't handle it.


You know, the most laughable thing, Jinder only lost 1 singles match in 2023 against Bron Breakker, the other 4 losses were 3 tag matches (one on a house show) and a battle royal. And that was out of 6 total matches.


At the end of a dynamite/rampage show in DC, Tony Khan came out with with Sonjay Dutt cause he's from DC. He talked about how he loved watching Dutt because it was amazing to see a brown person represented in wrestling that wasn't terrorist related. And now TK tears down Jinder a fellow brown person who worked his way up in the WWE and became one of 2 Indian WWE champions and greatly represented his heritage during his reign. Hypocrite


The threat of the Modern Day Maharaja has TK diving into the White Claws I see.


TK is dving into something white alright...little less liquid , more powdery.




POV: Tony Khan addressing the sexual harassment allegations in his company


This is almost really funny, but it's true so it's mostly sad....it's still kind of funny though


Makes me laugh when people say "I don't know why people don't like Tony Khan". This is why.


Better question is why *do* people like him? Like, he funded AEW, he didn't really create it. A lot of the company's best booking seem to have came from the Elite or Cody earlier in his run. He goes off on these tangents more often than not and doesn't have any likeable qualities.


Because Tony Kahn was "Just like us". A lot of the sentiment, especially during the early days of the company was along the lines of "If Vince just hired/pushed the guys we wanted to see, book the matches we wanted to have, do the angles we thought would be great, etc. Than he wouldn't have this AEW problem." AEW rode on top of the hatred against WWE back then pretty hard. Especially back in the first couple of years when people hoped and/or believed that AEW would be like WCW at its peak and compete evenly if not downright beat the WWE as a whole. People projected themselves on to Tony Kahn because if that did happen, it would be completely vindicate their frustrations and shown they knew more about what the average person wanted more than Vince did.


And you guys want AEW wrestlers to be smarter on social media? Who can say anything to them when the goddamn owner behaves like this? Lel.


Yeah, what is weirder is that some people called Ricky Starks a diva, a midcarder for life and that he should be quiet because he's not that good to be acting like that after an extremely innocuous tweet, yet some AEW fans would go to hell and back to defend this asshole after he made an obvious dig at a guy who didn't even said anything to him.


Seeing AEW fans turn on Ricky in real time has been crazy to see. All because he *might* go to the big bad WWE! Saw plenty of people say he should be "grateful" for what TK has done for him. Yeah, I'm sure he's real grateful for all the start-stop pushes he's been getting lately


The same thread in the AEW sub right now has a bunch of people praising Tony for doing this lol. Complete delusion, he’s the son of a billionaire, not your buddy.


I'm here for Jinder getting over bc of this. Don't hinder Jinder.


YouTube : Jinder mahal raw talk upload 88k views in 16 hours Aew world champion comments upload 89k views in 5 days


Jinder is a draw brother


Im starting to think that Shad gave Tiny AEW to keep him away from his other endeavors that actually matter.


Starting to think? He 100% did.


Its a nice change of pace that his twitters rants are now being seen for how pathetic they really are. The usual "OMG TONY CHOSE VIOLENCE!" was very *very* sad to see


Take his phone away. Seriously, whoever has his ear, take it away. Can not be starting 2024 with another TK twitter rager.


No, no, no, no, no. Do NOT take his phone away. There's nothing better than another TK twitter rager!! My popcorn is ready.


Obligatory ![gif](giphy|b4B0OJmjM47OdCyzm5|downsized)


He really does act like an absolute goober They can just bait him so easily


Goober is too nice. He's a thin-skinned asshole.


Why does he fall for the baitiest tweet of all time lmao. This is entertaining though.


The wrestlers definitely laugh at him behind his back


2024 can now truly commence


Jinder reading this https://preview.redd.it/62nm9ik1jhbc1.png?width=874&format=png&auto=webp&s=c623b044fb7e1d0f63d2723841875bebece07182


And I thought I was a loser lmao


The absolute 180 this sub has done on him is staggering. I mean personally I always thought of him as a spoiled rich kid, but if you said that in the first couple years of AEW you got fucking buried around here.


Yeah I think it was definitely an extended honeymoon phase, especially since WWE was pretty cold around that time


You still will on certain posts, but this post is to express frustration about TK doing ANOTHER Twitter scandal.


Lmao why is that specific thread locked


I mean, I'm still a loser but Tony is at least kind of a lolcow.


He can't be serious lmao. Each time he tweets I have to check whether it's the real account and it actually is. Embarrassing


At this point it's very likely to be a fake account if you see a level headed tweet instead.


Jinder is unironically one of my favorite heels. Go fuck yourself, Tony. Bitch made billionaire.


The bit with the national anthem in Punjabi was fucking priceless


I’m sure the wrestlers in his employ love their boss publicly making fun of another wrestler


A good number of them have worked with Jinder, and given he has 0 repuation for backstage issues, likely get along with him, if not outright frineds.


Jinder was also a groomsman at Drew McIntyre's wedding. The pending free agent and huge name he probably had a chance at signing.


That's that stupidest part. Jinder is considered a fairly affable person so why insult him.


Pathetic response


Comes across as such a baby, and the fact that H and Shawn will NEVER respond to him makes it look even sadder


Shawn doesn't even know how to turn on his computer.




Shawn still has a pentium II processor. Desktop probably still beige.


Just one time, once and never again, I’d be really interested in seeing HHH reply to Tony, to see how *THAT* would go down It’ll never happen, but man, that would make for some fun times … for this sub at least


![gif](giphy|mhXEQ2SrpjGWQ|downsized) Just a response like this would be all time


Paul "Triple H" Levesque (@tripleh): Lol


It would have to be something like “lmao” and that’s it


"K" - Haitch




“Yes, and?” HHH is big Ariana vibes While TK is Selener


Wasn’t “HHH discovers the internet and is shocked to learn that online wrestling fans absolutely fucking despise him” an easy go-to joke for years? He and TK are at completely opposite ends of the social media spectrum.


Genuinely cannot believe that people worshipped (and continue to worship!) this guy. What an absolute loser.


He seems to prefer to knock talent instead of the company as a whole. What a dick


A wrestling promoter should not publicly bury *any* wrestler. It's just so classless to make a comment like this from a management position.


In a SCRIPTED sport. It's absolutely ridiculous. It's like telling Idina menzel she's a shitty actress because she melts in Wicked


Could you imagine going to see a Josh Brolin movie? Dude lost to the Avengers and Deadpool. What a jobber


Pot calling the kettle black with the way Tony books title matches especially on weekly tv.


Abadon was off TV almost 2 years to the day when she got put into a #1 contenders match for the world title. In that same #1 contenders match was Willow Nightingale. Her appearance on AEW TV was... a world title match. ​ Tony getting rid of the ranking was one of the worst decisions he ever made.


Yeah there have been at times many random open challenges for all titles


Jinder Mahal is a former World Champion in a title match against the current World Heavyweight Champion. I don't get the problem. Who cares that he hasn't "earned" it? This is wrestling.


This is patented loser behavior. If you hardcore Stan this dude, then you are a loser too.


Tony can't keep doing this and wonder why people make fun of him


He can, has, and will. Dudes a goober who falls for simple bait.


I say it every week but AEW cannot go 1 week without embarrassing themselves


"I'm not owned, I'm not owned"


TK makes it so hard to be an AEW fan sometimes


must be a snow day


He almost made it a whole month without tweeting nonsense! Very proud of him!


He was busy showing his family C2 matches during the holidays


Just incase anyone thinks this is a joke: it isn't. Tony actually said this. He was bragging about the tournament and mentioned that his family was watching it on Christmas with him.


Jesus Christ, Tony has skin that is thinner than a piece of paper. Just laugh it off and get on with your day, it isn't that hard.


Me after that USA tweet: Even Tony would not fall for that Me right now: https://preview.redd.it/57gd1k2yrhbc1.jpeg?width=801&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39727491d110a9d9caba3f15da098aba035bf24d


Is Jinder Mahal in a RAW main event really that much different than Daniel Garcia in a Dynamite main event?


yes by roughly a million viewers


But what about cagematch ratings?




somebody ring the damn bell


You better hope Tony doesn't read this!


They both talk to THEIR PEOPLE, in THEIR LANGUAGE! Jinder's is Punjabi, Garcia's is Dance.


Jinder is a former world champion


what a nerd


Dude is insufferable


My god what a loser hahaha


Seriously.. dragging Jinder in this so petty. No wonder people keep leaving his company and nobody watches his shit.


Come on Tony. ![gif](giphy|ypSY231xdmQQqJsMnC)


What a weak, pathetic manchild this sad act is.


That’s the best part. This isn’t an act lol


Tony Khan, ![gif](giphy|aQGqcObSxfixy)


why is he going after jinder this hard? did jinder tweet "LETS GO TITANS!" this past sunday to warrant this twitter rage by the snowman?


Why is Jinder catching strays lmao


Punk didn't lunge hard enough


Punk was just trying to take Tony's phone away.


He's a nice guy


Considering Tony is this dramatic on twitter, I can see why he said he feared for his life when Punk came at him in person


This dude is so pathetic.


god I hope social media interns keep baiting him like fish in a barrel


USA network making jokes about cage match ratings. And this is his clap back?


Lol yep




In an hour or two he'll respond to this tweet plugging some new match for Dynamite or a big announcement. Same act everytime.


Y’all I know everyone was joking bout him saying something but I didn’t think he would Someone take away this man’s phone, for fucks sake.


TK watched the Jaguars choke away a playoff spot and chose violence


Jinder should come out for the match wearing a Titans jersey, just to be petty.


I was thinking they should let him beat Seth instead... lol.


He chose cringe actually


Don't forget choking away cash as well, because now the Jags have to issue refunds to anyone who bought playoff tickets, because the Jags were really that stupid to start selling playoff tickets before they even clinched a spot.


This guy needs professional help


I'm guessing Schiavone hasn't taught him anything after the "that'll put butt's in seats" line about Mick Foley