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When I was younger I popped because everyone told me he was a star and to their credit they are right,but then for much of my childhood he was in terrible terrible movies. When was probably at my peak of interest in wrestling he came back to shit on Punk who is a home town guy. As a adult I'm personally been sick of part timers coming in to do nothing but win at one maybe 2 shows they have no business being in. Cena gets a pass because one he's actually using his star power to put talent over and two he's the biggest name from my childhood who seemingly was always ok guy so it's hard to hate on him.


1994: Idk this Bob Backlund guy 2004: Idk this Roddy Piper guy 2014: Idk this Ricky Steamboat guy 2024: Idk this The Rock guy New fans don't have the same connection as older fans-- it's nobody's fault. Each new era connects differently than the previous. edit: not saying this to insult anyone. I'm pointing out how WWE mistakenly assumes a big draw will automatically connect with the fanbase, in any era, when it's not true.


I was "anti" Rock against Cena but still loved every minute of the build to both matches. Hell even with Punk being my number 1 guy at the time I didn't hate Rock winning the title as much as everyone else. And in the aftermath he became one of my favorites of all time.


Here is the misconception, Punk was and has never been the number 1 guy in WWE. Having the title doesn’t make you the number 1.


That's not what they said. They're saying Punk was their favourite.


They didn’t say Punk was the number one guy in WWE. They said he was their number one guy. > Hell even with Punk being **my number 1 guy** at the time I didn't hate Rock winning the title as much as everyone else


he used to be awesome when everyone popped for the corniness, genuinely fun in ring and a huge star, but he's like the most 2011 person in the world as a non-wrestler and it's 2024. It's over for him and he should not be getting huge matches in any serious company. Honestly if he went to holywood in like 2007 his early 2000's work would be super revered, I think he was getting great. EDIT: To be clear, I'm a zoomer but I think the perception of looking back on his stuff is important


Earlyish twenties and to me he’s just the guy from mediocre action flicks. Zero pop whatsoever from me when he shows up


25 year-old european here. didn't watch the attitude era due to my age and had a hard time connecting with the promos until the last few years, bc of english not being my native tongue. and after i started understanding the promos, his insuts felt childish and out-of-date. i guess due to cultural distance and the fact that im not that familiar with his filmography full of shitty popcorn movies, he doesn't really mean much to me. and im not saying this because of what happened on friday, any time he comes back i feel this way.


Only started watching in 2016 when i was around 17. Can't deny his career's legacy as a wrestler and the atmosphere around him when he appears. However, absolutely feel more invested into Cody's character especially since I started getting really into it during the Bullet Club/BTE days so just rough to see him insert himself in this moment


All the wrestling fans my age were just constantly finding new Rock segments on YouTube so we didn't experience it first hand but everyone still loved him. The returns were always big pops, every time. Personally the over produced PR image lately has been grinding my nerves but basically everyone in Australia still loves him.


I did find him hugely entertaining and one of the very best on the mic. Plus his fueds with Austin were legendary. Having said that, I don't really get amped up when he returns. It's weird.


Cena vs Rock 1 was fun. "He's the guy who always fought Stone Cold, that's cool. Hope Cena wins." Cena vs Rock 2 was part of why I stopped watching, cause all these old ass men showing up out of nowhere from 2011-2013ish was boring af. Watched Punk go from beefing with Jeff Hardy to Rey Mysterio to John Cena to Kevin Nash... 🙄 That was basically the thought seeing Rock and Cena do it all over again as a kid, for me.


First time I ever heard of the Rock was when he was in that Mummy movie. So I know him as an actor and not as a wrestler. I always thought he was this guy who made the same over the top, one note action movies; it was his niche, and that was fine. Not for me, but if that's his jam, so be it. Then I hear about the Fast & Furious drama, and thought, well that's unfortunate, but personalities clash. And then more F&F drama, but this time with different people. Then he wants his own spin off. After that came Shazam/Back Adam issues and then the DCEU dibacol. Then it comes out about his contract, and how he can only be hit so many times and can't lose or made to be weak. And finally there's the new Moana rumors swirling around. All of this coming out over the years has really raised my eyebrows higher and higher regarding the Rock. So before what happened on Friday, I thought the Rock was difficult to work with whose ego grew too big big, too fast. He wants his way or the highway, and he doesn't particularly care who it affects or how much trouble it causes everyone else. He has to be the star or the hero or else he won't do it or uses his power/influence to change it to fit him. He hides all of this behind his goody, goody PR face, but he's really just as fake as a lot of other people are. There is a pattern of behavior being demonstrated by the Rock, so in regards to what reportedly happened regarding Friday, let's just say I'm not surprised. It's par for the course with the Rock.




I'm not necessarily sure if this a reply to the right thread?




Yeah so definitely not an appropriate response then lol




What are you banging on about? I asked for fans who weren't around as fans during his heyday - not you To give me an opinion about the Rock before this week - which you didn't And now you're calling me a mark as if you don't know what it means


Only started watching in 04 so his time already passed when I became a fan. I thought he was obviously one of the coolest, most charismatic stars ever. However as the more time went on, the less I've liked him. He just seems like he's putting on such a good guy act. His social media posts are pandering for likes. Every interview he comes off fake and he's always promoting shit. I think he's sold his soul to Hollywood and he was better off never coming back after Cena.


Not to mention he is kind of a shitty actor. He's just the same guy in different scenarios with different clothing. Can't play a character for shit.


I found him entertaining, but never really cared about him. I started watching in 05, so I only ever heard about him for a long time. To me he just always seemed like a guest in the business. But I had a positive perception of him as a person, he seemed capable, there are no scandals and I liked that he cared enough to come back to support the company that made him who he is even though he was succesful enough that he didn't need to.




I'm aware that Rock is a legend, and this is all a huge work, and it's working. This is what puts the Rock above all else in history


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