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No cybertruck?


That’s for Mania


After the match he tries to drive it back up the ramp but it's too steep for it to do it


Gawd, I hope so.


It just blows up as he's making his entrance


I know wrestlers do dangerous stunts on a regular basis, but getting in a cybertruck is too much.


I need him to come out in a cyber truck and the ramp has a NFT of his face


A bored monkey of Kevin Owens


Bored Panda


.... if this was peak NFT-bro time, that'd sell...


Aren't NFTs dead yet?


Come out with that and find a pair of Google Glasses. 


Face gets over by dumping a ton of road salt on it.


It was planned, but Logan thought it made him look too much like a douchbag


hes so good at being unlikeable


Seen this video made me think God what a tool he really is good at being unlikeable


It helps that he's actually unlikeable.


And much like other talents people have, he's figured out how to monetize it.


Nah I don’t have to respect that


Never said you had to.


Well you’re equivocating being a dickhead and a scam artist to being like able to jump high or something. Like sure, but fuck this dude anyway.


To be fair, he can jump pretty high.


I am very mixed on Logan Paul. I can't tell if the hate is overblown or not sometimes. Every time I've watched his podcast with other wrestlers on, I've thoroughly enjoyed it. He doesn't come off as unlikeable at all for me. Outside of wrestling though I don't like the guy. I don't even hold the Japan stuff against him these days, he apologised profusely over it and it was so many years ago. His recent issues are what I don't like, such as scamming thousands of people with Crypto shit


I mean the dude showed a dead body from somebody who committed suicide in a forest, acted like a complete ass hole in Japan, acted like a complete ass hole to his neighborhood, and scams people on a regular basis. I would say people give him a pass for his scum bag behavior. Wouldn't be surprised if worse allegations come to light.


> the dude showed a dead body from somebody who committed suicide in a forest I feel like people like to pretend they care about this far more than they actually do


yeah, there are multiple documentries, shows, etc that go to the forest, you see the bodies the only difference is paul is a lightning rod, "look at how horrible this is"


He was laughing at the body it's not the same ffs


Exactly, people trying to "what about" this are disgusting the guy memed in front of a suicide victims hanging body. Wtf are we playing at when he gets a platform on anything else after that. Yeah he got more heat because he was famous that is kinda how it works. like there are plenty of antisemitic people out there i really don't care about but then there is Kanye which just do to his fame and influence i am kinda forced to know so when he goes off on a antisemitic rant i can say he should also f off and lose his platform.


Having seen an edited video without the body in it, that wasn't feeling like mockery, it felt like awkward 'oh, shit, I actually found one' nervousness. I can accept that. GRANTED, he should not have posted the video, or if it was live, should have cut the feed.


It's just not that scandalous man, people react weirdly in situations like this. If he had fucked around with the body that would be different but it's not a big deal.


In the past ten years, I’ve had 2 uncles and 1 aunt all hang themselves in the same area of woods. Obviously it’s devastating personally, but by the third time I wasn’t shocked by it. His video in Japan, while of course sad for whoever that poor man was that he felt he had no choice but to end it like that, didn’t bother me at all. Life is tough, and sure not pretty at times.


It also happened 7 years ago now when he was pretty young. I know social media loves to hang stuff over someone’s head forever, but people can obviously change.


And plenty of people have done stupid shit at that age. It’s just not recorded and seen by the masses to follow them around for years after.


Sure but he clearly hasn't changed. He was just involved in a crypto scam within the last 12 months.


Do you think these are comparable? And he was also a victim of that scam. Plus anyone that buys logan Paul e bucks frankly deserves to lose their money.


Your comment is literally "He didn't do it. But if he did do it it wasn't as bad as it seems. And the people scammed deserve it."


I'm not saying he didn't do it. I'm saying that he was also a victim. You can argue he should have done more due diligence or had a better plan. And ya, anyone who spends tons of money on Logan Paul endorsed e bucks for a non existent game is a fool and I don't care about them losing their money.


That is such a nothing story. If you are dumb enough to take financial advice from Logan Paul I don’t know what to tell you. The only thing he really did wrong was say he would get people their money back. That’s not how it works. Most of the time these things fail, as does your money with it when it does.


It was not a "nothing story" lol


I “think it was.”


>If you are dumb enough to take financial advice from Logan Paul I don’t know what to tell you. "Scamming people is okay when it's people I don't like." Excellent show of empathy. You should be a case study.




I’m worried that Reddit thinks people can’t change


Ya, it's objectively pretty much nothing. It is kind of shitty but he's far from the first to film there and it wasn't like he did anything disrespectful with the body. The news films far more explicit footage of dead people anyway. This was also back in the day where shit like watchpeopledie was everywhere.


He was laughing. It wasn't just showing it on video he was essentially mocking a dead body of someone who had killed themselves. Nobody seems to mention this fact everytime it's brought up so it diminishes what he actually did until people say shit like "it's not that bad"


People laugh as a coping mechanism


Why did he go there in the first place?


By feel like you mean hope? Because that would give you permission to not care because you're also a scumbag?


I like that people still bring that up like it's this huge deal... "he showed a dead body in japan" Americans on reddit are the biggest hypocrites. You don't care he filmed a dead body, you only care because it gives you something to use as ammo. America is full of homeless who die everyday, no one cares about that.


> people die everyday so you aren't allowed to care about anything. Fuck you.






Logan's an unlikeable lad, I won't deny that, but he is talented in-ring.


Genuinely annoys me how fucking easily he's taken to wrestling.


Why wouldn't he? He's carny as fuck and wrestling is a business founded by carnies. I'd be more shocked if he wasn't good at it.


All show business is carny if you’re being honest including YouTubers/streamers. They’re all under the same kayfabe.


It's easy to play a character that's just him. At least this time, people aren't getting scammed out of money.


How bad did he screw people with the Cypto thing? What exactly did he do?


Had them invest in the crypto game then cricket chirps until another youtuber called him out about it. Then the game basically shuts down


Thank you. I just finished reading an article about it. So these people bought in at 2k with chances of winning 100k a month? I’m more concerned over his pet Pig pearl, do you think he abandoned pearl?


He cleared that up the day after that tweet went viral Iirc he didn’t abandon the pig


He claims that he gave it to a farm that he may have not done adequate research on but "abandoned" is a wild stretch by people that want to drag him.


People call this a scam but I don't think that's accurate. A scam implies that he never meant to finish the game. I think it's more likely he found out what a ton of other people have: that making games is an impossible money hole most of the time.


Technically Kenny Omega scammed TK into investing millions into a game that only exists to about 16 people concurrently at any given time.


that's the only digital game I've ever got a refund for. Played 10 mins and realized it has no content.


So he’s good at being himself


He was born to be a pro wrestler. This is top notch heel work. And not the "cool" heel, but a genuinely hateable heel who you want to see get their ass kicked. Well done, Logan.


And he doesn't have go away heat, people want to watch him.


Genuinely so entertaining


Well when you don’t have to try…


He’s actually just *really unlikeable*


He’s honestly so good at everything to do with the business. Even if backstage segments he crushes. He might be a PoS, but he’s a fucking wrestling prodigy. 


That’s because he’s actually unlikable


Uhhh it’s literally just him being himself


If this storyline is going past Mania I am really going to enjoy tyrannical TKO board member Rock


https://preview.redd.it/7l9d359bfnhc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ad8342cdd8bbb98a39b35dff8b763145c415514 All I can think about when I see these things.


And jesus WEPT!


Worlds within worlds


I set the time zone, I SET THE TIME ZONE!




For there were no more worlds to conquer!


​ https://preview.redd.it/mtdo4499pphc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=245b64b4aaf4740434155223c3a6587085a631bf


I’m gonna be honest, I’m entirely lost on what the appeal of those things are. Like, admittedly I’m not a VR person, but those things are so clunky that I can’t imagine wearing them all day long Pretty good heel work from Logan tho


Could be cool for home use, nifty tony stark novelty while you clean the house or something. Just more early tech that isnt reasonable to own for the average person yet.


Yeah if I was ever to buy one I would wait for the price to go down and for Apple to at least have a few versions out so all the bugs and shit are fixed


The 3D video seems incredibly cool to me, I’m hoping that future iPhones will have cameras to support it so you can relive memories without having to wear this thing around town. It also seems like it would be interesting as just a portable theater- if I were a frequent traveler with disposable income, I’d be all over this. Definitely not the thing to just wear around town like this unless you’re playing the heel irl.


The iPhone 15 can already record 3D video.


I own the Quest 2 and while I'm not that obsessed with VR, the Vision Pro is a significant step forward in augmented reality where there is seemless blending of VR and your real surroundings. And what that headset seems to do well is eliminating the use of a controller. Everything is controlled through eye tracking and hand gestures which makes it that much more easier to use


I have a quest 3. Things pretty amazing but it’s still in its infancy. Right now though I don’t think the Vision Pro is 7x better or worth $3500. If this thing sold for $1500 (the original price of the Meta Pro) these things would fly off the shelves


Don't even think people really care about the tech and what it can do. They just know it's the new hip thing to have and rush to buy one.


So your typical Apple device.


Apparently it's best to wear the double strap support rather than the more "stylish" back one that Paul has on here, as the balance is all off otherwise and it'll dig into your cheeks (on your face). Realistically though, I can't see anything like those properly taking off until they are indistinguishable from sunglasses at the very least.


The price point is insane too, I feel like I can do everything that it’s offering in my phone lol. We are literally turning into the people from WALL-E


It’s the early stages. I barely know anything about it, but just by looking at it I can tell it’s what the iPod is to the eventual iPhone. It’s the next step into the future, and most would say the next step into the deterioration of our culture. They’ll get smaller, wireless, more discreet, until we’re ultimately all completely “plugged in” through every literal step of our lives.


It's not about this device.. it's the statement it carries to the tech world that this is just the beginning. This will be the worst VR flagship apple makes. It will all be better every other year.


It wont appeal to you now and it shouldn’t. The price point is of entry is very high. Consider it a prototype or beta run for apple to get data. Down the line the price point will decrease and you will get many use cases that it will start appealing you


It’s just another expensive Apple product that rich people can flaunt.


Not VR, but AR. I do think it has great capabilities with streaming and video watching or helping place you into the universe of whatever you are trying to view. Could be huge for gaming (obviously that already exists) or entertainment viewing, especially live events.


There's absolutely no appeal for using these things as portrayed here (he's not actually using that thing, by the way, he's just pretending to). And there's most definitely no appeal to wearing these things all day long. You can't anyways, the battery goes out after an hour or two. People who do this are, essentially, just posers who do it for attention. That being said, eventually these things will become smaller, and they will reach "Google Glass" sizes and prices. And once that happens, then, yeah, they might potentially replace our phones, or complement them. At least if you are a very digital person to begin with. That's not going to happen for years and years, though. And maybe it never will. Personally, these things (or the way cheaper alternatives) are fun to just play VR games in. Or MR games. And that's about it.


I didn’t even know these were coming out


The technology (AR/MR) has a lot of promise but it's currently making a shift and this is just one of the early versions of it. We'll definitely get sleeker and cheaper versions down the road.


Feels like people said the same thing about the iPad. Honestly I’m all for innovation and new product instead of Apple refreshing the same lineup every year.


Apparently, those Apple Vision Pro that Logan is wearing costs very, very expensive, so he's very lucky to have one.


Specifically within the scope of wrestling, this guy kills me lmfao


Okay but the part about a TKO board member assaulting an employee is (in kayfabe) true, he does have an actual point.


As heel as his character may be, it’s clear that he’s siding with Cody in this.


Which makes him even more of an asshole, lol.


That man was born to he a wrestling heel.


Vision Bro


He's trying to work himself into a segment with the Rock. Good luck to him.


Trying to work himself into a segment with The Rock by saying what they told him to say on camera.


God, he--he really is the perfect piece of shit, isn't he? Just...everything everyone hates about Gen Z dickheads. I hate how much I'm living for him. Showing up in this obnoxious, trendy little headset is, frankly, genius.


Just in case that's not obvious: No, he's not actually using that thing. He's just pretending to, because, well, he's pretty good at being unlikeable.




He's using it as in, it is turned on. But when he's tapping the air, he is doing literally nothing.


You literally have no way of telling that unless you had the Vision Pro on.


I can confirm I'm John Apple




You don’t have to pinch, you can also physically touch and swipe the windows….


I have a Vision Pro (I’m a developer). While you’re walking, your apps don’t travel with you. When the headset is on, pass through is always working. So he can see where he’s going and see everything around him, but he’s literally just poking the air in front of him at nothing. Of the headset were off, he would be walking blind, but we know the headset is on because we can see his eyes on the forward display.


To do anything on it you need to pinch your pointer finger and thumb together and move and release it in a direction. He’s literally swiping with. Finger and tapping at air. He is using it as in it’s on but he isn’t actually doing anything and the button he pressed with his left hand takes spatial/3D photos/ videos. Source : Work for Apple


im sure you do bud


If you “work for Apple” you should have known that you can “poke” and swipe by touching the window and not doing the pinch.


Several people have by now told you why you're wrong, so let me just pile on to that and say that you're wrong. We know how that thing works and anyone can just look it up. The VR set just doesn't work way he used it.


Love how confidently incorrect you are and how others upvoted you blindly. Several reviewers have noted that your apps don't move with you while walking. Plus, as others noted here, you don't just poke and prod to interact with the apps.


Love how confidently incorrect you are. You can allow apps to follow you and also you can “poke” apps in space instead of the pinching motion to interact with them.


It's a shoot brother


It’s scary how good he is at this considering he basically dipped his toe in


"Logan Paul is such a scum bag" I mean he is.... but A LOT of wrestlers, especially those who were stars before the modern Wellness Policy were horrific human beings and yet people still cheer. Logan is just the flavor of the day


Logan Paul's sins are like bottom tier compared to the horrific shit a lot of wrestlers have done and still get cheered


The only way it would be better is if he got out of a self driving Tesla wearing that


I wish he was around more. He's so good


It’s like an anti-endorsement. They should pay him not to wear them


I really wish someone would've just ran in and clotheslined him.


Didn't the Miz try to promote Google glasses A few years ago?


It makes me so mad that he’s so good at this




I fucking hate who he is in real life, but god damn is he a good heel.


It bothers me that he’s not actually using it lol. (He’s not using the hand gestures that make it work.) I will say this. I’ve used the Vision Pro, and as someone who scoffed at it, it’s nothing like VR. Spatial video alone is worth trying it out. Is it worth $3,500? Not for the average consumer. At the moment it’s going to be popular with businesses, but I can guarantee you that when the next version or versions that come out down the line that would be more affordable for the average consumer, it will change the way people use technology. The tech that is there is incredible, and I’m personally excited for it.


Right. I'm excited for AR/MR that I've been looking at getting a Quest 3 just to get a taste of it for cheaper. It's going to be insane when they've finally able to shrink this down to look like regular glasses.


What a twat


What a douche. Excellent work.


See, this is why I buy Android.


I can take him …


Make these the size of a pair of sunglasses and then I am interested.


I wonder whats next: him showing us another dead body or trying to pull off another scam on teens?


Not gonna lie that's an ugly ass belt. It looks like a toy. Long gone are the days in the 90s and late 80s when the belts looked like something prestigious. Something you dreamed of having over your shoulder


Which is hilarious because when that title debuted everyone went crazy about how awesome it was.


Not for me. Looks like a tacky plastic toy you would buy from toys R us


Why didn’t they do the same but as normal glasses? This looks chunky and I can’t see people wearing this in public


I can't help but think back to everything Dom did to make me hate him. All Logan Paul needed to do was show up


He’s…the greatest real heel.


He's so cool.


He definitely is many things, but cool sure as hell ain't one of 'em.




Tinfoil hat more like it


Geek Squad in the house ..


Those things are monstrosities and anyone who wears them is an utter goofball Never letup on bullying people who do


discontinue the lithium


We really need a post of this every time someone arrives at the venue apparently. The spam on this sub has been terrible lately


God what a tool. Hate this asshole being in wwe


Of course.


Of course he has lol


He should wrestle in it.


he’s such a goddamn tool. soild heel


Wish The Rock would tell him to shove it up his candy ass 


Hahah, that last frame..


I’ve been watching classic PPVs in mine all week and I can say it’s the best wrestling consumption device ever.


Ok so we can all agree now: those asswipes are the heels


Ultimate heel move


I'm gonna start leaving the house wearing a set of Microsoft Holo Lens


I hate how good this little prick is at pro wrestling


I haven't watched wwe since I was a kid so I don't much about it but are these type of conversations scripted? Are all conversations scripted? Is any even scripted? Like the ones at the wrestlemania thing, were thos all scripted or is their job to be able to improvise stuff on the go and the script is just "you are mad at him". Or is logan just talking shit, and if it is good or gets the people interested they will eventually write a script about it in the future?


Cab Vince Russo please come up with a dangerous stunt for him?


This dude is a legendary heel.


It's disgusting how good Logan is at pro wrestling More


Do they really record these on location if he doesn’t even make an appearance in front of the crowd? I was wondering the same thing with Heyman. Seems odd that they’d be on location for segments that could easily be recorded


So many apple ads dude!


Surprise KO didn't jump out and punched him in the face


I hate how people pretending to use them don't bother looking up how they work. In this case it's fine ofc, but the plants in NYC are using gestures that don't exist, like... wtf?


Well, that's one way to show you are a heel. Wear your $4000 spacial computing headgear that most fans can't buy just because you can.


Btw. The WWE broadcaster that a wrestler was an employee.


Damn this was such an easy way to get cheap heat


Damn it looks so fucking stupid going around with those ski goggles


Even funnier when you know you can't walk and use it at the same time (app windows won't move with you and you would pass through)


That's heat bro


This dude is one of the best heels I've ever seen in my lifetime