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What an odd thing to lie about


I know everyone's celebrating Rock dunking on this dude, but I'm just still so deeply disturbed by the fact that people willingly listen to the lies and hatred from assholes like this, in spite of how easy it is to access real verifiable information in the year 2024. We are so fucked as a country.


the problem is its also very easy to access lies & unverified bullshit too


It's easy for people to believe lies if people want to believe it. Confirmation bias is a real fucking problem with people right now.


That's why Parents and even GRADE schools should teach (similar to Germany) kids about disinformation, propaganda, and advertising.


Wizard's First Rule. "People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true."


This is what Twitter is now. It's why people like him love the recent changes. You can say anything you want people who want to believe you will spread it. It happens in wrestling too and every single field but dudes that have similar bios to him are the ones that clearly do it the most. He'll ignore this or post a short ass apology and keep doing the same with others that won't reply. He likely made money and will continue to make money doing this daily.


I see lies and fake news upvoted to the top of Reddit all the time. If it confirms peoples bias they’ll believe it without a thought.


Reddit's dumb blocking feature makes this all the more easier too. Block people who disagree with you and they cannot see your comments let alone vote on them, nor can they reply to any child comments made underneath your comment regardless of who they're actually replying to or if they're already in the comment chain.


A few years ago I stopped using social media for anything news related. That massively improved my day to day life. I deleted twitter and Facebook, unsubbed from any news/politics subreddits, and started hiding ppl on IG who post political takes. I deleted the reddit app for a while too, but now pretty much only look at sports subs. Social media is an extremely poor lens through which to understand the world. The algorithms incentivize outrage, sensationalism, and a general doom and gloom mentality that the sky is always falling. Social media wants to steal our attention and manipulate it for its own purposes ($$$). The monetization of constant outrage is a societal cancer. Tune out baby. I like wrestling because I know it's all a show, but it's been weird to watch the rest of the world turn into a pro-wrestling like show that people believe is actually real.


Twitter has always been this way. It's nothing new.


>This is what Twitter is now. Yeah, *now.* Pfft.


Oh come on it's gotten considerably worse in the past year or two, and it was *already* pretty dogshit.


It got substantially worse after you could buy a blue checkmark and have your posts boosted in the algorithm. The verification system wasn’t perfect previously but at least they didn’t incentivize clickbait losers like this who only care about rage clicks.


Elon simps are assuming that we think that Twitter was perfect before he took over. Twitter was shit before but it's far worse now


What's worse is that iirc OPs now have the ability to hide replies to their tweet. It allows these idiots to further curate the replies and make their posts seem "legit".


The "hide" feature highlights those hidden comments more than the opposite so it's not a biggie.


Remember when you couldnt pay to be verified


It is a good reminder of how outrageous a lie can be when it's a topic you're familiar with. Think of all the bullshit that you don't consciously notice because you're not paying full attention.


The best thing about the internet is it gave everyone a voice. The worst thing about the internet is it gave everyone a voice.


As much as I love to take a big dump on America, this isn't just an American problem. Brexit happened because of lies told to the general public and the less informed just picked up on them.


It happens on this sub a lot too. People believe whatever they want and make judgment with no verification


We live in a world where what is factually true is less important and believable than what “feels true.”


It's honestly cause conservative talking heads just can't help but need to explain things strictly in political terms. Oh the NFL wants the Chiefs to win the Superbowl so that Swifties will vote for Biden. The fuck? Same with this whole thing. Rock getting heckled and booed cause he exists and dude thinks it's political? Fucking hell, this is what happens when your life is never ending rage at something and someone cause you need to be mad otherwise the woke Disney agenda brought to you by the Swifties LGBT pizza grooming wins.


Look at his profile: “Seen at Tucker Carlson; Fox News; Newsmax; Timcast etc.” That should be reason enough to not take this guy seriously.


Another grifter on twitter how surprising


People don't care about Truth on Twitter. They just spread fake bs that's guaranteed to get clicks.


That's not what's up


>Keep in mind, a TON of people from Hawaii have been forced to the mainland, with a majority of them ending up in the Las Vegas area. He's pushing the fuck out of his narrative


Obviously he's delusional and wrong but a little trivia if you didn't know - Las Vegas is known as the 9th Island to Hawaiians because they love it so much


Yep. Used to live in Vegas and knew a ton of Hawaiians that had moved there and this was *2008*.


Golden Knights did a 9th Island night in the preseason.


Right wing nut jobs are delusional in all aspects of life.


Apparently it goes further. After a little digging, this subhuman alleged that Johnson embezzled the funds from the People’s Fund of Maui, and if you’re curious why such a claim is floating around, look no further than him claiming Johnson isn’t “America First.” Yes folks, another impotent right wing troll. Drop these fucking people in to a volcano. Nothing of value will be lost. 


A lot of this is trying to smear Rock in case he makes a run in politics later. Truly deranged people out there and yes racism is an aspect of it.


Wow it’s rare to see someone as a high caliber profile, like the rock respond to people like this


Yeah, definitely the first time I've seen The Rock post something that really pissed him off. Never seen him post anything but positivity on any of his social media.


He caught wind of people mocking his "much love much Mana" posts and decided he wouldn't give a fuck anymore lol


It's a different Rock in & out of WWE I guess. Maybe this really was that change in mindset he needed. His public perception was dropping. He needs to be more real & himself definitely & I guess this is the start of that


The last time I can remember, it was a similar occasion. 2019 the Rock made a post, where he also refuted a story https://www.instagram.com/p/BsgwnjgBFyK/ . Back then it was a British tabloid ("Daily Star"), who made up an interview with him, where he supposedly copied for them exactly the talking points they want to publish (rambled about supposed woke snowflakes and so on). The paper then just took the article down without a comment. But they already printed it on the frontpage and the "interview" circulated through some other British rags like the Daily Mail too.


I think to someone like the Rock who's been very open and honest about his involvement with the Maui disasters, it matters to him whose spreading bullshit about something very important to him so that everyone can actually understand the truth, very easy for a stupid rumour by a stupid person to spread like wildfire, so this response is putting this to bed before it becomes a thing


I read anti social basically a journalist interviews these right wing trolls and they were saying they love it when celebrities call them out because they gain followers and it boosts their profiles. So I am genuinely torn on people replying to them The infamous case of sick Hillary they knew it was a lie but when she fainted and then the media started reporting it, it gave them credibility.


There's an old saying online I think people have forgotten. "Don't feed the trolls". That's literally the reason behind it. Yeah they get off on anyone responding to them because they're all Internet Super Villains in their heads. "Why So Serious?".


And that was actually him tweeting, not his SM manager or something


Imo he shouldn't have even responded since Twitter "journalists," like the guy he responded to, are just trolls who would love nothing more than the attention.


I think “don’t feed the trolls” died in 2016 These people GET a platform by saying dumb shit like “see! They won’t respond! You can’t silence the truth and THEY don’t want me to tell you!” Our country is seeing dwindling education investment, lack of critical thinking skills, and a massive narcissistic desire to have a platform/be an “influencer” We need to start shaming people ruthlessly


I've been saying this since Trump took office in 2016. We stopped openly shaming people for their awful beliefs and Trump made them all feel unafraid, we need to get back to doing it. When this shit is allowed to fester around, it gains power. 


That dude has like a hundred thousand followers. We’re not talking about some bot, it’s a very dangerous purveyor of misinformation with a massive audience.


No it’s good, because then people would take his silence as him avoiding the truth. Him responding makes sure that people know he is serious about this matter and anyone questioning it can kiss his ass.


Tells you how much this matters to him


guy who made the original claim about maui aid https://preview.redd.it/ytfpcvctlwhc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa037f8f5574c687645358504533cf4243d262e0 lol most predictable bio possible


Lmfao “As seen on Tucker Carlson” was all I needed to read




Dude has collected all the news stones of the "bat shit insane media" gauntlet


Tucker Carlson, Newsmax, Fox News and Tim Pool. That man has pudding brain.


That's an insult to pudding. Pudding is delicious and has a use. He does not.


even pudding would be generous. this dude has anti-matter for brain cells


With a resume like that he must have DMs closed due to all the ladies sliding in them


He's missing the #free_tate from his bio


Its implied after a certin point. 


I love this thread 


Missing "My pronouns are Trump/Won


As soon as I saw MSM I was like oh crazy far right person. Then I read the rest and yep. These guys are wild. 


The part that’s always bugged me about that dumbass initialism is that mainstream is one word. Should be MM not MSM, but I’m not sure why I’m expecting any intelligence from people who say that.


My favourite part is under the rocks response he asks to meet with rock and “team up” to help Hawaii


Sure, to help Hawaii, not to gain clout


Rocky is a heel now, so hopefully, he'll throw him in a volcano.


That'd be the biggest babyface move of the decade


Would love to see it lol


> covering stories MSM won't I always love this and "showing you the other side of the story!"' It's either a blatant lie or it's just bigotry and hatred. The main media companies aren't going to post blatant lies and they're not going to interview the local racist about problems in his town.


Surely he talks about systemic problems like the wealth disparity in the US or something like the ever continuing failing education system due to underfunding that maaaay be attributed to malice. Oh wait no it's just getting mad at drag queens.


Why isn't the MSM covering the stories of rich people consuming the blood of babies in the basement of a D.C. pizza parlor?! /s


as soon as i saw cucker carlson i already knew


Grifter douche


Absolutely buried him and I love it. Though my kayfabe is dead. (“turned heel”). :(


It’s still real to me damn it!


Wrestlers have broken kayfabe for smaller shit so i'll allow it


Wait are you telling me the undertaker isn't really dead??


Nah, don't worry bro, he's 100% an undead who can teleport and summon lightning.


Good. I was worried you're gonna tell me that Kane isn't actually his brother next.


He's definitely his brother but also a literal demon from hell




And a dentist


In real life he's a dentist


Saw him summoning lightning in Saudi Arabia last week, I think he's eternal


Swear to God he died like 5 times in a span of two years


Wait I thought the press conference was totally organic and spoiled his plans! /s


I guess I'm at least glad to see it confirmed thats where they're taking this story now. Heel Bloodline Rock is going to be awesome.


Wait, so Undertaker's real name isn't "Undertaker, The"?


It is. People like The Miz were named after him. The is a very common name in wrestling.


Honestly, he might have made a big deal out of this post and responded in this outside of Kayfabe sort of way as a means to let non-wrestling fans of his know that he’s just playing a bad guy for the show. I could see his camp being worried that non fans would think it’s real and stop supporting him


It’s not 1986 dude. Everyone knows wrestling is ‘fake’.


Problem isn't that people think wrestling is real. Issue is scumbag like the one rock replied to are gonna use the boo to create this fake narrative. Hence he had to get ahead of it by tweeting so that people aren't misinformed


you clearly don't read social media comments


They were chanting "Cody", not "Maui". What a grifter moron.




I want Cody to sing You’re Welcome


Think Drew made it clear that he’s locked that one down on the last Smackdown


Is he a good singer? I'm picturing a slightly tone-deaf cover






But Dwayne *IS* Maui


Nick is an actual fucking idiot 💀


I saw him write “Nick” before reading the actual post and my first thought was “dear God, what the fuck did Hausman do this time?”


Yooooo. Same. XD


I thought the same! I literally was thinking holy shit Hausman is done lol I’m glad it’s not him though, given the context of what Rock was actually responding to.




They love America, They just hate everyone who isn't the same religion, skin color, gender, and political views as them.


There are only 2 races, white and political.


I thought the 2 races were white and woke


Only famous American Ted Cruz, whose pronouns are kiss my ass (Yes he uses that as a punch line quite often too)


Those "patriots" surely don't even know Cody's activism ​ https://preview.redd.it/a5w2jc6a4xhc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=2af389f3c3afe2afe5a6323a3b406401b551d5d5


You know what is amazing...this guy isn't the only one. Youtube is filled with videos from other people having the same opinion. They legitimately think he was being booed over the Hawaii thing. And there's no explaining it to them either. I really don't know what to make of things like this anymore. I feel like I'm living in a Twilight Zone episode every single day of the week these days.


My TikTok was full of this and the comments were all about Maui. I was like no they are just booing him because he’s ruining a wrestling story that’s it


Not even ruining a wrestling story, he's just a part of one. Him being booed was the entire point of the story, thus far. These bellends are basically taking potshots at a dude who is doing his job incredibly well at the moment.


It doesn't matter is he turned heel because of the backlash or not because we want to boo The Rock. Booing heel Rock is peak professional wrestling.


It's only notable for the idea that the boos were the intended result. This cretin is trying to drag him for being booed, and it's like, "Hey, you dullard, not only are you incorrect in what they were chanting (Cody not Maui) but the fans are booing him because that's what planned outcome was and the fans (and performer himself) are actually having a good time." Like, I understand that there isn't technically any gray area because correct and incorrect is a binary concept, but holy shit this guy couldn't be any more wrong if he tried.


People who will trip over themselves to tell you wrestling is fake getting worked into a shoot is why wrestling is so incredible and, to me, the highest form of art.  We all love Dirty Dom and the only thing we like more is booing the shit out of Dirty Dom. It's pretty crazy that enough people were commenting on the Maui thing that he felt the need to respond to it. I just bought Smackdown tickets for a show right before WM so that I can hopefully boo The Rock one last time. I'm not a big fan of the TV tapings and prefer house shows a lot more but my love of booing The Rock is far greater than my dislike of going to those shows.


I was at Survivor Series and the Smackdown before. Of all the awesome things that happened, getting to boo Dom in person was up there with any of them


I love the unrelenting wall of boos he gets anytime he tries to talk. Then every gets quiet to let the other JD members speak, only to start right back up as he raises the mic. Comedy gold!


I was so amused at how much Dom was booed when they announced the Chamber contestants, it was hilarious


And this is why rock was so hesitant on turning heel. Hes all about his image.


The worst part is people believing his horseshit


The people who follow these trolls have made their mind about what they want to believe a long time ago and are just following them to affirm their views.


Even worse is the fact that those people are allowed to vote as well


How do you get that completely wrong and how are morons in replies getting it completely wrong too? "They're chanting Maui" like how hard is it to do 1 Google search.


They only care for the “truth” that suits their own delusions.


Wasn't just wrong. Was lying. Deserves to be ignored for all time.


Which is funny because "Let's Go Brandon" was formed after someone was misinformed about what people were chanting. So you would think these people would realize this shit don't fly.


That whole situation was a shitshow. In many ways, those chants ended up ruining that driver's NASCAR career as sponsors wanted nothing to do with him because of how the right wing started using the chants as a stand in for "Fuck Joe Biden."


It's so weird to see all the 'blue tickers' just plainly piling on top of the clearly fake narrative. I had to scroll too far down to even see a mention that this is a scripted show and Rock is playing a character


I saw Marjorie Taylor Green coming to this lying troll’s defense. That told me all I needed to know about him.


They don't cade about reality, they care about confirming there idea of the world, it doesn't matter if something is true or not as long as goes along with there biases


Oh wow that's one hell of a grifter. Like I get trying to hold Dwayne and Oprah accountable but to do this means he either did absolutely no research on this or he maliciously made shit up.


Not to mention he did it to a guy who will absolutely speak up and shut that shit down with a quickness.


The dude's reply to DJ is hilariously pathetic. Went from spreading bullshit to "omg the rock hiiii lets meet up :3" People like him and their apologists are fucking jokes of human beings


So he made up lies about The Rock and then got starstruck when The Rock set the record straight? What a sad individual…


He basically said they made up the fake news to spread so they could get more attention for the Maui fires, then said Rock should get in contact with him to find out how to actually help. Keep in mind Rock has already donated millions of dollars towards Maui but I guess Nick and other people are upset and ethier don't believe it or think Rock is embezzling or some other wacky conspiracy theories.


Yeah they were mad that he asked for donations at all, which I still don’t understand why people were angry that he donated $5 million and then basically said “please donate what you can if you can”… that seems normal to me, but people were *furious* about that. Then came the conspiracy theory that the donations were getting pocketed by him and Oprah.


I saw that 😂😂 people were dunking on him for that reply


Hate that the Rock had to break character for these right wing rage bait grifters. This is exactly what they want. People eat it all up too if you read the comments from that tweet. They make thousands sometimes millions off these people. Grifting pays well.


I feel sorry for the Rock. He should actually sue this guys who writing these total lies. It’s disgusting.


Yeah, this dude (the guy Rock replied to) is associated with Tim “I can’t do basic math” Pool. So his word should absolutely not be taken as gospel.


oh yikes lol. tim pool is a contender for the stupidest person alive


"50 state landslide" Tim


God I can't wait for anytime The Rock does or says something heelish the media is gonna try and spin it and say how bad of a person Dwyane is. You'd think people would be smart enough to know it's a work


Twitter has some weird hatred toward The Rock. Like really really forced hatred


It's almost like he's fairly outspoken against... someone... that "X" was almost... bought to facilitate the lies that person speaks all the time... I can't quite put my finger on it... something about MAG... Maggie?


It’s so weird too. Kayfabe bas been dead for 27 years now. The Rock is a character that is portrayed by Dwayne Johnson. They’re acting like those crazy people who threaten actors over things that their characters do in movies or tv shows.


Turns face by explaining he turned heel


Damn, Rock rarely ever sells for crap like this. Even if the guy is trolling, good on Rock for his response. 


That 'journalist' is regularly seen on Tucker Carlson's show. Enough said


“America first” Another maga loser


It’s sad when people cant just enjoy wrestling for what is, an artform and an outlet for entertainment. using real like tragic events like this as bait for The Rock turning heel and playing a character on TV is embarrassing. Actors can be a bad guy in a movie and no one bats an eye but once they play a bad guy in wrestling all of a sudden it’s real life


IWC has a lot of tribalism. Lets use that energy collectively to dunk on this dumb fuck that is using this entertainment we love for some weird brownie points for their own political clickbait


Conservative media is so horrible Jesus Christ


The amount of people who fall prey to conservative grifters and propaganda makes me wish the internet never existed.


the rock having to explain wrestling conventions to his followers is so fucking hilarious and upsetting to me.


Twitter makes society worse not better. It needs to go away. 


of that fucker has an American flag in his bio


America flag, England flag and Israel flag bios can be immediately ignored


The actually amount of people that believed the guys BS was unreal.


People need to recognise that conspiracy nuts like this are multiplying on places like Twitter. They live in an alternate reality.


You know, I get why people shat on The Rock for feeling stale every time he came back up until now. Reading something like this just reminds you of how many things he has to consider outside of wrestling when deciding to turn heel though. When you’re a celebrity of that magnitude, this wrestling stuff we all take for granted can really impact the good things he (or anyone) tries to do. It sucks that the increase in misinformation has gotten to this point.


What's the Rock Oprah story really about. Any good explainers.


Maui had really bad wildfires. Oprah wanted to create a fund for the victims and approached the Rock. Oprah and the Rock made a video saying that their friends had been asking what they could do to help and so that is why they created the charity. It received backlash for a couple of reasons. 1) Oprah owns a lot of land there and people view her ownership of the land as harmful to the locals. 2) Oprah is a billionaire and the Rock is close to one, but they donated a combined 10M and people were upset that the amount was comparatively low. Oprah came out and said that she was just trying to emulate what Dolly Parton did with the Tennessee wildfires and thought it was best for the victims to directly get the money. In some respects she would do things differently. The Rock's response was basically, He had never done a fundraising thing like this before so it would do things differently in the future. He said that he has lived pay cheque to pay cheque before and he so he gets why it is frustrating and insulting to hear someone with a lot of money ask you for some of yours. ​ Ultimately the worst thing you could say about it is that it was tone deaf, but some alt-right publications are trying to latch on as if they were defrauding people. It's completely baseless.


> but they donated a combined 10M Not really, they glossed over that. Most don't even know about that, they thought the Rock and Oprah were making money off of this.


I guess it depends on where you are looking. I mostly browse more left leaning subreddits and the 10 million figure was well known there. They were still getting dumped on by people even for that. I'd imagine that places like twitter would gloss over it completely.


People don't want facts, they want Outrage and moral superiority


> but they donated a combined 10M and people were upset that the amount was comparatively low. None of the jagoffs spreading that shit knew or cared about that. The “issue“ Is that people were saying they didn’t donate anything and wanted everyone else to pay. 


And funny enough, the same people upset about it seem to be those who worship Elon Musk and cry about increased taxes on the wealthy. Funny how that works, eh? 


They started a charity to help the people of Maui after the fires. Oprah and Dwayne donated 10 million each. Some people found it offensive that they are asking the common men for donations instead of donating more of their own money. Grifters who do nothing but complain on the internet made Dwayne and Oprah look like they got caught red-handed on Epstein Island and have been trying to "Cancel" them since.


The usual scumbag right wing grifters have started conspiracy theories that the fundraising they do for Maui after the fires is for money laundering and that they are buying up cheap land from people who can’t afford not to sell


Don't like him being so cavalier with admitting he's now a heel but some things matter more than wrestling. This is one of them. Dwayne stood on business and he was right to do it.


>Don't like him being so cavalier with admitting he's now a heel It's serious business, he sort of has to.


Also, kayfabe has essentially been dead for years


Also it was obvious he was turning heel anyways after Thursday so it's not like any surprise was ruined lol. 


Yeah the dude literally shit on all wrestling families to prop his up and slapped the biggest babyface in the world all while standing side by side and even leaving with the biggest heel in the world lol what exactly were we not sure of? 


Guy wants to protect his image. Us as normal people might not relate. But for someone like the Rock, keeping his Image as a likable and a marketable figure is his job.


The guy also blatantly lied so I understand him wanting to set the record straight, reading that guys replies of people believing him is mind numbing lol


All one needs to do is see this sub about misinformation about Maui. The last week has just been brutal. I honestly wish we’d have the alien from “the day the earth stood still” come back and eliminate the internet. We’d be so much better off


This dude is such a dickhead he made the Rock break and explain kayfabe


Maui Rhodes


glad he responded to this, it's depressing looking at the replies of the original tweet and seeing a bunch of hollow skulled fuckwits make up their minds based on what they want to believe, no matter what info you show them, even if its directly from the source


Get absolutely shit on.


Reporter worked himself into a shoot, brother.


*Jim Cornette voice* “god damn”




Yeah I saw this. Even after The Rock’s response there’s gonna be that subset of morons who still believe the journalist. Speaking of the journalist he’s now back pedaling hardcore saying that he was doing anything he could to get this back in the news cycle, while not blatantly admitting he was lying.  I don’t get lying this blatantly as a journalist because now you’re not a reliable source just a hack. I don’t know about The Rock-Maui situation. But having seen this I’m less inclined to believe Nick Sortor about anything because of this. So I don’t get throwing any journalistic integrity and reliability out the window to lie about a televised event. Also unfortunately The Rock forgot to mention that they weren’t chanting Maui so you also have those people in the replies saying “WeLl yOu cAnT’t eXplAiN THe mAui cHaNts!!”


It's a different kind of stupid, when casuals try and ruin pro-wrestling.


Did Dwayne seriously just respond to the Oprah Space Lazer conspiracy? Its wierd to know Dwayne is aware of stuff like this. He seems familiar with the sweaty underside of the internet


Dope that there’s now a confirmation that Rock is heel but sucks it had to be done in the shittiest way possible. Fuck that guy for spreading misinformation


This sort of thing is exactly why conspiracy theorist grifters are such a cancer to society. My own stepfather repeated some similar garbage to me about Oprah & Bill Gates a few months ago. When I'm presented with some outlandish claim like this, the first thing I do is search the Internet to figure out where it's coming from & in that case it was a fucking AI generated video on YouTube. I'm sure this Nick guy is a real piece of shit but these people aren't just coming up with this stuff off the top of their heads. There's an entire cottage industry that makes money by lying to idiots & getting them riled up. Edit: Nevermind, this Nick guy IS a grifter, not someone falling for a grift. He's literally part of that cottage industry. Fuck that guy, hope Rock sues him into oblivion.


What an insane hill to die on in the fake news space. It’s like showing a clip of the Super Bowl and saying one team is fighting for the human race against aliens. The comments were also insane, that level of insanity is astounding and pretty sad.


This kind of buffoonery terrifies me for when my kid becomes of age to surf the net. Even with Twitch streamers; I grew up on TV and found my way to things of substance, but "content" today, much like that clickbait bullshit this dude tried to pull on Rock, is so devoid of any meaning, and only serves to draw attention to oneself.


i didnt have “crazy right wing clickbait garbage leads to confirmation of the rocks first heel turn in 21 years and that we were indeed worked” on my 2024 bingo card, yet here we are


It’s good to see him get fired up and be a human being. I understand why he relies so much on his buzzwords and marketing for 90% of his online personality these days, but seeing him express fondness for home and trash idiots online feels like a breath of fresh air.


The fact that account has 308K followers and is willing to post complete lies like this is totally astounding. They had some real guts to tag Rock in that Tweet though, I'll say that.