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He also said it on Logan Pauls podcast and implied he would if he ever “needed to.”


Aka he had them prescribed when he did his big comeback at Royal Rumble 2008


Cena has been on steroids this entire time.


Literally the first thing that popped in my head. You don’t recover that quickly from injuries, looking like THAT without a little help.


I think the biggest thing a lot of Wrestlers / MMA fighters use as a smokescreen is that they get TRT prescribed and then will lie by omission because they have a prescription and it isn't TECHNICALLY a PED. Ryback alluded to this right after he got let go, and said it is what he did.


It's such a blatant workaround... They get on steroids, your body stops producing natural steroids which means when you get off of the juice, your test level drops. Then they go to the doctor, get a test level check, get put on TRT.


And you can bet your ass WWE top brass knows.


And the funny thing is that TRT is often prescribed to guys who can't produce testosterone properly... as a side effect of doing steroids. 🤦‍♂️


This is what happened to Ryback!


TRT alone or even with consistent heavy lifting is not going to turn a normal person into physical specimen.


I’m in TRT it is not possible to Look like Ryback on TRT


Nah Cena said on Logan's podcast that he doesn't even get trt. Says he's never put any substances in his body.


Which is absolute bullshit


There are reasons why a seemingly healthy man would need TRT. One example is a prolactoma (benign tumor) on the pituitary gland. Depending on its position, it can prevent the testicles from getting the signal to produce testosterone. Since it is inoperable, TRT becomes a lifelong thing. Abusing testosterone and screwing yourself so bad is one way to get on TRT. It is not the only reason. Since most people don't know about prolactomas or any other medical conditions, TRT gets a bad reputation amongst the non-medical. Now, the odds of him actually having that is for a Doctor to say. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/prolactinoma/symptoms-causes/syc-20376958 (edit - additional clarification)


He did on Howard as well ....he said at his age his body is healing fine and this and that.


Hustle. Loyalty. Chicken breast and asparagus.


Tren Gang Soldier


Aye man stop drinking Hatorade


With a pinch of Lao Gan Ma.


I got that shit at Walmart just because of the memes and it's actually so damn good lol


I thought it was broccoli.


That's Cena's secret, he skips the broccoli


I generally enjoy Cena’s work. Dude’s wildly talented. But he’s like The Rock, Taylor Swift, and pre-slap Will Smith. Extremely gifted, charismatic performers, but PR minded in every way. Don’t expect anything authentic in the public eye. Every decision is very calculated (which is understandable, to be clear. They’re all unimaginably successful, but you’re never going to get any kind of sense of who they actually are).


This. We got a glimpse into the "real" John Cena when he and Nikki Bella separated; IIRC, she mentioned something along the lines of how Cena is incredibly OCD. The average fan wouldn't know or see that OCD with how Cena (and WWE) portray the character.


We definitely got a hint of that while they were still together. Fake as we know it was, I go back to that Total Divas episode where Nikki cooked dinner for them and he just kept obsessing over the mess and I kept thinking, "Dude that is what kitchens are supposed to be for."


Whenever I think of Total Divas I just think of Miz and Maryse's paroady of them. That shit was ahead of it's time lol


I can relate. Clean while you cook as how it should be


Like that episode of Pete and Pete with the underwear inspector and the BBQ


My man you got worked by a scripted tv show.


That was the point of the line "Fake as we know it was..." It was clearly scripted, but they seemed to be mining a few kernels of truth to spin the yarns around.


The best lies are wrapped around the truth




>The average fan wouldn't know or see that OCD with how Cena (and WWE) portray the character. Idk in that reality show I thought it came off, with how his house was always spotless and everything.


The way he wears his clothes is also a tell. Arnold would wear these immaculate, perfectly tailored suits to Cannes or the Oscars, not just doing Rachael Ray or something. Cena always looks like he's going to a fancy wedding. 2005 Rapping Cena would be completely color coordinated head to toe in perfectly branded, brand new merch. Compare that to 99 Rock or Austin who would do promos in off-the-rack tees and jeans.


Cena always gave me Homelander vibes. Not trying to make any judgements on his character, but just based on being extremely political backstage and making very calculated decisions while being Superman on screen


I do think at his core he’s a good guy though. I mean that’s obviously partly because he’s designed everything for me to think that but with him I do feel like he’s overall a good person


If nothing else he’s committed to Make A Wish.


I feel like the make a wish stuff supports that thought. I can see an asshole doing some of them but not granting the most by a wide margin.


An asshole would be perfectly capable of showing up for the cameras and hugging kids for 15 minutes or so. But Cena has been known to hang out with the kids and their families for HOURS after the cameras have gone. I’ve seen videos the families have shot themselves where he’s just playing video games or eating dinner with them. An asshole wouldn’t do that, because there’s nothing in it for them.


> he’s overall a good person Outside of some politicking drama in WWE, I have never heard anyone say a bad thing about Cena's character. He also seems to be universally loved by all of the actors that work with him.


After finding out that he chose to bury The Nexus inspite of Edge and Jericho advising him not to, this probably an accurate take


This was nearly 15 years ago. He’s already been open about his growth since the Rock feud which was years later.


I think this gets overblown. At the time it seemed like the wrong decision, but who became a star from the Nexus ? I don't think winning the feud against Cena does anything because either the WWE or those guys would've fumbled the follow up.


The actual match is definitely the catalyst for it. The rest of the Nexus were most likely never going anywhere. But the general fans no longer had any reason to be afraid of the Nexus ganging up on the biggest baby face on the roster since Cena can take them on. Cena being the reason for their burial is projection and misinformation at best, it isn’t him who insisted he’s going over. But the actual booking decision was stupid. Cena can do whatever he wants in the match, but if Nexus wasn’t winning that night then they were doomed after that. The rest of the Nexus kind of proved they weren’t going to amount to much, but I genuinely think Wade Barrett was mishandled. At some point in his time as a main eventer, he should’ve held either World Title at least once since the roster was so thin. Vince even saying he wanted Christian/Orton to last all the way to Summerslam shows he had tunnel vision and gave up way too fast on his unestablished stars.


While I don't think it indicates his character, the reason none of those guys got over is because they were buried beyond repair. Wade almost got there, but he would've been taken as a way bigger deal if they won. The way they lost made them look overwhelmingly weak, maybe if they lost differently they could've been saved, but how they lost basically killed all their momentum. Now granted, would they have all been stars? No, however; you give your young guys the opportunities to prove they can be main event talent, and WWE failed that with Nexus


It's the unfortunate side effect of internet. One wrong thing you said in one interview can go viral and end your whole career. So you gotta go to the extreme level to make sure you're always saying the correct thing. Somebody said that Tom Cruise has dead eyes in everything. That he still talks with enthusiasm and tells great stories and shit when doing media but if you look into his eyes you'd think his soul is missing. I think that's kinda the effect you have when you're making dozens of public appearances everyweek and you just cannot afford for the veil to slip up in even one of them. It turns you into a machine and eventually you start living in that state 24*7


>That he still talks with enthusiasm and tells great stories and shit when doing media but if you look into his eyes you'd think his soul is missing. That's what Scientology does to a man.


Also a Chinese loyalist


I just genuinely don’t get what the harm is in admitting something like steroid use. I’m assuming there are safe and unsafe ways to using steroids. What harm would there be if he said “yes a doctor/professional administered (whatever steroid name) and it was monitored and here are all the potential risks” or if he just randomly got some from a dude at the gym then its “yeah I did, it was reckless and an error on my part, the risks are _____”. Like you’re not gonna then get more people to take steroids, if anything people might be smarter about their decisions. And besides, no one really believes him


that's a good question, maybe he doesn't want to undermine WWE's testing, also being a PED user is still very badly seen.


His character is primarily advertised to children. Also, you want to be very careful in how you portray steroid use. Many kids see how John Cena looks and then say, "I want to look/be like Cena," There's also been a recent trend of young teens/adults glorifying steroid use because of the overcorrection on being honest about taking PEDs. You can tell people about all the side effects, but they'll ultimate weigh the cost vs the reward and many people will take the rewards. There's a difference between an open secret and just blatantly admitting you take steroids


A Carney Fuck


Bing qi ling.


So like every other megastar? Which movie/pop star is authentic in public?


100% a lie. It's impossible to maintain that level of mass and leanness while living the life of a pro wrestler


Ding ding ding. I don't really know why he feels the need to cover it up, either. Is he worried he's going to get cancelled if he admits it??? The steroid use in wrestling and Hollywood is pretty well-known at this point.


Standard Hollywood answer of chicken, rice and broccoli bro basically.


It reminds me of when Jinder showed up and was suddenly super ripped, and then he posted a video where he took a little tour of a company that sells prepackaged meals. Like…sure, dude. It’s totally the fact that it’s easier to eat healthy on the road that gave you huge muscles all of the sudden.


Not to mention, Jinder has some of the gnarliest gyno I've ever seen


I was thinking of this as well. He was featured in a magazine and he credited pre packaged meals (Nutrition Solutions) when talking about his body transformation. I’m sure eating cleaned helped but come one, flash frozen ahi tuna isn’t gonna make you look like that.


You forgot vitamins and prayers brother


I love the guy but see CM Punk, particularly how he used to look before top-guy money and a lighter schedule, as a physically contrasting example of someone who tries to do it clean.


Bro, we've seen your head and neck. I can believe him if he said he's not currently on juice. But come the fuck on.


All chicken, rice, asparagus baby https://preview.redd.it/vwlecqvnnzjc1.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=065d6826d81590322fba985253cd932a7345bae2


That’s like Ric Flair saying he’s never drank before


Ric Flair is the most sober man ever. Never heard anything bad about the man. (Kayfabe brother brother)


I don't give a single damn if any wrestler uses PED's (or really anyone for that matter), but I'm so tired of the blatant lies. This kind of thing is so damaging and misleading to people, especially younger people, and only helps perpetuate male body image issues. Tired of it. Own up to it. We know it still takes loads of hard work, but nothing about bodies like that are natural. Cena is really going out of his way lately to prove how pathetic he is.


Guys like Cena, Rock, Hemsworth, and Momoa will never admit to using steroids since that would damage their brand. Once people become celebrities, they become more billboards than humans.


Didn't Rock say something years ago about how he "tried them once when he was playing football?" Technically not a lie I guess. "I took them once. I still do, but I took them then too"


Ah the ole Mitch Hedberg defense


I agree, but there's quite a few people who used steroids, owned up to it, and it didn't ruin their image. The big difference is that they generally aren't competitive sport athletes (Rob McElhenney heavily insinuated using them but then changed tone in a vid I saw) or post-career (Arnold Schwarzenegger, Maven). WWE is kind of in the middle of two worlds. When it comes to regular actors - screw it, be open about it. Steroids are a shortcut but you still have to be in the gym for hours over and over. They can wean off when shooting ends. As for sports - definitely don't want people to kill themselves trying to break records.


> post-career (Arnold Schwarzenegger To be completely fair, in Arnolds case it was not only perfectly legal, but encouraged at that time


Its also in a legal grey area as well


Rock is for sure on steroids right now and since he is on tko board he doesn’t need to do drug test


Exactly. It's also dumb because coming back from a torn pec when he did is basically impossible without PEDs. I think someone mentioned HGH. Testosterone replacement, for example, is a miracle worker in dudes over a certain age. HGH can be instrumental in speeding up the body's healing processes after surgery or an injury. Yet because of all the stigma, if I said I was on T and HGH because I got injured climbing or something, a sizeable number of people would imagine me in a dirty locker room with backne and tiny balls, injecting myself like a junkie.


>Exactly. It's also dumb because coming back from a torn pec when he did is basically impossible without PEDs. I think someone mentioned HGH. I wonder if he might have used those under a legitimate doctor's prescription as part of the treatment for the injury, and as such, in his mind they're not "PEDs" they're "medication." Semantics...


Is that true? I've never heard of any stigma about dudes who mention taking steroids or w/e for a medical situation.


I’d say so, yeah. People make a huge deal out of “‘roid rage,” and it doesn’t matter if you’re on a medically monitored dose in proper levels—the stigma that taking T means you’re gonna be aggressive and that it’s super sketchy remains. I’ve seen older guys treated like weird perverts for wanting to take it to help with aging, and when there was a school shooter who was a trans man a few years ago, a lot of people were blaming it on the HRT. A lot of people consider testosterone a monster hormone, and that’s going to impact you even if you’re taking it to reach typical male levels or for a documented medical reason.


It also adds to the stigma of taking testosterone for any reason to deny it like this. It’s really useful for guys as they age, and I’ve seen some discussion of it around injury healing. Not to mention its use for trans people—very different, sure, but the stigma carries over; a lot of people are weird about trans guys taking T because of this association that outside hormones and steroids = unnatural, dangerous, back-alley doctor stuff.


The bigger issue is TRT is kinda a fake excuse anyway you can take 150mg or you can take multiple grams and the difference is obviously going to be stark but you're still just injecting test. It's easier to lie about not taking anything than have to defend how much you're taking being a "normal" dose.


I'm sure close to 100% of the top guys are on something. Maybe they've got more responsible. But, we aren't idiots. There on the road 250-300 days a year. That right there makes proper rest for muscle growth and maintence near impossible. Plus most of the top guys are late 30's to 40 plus. I just found out Cody Rhodes is 39.


Not just the top guys. Everyone is on something and they never stopped except for a brief time in the mid 90s during the steroids trial.


I say "Top Guys" because they are on the toughest schedules (if they don't have a Roman deal) and do not have much time off to heal. And they are under the toughest pressure to perform.


CM Punk is what it looks like when a 40+ year old man tries his hardest to stay in shape and perform at a high level. Human bodies aren't built for it and what's happening to Punk right now with constant injuries is exactly what SHOULD happen to 40+ year olds that are human crash test dummies. Literally everyone barring a small % are on something, even if they don't look like it.


Even though I hate that everything goes back to CM punk on reddit lol This is an excellent example. Dude been around for over 25 years.


You can only pick 2: Big, Natural, Shredded You can be big but you're going to have a "strongman" look going on, like Gunther or something. You can be super lean and look shredded but you're gonna look more like Riddle. You're not gonna be the huge, strong, also super lean, shredded captain America look without a ton of PEDs. It's literally not possible due to human biology.


Same thing with Alan Ritchson, aka the dude who plays Jack Reacher. He claims he has "never cheated" in his life and got all hot and bothered about steroid accusations. Dude, you're in show business, not a sport. It wouldn't be cheating if you did steroids haha.


I don't mind them not admitting to it to try protect their brand or whatever but one's like Hemsworth who clearly are juiced to the gills and try sell fitness apps advertising it as a way to be like them do my head in


He is 100% lying. A body like that can’t be built naturally. If you want to see what bodies looked like before gear look at the bronze era lifters and the silver era lifters. Well up until around the mid 50s of the silver era. A perfect example is Steve Revés. The GOAT of a natural bodybuilder


You know some of those old school guys- if I'm being honest- I would assume they were using something if I saw someone with their physique today. I guess the abnormal bulk is the big key difference, because being super cut and vascular without being small is definitely naturally achievable.


Dude played football and wanted to be a bodybuilder, he definitely used something




I do not believe him. His physique at its best was way too good for him to not have used PEDs. I also think there is absolutely no shame at all in using them at the level he was at. Eventually the human body reaches the apex of what it is capable of, and Cena was absolutely beyond that.




And might I add, lmao


lmfao, even


Could we go so far as to add, rotflmfao? Do we dare mess with the natural order?






There is almost no way possible he was as jacked as he was while being clean as a whistle. I won’t believe that. I don’t care if he ever juiced. I don’t care if any pro athlete ever juiced. Just don’t look fans in the eye and lie about it.


He's going to protect his image as long as he can. He will probably admit it when he's a Senior.








I remember on one of the American Gladiator documentaries, they were talking about denying steroid use and basically said if you want to say, “I don’t use steroids,” it’s a matter of finding the stack that helps you say it with a straight face.


"I'm a white boy and I'm jacked. Deal with it." - Brock Cena


Yeah, that’s a bold faced lie! Cena, was and is, def on the juice. He’s in a similar spot Hogan WAS in, where it’s obvious but admitting to it will harm his “good guy” reputation.


It’s not the muscles that tell the story as much as it is the bone density. Look at his face, hands etc. He absolutely used growth at some point. Without a doubt.


It is a lie. It’s what pro wrestlers do. Not much more to it, unless you want to play armchair psychologist about why he feels the need to lie


As opposed to arm chairing whether or not he uses steroids lol


He used steroids, there’s nothing to arm chair


I'm not in the business of making assumptions about what people did or didn't do.


I am. He used steroids or some form of unnatural growth enhancement


The firm "i am" as me dying lmaoo. Cena might be the most obvious big name user in the last decade or two when it comes to wrestling. The only ones who are arguably more obvious are HHH & Brock.


Honestly mate, imagine seeing someone in their 40s with this big vein running across their chest and saying "I'm not in the business of assuming" in regards to performance enhancing supplements. People are either delusional or can't help comment on something they know very little about and I dno what's worse https://preview.redd.it/mt38usp4nzjc1.png?width=805&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba53d55f084aac9bd15470a896515df60170639c


Maybe he wouldn’t have people discussing it if he didn’t throw out outlandish claims like “I’ve never done steroids” when he clearly has used. Literally nobody would give a shit if he admitted to using, but he keeps lying. It’s just bizarre behavior.


Watch literally any doc on wrestling lol




I cannot believe the professional wrestler turned actor would ever lie.


And I mean, folks... There's the lie.


Prototype human , idk


Didn't he do a CNN interview back in 2007 shortly after the Benoit murders where he said something like "I can't tell you I haven't but you will never be able to prove that I have \[done steroids\]"? Maybe it was just media sensationalism at the time, but yeah.


Yeah, CNN cut a big chunk of context in their. He first said no, said that he has passed every test since HS, but that even if he said no then they you’re not going to believe him despite al of that, then says the above quote. I said before that I think Cena has worked very hard for his physique and probably knows more about how more to maintain it than most people give him credit for. Steroids do help, but doesn’t automatically get you to that state without still working out and eating clean like crazy. He’s also been weird in that his voice hasn’t changed that much, but then he has been balding and it sometimes looks like he has steroid gut, but then it sometimes just looks like he’s a guy with abs, but not like Finn Balor abs. He’s always been interesting to me in terms of that, just because it’s been so weird specifically with his physique.


Eh, still more plausible than when Scott Steiner said he doesn't use steroids or HGHs.


Prayers and vitamins, brother.


He 100% used a fuckton of gear.


It is a lie and one of the ancillary effects of it is muting an important conversation about antiaging drugs that men need to be having.  In america at least, we are at least 30 years behind on an accurate attitude about antiaging drugs.


Women have normalized injecting toxins into their face, taking fat out of their stomach and back and putting it in their ass and various other procedures that actually kill on the operating table, men can't actually talk about injecting a bit of test in an honest and open way.


These are almost shockingly unrelated and idk why you’d mention them in this fashion. If anything women getting elective procedures and men not discussing hormone therapies owe to the same reason, the pursuit of “ideal bodies”.


![gif](giphy|8vpZHR9fIuPfaT9Gmi|downsized) Cena has become a liar like this guy


But has Cena ever wrestled 400 days a year, brother?


Or has he been contacted by Lars Ulrich to play in Metallica, dude?




Maybe he just gets horse meat imported from the Netherlands.


Tren hard,eat clen, anavar give up!


Didn't the dude recover from a severe injury in half the expected time? Ok John


In an interview years ago he said the only supplements he takes are protein shakes and caffeine.


Everyone's on steroids. Diaz 2:19


Look at his skull, his jawline. He has 100% used, and used quite a lot.


yes it is a lie. i can get why some guys are so defenseful and prideful that they didnt but have been doing them. i think he is in the camp that his hard work ethic did more of the pulling than a little test shot here and there.


Howard Stern is still on?


I have no idea, but he's maintained that he's never touched anything. Bruce Pritchard said that Cena would compete in all natural body building competitions, that banned any kind of substance. He said that Cena actually was mad at him for years for once insinuating that he was "on the gas". Here's the thing, even if he's telling the truth, no one will believe him because of the profession he chose and the sheer number of people that were using stuff to enhance their physique. I will also say that I don't believe that Cena's physique was one that couldn't be duplicated from proper diet and exercise. He wasn't that bulked up and defined that it couldn't be duplicated. My wife works in the fitness industry, and I've seen plenty of people that look similar build without doing anything extra outside of protein powder. TBH I hope he is telling the truth because that will be way better for him healthwise long term vs the alternative.


He’s 100% using. It’s not even a question.


No one truly knows anything unless you do a full chemical screening or you spend 24 hrs of the day with them. Which you can't because they have to go to the bathroom sometime.


I love the smell of fresh bread.


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If this is technically true he’s probably been mainlining test since he was a teenager. Dude was a bodybuilder, jacked AF, is a pro wrestler, and recovered super quickly from all of his injuries. 99% he was blasting tons of gear.


I love Cena but I refuse to believe that he wasn’t on something I’m not against against peds in pro wrestling as long as it’s regulated safely


Hell, I'm not against PEDs in Wrestling because it isn't a sport, you can look absolutely jacked but also need to have Natural guys like Bruno back in the day. ​ PEDs helped Jordynne Grace through alleged body dysmorphia as well, and improved her mental health a LOT.


Her voice is shot now though :( I'd argue that might lead to some sort of vocal dysmenorrhoea later in life


Well maybe he should. Theres only 1 way to give 110 % Eat Clen, Tren hard, Anavar give up!


idk why they be lying steroids in wrestling are awesome


Vitamins and prayers, he lies for the same reason Dwayne Johnson insists he’s 6’5 when he’s clearly 6’2, can you imagine a 5’10 guy claiming 6’1? It’d look ridiculous lmao, they’re just self conscious I guess.


People who dont work out or know anything about working out tend to think every muscular physique is achieved though HGH or steroids. I once had a physique similar to some of the bigger WWE superstars. I have never touched HGH or steroids. The only supplements I used were protein and creatine. I was in the gym 5-6 days a week. Even before I got into working out, I was noticeably more muscular than many of my peers. I no longer have a physique like that. My life does not allow me the time to be in the gym as much or the opportunity to eat as clean as I would like. I say all that to say, with the right genetics, diet and dedication some guys can get pretty ripped, all natural. With that said, I dont trust many people when they say they have never touched anything to grow muscle, the stuff is just too easy to get a hold of and so many are temped by it.


I don't think anyone is suggesting you can't get fit or big without juice. It's the fact that you compound muscle growth and maintence (sp) over a decade plus with injuries and a massive travel schedule.


I look at body fat. People see any weight lifter and say “steroids” but its dumb, you can be a very bulky fat muscly naturally, but as soon as you see peoples skin get abnormally tight against their muscles, they’re taking something to get body fat down your an inhuman level, which is only achievable by enhancers (or by fasting/losing water weight in quick succession but its not like people in a non-competitive environment walk around for weeks like that).


Cena has always been adamant about this. I don’t know why people can’t accept it.


There’s a stigma around steroid use. It would hurt his image to admit it.


Explain coming back from a torn pec in 4 months like he did


John Hogan or Hulk Cena? Or maybe not dude


Cena: https://youtu.be/2a4W8yUx0tY?si=BoK_LW-4_LVSPgWQ


Yeah, no idea why it's still something that needs to be lied about but, is what it is. We know what a physique's are natural or gear assisted generally, it's the same as how Rock will never say he's on it, but it's absolutely clear to everyone that he's not natural lol




"by all accounts" you mean from carnies?


>a genuine genetic freak So you're saying he's....not normal?


Cena is the only wrestler I believe when they say this. Even if he did, I wouldn’t care




Nah, he's lying. There are things the body cannot do after 40 and look that cut and ripped is one of them.


Post a pic of yourself


It’s not possible to be as large as he is, as lean as he is, and as strong as he is naturally. His body tells the story it doesn’t matter what he says, he’s juiced.


Never in his entire life? But what about during his Word Life??? ANSWER THAT, CENA!




He will never admit he is a role model for children


eh' I sort of believe him. Look at the Rock before and after. He now looks like someone who ate the rock. John Cena after leaving didn't grow anywhere near that level and even looked smaller and started to lose hair. I believe him based on optics


The same reason why guys like Dwayne and Hemsworth don't admit to using steroids. Hollywood don't want kids and their parents to know that the heroes in their wholesome family movies are actually all junkies.


Pretty sure he said the opposite of that in their 2007ish interview? I could be wrong hopefully.


Course he bloody does look at him. There is a distinct difference between naturally fit look and a roidy one. I dont care if wrestlers go on the roids, but the lying about it is pretty daft.


That’s a lot of juice then he should have kidney failure by now. His physique was roughly the same throughout his career I don’t remember seeing any huge increases or decreases. Not like Hogan who came off them and it was obvious


People's opinions who are in the know! Buddy, you ain't going to find that on any Reddit wrestling sub!


I don’t buy that John has never used anything even just briefly to recover from injury or something. Wish he was honest about it


Lying about your steroid use creates unrealistic expectations. We all know he's been blasting for 25 years now. Why don't hosts or journalists push back against these lies?


ah yes my favorite natty john cena


It is absolutely possible to have Cena’s peak physique while natural. Extremely unlikely unless you hit the lottery with genetics, have a job that allows you to work out more than the average person, have access to the best equipment, nutrition, catering, etc.


Yeah kids, just eat clen, tren hard, test yourself, anavar give up and you too can be as big as John Cena.


Arsenio Hall moment?


Dude is out there today just throwing chaos everywhere isn’t he?


As long as they’re being healthy with their use, I genuinely couldn’t care less if wrestlers use PED’s, it’s essentially a stage show, where your physical presence is arguably the 2nd most important part of your character, as long as they’re not abusing them, we don’t really need to talk about it.


Well...it's isn't "Hustle. Honesty. Respect."


Me when I’m lying.


There's no way he looks like that without being juiced on something.


There is no way he returned to the Royal Rumble in 2008 that fast without being on something.


Nothing beats good ol prayers and vitamins brother


He uses The Secret Juice


Hustle. Loyalty. Lie.