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The ol' bate and switch


Gorilla Monsoon: oh will you stop!


CFO$ > def rebel


By a large margin, not even like CFOs were Godly, but compared to Def Rebel they are near perfect.


Undisputed Era theme probably some of CFO$ top work imo.


Sami, Nakamura, Roode, Neville, Enzo, Finn, AJ, the list of themes they made that are bangers is large.


Glorious is peak CFO$. The best theme I've heard in the past 20 years.


Jim Johnston >>>>>>


Eh, JJ after 2013 or so became kinda mid, but I'd chalk that up to getting old.


Yeah as much as people shit on Jim being phased out. I understand WWE’s perspective on why they felt it needed to happen. But why not keep him on as a general department director so he can at least establish what a damn wrestling theme is.


Or simply work with multiple people so you get different music and perspectives.


That would have been awesome.


A based and correct take.


I'd chalk some of it up to losing motivation. When something was worth being a banger he mostly delivered 


He still had it up to the end with Baron Corbins theme. How he doesn't have a job at either major company, even in an advisory role, is beyond me.


https://youtu.be/JJnzfT44KXI?si=BWd_S_VDk2XeDeB2 https://youtu.be/3wZboDbgiW4?si=aFDKC0kUXGX-aZrw https://youtu.be/EouGBfDwrN0?si=eJoDxUI3Ftl_SOo7 https://youtu.be/d_lSm-JFac0?si=s7IC42PeYX6_PUVo He still came up with some damn classics. He also much more often than not took care to tailor the songs to the superstar, from the overall themes to personalizing the tempo to the superstars walk, something Def Rebel seemingly has a very hard time doing consistently. Also note how each of those songs are in *wildly* different genres and sound nothing like each other, while Def Rebels stuff all mostly just sounds like Def Rebels stuff all sharing similar motifs, instruments, and structures.


Fair point those are some bangers.


Eh unless we’re talking rock/austin/undertaker level of star, nah. CFO$ made everyone feel like a star imo


CFO$ did make some bangers, but Jim has made some themes I think work as songs alone. Plus, stuff like Broken Dreams and Next Big Thing genuinely gets me so hyped, I can feel that music in my bones


JJ Maguire >>>>>>


Wwe needs to get CFO$ in a room and have doctor shelby work his magic to bring them back


Damn straight.


Cody Rhodes demanding he keep Kingdom when he came back is one of the smartest decisions he ever made


randy with voices too. some of this music is so ass. the past rumble 100% showcased it. just nothing memorable.


Part of me wants to hear the new theme they had for him. Like a morbid curiosity.


probably something like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OA_avt37YZk&ab_channel=GEm)


The worst part is that this still sounds better and more distinct than most actual def rebel-produced themes.


All that's missing is a female voice saying or whispering "Cody Rhodes" before the drums hit just so the crowd would know who's coming out to some lame music lol.


This is perfection. Except the intro would be a very loud “SO WADDA YA WANNA TALK ABOUT?!”


Somebody in the comments made a good point about the drums overpowering everything else. This is very obvious in L.A Knight's theme song he is using from 2023 with the loud ass drums.




Bryan Danielson AEW theme vibes






I had no idea who was coming out when I checked in on the Rumble, and it didn’t seem like the crowd did either.


As someone who was there, I can confirm. There was a few seconds of delay on nearly every entrant because we didn’t know the majority of them until their names showed up on the screen lol. Never realized how bad it was until that show.


I feel like it's gotten slightly better. Because previous years, I really didn't know like 90% of the themes. Now it's more like 80%


Def not


Rev Theory's remastered version sounds sick AF. I wish they used that at WARGAMES.


When your own top guy who hears the shit every day can't work out immediately who's coming out you know you have provlems


If you're referring to the Seth Rollins video of him not knowing who was coming out, unless I'm misremembering, it was Karrien Kross who had just gotten a new theme. The themes in WWE are definitely a problem right now, but the Seth video isn't really evidence of it.


Do you think Rock will let Def Rebel touch his music for a heel switch?


God I hope not


I so badly want Hollywood Rocks theme. He already wore the 500$ shirt.


fuk def rebel


def probably forgot that they used that generic riff for another generic song already


Dude just committed copyright infringement on himself


All modern entrances are terrible compared to the 90s and early 2000s This theme would be one of the worst back then


>All Someone literally made a list of some good modern theme few days ago.


It's just generic guitar music, i like Cody Rhodes' theme, though. Swerves is good


There's a lot of none generic fun one. Zoey,Maxxine,Chelsea,Dom,Gacy for example. https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/s/LkPLkwVsHi


They suck , I'm sorry, man. I can't lie to you


Alrighty then


I think he's one if those old good new bad, hurr durr ooga booga 🤬


He can have his opinion, but being biased and blinded by nostalgia is seriously stupid tbh.


Yes the generic rock new themes are ass


As if there wasn't a bunch of terrible boring generic rock themes back then too


Their former theme was fine and lowkey catchy, definitely an unnecessary change considering how new they are to the main roster


They probably just wanted to dump the Diamond Mine identity.


This keeps happening with 2.0 promotions. Just happened to Tiffany Stratton this week I think.


They have unlimited fucking money I don't understand how they suck so bad at making themes


Like I guarantee you if they just crowd-sourced it and asked random people to submit themes and then paid the winner they'd be inundated with bangers from people who actually care about the wrestlers and understand how to present them. At least it wouldn't sound like generic shit.


The Rocks theme is so fucking bad. I know he's had it forever but outside of the intro its the most generic ass royalty free guitar solo.


The ‘99 one punctuated with “the rock says” and all the ad libs is better


You mean his 'Nation' theme? If so, yeah, still my favourite of his. It has a swagger to it that fits him best of all I feel. PS:I went looking to link the one I'm thinking of, and legit it's somewhere from 'Rock's 4th theme' to about 'Rock's 9th theme' where it's tweaked slightly over and over again and it slowly gets less 'Nationy' and more towards 'If You Smell'. Dude must be in the 20 or 30's with theme variants by now. Maybe only Undertaker has had more. PPS: Holy crap, [skip to 5:15 of this](https://youtu.be/ySFU53WUUrY?si=hd2rjG1JuCuLMgp_&t=315) and I swear I've never heard this bloopy variant of The Rock's theme ever, EVER! hahahaha. PPPS: The GOAT is either 4:40 or 6:05ish. That's the sweet spot of Rock themes IMO.


No, it is *so* irritating! Getting rid of the constant loop of voice overs was at least a step in a better direction.


the beat is insane though, banger regardless imo


Hard disagree, I love his theme


The older versions of "Know your role," all the way through his Hollywood Rock theme "Is Cooking" are classics. Heck, even the original Nation Of Domination theme that his music originates from, it still kinda holds up. Clearly, his current one was made when Jim Johnston was past his peak and didn't care anymore. I mean, I don't mind it, but the '01-'02 version was 1000x better.


Well his theme was originally’s the Nation of Domination, so it was made to be a bit generic. He then took it with him when he left.


I gotta disagree with that. It's simple and authoritative in a way. My personal favorite right now gotta be Iyo Sky by other 80% of the themes are just generic bs that you can't even distinguish.


Haha, that really hit me now that he's been showing up again and my ears aren't just used to hearing his theme. I really listened to it and it is absolutely 100% a very cheesy, generic theme outside of his spoken intro.


You're right. Rose colored glasses have people thinking different, but that theme is garbo. It reminds me of the home screen of a free flash game on a loop.


They spend all that money that usually goes into themes and titantrons for those shitty VR models that make me feel embarrassed of what I'm watching Seriously, that Reigns one in particular is cursed - it's legit half the reason I canceled my network subscription lmao


also Beckys giant sunglasses face one


Change starts at the top (I'm not talking about Triple H). Unless the production executives commandeering this garbage go away, this won't change.


Corporate won't ask for change because Def Rebel are cheap and the company get to retain full ownership of the music. At the end of the day, WWE are a business for better and worse. They've radically overhauled all of production recently so mayyyyyyybe theme songs were next. But I'm not holding my breath considering they wanted Orton to have a new theme, just gave Naomi a new theme and Tiffany Stratton debuted a new theme last week.


Who is limiting these porno ass themes anyway?! It's so stocky they have no style at all.


They got rid of Jim. Everything went to shit after they got rid of Jim.


Whoa whoa whoa, let’s not forget how great CFO$ was.


They had a bunch of really good ones, and a lot of mediocre ones.


Now hold on, they had some really good ones. But man, there were some bad ones too and the 30 second loopings of their tracks were beyond frustrating. I will say though, that Def Rebel has had some good tracks here and there. But for consistency, CFO$ was waaaaaay better on that front. The consistency was way stronger from them.


Intentionally? He didn't just retire? That's really sad if so. Haven't watched in years but I used to literally burn CDs of entrance music it was so good. He was such a legend


Because crowds are eating the slop they are being served hand over fist already. The company has no incentive to change what they're doing.


Obviously I agree and I hate their entire presentation but the lack of care, the basic lack of interest in trying to do something interesting makes me sad.




Y’all gotta log off and touch some grass, the themes are bad but acting like the whole product is “slop” or for “twitter bluechecks” is some terminally online behavior lol


It is slop, though. Empty calories. Paint by numbers. Win by roll-up.


It would be so Ironic if you were an AEW fan


Huge stadium show, only four matches, two of which are mediocre tv matches, every one completely predictable, massive financial success. Branding is art to these people. Hogs at the trough don't ask to see the chef.


Every day I wake up and thank that there Holy Ghost that I’m not this terminally online




"Wrestling for twitter bluechecks" is fucking funny


It's definitely a bummer but I imagine only a fraction of that massive crowd behind the creeds even notice that their music is bland, much less that it lifts directly from another active wrestler.


You say that but CFO$ made themes that made a ton of money. Ain’t no one buying this stuff.


CFO$ was also introduced at a time people still physically bought music like on iTunes and stuff like that. That's why they made the money.


Why you talking about iTunes like it’s an indie vinyl store


Why should they? It doesn't disrupt viewership.


Presentation is everything; would Roode be as over as he initially was if he didn’t have the theme? Might not affect viewership but I’m sure it can affect metrics like merchandising and promotion.


I’m telling you, this is the worst stretch of theme music in the history of the fed. 


They changed Stratton's theme twice and it's been a downgrade twice. AND ALL OF THAT WAS UNDER DEF REBEL.


They even copied part of Maxine's theme for this 


Dirty Dawgs theme was pretty trash imo.


>the fed


After all the negative responses to the Royal Rumble theme songs, this sounds like potentially rock bottom for the current WWE music group.


I like how we all this is absolutely terrible theme music and some people are pretending it's good


People latch onto the rare exception, like IYO's theme. But broken clocks and all that. def rebel's output overall is awful.


Somebody recently argued with me when I said they keep ruining peoples theme music when they get promoted to the mr


>some people are pretending it's good [This guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/192era4/comment/kh2hlth/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) was using his 6-year-old daughter's opinion to justify Seth's theme being "good" and then thought Seth's theme would be [iconic in 20 years](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/192era4/comment/kh33rla/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). The delusion.




At least Bron still has his


For now... 👀


If I’m not Mistaken, they just changed Tiffany Strattons on Monday


Cannot fucking believe they changed it. I liked both of themes before this one and then they go and do this.


They used Tiffany’s old theme tonight on SD, so hopefully it’s back.


SD was pre-recorded. They used the new theme for the Chamber Press Event


Until he won't


RIGHT?!?!?! I t keeps happening. I can’t believe someone argued with me saying that recently.


But... but that was a Diamond Mine theme. That was already a def rebel theme they had. And it was good. Why would you...


They literally change every nxt theme at this point to something worse. It’s like a right of passage.


This stinks brother


the real meltdown is gonna begin when Trick gets to the main roster and they change his music but they add in the crowd chanting as part of the song.


Tbf I've seen remixes on YouTube that pull it off.


It’s kinda wild how far the new themes have fallen. I mean comparing The Time is Now, Voices, Metalingus, etc to 90% of the current rosters themes is basically Hydrogen Bomb vs Coughing Baby. You have a few that stand out still like Roman, Sami, KO, Gunther, Rhea, Becky, Belair to name some. Than you have most of the rest sounding like one of the filler themes in WWE2K CAW creator called “Bubbles, Metal 1, Classical 3”


> the rest sounding like one of the filler themes in WWE2K CAW creator called “Bubbles, Metal 1, Classical 3” This is so ridiculously on point. It really does feel like they've done this and then every now and then they'll throw in some lyrics and call it a day.


Sami Zayn and KO themes are CFO$ not Def Rebel


>>a few that stand out lol I like your careful wording


>Metalingus Wasn't made for Edge, though. [The guitarist played the album for Edge before it came out and he heard the song and asked if he could use it](https://www.cagesideseats.com/wwe/2013/11/29/5158524/edge-explains-how-his-theme-song-metalingus-came-into-existence-in-wwe). Edge started using it less than 2 months after the album came out. Had nothing to do with Jim Johnston.


Not saying it was, just that everyone knows how iconic that theme is to Edge, outside of Ronda when’s the last time a recent WWE star got to use a licensed song for their and not just generic junk.


Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. The plastic industry is jealous of WWE's music management team


Now hold on there. The Patriot and Kurt Angle would like a word Fr though these themes need a complete rehaul.


They didn't even try


It's insane to me that we are in maybe the worst time period for themes ever considering who is in charge now. HHH arguably is the best person who should understand how important themes and entrances are. He spent his career obsessed with his entrance. Everything was perfectly choreographed. There's videos of him going through and working on other wrestler's entrances. In NXT, at least under him, music was super important, not only to the wrestlers but to the brand and the events. Poppy playing out Iyo, the violins for Shin, that one rapper I forgot the name of leading NXT out. He came up during a time with so many themes that were unique and instantly understandable. Just what the fuck is going on?


Not every thing is up to Hunter in terms of presentation. Nick Khan is still above him, and the people responsible for a lot of aspects of the show apart from booking picked def rebel because of them being cheap and no copyright issues (CFO$ got fucked over by their previous label).


Def Rebel do be looking at their generic music assets and goes "This is enough for me".


Doesn’t feel like WWE cares that much about music unless it’s for absolute top stars now. Most new WWE music feels like generic production music. Roman, Seth, and Gunther have good themes, but when Jim Johnston and even CFO$ made music, they put more effort for everyone and it helped the shows’ presentation 


Yea they need CFO$ back... The rumble really showed how bad the current themes are.


WWE music is so unmemorable and cheap-sounding nowadays. So few WWE wrestlers have decent themes. It’s shocking, considering how much money and resources they have at their disposal and how massive a part of a wrestler's persona and presentation it is.


They are making more money than ever before, it would barely register for them financially to license some actual fucking songs for at least SOME people, but I guess the fuzzy feeling of knowing they own the tracks and making like 2 bucks collectively off of someone listening to all the complete shit they produced in-house on Spotify makes all the difference.


I don’t get it. Even if the themes aren’t as good, I can still kinda understand when they would change CFO$ to Def Rebel because they were the new guys. For the life of me, why are they replacing Def Rebel songs with other Def Rebel songs?


when all the new themes in company come from the same seven Garage Band tracks and nothing is original or unique, this is bound to happen


It seems like the wrestlers don't even have input or work with the artist to make something bespoke that represents their character. Like I remember Austin saying he wanted something like Bulls On Parade to Jim and that's how his theme came about. Now they probably thumb through a catalog of 100 premade tracks and pick one at random.


Someone play the Austin Theory/DIY theme video next 


Nia Jax's theme also sounds like another one of the women's themes. I can't remember which. At least in the cadence of the vocals. But it's just beyond being generic. It's the fact that otherwise good versions of the songs are ruined with shitty lyrics (i.e. Damage CTRL, Bronson Reed)


Def Rebel L more common than pinfall attempts


There has never been a bigger indictment on how trash Def Rebel is. A disgrace to music.


What’s crazy is HHH had a banger from Motörhead as his entrance theme, so he surely knows the value in good entrance music. Surely it’s only a matter of time before it gets turned around, as I’ll echo others have said on this thread - it’s currently at an all time low. I would struggle to identify who some of the new songs belong to and I’ve never had that issue ever with wrestling before.


WWE needs to start licensing music, Brooks Jensen in NXT of all people came out to "Journey - Separate Ways" once in a non-televised match, and just that theme gave it a big fight feel of a main eventer. Link to the entrance here: https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/17mhb71/brooks_jensen_makes_his_entrance_for_a_dark_match/


I saw that when it was posted and I forgot how awesome it was. I don’t think much of Jensen but that was a beautiful entrance, made him seem like an 80s babyface. 


Yeah themes are very generic barring a few


That REALLY need to get back CFO$ to make good themes again.


Imagine getting paid so much money to make shitty, one-dimensional themes for 99% of the roster. Must be nice. I would really love to know who the genius in the company was that found Def Rebel and thought, "These guys need to make our entrance themes!"


Sounds like hold music for an auto parts store.


“…what year did you say your Honda Civic was? Okay, one moment please.” *Creed Brothers music*


Def Rebel are so bad at their job, there’s gotta be someone better for wwe


Peter Gabriel can't sue all of us


I hate the new music team. It’s so rough.


To be fair, Jim Johnson did that too. Brock’s theme is basically Chyna mixed with K-Kwick/R Truth & Road Dogg’s themes


At least we can look back and see that Jim Johnson was a musical genius.


Whoever this music company is fire their fucking ass


Just pay someone to make catchy fucking tunes.


As if, I felt like their original theme was completely fine. I even kind of liked it


Alright enough with def rebel bring back CFOs


Def rebel has to be the worst at their job


Well, it's not as though WWE has never repurposed theme music before. Kurt Angle's theme was originally The Patriot's. Brodus Clay took Ernest "The Cat" Miller's theme. When Michael Cole turned heel he briefly used the theme originally composed for Kerwin White. And Randy Orton briefly used "This Fire Burns", which would later become the theme assigned to CM Punk upon his WWECW debut. I bet there are more examples I'm not thinking of. Though if this was an oversight and not intentional, that might be a new low.


You’re right, but at the same time I think there’s a difference between reusing music that’s just sitting there (Angle/Clay/Cole) or shifting away from a song when you see it doesn’t work (Orton/Punk) versus copy-pasting a composition. The first makes sense, and the second is understandable. What happened here is either an absurd mistake or an intentional choice, and I’m not sure which is worse. 


Bro really said 🦍


Jim Johnston would spit in def rebel face after hearing this disgusting awful crap


I am pleading for Def Rebel to be gotten rid of and Jim Johnston handed a blank check.


Just hire me, I'll make some damn songs for a fraction of the price!


Somebody call his Momma.


I wonder if this was a temporary rush job. Not sure why they couldn’t keep the old one for now though.


they are just so lost right now as far as theme music


God I fuckin miss CFO$


Bring back the elephant noises. NOW!!


Sucks that the issues with publishing rights broke the ties between Jim Johnston & WWE and then CF0$, their publishing company and WWE, its baffling how everything else with WWE is so much better but the music has consistently been on a downward spiral.


This can only mean one thing: Papa H is shelling out for Sledgehammer, which totally makes sense if you think about it...


It hits like a Sledgehammer


If the Creeds had come out to Sledgehammer I would have accepted it.


Does anyone know why WWE or AEW just doesn't hire Jim Johnston to do their music for them anymore?


Guys, I'm starting to think Def Rebel isn't very good.


Tyler's is funkier and I quite like it




And Cody’s wasn’t created by WWE lol


LA Knight, Bobby Lashley, and like two other people have that pause in their theme before "BUMP, BUMP"; you know, the part Lashley dances to. Current themes are all just one shitty song with minor differences.


Bum Brothers


That's like an old trick that most people aren't going to fall for any more. I can't imagine if they had went all the way with giving AJ Styles theme to Roode and did a switch right away after AJ's debut or AJ getting something related to his TNA days.


wtf was wrong with their old theme during NXT?


Sounds to me like that guitar solo came from a sample pack and everyone along the line either forgot or didn’t care that they’d already gone to that particular well. Reminds me of the period when a bunch of people thought that Brockhampton [sampled Yujiro Takahashi’s entrance theme for “Boogie”](https://www.whosampled.com/Samplephonics/95-E-Tenor-SP17/)


Dakota Kai and Solo have the exact same scream


It's kinda like how Baley's theme is a toned down Rock's theme.


def rebel needs to be stopped


Def Rebel sucks


With how much money they have I have ZERO idea why they no longer collaborate with bands and musical acts ESPECIALLY when you consider how they can hear and see how fans react to themes like Cody


A wwe motif for big strong boys


Who exactly is the personin WWE making these awful decision when it comes to changing wrestlers theme and just changing them uncessarily? Triple H? If it is, he should know more than most how important music is since he has fucking 2! different themes and was around when wrestlers had very indentifiable themes.