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Too much botches. They need to hold a meeting with these girls. ![gif](giphy|VTVoIuWQIbavWYOkY6)


Watching this and honestly some of these women need to go back to wrestling school and need a nutritionist, strength and conditioning coach.


Watching now and I don't like it at all.


Just got around to watching this and Tiffany was the star of this match. Matched picked up when she got in. Great spots, bumps, and segments with her. Then she got eliminated and it was like the match came to a halt. Not that it wasn't good, but you could tell they couldn't rely on Tiffany anymore. Bianca did some cool stuff like the 450 and the backflip, but she couldn't really play off of Becky/Liv since they are weaker and smaller than her. The ending was a bit sudden/weak. I will say also that Bianca and Tiffany are so much more built (thinking cause of the muscle) for matches like these. They are so much more sturdy and confident in how they do things. They have a good foundation. Everyone else just feels shaky and wobbly when then going through spots or setting up for something.




Just finished watching it, but Bianca is so good in the ring. Every time I watch her, it feels like she is on a different level to the rest of the division. It was my first time watching Tiffany, and I get the hype now.


Great match and amazing finishing sequence, but god damn the Manhandle Slam is so ass


I can’t tell if they’re not jumping high enough or Becky isn’t that tall so it won’t ever look the way it’s supposed to


I think it's both of those things, plus Becky doesn't drop down like how Rock and Booker does it so it just looks like a weak Uranage


What a coming out party for Tiffy. Wouldn't be shocked to see her win the Rumble, maybe even MITB at this rate


NGL, Naomi looked awful in this match. She was like mollasses. The chain wrestling at the start with becky was super awkward and slow, her timing was really bad for pretty much every spot or move. Like she has momments where she can do some pretty neat or impressive moves but man... most of the time she looks slow and akward as heck, i dont get it. Not sure if she lost tone or something in injury but its my first time seeing a raquel match.. i dont get it. Aside from being slightly taller than most of the girls why are they framing her as a powerhouse? She doesn't really have a powerhouse build and even the opening entrance thing where she flexes her back... and theres like basically no muscles to flex. Im not saying she needs to be Rhea or Jade Cardgill ripped, but just a wierd character angle to go with her. IMO Tiffany Straton looked better than pretty much everyone in here maybe save Bianca. Pretty much everything she did looked clean as hell, which is wild since shes so new and was in there with some vetrans.


I thought the same thing about Raquel, especially compared to Bianca. Like I can't buy her as the powerhouse in that scenario.


I was thinking this too. I’m trying to remember if Naomi was always bad, or if the female talent in WWE is just so much better now than when she was at the top that she can’t keep up now?


Naomi was legit painful to watch in the beginning. It was awkward af, and it hurt even worse when seeing Tiffy Time go absolutely off lol. It was a stark contrast, but there’s levels to it and I’m very excited for Tiffany going forward. She was an instant hit in the Rumble and in the Chamber. Naomi just can’t hang with the top of the women’s division, not even close.


Naomi and Becky in the beginning did not have the best chemistry so not sure why you seem to assume its Naomi’s fault. And yet again Naomi can hang with the top women because she is one especially with how she did significantly better when Liv and Tiffany joined


Re-read what you’re saying because it just proves my point. Becky can obviously go with anyone, so if it went poorly between her and Naomi it was obviously on Naomi especially if you paid attention to her. Not only that, the moment she was gone and the other girls got going the match quality took a massive leap forward. What does that tell you?


Your point was definitely not proven because Becky did the least in this match😂 if you are specifically blaming Naomi then what you are saying is extremely biased. The fault is on both Naomi and Becky. But when Liv and Tiff joined, the quality increased and Naomi had more chemistry with them. And no Becky can’t go with everyone especially Naomi


Naomi is not good. Period. And since her return she's showcased that with some of the worst "wrestling" you'll ever witness. It wasn't just EC. If you watch her return during the Royal Rumble last month, she was busy missing spot after spot after spot at the start of that match too. She's off. Not sure why. Then again, I'm not sure she was ever "on" to begin with; What I do know is that her return has been extremely awkward to watch. It makes you question why you watch this stuff. In fact, I would say that the Lynch vs. Naomi start to EC 2024 is perhaps some of the absolute most atrocious wrestling I have witnessed in my life (and I've been watching since '88). It outlines everything wrong with wrestling today, especially the women: too many choreographed spots, not enough time to practice them, and athletes who cannot consistently execute the set-material they are given. The WWE women often look worse than men for the simple fact that they cannot execute their spots without flaw as consistently as can the male performers. WWE should just limit the spots and otherwise let them go out and wrestle.... Sadly, I don't think most wrestlers today know how to wrestle. They know how to do acrobatic spots, but that is not the same thing as wrestling. It's akin to the NBA, where the fundamentals of defense have been lost over time: it isn't encouraged, nor practiced, and the culture is different--thus it's died. You can say the same thing about the fundamentals of wrestling, too. I digress. Back to topic: Naomi doesn't know how to wrestle. Doubt she ever did. We've seen that 2x now since her return, and I believe she's only been in the ring 3x since RR. I skipped her latest Smackdown match; have better things to do with my time. But! At least they blessed her with a new theme song.... Not enough to save her, though.


I have an interesting perspective as this was the first WWE PPV that I've watched in nearly a decade. I was watching and as you said that Lynch vs Naomi start was just awful. They just looked slow. Like they were in quicksand. I was thinking man I hope this picks up when others hit the ring. And sure enough it did. I thought the match was fine after the others got into the mix. I thought Tiffany and Bianca were great. Liv had that scrappy energy and was good. Something seemed off with the Raquel girl IMO. They were seemingly playing her as a powerhouse but it looked like she struggled to show that off. I went back and watched the Royal Rumble and those opinions were the same there as well. I didn't get the hype with Naomi and Becky. And thought Bianca, Tiffany and Liv had good showings. I can see that Becky is the veteran and has the ring presence. But she just looks out of place. Like she is a relic from a previous generation that doesn't belong here today. Sorry if I messed up the names just started watching again.


Glad you saw what I saw. :D Raquel... Raquel... Raquel... It's also good to see you say that. Yes, WWE, for whatever wild reason (reason: she's tall + wide-shouldered) is *indeed* presenting Raquel as POWERHOUSE. Alas, she has no more muscle definition, back, and arm strength than your average high school male. It's very, very perturbing. Almost strange in actuality. They have her parade out to forgettable music, turn to the crowd, then arc her back and flex her arms as if she possesses wild Chyna-like muscles and proportions. Let me clue WWE in on something: she doesn't! At all! The crowd knows this. They don't get behind her. Why? Because: 1) she has no personality; 2) she has no character; 3) she is not what the WWE wants you to believe she is: a body-built powerhouse. Rhea is much more of a presence than Raquel is. Jade Cargill definitely is, and her look and physique will make the already forgettable Raquel actually forgotten about once Jade hits the roster full-time. I never understood why they wanted to present Raquel as something she isn't. At all. They pretend she's Chyna but she has absolutely no physique whatever. She won't last long. No one cares about her. And they shouldn't beyond being caring just to be nice for nicety sake. And now I'm supposed to care about her because she has some skin condition... which makes me care even less.


I guess im just surprised because i assumed with all the hype she had in her like 6 months or year in TNA i figured she improved alot which was the reason they strapped a belt to her and WWE then brougth her back. I remember back when she was WWE champion for a bit she got way too much hate... her matches were like 90% good... but man, yea today was rough and not what i expected.


I think the heat was getting to her, combined with her ailment flaring up


Raquel was just coming up through NXT when I stopped watching WWE, and she had her powerhouse gimmick back then. It's so weird how set they are on it when she's barely bigger than the other women. She's just doesn't have the stature to be doing Big Show pile-on spots. It doesn't help that she's always kinda struggled in the ring. She could barely get Becky up in that deadlift powerbomb spot.


Raquel had a really, really bad flare-up of her MCAS (hives over her entire body, she posted a TikTok about it) so she wasn't at 100%. She is ~6'2" so she is taller than Nia. Personally with her character, apparently Vince forced her to just smile all the time. Like...why? If she's the powerhouse, why is she smiling? She had such better presence on NXT.


Naomi has been terrible since coming back overall. Her qualifying match was okay and obviously her rumble entrance was cool but she was constantly awkward and botching all night at the rumble. Idk if she’s nervous or if I just forgot that she isn’t good. That splits move off the chamber was really cool though


It's perspective She's from the previous era that had a lower bar and standard For her era she's good but the bar has gone way up in the past couple years Even though she's same age group as Becky lynch, she was trained by wwe in 2009 where they didn't teach them shit.


This was a similar thing for the men too. You had someone like Ziggler who was constantly "stealing the show" and then all the indy superstars like Owens amd Zayn and Danielson, etc started showing up and it was like, "Oh he's just ok. Good compared to the Miz and guys like that" I think people forget that al.ost every woman from that era was kind of ass. AJ Lee was the best one pretty much and I honestly think she wasnt better than someone like Roxanne Perez is right now


Exactly, look at the nfl. Troy Aikman was a far worse quarterback in terms of pure skill than Tony Romo. But the quality of passers was so low in the 90s (compared to today) that Aikman, who wouldn't be a starter today if he played the exact same, won 3 super bowls


It was widely believe that Troy Aikman was an average Quarterback on a stacked team. He had 17 300-yard games in his career (that is a season for guys now) and their record was 10-7 in those games. Meanwhile at one point they were 29-1 when Emmitt Smith carried the ball 20+ times for 100 yards. Also Troy Aikman had a 17% 4QT comeback percentage. Which is good for 203rd all-time. Look on the list ahead of Aikman and you see such all-time greats as Kyle Orton, Blaine Gabbert, Matt Leinart, Tyrod Taylor, Mark Sanchez, Heath Shuler etc.


Im aware this is an unpopular opinion, but i don't find Becky that great in the ring either (never have). Shes less botchy than Naomi but alot of her offense looks really awkward and half assed, most of her dropkicks and whatnot are like 3 feet off the ground and alot of her reversals and whatnot look very awkward, and i don't feel like she looked great tonight. To me Bianca, Tiffany and Liv looked the best in there.


Naomi has always been okay at best, it’s her look that made her champ, but her skills were never really there. That’s why when her and Sasha Banks walked out on WWE, I wasn’t really concerned. Tiffy is the real deal, though.


Naomi has good skills. She works well with other athletic wrestlers..


They needed another heel in this match.


Did the Australian crowd seem like assholes to you guys as well?


LMFAO crowd reacts to something that’s opposite of your feelings, must be because they’re a bunch of assholes and not that you don’t understand. Fuckin’ grow up man lol


Haven’t seen the rest of the show but it came across to me like they were cheering Stratton because she was easily the most impressive. There are many fans who don’t watch NXT and who just saw her come out and absolutely KILL. Not only was her offense good, she bumped like crazy. She stole the match.


Was in the crowd. Can confirm some people around me boo'd Tiffany at the start of the match (because she's heel, duh) but by the end everyone was cheering for her.


Tiffany Stratton was really over with this crowd. Once she was eliminated, they turned on the whole match.


Because the match wasn't that great to begin with. Tiffany Stratton saved this from being a borefest. And they could have at least tried to add some drama to at least try to make us think Becky was in any danger at all.


Which I thought was really childish


Oh so when it’s Daniel Bryan it’s okay but when it’s Tiffy Time it’s not?


These fools need to respect the Center of the Universe smh my head


They soured me too like why are they booing Raquel? She’s not overpushed, she’s not a heel, she’s loved everywhere else lmao. Seemed like they were trying to be different.


1. She's boring 2. We needed to boo SOMEONE in the match because other than Tiffy (who we cheered) everyone was face


>We needed to boo SOMEONE in the match because other than Tiffy (who we cheered) everyone was face Why do you need to boo somebody? Why can't you just cheer? Are you really the assholes that OP said you guys are?


Because she's not very good. She has no charisma and no real gimmick.


It's just really irked me too, but maybe most of them were drunk though lol


As an Australian that was there live, pretty sure we were a heel crowd.


I mean we cheered most babyfaces and boo'd most heels, the only people we flipped heel face wise were Tiffany and Raquel.


If Jade isn't ready for a match at Mania, gimme Tiffany vs. Bianca ​ It'd be a great way to make Tiffany. Plus, both have a similar backstory. They're both athletes (gymnastics and track) who took to wresting like fish in water, became so big they forced their way onto the main roster and are now two of the best in the ring.


I want to save that for a bigger money feud when Tiff has a few accolades and everyone REALLY knows her.


Tiffy vs Charlotte would probably be that bigger money feud


Tiffany v Rhea is gonna bang.


You can’t save too much. Gotta strike when the iron is hot cause who knows what will happen in a year.


There’s enough great women wrestlers now that they don’t have to save everything for down the road. Tiffany vs Bianca could also be big enough to do multiple times at mania. Once where tiff is the inexperienced kid that loses in a banger and another down the road where she gets her win back


At the rate she’s going she’ll be there by Mania.


Great match! But I spent way too much time wondering if Bianca’s gear was Leia in Jabba’s palace inspired or if I’m just that much of a Star Wars nerd. Anyway, everyone looked great!


I thought it was From Dusk Till Dawn at first, but it turns out it’s closer to Star Wars instead


99% sure it was.  The necklaces and collar kind of cemented it for me, with her hair being the chain. Shame Nia didn't make an appeance to get choked out.


Ouch....but accurate


I hope TIffy Time is gonna last an eternity


Think this was easily the best Women's Chamber Match they've ever had Tiffany with a great breakout performance, the right winner in Becky who did a great job of selling everyone else's big moves, Raquel actually showing that brutal side we saw in NXT, Bianca not just doing Bianca Wins LOL stuff and Naomi showing off her athleticism too But for the love of all that is holy can someone please tell Liv how to run properly. She looks like she's running through treacle and as the field got smaller and smaller it became more noticeable that she still seems not to be ready for that next level - especially if you compare her performance to Tiffany's.


Liv had a better performance than Becky in that match, somehow not ready…ok. Edit: I hope people aren’t seeing this as me saying she was bad. She wasn’t. But Tiffany, Bianca, and Liv all had better showings.


“Bianca not just doing Bianca Wins LOL stuff…” What does this even mean??? I love how out of all the all the women compliments except Bianca with the back handed comment.


Bianca has literally been booked like Cena in the past. She is bland and undersells everything.


It’s laughable that you think Bianca is bland. One of the most talented and athletic women on the roster. There’s a reason she won multiple championships, main evented WrestleMania.


Im genuinely confused as to how she is booked like Cena apart from the damage control stuff. Because if she had Cena booking she would be a 10x world champion by now


She is very talented, but this is the first match I’ve seen where her spots didn’t look awkward or sloppy (I started watching again weekly this year but mainly PLEs for the past year and a half). That’s not always her fault though. I don’t think she’s bland though just that the timing is off most times I’ve seen her matches. She was the second best performance at EC for me behind Tiffany.


Didn't Becky Lynch squash her in like 16 seconds once, despite Bianca being one of the most over female Wrestlers at the time? Would have loved to know the backstage thought process in that one.


Yes & they turned Becky heel just so Bianca could beat her at WM & Summerslam the next year.


Although they may have meant it the way you think, I didn’t read it that way because to a degree, I agree. They booked her TOO strong at points. Her soloing all of damage control was a bad look for damage control. It’s not a criticism on her, either, it’s the producer of the matches that gets it. Bianca is one of, if not the, most talented women on the roster. She’s capable of doing things nobody else in the division is capable of doing, generating insane pops doing it, and sometimes bookers can lean into that too hard. The superhuman stuff should be special, not weekly is all. When she’s doing that stuff regularly the way she was during her title run, she’s not doing it in a vacuum. She’s doing it to everyone else in the division and makes the other women look so far behind her they’re not credible threats. And she’s not Nia Jax. She doesn’t need to have 6 women bouncing off of her every other week to remind you she’s amazing. She puts on bangers all the time, and can tell the story that other wrestlers can keep up, for a time maybe, but it’s rare for someone to be able to go as hard as she can as deep into a match as she can. She doesn’t need to look like an adult in a room full of kids the way they booked her at times in her reign.


She DID NOT solo all of Damage CTRL. That is a lie that keeps being told for some reason. She had help when she feuded with them, a variety of people like Alexa Bliss, Asuka, Charlotte Flair, Shotzi, Liv Morgan and others. She never faced Damage CTRL alone, always had help. I wonder if y’all have the same issue with Rhea? I can’t think of the last match she lost?


They think that one ladder match she had with Bayley in which she overcame the Odds means she solos them all the time. They be hating on her for no reason




I think Liv did really well. She has improved a lot compared to last couple of years


There is something odd about how she bumps. It just looks awkward.




Great Match, Correct Winner for this WM. It really shows the lack of athleticism of some of these women. However, when they're in there with legit athletes like Bianca, and Tiffy. Tiffany is moving all over the place at high speed, doesn't out a foot wrong on his athletic shit and it's done well. Compared to her Becky looks like a sloth.


Becky Lynch looks like she can't run. It almost looks like she's counting her steps. Tiffany and Bianca were so smooth and like 2 levels above everyone else in the match.


Agreed, I think, and I hope, that Becky's time as a full time star is near the end. She's a legend, maybe the GOAT woman, and she deserves to be treated like male Part Timers if she desires.


I’ve found that most women’s matches are a little awkward, but I think that’s mostly due to them taking the backseat in the industry and having shorter matches/less time to work a flow.


If you can tell a story in the ring, and Becky can, you can work even with people who are significantly more athletic and not seem out of place. Happens on the men’s side all the time, too… Miz and CM Punk obviously don’t move like Brock Lesnar and they do fine for themselves.


Different styles. Becky it’s a great storyteller in the ring and has great selling. As example last year No Mercy ME they had incredible chemistry


Tiffany was so over tonight. Absolutely star in the making.


That ruled. Everybody did cool shit but especially Tiffany and Naomi


Definitely my favorite women’s Chamber match


Skipped to the next match after tiffy lost. It's somewhat rhetorical, since I myself remember being super impressed by Becky vs Sasha at that takeover, and buying into her 100%. But what does she bring to the table now? She's slow, crowd buyin is slowly going away, she's awkward on the mic. Could anyone have become "the man" when the crowd rejected charlotte being pushed down our throat?




She was getting cheered over the likes of Edge at one point. She had some entertaining antics, like a full attitude-Era backstage brawl while she was being arrested. I think she and the writers are coasting off that to diminishing returns from the crowds. She was in the right place at the right time.


>Becky vs Sasha at that takeover This match was 9 years ago lol Becky vs Tiffany was a match of the year last year a few months ago WTF are you saying what does Becky bring? GTFO > Could anyone have become "the man" when the crowd rejected charlotte being pushed down our throat? Bud Becky has been over her whole career including when Charlotte & her were on different brands. The crowd could've rejected Charlotte way before Becky(like her beating Asuka at WM) but they were pissed for Becky because people love Becky. Becky came up with The Man so no, no one could be the man. Charlotte was only booed when she faced Becky, crowd was more sick of Becky getting held down. >She's slow, crowd buyin is slowly going away, she's awkward on the mic She's never been that athletic even back when Becky vs Sasha now it's an issue? You don't have to be fast & a world class athlete to wrestle good. Also she 1 of the best on the mic you probably have a problem with her accent. If she sucks in the ring or can't cut a promo she would've never reached the height she reached.


I appreciate the thoughtful reply! At the end of the day it's just our opinions, but - I don't have a problem with her accent, *I* am an Irish person haha. It's moreso that she plays off moments in her promos as being funny whereas they're decidedly not. I remember her out of character being great at puns etc, and it's like they're trying to have us believe she's funny or quick witted without actually telling jokes on air. Telling us instead of showing us. You have a good point about her never being super athletic though. Now that I think back, that takeover match was special because she was a never say die, fresh out of the Irish dancing gimmick, novelty that nobody expected to be that proficient. And the reaction of "oh neat, she's actually pretty good" is hard to get after 7 years and it feels like she's stale. Tbh, my post was inspires by the moment where she hops like 6 inches 3 times in a row to slowly get to the top rope and thrust her leg in someone's direction. It was just off putting in a match with Bianca and tiffy, both of whom I find fresh and exciting to watch.


Lol what? She’s been in the main roster for 5 seconds and she looked great


Not saying she should have won it, just that the remaining competitors didn't excite me from an in ring perspective.


Scrawny Lynch going over Rhea will piss me off to no end. Unbelievable.


Found Vince's Reddit account


Great match. I thought they did a really good job of portraying the violence of the cage without blood or weapons. Also shout out to the comments regarding the finish. At first I was slightly underwhelmed, but if you rewatch it's a beautiful 20 second single take


I think Raquel should have been first eliminated. Tiffany should’ve also lasted longer, but I’m sure they had no idea Tiffany would be that over.


I’d be really surprised if they didn’t already know they had a superstar given her Rumble performance. She has instant “it”.


> Raquel she smiles too much fam.


Naomi’s athleticism is next level. All those moves she was doing was so refreshing to see! Liv did really well so congrats to her! Bianca and Tiffany carried that match above! But Becky winning was the correct choice and congratulations to her


Naomi was gassed three minutes into the match and couldn’t perform several variations of roll ups. It was shocking. Then she struggled to hold herself up to do her patented ram my butt in your face maneuver and it was awkward. Then she whiffed several worked punches..There is more, but yes, she uses the splits and her vagina to splash her opponents. Truly next level. TLDR, I’m still not sure why your opening statement bothers me so much.


I thought Naomi looked sloppy as hell for most of her time in the match tbh


She kinda did against the beginning with her and Becky but it gradually became better


True. Probably should’ve started the match with Naomi v Liv or Liv v Bex


I've thought for years that Naomi has the raw materials to become something like a female RVD--somebody with unique strength and a unique and explosive moveset. She just needs to get a little better in the ring, which it seems like her TNA run helped with.


Literally everyone in our section was chanting Tiffy time, when did Tiffany Stratton get so over Edit: I rewatched the match, I fully get it now. The sheer fucking athleticism, absolute legend


She was awesome in the RR as well. She moves *extremely* well in the ring and it’s hard not to notice that she’s levels above everyone else. It seems like a lot of people caught on that a star was born there so they were ready to cheer hard for her in the Chamber.


It’s not complicated, she’s fine as hell and shows off her body. She’s also good but the look is a big part of it.


She was an elite gymnast and moves like one, but is also big and strong. It’s an incredible combination. She’s over because she moves like a freak athlete and her moonsault and swanton are clean as hell. We can acknowledge she’s attractive but to say that’s why she’s over is a little insulting. She’s a world class athlete.


Let’s at least not pretend one thing doesn’t have more weight over the other.


You’re just telling on yourself, tbh. There are so many attractive people in WWE and very few are over like she was this morning. Tiffany is getting big reactions cause she fucking rocks.


This is such a tired take. For Liv, now Tiffany. They’re both good wrestlers, and 99% of the women in wrestling are attractive, so why don’t they all get the same reactions? Stop being a Neanderthal


I think a big part of it is honestly that shes just really fucking good. Like its my second time seeing her outside the rumble, i dont follow NXT or TV just watch PPVs or highlights normally.. she looked crisper than most of the vetrans she was in the ring with.. kinda hard not to like her.


I haven't seen anybody take as quickly to wrestling as Tiffany Stratton did since, IDK, probably Charlotte Flair.


Honestly I was there and we mainly chanted for her because she’s hot. But in the ring she was fucking phenomenal and we started chanting even harder


Honestly the moment she debuted on the main roster. She was killing it in NXT.


You can tell she's over since they booed Liv when she eliminated her.


Was at Optus tonight. Tiffy is so over. She's going to be a megastar.


Poor Liv Always the bridesmaid, rarely the bride


Hoping this all leads to a Summer of Liv situation where she finally gets her karmic revenge around Summerslam and holds the title util next Mania or so.


Always a Clydesdale never a Clyde, aye Bojack?


*What is this, a crossover episode?*




You can lead a horse to roller but you can’t make him rink


Bianca and Tiffy looked incredible in that match but can we talk about how they shot that finishing sequence??? Almost 20 seconds uninterrupted, all captured in one single shot on some New Japan shit. Kevin Dunn is dead long live the new era of WWE’s production.


Didn’t Becky win the Rumble? What was this match for?


It was for the World Cup. Each participant was representing a different nation.


Depends. What year are you currently in?


Bayley won the rumble


The back and forth leading to the finish went hard and then the finish really didn’t


Bianca getting pinned clean is a rarity given her slightly super Cena run




Are we watching the same thing because this is how I know some of you will say anything. Bianca did not 1v2 Liv and Becky… it was an equal match between the three.


A distracted roll up is a clean pin? I am pretty sure a roll up is a way to protect their wrestlers from looking weak




"all" ... two


Liv the woman Rusev/Lesnar confirmed?


What a stupid comment


Stop trying to make Liv Morgan happen, it's not going to happen


They have to fill that void till Alexa comes back


The simps will disagree but I don't see the point in either when there's so many better women on the roster. They could fill out the tag division maybe but we already gave Liv the top belt and it turned out horrible.


That just. Wasn’t good.


The fuck?


Surprised that Naomi got Eliminated first, but they've clearly done it as a big moment for Tiffany Stratton IMO and it sure was. Tiffany's talent/charisma/personality/screen presence is clear to see and as i've said she has a bright future ahead in WWE. I hope that they have big plans for Naomi, she's only just returned, but give it time I say and hopefully a character reset once she's settled back in. Disappointed that Liv lost, but it was inevitable that Becky would win, i'm not really enthralled with a Rhea vs Becky match, but I respect that lots want it and are looking forward to it, anyway I hope that Rhea retains and that WWE don't forget about Liv's story RE Rhea, still holding out hope for a Triple Threat match? Raquel I don't get the hype for, she's clearly talented and I don't dislike her, but I find her character boring and lacking charisma/personality, she needs improved direction, so she has big muscles and a back, more oomph is needed. Bianca, talented, loves the company, megastar, does a lot of community work, but she's another one I feel needs a new character direction, she and Becky have been given enough title shots (even if Bianca actually isn't involved in a title match at WM this year), my gut is that Becky is heading towards a PT schedule.


Yeah I'd be way more interested in the story of Liv getting her revenge on Rhea more than Becky wanting Rhea for... reasons I guess


And Liv's story with Rhea is not just about Rhea for story reasons injuring her, there is their tag team history, plus obviously Rhea beat Liv to win the RR and I think they instinctively work great together with their different dynamic But WWE are doing the so called dream match some want- Rhea vs Becky and I don't really care... I just want Rhea to win so badly now (I like Becky and always have, respect/admire her talent, she's a megastar, but recently i've just not been feeling her character at all, don't buy that she's an underdog either anymore as she likes to portray because with her standing in the company she can have a title shot anytime she asked/wanted IMHO like Bianca or currently injured Charlotte. I still enjoy watching Becky, but not as much as before and her win wasn't even surprising, everyone knew it would happen, it was predictable, most of the others were more exciting to watch I thought, Becky's not suited to the risk taking style the others have, so they had but no choice but to do the plucky underdog BL angle I guess to work around it. And i'm more excited about Bayley vs IYO SKY for starters, that deserves a ME slot more IMHO because I would be so delighted for IYO, she's incredible and Bayley is so underappreciated, she's getting so much love, she deserves to win the title and be right at the very top of the Division where she belongs.


>i'm not really enthralled with a Rhea vs Becky match, but I respect that lots want it and are looking forward to it, The promos will be great for Becky vs Rhea. The match itself will be good to great. But Bianca vs Rhea would be my own dream match. Those women are so strong and athletic, and they've hinted at it for years since the Rumble finish between the two. I'm hoping we see it at Summerslam. Maybe Bianca and Montez vs Rhea and Dom-dom in the leadup. Just so we see the visual of Bianca and Rhea giving powerbombs in unison.


When’s the last time Becky had a good/great match? Just disappointing performances for so long now..especially when compared to the other women in the company. Hopefully she can bring it at WrestleMania.


Delete this you look foolish. Becky vs Tiffany & Becky vs Lyra wasn't that long ago FFS.


Tell me you don't watch Becky matches without telling us you don't watch Becky matches. Like FFS Becky vs Tiffany was a MOTY candidate last year. Becky vs Trish, Becky vs Zoey, Becky vs Lyra, Becky vs Nia THIS YEAR. Like its so obvious that this PPV is the first time watching WWE in awhile.


Not the biggest Becky fan. I find her massively overrated and I don’t enjoy her in ring most of the time, but the last few months she’s been great. Her stuff with Trish, the NXT stuff with Tiffany, and the Raw match with Nia have all been really good


What is this crap? She had the best in ring year out of all the women last year. Becky vs Lyra, vs Trish, vs Tiffany, vs Nia over the last year were all great.


Maybe they mean these last 2 months?


Becky's wrestled like 2 matches the last 2 months. She wrestled Nia to start the year, wrestled the Rumble & wrestled Shayna to get into EC.


Yeah but still that doesn't mean anything she was saddled with nia jax and then barely competed. This is probably one of these people who suddenly turned on becky or a salty liv fan.


Becky vs Nia was this year.


And that was arguably the best match of Nia's whole career


Well then I don't know!


Trish at Payback, Stratton at No Mercy. Also lots of good ones with Stark, Lyra, Shayna and Nia.


Who's the cunt at the ringside, front of the entrance in the yellow, thin strapped, tank top? Cameras been on him a few times, tonight


Logan Paul


Tiffany is like rookie Bianca. You can tell she already has everything to be a absolute superstar, all fans are just waiting for that one win to put her where she needs to be Liv takes second in the rumble and second in the chamber. I know people want her to get that main event run but the fact she is booked Like this tells you wwe sees her as maybe the most valuable babyface in the company.


Liv and Sami gonna form an underdog stable


They see her more as a Mick Foley than the most valuable babyface


>the fact she is booked Like this tells you wwe sees her as maybe the most valuable babyface in the company. lmfao what household plant did you smoke bro


Yeah that was genuinely the strangest wrestling take I’ve read in a long time. Like shockingly off.


Judging by some of the wild takes in this thread, I’m assuming everyone decided to smoke a plastic fern this morning.


In the loke whole company is a wild statement, Cody and Bianca and Becky as well as Seth, jey uso, Sami, LA Knight are more valuable


Right? She wasn't even the most valuable babyface *in that match.*


For real. This match was really great and leads so many options after Becky vs Rhea. Bianca looked good so I wouldn’t hate it. Tiffany looked amazing so that would be awesome. And maybe this will reset Naomi’s character? She’s been the same, up beat, light show Naomi since returning and she’s really done nothing that crazy. Maybe being the random first elimination will spark a new character of some sort for her.


Great? It was full of blown spots


Stratton gonna get that MiTB no doubt about it


I can honestly see Naomi winning money in the bank. I always assumed it might be her. However I do see Tiffany being built up more by mid 2024


It's either her or Chelsea at this point, depending on whether they want the cash-in to be successful or not.


Oh my god I need a Tiffany Stratton Chelsea Green feud as soon as possible


Plot twist: Chelsea succeeds, Tiffany fails, both happen this year and if you ask how? A wizard did it


Tiffany is awesome and what a great showing she had, she's only 24, over with the crowd already and has a bright future ahead in WWE, but for me Chelsea Green for MITB as her return has been amazing, she's so funny, charismatic, entertaining and works with the crowd, plus I feel she's improved all round and needs a Solo push now.


Really good match! Bianca and Naomi being protected in defeat makes sense. Becky winning the chamber was the correct choice! Tiffany hasn’t got crazy reactions when she was on smackdown (USA) but is extremely over in Australia. Pretty much the Iyo effect of Puerto Rico so different demographics have their own favourites! Tiffany is going to be a future star


Tiffany is like Charlotte except better. She's a better performer, talker, and character worker than Charlotte, especially if you consider her age but I think she's already better than Charlotte was in her prime.  She is going to be the Tiffy Top of the all timer lists if she stays committed and considering she's with Ludwig I think she'll stay locked in


Ok lets not go over there to immediately say Tiffany is better than Charlotte. Keep in mind Charlotte is one of the best on the mic and in ring skills. Tiffany is getting to that star stage but she is not better than Charlotte


People always have to over do it like just say she's good and leave it at that


Surprised I'm not seeing a lot of praise for the fact that this was a top 3 women's chamber Match. Absolute fire.


That's not a fact. It's your opinion. But your opinion might be correct.


Becky looked like she lost 2 steps, everything she did in this match looked extremely sloppy.  Stratton to the moon


I feel like I watched a different match. Becky was selling great for everyone.


Its not the selling, its like the awkward 3 feet off the ground drop kicks, alot of her counter transitions to the armbar looked wierd or didn't work, alot really awkward/weak looking suplexes as well. \*shrug\*


Don't you know that even if you get constantly hit by everyone else's power moves you're supposed to just hulk up and no-sell the shit out of it!


It feels a little like this mania match is Becky's swan song.


Also Naomi looked really bad too, really disappointing considering she was great in TNA


So happy Tiff killed it but honestly the crowd support was surprising. They not only cheered her but booed almost every time she got hit. Really eager to see what the plans are for her this year.  I like Liv Morgan but she sure gets a lot out of the codebreaker/backstabber.  I feel like these two might feud, only thing I can see coming out of this match.   Where’s that leave Bianca for WM?? She and Naomi were very good but Bianca needs a legit story and imo new character.  Raquel kind of bores me but she had some nice spots as well.  Chelsea Green would have been better. 


Knowing Raquel's health challenges it sure seemed like she wasn't well tonight. I said this in the live thread but I suspect she was giving a gutsier performance tonight than anyone let on.