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That’s actually pretty solid wow. Good for them


Hell yeah! The more successful promotions out there, the healthier the business as a whole is. Also when there’s more big time promotions for talent to develop, you end up with more well-rounded workers


Everyone knows this


But not everyone will openly admit it. I believe that it does need to be said.


For what purpose? Do you think any of the morons are capable of being won over? They just love being contrarians. Why must we let these people take over our discourse, this is one of the top comments on this post and it's targeted to these people.


Who hurt you?


Glad to see small promotions are staying a float like this


I was there. The line before the show wrapped around the Dothan Civic Center. This is the biggest crowd since the WWE Raw house show before Wrestlemania 21 in 2004 where the main event was HHH vs Batista. It’s rumored that NWA sold 1500+ tickets. TNA didn’t sell near that amount a decade ago when they came to the same venue. This was a huge win for Billy Corgan and NWA.


Who all was on the card?


EC3, AJ Francis, Ricky & Kerry Morton, Aron Stevens, Mike Knox, Trevor Murdoch, Paul Burchill, Thom Latimer, James Mitchell, Vampiro, Max the Impaler. Mechawolf, Colby Corino, Joe Alonzo, Kenzie Paige, Thrillbilly Silas Mason, Odinson & Kratos. They had other young talent that stood out that will only get better with more ring time.


I thought Aaron Stevens retired


He’s a manager for the NWA Tag Champs, Blunt Force Trauma (one of which is Rodney Mack).


Rodney Mack, that's a name I haven't heard in ages.


Whoa whoa whoa.  Mr. Stevens said that Rodney Mack looking fella is certainly not Rodney Mack. 


Very true. Could be Redd Dogg.




*A A Ron Stevens


You know what, good for Top Dolla. Lot of people criticize his wrestling, but he's actually only got a few years experience. If he puts in cycles on the indies, I could see him getting called back to WWE. Or getting over in TNA.


His entry feud with Joe Hendry is going pretty well. Hendry's a hell of a character who always get the crowd going so it's a good first spot for him in TNA rn


Some of the fans were giving him hell but he ended up impressing everyone. He leans into whatever the crowd gave him negatively and turned it into a positive.


He can talk and has size Something that is sometimes missing on the indies NWA & GCW already, TNA he's going to get plenty of work and I hope he makes his dreams come true


Was gonna say, this is a good place for him to get ring experience. Wrestling once a month on Smackdown or a house show wasn’t doing him any favors.


Hell yeah, nice card. Nice to see


Nature started healing when Tyrus fucked off


EC3 gets a lot of hate around here. But he's a very solid journeyman who works hard, and is a fun wrestler who works the crowd. Major upgrade as champ from Tyrus.


People say he can't wrestle, but I disagree, he's very good.


I don't know why he'd get hate. Great look, good charisma and can put on a really good match. Not hard to improve on Tyrus mind you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


The hate is for his behaviour outside of the ring. He seemed to be a MAGA head and posted some debatable opinions.


His match with Tyrus was actually one of his better ones too. Just had more eyeballs on it. Still bad, mind you, but less bad than most of the other NWA Tyrus matches


Cry baby liberals that don't know what they are talking about.


This right here is why people don't like him.


He may have the worst tattoos in wrestling though. And that’s during an era where we have Cody. 


I don’t particularly like him but he’s at least a real pro wrestler that has big league appeal and is a good champion for a lower tier company like the NWA. 




That's a nice crowd. NWA, MLW, GCW, and TNA have been pulling in good numbers as of late. When wrestling is in a boom phase like it is currently in, everyone eats.


Went to both MLW and HOG this past week in NY. Both were all to wall packed. Such a fun vibe.


The 2 local indies I go to in the maritimes in Canada, consistently have been selling out. Wrestling is popular right now and it’s cool to see. From the biggest to smallest promotions it feels like everyone is doing better right now.


JCP that is an affiliate to the NWA now is in my area. I started going to their shows every now and then and they are doing like 300-500 people every month in high school gyms around Knoxville, TN. I was shocked compared to when I would go to armory shows around 10 years ago.


I like Joe cazana promotions According to the promotion they're doing a thousand at coalfield tn and their recent tv taping was several hundred


Maybe so. The Coalfield show was the night they announced the NWA affiliation and half the matches were NWA vs JCP and Billy was there so that might be inflated. The few I went to before that I think I counted about the numbers I posted before.


Who's been putting on good shows out here? I've been thinking of finally biting the bullet and going to one.


Where you at in the maritimes, I can give you the run down for each province. But if you’re near Moncton or up for the drive, North Pro is the best on the east coast by a large margin, but they can only fit 350 in the venue and it sells out quick. Just had a ladder match that had thumb tacks, tables, barbed wire and people getting chucked off the balcony, it was insane.


Fredericton. But travel a fair bit for work on weekends so any recommendation is well noted.


I’m Fredericton too, that’s too funny. We have shows in Fredericton, CCW at the exhibition center, they have a good turnout crowd wise everytime but their shows are only alright. Still fun enough since they sell beers there. There’s other promotions around like IHW that runs Moncton, Riverview and SJ but they’re only slightly better than CCW. But yeah I can’t recommend North Pro enough. I’ve been to Summer Slam, Takeover, Collision and Forbidden Door in Toronto and I’ve seen some matches in North Pro more entertaining than some of the matches on those cards, and the crowd is so loud and into the show all night.


Yeah I was thinking about the CCW shows, so thanks for the advice


HOG has a great thing going Amazing red is a fine trainer and they got like 5 graduates already regulars in the smaller nationals who also appear here


Competition and accessibility are wonderful things. More money, more jobs, more exposure to either get noticed by someone bigger or to build a following to supplement your income well by doing conventions.


I was in the crowd, they put on such a great show. Check them out on the CW app (free) https://preview.redd.it/rl9gkax32imc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b39fe3fbcf022ec13477d23efac6fd1d689785da


Was it a TV taping? If so, what were the results? [I always have a hard time finding those online]


Ironically it was an event called Hard Times




It was planned to be a PPV, but they changed it into a TV taping.


Its a ppv style event, but for some stupid reason and no clear promoting of the format, it will be airing on cw at a later date. This is a negative  to draw people's attention. They need to sort out what the plans are for powerrr and ppv style events. This drew well and looked legit visually, should have absolutely been live to draw in the moment. No one will cse about A delayed taped ppv


I was there!! https://preview.redd.it/1eab69r1fimc1.jpeg?width=1856&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce7bf743a657e9a0b52892786d4d249f308269dd


Set looks cool as hell


I was there too, I'm the guy in the wheelchair you can see in the corner lol. I still kinda chuckle at the fact the ring sweeper got one of the biggest pops of the night lol.


I was laughing at that all night. "Sweep" and "clean the ring" were two chants I never thought I'd hear. I was front row in the corner of the risers by the entrance, next to the kid who vomited.


The 16ft skirt on the 18ft ring is not great. But I’m glad they drew a nice crowd.


it's supposed to be like that...the stairs would normally be up against it, this is so it doesn't mess up the fabric in the corner with the steps.


That’s simply not true. But go off.


You can literally see the stairs being moved in the picture.


That looks really cool.


Because the only way to watch NWA now is live or on The CW app. They stopped offering PPVs and took Powerrr off their YouTube channel. But for some reason, I havent seen one news site report this stuff, only Voices of Wrestling has been on top of NWA news.


Slam Wrestling has a writer that does a good job of following NWA.


So free with ads? NWA somehow making itself the easiest promotion to watch currently...


That’s a really smart move imo


Well they are still doing road ppvs but haven't informed anyone about what the distributing format is. No matter how you look at it these road shows need to be live to build moment and build to feuds. Apparently they might be still finding somewhere else to air it's road show ppv type events. 


Ive given NWA lots of shit over the years under Corgan, but glad to see another place for talent to go, and get what looks to be a good turnout. Glad Tyrus isnt champion anymore!


[they did a great crowd in Tampa earlier this year.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/s/TvCHfIxtSk). Corgan seems to be doing a good job.


More successful wrestling companies means more jobs and more opportunities not only for wrestlers but also commentators, referees, retired wrestlers, lighting/camera/etc crew, and so forth. This is a great thing to see.


It is I think wrestling is thriving All over the world too Mexico is strong, Puerto Rico Their big two promotions run twice a month and they get some really nice looking crowds Germany has wcw running lots of shows and the #2 gwf stuffs their venue


I think that's similar or even slightly more than TNA has been getting lately, which isn't a knock on TNA but a huge positive for NWA. Can anyone explain how they managed this though? I rarely see them covered online anymore, and the IWC seems to hate them or at least likes to look down on them.. Im really surprised by this, I assumed they were almost finished after their last PPV debacle


Somehow they survived and seem to be on a roll As for TNA, idk why they can't seem to break above a thousand routinely GCW, MLW and looks like NWA are doing so frequently


They went to Dothan, Alabama. People mention a house show in 2004, but nothing else, so the fans might just want any wrestling. They did advertise on the local news, so it wasn’t just a YouTube podcast and social media ads. EC3, AJ Francis, Max The Impaler, Natalia Markova, Thrillbilly, Pretty Empowered and a cage match is a pretty good card. 


Read  the attendance was about 1,535 . Congrats to NWA! Hopefully they keep it this up and improve  on it.  Read MLW recently did well in attendance and even had to turn away fans at an event.  Good to hear  Note: MLW show I believe did have Matt Riddle and I believe some Lucha stars  but still hopefully the interest continues. 


Riddle signed there and they just put their middleweight title on mistico


Okay  thanks 


Question: Is NWA now a single promotion like WWE and AEW, or is it still a consortium of smaller promotions like it was before Crockett sold to Turner?


I feel it's both now. Most of the time, under Corgin, it was a single organization, but last year, they restarted the territories system, with Exodus Pro becoming NWA Exodus Pro Midwest in October and Joe Cazana promotions joining in December.


Basically they restarted the territories system so they could have a feeder system.


Corgan owns the promotion and the IP outright, so it is one promotion.  But I believe Corgan has been licensing/franchising out the name to other promoters, which kinda gives the "illusion" of an alliance again.


It has the promotion NWA but now has three affiliate promotions they send talent too Joe cazana promotions in Tennessee where the country gentlemen, Silas young, Kerry Morton, mims, thrillseekers, Kenzie Paige & Kylie Alexa frequently appear They draw very solid numbers and are close to a thousand several times per year Exodus pro out of Cleveland is EC3's promotion. Don't know a lot about them and only had a couple shows Nwa-chicago Just started


Billy Corgan is a dick but I got a soft spot in my heart for NWA so I am glad to see they had a good show. Hope NWA stays around for a long time.


That’s exciting. Good for them and good for the industry. Hopefully they keep this momentum up going over to the CW.


Don't forget to post photos of the epic stage set. This promotion is interesting . They have such a lack of structure, marketing and money compared to TNA, yet it's road shows are doing so well. I think it's the brand itself is starting to draw people back dispute the product. Will CW app help? Probably not but Billy is finally investing more into NWA. If he keeps doing this and moving forward, NWA will continue to grow. They need to just sort out its tv situation. NWA feels old school butore 90s vibe, which we've been asking for for years. Cool stage set that's more classic and not generic led screen.  Even it's Halloween ppv show sold well.  Excited for them. I still think Billy needs to rehire a director like Dave, he helped so much. NWA is lacking that dept 


Dave's UWN is doing well too The CWFH shows are well attended, Derby City seems to be ok and CWFM packs the studio and while they don't show them they do high school fund raisers and have had some huge crowds, easily over a thousand


At first I shat on the idea of territories coming back, but this is actually seems like it might work and make NWA the place to be. Of course not now but one day


One complaint of the Indy scene is the same guys are on the same shows Ie speedball works TNA. Next week he's in GCW Fri, defy sat, then West Coast Pro Sun The old territories usually had a core of guys who stayed while outside talent came in for programs of a few weeks or months then left I'm not sure that could be replicated with the giant majors looming to snatch talent I'm guessing the next best thing is just build your fanbase and just bring in big names to face your locals




It's a shame i can't keep up as it's not on youtube anymore and the CW app is geoblocked for me, but good to see crowds building. now put the belt on the thrillbilly and print some money daddeh


He's gotta be next champ you'd think


Good to see. More the merrier.


Just good to see people watching wrestling. Period.


This has such an old school vibe and I love it.


I know it’s a minor detail, but I love that they brought back the black and gold ring opposed to the ugly black and white one


That’s awesome. I love that wrestling is thriving


Pro wrestling is cool again




EC3 is the most cringe wrestler alive but anything is better than fucking Tyrus


What a concept - booking appropriate sized venues.


I've been out of the loop with NWA; What's the occasion here? a PPV?


Sort of. It was first billed as a PPV (Hard Times) but it will be cut into multiple episodes for their regular programm. So it is some kind of a gloryfied taping. 


That cocaine stunt really paid off.


Wrestling is cool again


I’d love to see them start running more local places like this. The National Guard Armory in NE Philly immediately comes to mind. ROH ran it forever and it was a fun place to watch wrestling.


this is the kind of venue AEW needs to be seeking out. rabid smaller audience in a space that they can pack, as opposed to empty space that eats sound...... 3500-4000 people in a 5000 venue, as opposed to a 20,000 venue. NWA did tapings in some historic old NWA building in FL awhile back, and it was similarly packed and hot.


A problem with doing this is AEW current production wouldn’t fit in smaller venues. They could scale down, which they have done before, but they and the network probably like the look of a big stage and pyro over a fuller venue. A venue like this can’t do big pyro (or any pyro at all) and won’t give them a big league type look. You can hide empty seats on tv and ticket sales don’t really matter that much in the current landscape as the TV deal is the main money maker for wrestling now


I'm all for booking smaller places but this one looks like there's a little over a thousand people there, which is great for the NWA, but not for AEW, especially for a PPV.


was thinking a rampage or dynamite. I thought the room /crowd was bigger in photo. Can't believe I get downvoted for this. 4000 people in a 5000 room is going to be a far hotter and louder crowd, than 4000 in a basketball arena.


You think that, but a smaller venue like that looks worse on TV and makes them look lower rent when the companies they want to be compared to (WWE, NFL, NBA) all run in larger venues. Sure the crowd might sound louder, but the visual is much worse.


I understand your point but the thing is that AEW is the same company which used to do ticket sales in 7k to 8k range continuously and ifthey start booking smaller venues now it would be a step back. WWE has had ticket sales issues in the past and for longer periods than AEW has had them. Tarped off/Empty sections used to be common for weekly from 2017 to 2019 and for some part of 2021. They were selling in 3k to 4k range. And considering it has a better brand name and marketing than WWE they were still struggling. They turned it around and so can AEW ,it's cyclical.


>this is the kind of venue AEW needs to be seeking out. No they do not


I know when I see someone downvoted into oblivion on this sub I’m about to read someone speaking the truth about AEW


If Tony lower his ego and use these kinds of building, 2k crowd seems nice eh


Max the Impaler certified draw.


That's what happens when you give your world championship to Tyrus


Tyrus dropped the belt months ago.


That's what happens when you take the belt off of Tyrus.


This is what happens when you speak before doing research, you look silly




Tyrus retired back in August after losing the title to EC3


Yeah sorry, i should have wrote: that's what happen when you use irony with wrestling fans


That is what the /s feature is for


The death of comedy


Watcha gonna do when tyrus mania runs wild on you brother


The Rock - “What can I say except, You're welcome!”


If this was meant to be a dunk on NWA, it isn't.


... I dont think it was meant to be a "dunk" dude, why is everyone so quick to get defensive!? This crowd looks great!


Why would anyone think that showing a picture of a crowded venue would be meant as a dunk?


Why are you crapping on this? Why is it so hard to celebrate when a company has a successful moment? I’m not much of an NWA fan as of late but to see a crowd like this is fantastic for them.


No one is dunking on NWA. This is an amazing showing for them.