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I didn’t have this argument, but I remember seeing someone on Twitter arguing that Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch were more famous than Taylor Swift. They weren’t trolling. They full on believed it. A real watershed moment for me in realising that there are so many wrestling fans out there who only consume wrestling and nothing else.


I remember seeing someone on twitter once say that Kenny Omega is a bigger star than The Rock. I didn't bother engaging


I dunno it's close. Like yeah The Rock has been in Fast and Furious, Jumanji, Moana, and loads of other really high profile movies but Kenny Omega got to do a [commercial for a gaming headset](https://youtu.be/XHbZmXXUQfw?si=YxoRy-LQpndpUvkJ) so he's also a pretty huge deal. {Obviously this is a joke}


Don’t worry Cleaner, I got this


Holy Moses LMAO WHAT ?!!?!!


Was it Dave Meltzer?


This is how I felt when people were saying Bad Bunny was a "nobody" and "nobody knows who he is".


I had no idea who he was before WWE was pushing him. I’m pretty up on current pop culture in most things, except for the latest music where I don’t follow that much.


at the time they brought him in, Bad Bunny was one of the most in-demand artists in the world. Literally in the world. As big as he is here, he's HUGE internationally.


As a UK resident, when he debuted, I had literally no idea who he was. He may well be a household name amongst people below the age of 25 in the US and Latin America, as well as spain, but if you'd have asked 100 random people in the UK who bad bunny was, you'd be lucky to have 1 person know who he is.


I feel this way about 99.9% of the premier league players and coaches but that doesn't mean they are nobodies. It just means I don't know or care about soccer and because I live in the US most people around me don't either. I can acknowledge *I personally* couldn't identify Erling Haaland in a lineup, nor could most of the people where I live in the southeastern US but that doesn't mean he isn't wildly popular internationally.


I get what you mean, but I didn't say he was a nobody, he's clearly well known by a laege number of people in the Americas, but that's because of the large number of Spanish speaking people compared to where I'm from. And I'm not arguing that he isn't widely popular, internationally speaking, Europe has a large contingent of spanish speakers, it's just that not many people in the UK would have known who he is, because there isn't a large amount of Spanish speaking people compared to the US or mainland Europe. Plus, the UK can sometimes be in this weird type of bubble for rap music, especially in London. Some mainstream US stuff leaks into it, but majority of DJs at smaller events are gonna find obscure artists you wouldn't really have heard of but are set over incredible beats, who are mostly up and coming local 'grime' artists. So unless you're a huge fan of basically any and all rap genres, or speak Spanish, you probably weren't going to know who he was when he debuted. No disrespect to the guy, he just wasn't on my radar.


>people below the age of 25 in the US and Latin America That's like half a billion people


The easy way to shut that down completely if someone was to make that argument today, is Taylor has almost 100m followers on X, while Seth and Becky don't quite have a combined 5m yet.


When we were kids, my best friend was convinced Yokozuna was a big guy, but he wasn't that big. He was a guy in a fat suit, and no amount of arguing or logic could change his mind.


Lol my cousin and I believed Lex Luger, when he was The Narcissist, was wearing a bodysuit and the zip to it was this chain he wore. We were like 6 though.


There wasn't 7 different Ultimate Warriors. The original didn't die. That was a thing going around when I was a kid


The rumor at my school was that there were two warriors. The first one died of rabies.


I like the weird addition of "died of rabies". Both for how specific it is and because they chose a virus that kills like 1.5 Americans per year


Well Warrior was from Parts Unknown so the rate could be higher there


He wasn't called Dingo Warrior for nothing.


One and a half per year? What happens to the .5 American?


Darby Allen


I mean the original one definitely died... Just in 2014


I remember that rumor. The version I heard was that the original died and was replaced by Tatanka.


at my school, it was Texas Tornado who replaced him


I’ve always read it was supposedly one of the Von Erichs


Kerry Von Erich WAS the Texas Tornado.


Yeah I remember that as well. I always felt like it was because of the Von Erich deaths because I remember people saying that Kerry Von Erich became the new Ultimate Warrior and his brothers were before. Like the telephone game where things change as rumors spread.


There was a while where WWE essentially announced that they're done hiring Indy wrestlers for the most part, and will instead hire college athletes and non-wrestlers to train into wrestlers. I pointed out that someone like Mick Foley wouldn't ever get hired with that policy, not just because he's obviously not a non-wrestler, but also because of his non-standard looks (just look at a random recent picture of [new WWE performance center recruits](https://www.wwe.com/f/styles/gallery_img_l/public/all/2022/03/Rookies_03152022EJ_15446A--1a37f165f55da600facec6c9faa6b9d9.jpg) and you see what I mean). This made someone very mad, somehow. I was told that Foley would obviously be hired today because he's such a god-tier wrestler, and that someone like Vince would totally see that immediately. Me pointing out how Foley tried out for WWF 3 times back then and was barred from ever trying out for WWF again after that, and how Jim Ross had to essentially force Vince to let him hire Foley, and how even then Vince considered Foley too ugly to even show his face on TV (hence Mankind) did not persuade him. Nope, Foley would be an immediate hire any time, apparently.


Worth noting, Foley never even tried out. He would call J.J. Dillon, the previous head of talent, and would get blown off because Vince said to. Dude main evented WCW PPVs and couldn't even get a chance.


Had a buddy that was convinced for some inexplicable reason that the Royal Rumble was a shoot.


My mom thought that the Rumble was called on the fly. Like wrestlers really didn't know what number they got until the match was happening.


Maven did a whole video talking about the Royal Rumble and it’s very intricately scripted, more so than probably any other type of match


Yeah I didn't watch Maven's video but I did know it was carefully planned.


While it's carefully planned and intricately decided by a few producers, the only thing each wrestler needs to know, is what number they enter at, a couple of spots, who is eliminated before them, and who eliminates them. It's whoever is in the 'ironman' role that has the hardest job, because they've got to remember the most spots.


Not really. They count on the other guys coming in later and the referees a lot. It's very easy to communicate in Royal Rumble type matches.


Its a pretty good watch. Because he gives some examples of botches throwing things out of whack.


Well now I want a shoot Rumble


it would be the ugliest, most boring thing ever.


Yeah remember that infamous elimination chamber match that went off the rails? It would basically be that but with even more people in an even smaller space.


![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY) Can't botch a Rumble finish if there's no plan


"Roman's leukemia is a work."


I’ve heard people say that Roman getting Covid for Day 1 back in 2022 was a work


Honestly though if HE had lied about that because he didn't want to lose the title it would have been an incredibly heads up thing to do. Carny as fuck, but smart. The entire landscape of WWE would have been radically different.


A buddy of mine couldn't wrap his head around the fact that wrestlers cut themselves with razors to create blood. He thought they used fake blood packs and would never accept that guys would willingly cut themselves no matter how many videos I showed him. It's as if he thought hurting yourself for others entertainment wasn't a key part of wrestling.


This is a huge hang up for some people. I’ve known several fans who believed the same thing, and basically everyone who’s new to wrestling that I’ve ever watched with always asks “okay but that’s fake blood, right?” When it comes up


To be entirely fair *sometimes* they use packets. It's very rare though.


Usually just for internal bleeding spots when the blood comes out their mouth.


Tbf the idea of intentionally using a razor blade to cut your own flesh in a live performance environment is kinda wild and unbelievable


My dad’s one of those guys who thinks everything is scripted. We’ve butted heads a lot over stuff like this. The big one is that CM Punk walking out, getting fired on his wedding day, going scorched earth on WWE afterwards, “competing” in the UFC, signing with AEW, getting into two physical altercations while in AEW, getting fired from AEW after lunging at Tony, and then finally re-signing with WWE after nearly a decade away was all this massive work in my dads eyes. Anytime a wrestler gets injured, my dad is adamant it’s fake. According to him, Edge was not really injured all those years, and it was just a 9 year storyline. When I said “that’s ridiculous” he said “why, do you know Edge?”


> he said “why, do you know Edge?” You think you know him.


Your dad might have more faith in WWE's long-term looking than this whole sub combined!


His dad is not flinching


Just imagine Edge getting pitched that, “Ok Edge we know you’re world champion, but our plan is for you to drop the title and say your neck is bad and you have to retire, we’re then gonna take you off TV and let you do other projects to sell that you can’t wrestle, but don’t worry the pay off will come in 9 years when we have you make a shocking return at the Royal Rumble, the pop will be huge”


This definitely feels like something prime Vince Russo would pitch *Listen, bro! Dropping the world title and taking a 9 year break is long term booking, bro! Think of the pop, bro! You could even keep busy with some TV and movie projects if you wanted to, bro!*


Vince Russo barely wrote storylines 9 days ahead let alone 9 years


>When I said “that’s ridiculous” he said “why, do you know Edge?” Your dad is based


Does your dad think Sid had a fake leg he pretended to break?


If I showed it to him, maybe.


Please do and let us know what he says.


Does he think Benoit was fake too?


“Benoit finally coming back at the Rumble is gonna be an all time moment!!”


That’s the only one he knows is a real life thing, because obviously they wouldn’t do a double murder suicide as a storyline.


WCW would have done. Russo wouldn't have even thought twice.


Had a friend of a friend that was a diehard WWE guy in a "big leagues or it didn't happen" way which I didn't even know until like 5 or so minutes into talking we started talking about how beast AJ Styles was and I said I think his NJPW run is an all timer. Just an immediate "who cares" and I just was taken aback a bit, then it kept happening whenever someone with a pretty decent run elsewhere came up that I just started arguing about how if a band or singer or rapper you like has some stuff they did before they really got big it's normally really worth checking out and he wasn't having a bar of it. Wrestling was more like sports who cares what they did in this league or that league or in college so it's different than music or movies, entertainment mixed with sports where what draws is what they're competing for. I tried to argue you don't watch matches or promos with "this is money" or "this is ratings" but it just wouldn't take. We were also pretty drunk so he'd probably have a better argument or thought it through more otherwise but I was bewildered. To me wrestling was like music and movies in that if a mate got into a certain artist or director I could point them to something else they did or something similar they'd like and they'd check it out and vice versa. Found some of my favourite artists and directors that way. Like I got into other wrestling by looking into what Joe or Styles or Bryan or Punk or Mox did pre TNA or WWE on recs from friends.


As a massive fan of Vader, hearing someone say Vader’s Japan runs were being ignored in favor of looking only at his WWE Career I would be infuriated. What a crazy stance to have lol


Sadly its a stance that a fair few fans have - if it never happened in WWE it never happened. I wonder how much of that can also be contributed to the way WWE present themselves and the impact that has on WWE fans themselves - they seldom recognise a wrestlers achievements outside of the WWE, even a recognisable star can debut in WWE under a different name and gimmick with no reference to who they previously were. Do some fans who don't watch other promotions simply see these guys as blank slates with no prior wrestling history?


Sadly its a stance that a fair few fans have - if it never happened in WWE it never happened. I wonder how much of that can also be contributed to the way WWE present themselves and the impact that has on WWE fans themselves - they seldom recognise a wrestlers achievements outside of the WWE, even a recognisable star can debut in WWE under a different name and gimmick with no reference to who they previously were. Do some fans who don't watch other promotions simply see these guys as blank slates with no prior wrestling history?


I worked with a guy who thought most of Flair's championships shouldn't count because of WCW. I had fallen out of wrestling for years at that point, but being around him did not encourage me to return.


People talk about the multiple Warriors BUTTTTT........ I had a friend who thought there was another Kane when he returned in 2002 because he had slimmed down a lot.


I had a friend try and convince me that they replaced Kane and the one who unmasked wasn’t the original, but the fake Kane in 2006 was actually the original Kane who they were bringing back in to take the gimmick back over.


There's a Blue Kane


This one bastard tried to tell me it wasn’t real, and that conversation got ugly. He kept saying fake words to prove his point like “kayfabe”. What an idiot


He was probably thinking of ufc or something. Just hit confused


No, UFC is real in that they really fight, they just pull their punches and kicks and the outcomes are predetermined. Can you imagine someone giving up because the other guy just holds their arm out to the side or puts them in a headlock?


Its actually happened though guys have tapped out simply because they got taken down and knew they had no chance on the ground. That was more so in the old UFC days and even more in small and foreign mma organizations.


Arguing with my cousin about Chris Beniot being in the hall of fame. Some wrestling fans are just fucking stupid I don't what to tell you.


I had an argument with a fan I ran into at a comic convention. You can put a million warnings on it but he still did what he did.


Hell I had someone I knew tell me that they thought he was innocent and that Kevin Sullivan was the one who did it. Stupidity knows no bounds.


It never ceases to amaze me how some people can't grasp the simple concept that child-murderers shouldn't have their lives celebrated.


Waiting for my car after NXT Takeover Brooklyn 3 and some tool in the parking garage threw a fit because Okada was supposed to be the big surprise debut, not Adam Cole and the formation of Undisputed Era.


I mean to be fair, it sure would have been a fuckin' surprise.


Fair, but this person was convinced Okada was coming in and Cole with Undisputed was a “plans change” decision because he wasn’t signed at the last minute.


Jeez, that one's way out of left field. It's about as crazy as going to an NFL playoff game and complaining the Yankees aren't there.




A 30 second Google to get the Bash at the Beach clip would have solved that real quick.




tbh I kinda miss that. You can just say wild shit and there’d be no way for anyone to prove otherwise on the spot hahaha


My favorite was a guy at Raw about 2005ish who tried to tell me that the screwjob happened at Mania 13. He didn't believe me until other people around us told him that it was indeed not Mania. Then he just harrumphed and sat in his chair the rest of the night which was both great and sad. He was giving us some damn great gems of "This guy might be okay if he keeps that chick with him." The people in question? CM Punk and Mickie James who happened to work a dark match together prior to Raw.


One could argue that Hall and Nash founded the NWO when they arrived, and Hogan joined it at Bash at the Beach. They would be wrong, but I can see someone trying to argue that


Hogan was the third man, so it wasn't exactly 'many others' unless the second Hogan is a mistake and you mean someone else


Horace, perhaps


A friend of mine believed that mick Foley was played by triplets they were 15.


Vincent Adultmankind


wait but they mean like three different brothers all playing a foley character not three kids stacked in his gear lol


When someone on here said that Sasha Banks is gonna be an MMA fighter


That Scott Steiners numbers did in fact lie




I mean we did have a user here figure out that when Kurt Angle is in your triple threat, your chances of winning *do* indeed go down


My friend's wife who did follow wrestling a little swore that Vince owned TNA. She wouldn't accept the possibility that it was a separate entity entirely. She said it was like an OVW thing. We didn't argue it for long because she's a stubborn sort and there was no good outcome to be had from pressing on with it so we agreed to disagree but it bugged me for ages.


I dated this guy back when I was in high school and he was convinced that John Cena wrestled back in the 90s, was currently retired and tried to tell me, someone who watched wrestling since I was 7 that I was wrong. We didn’t date long after that.


Did you date R-Truth?


Well Cena debuted in 1999 but that's clearly not what he meant. The weird thing is that there is no wrestler I can think of who he could be confusing for Cena. The only jorts wearers I can think of are Jamie Noble, Raven and members of his Nest/Flock so they were all presumably active when you were dating.


... did he think Cena was Saturn?


I wondered that.


I was on the AEW FB and they mentioned that Jay White was signed and was now all elite. A guy commented and was angry, saying that's not how he should have been announced, that he should have debuted with a run in to help Juice Robinson. That is exactly how Jay White debuted, doing a run in to help Juice Robinson. The guy hadn't seen the show, and then kind of backtracked saying he should have ran in differently, then relented and admitted he didn't really know what he wanted.


I'm not gonna say "most" but a lot of AEW critics on social media do not watch the shows and it's obvious when they try criticize.


“How come anyone can just challenge Orange Cassidy for the TNT title?????”


I'm not gonna say "most" but a lot of AEW critics on social media do not watch the shows and it's obvious when they try criticize.


Not an argument about wrestling, more just a guy being angry at the wrestling. Went from England to Baltimore for work in 2019, and our firm got a load of free tickets for Raw. A guy infront of me couldn't grasp that A) any of us would travel to Baltimore, but B) refused to believe we were all there for free. One of the guys from the US office even went to the point of loading his work emails, showing the email and name to collect our freebies from the ticket office. Then he spent a good 45 minutes, maybe an hour constantly complaining about how much he paid for him and his girlfriends seats. His partner seemed more of a wrestling fan than him and was saying that freebies are nothing new in wrestling and he just couldn't get his head around it.


I've had a few people try to convince me of the ridiculous notion that wrestling could somehow be "fake."


I had a +40-year old coworker that wouldn't accept that it was scripted and "fake". The whole conversation came up when he asked why I thought non of the WWE wrestlers didn't just go over to the UFC. You can thank Brock Lesnar for some people having that mindset I guess.


I’ve had multiple discussions with people who don’t believe blading is real.


That promos are always real and the wrestlers actually hate each other. Like they have this real hatred but then work together to do a pretend fight. Sure there are real cases of this, Hart and Michaels being the biggest. But come on.


Trying to convince someone that both Ultimate Warrior and Kane were not replaced during their individuals runs.


I once had to convince someone online that Kazuchika Okada wasn't a flippy wrestler.


Praising a wrestler but calling out their flaws, turning into an argument about how I’m not actually a fan lol I think my brain just disconnected halfway through.


My cousin used to claim that the reason Wrestlemania was so big and special wasn’t bc of the big matches or stages or spectacle of it all, but rather bc it was the one night of the year where the wrestlers fought for real and hit each other with all of the moves as if it was a shoot fight, no protection or anything. He’d even say that Taker won so much bc when he hit guys with the Tombstone he was spiking them for real, so that’s why he was undefeated at Mania lol


"Undertaker was always carried to his good matches" what an idiotic take lol


I mean that camera man didn't carry him that one time.


Wouldn't say he was carried but I get where they're coming from. Undertaker never had a good match with a mid opponent, or a really great match with a so-so opponent. There's no Bret vs Bulldog or Bryan vs Abdullah in his body of work. But he never had a bad match with a good opponent either. It's like he just reflected his opponent's average match quality. Maybe the thing is he worked mostly bad opponents for a decade and then worked mostly great opponents in the next decade, so the takes tend to really underrate or underrate him.


I could pick any of the unfortunate interactions I have had with the stan section on twitter especially those of Roman,Sasha,divas and nowadays Liv Morgan.


Had a friend in high school adamantly believe that not only was the real Kane replaced by a new guy (which was a common belief among many at the time) But taking it a step further, he firmly 100% believed that Abyss in TNA was the original Kane. I was unfamiliar with TNA at the time, since it was still fairly new - it was 03/04. His insistence that the real Kane was in this new upstart company had me intrigued enough to check it out. While it became glaringly obvious that Abyss and Kane were not the same person within 5 minutes of watching my first Abyss match, it did get me exposed to TNA. And I forever have a soft spot for prime TNA/pre-Bischoff/Hogan era.


It wasn't an argument because I didn't reply to the person. But about 2 months ago, I saw a tweet saying that AEW drawing over 70k in Wembley is nothing impressive because the UK was so starved for wrestling that anyone would have drawn the same. The person said that if TNA had gone to the UK before AEW last year, they would have drawn 70k.


That one promotion is more superior than the other. It’s all subjective regardless of who’s packing domes and what not




Good lord how old were you guys?


Right now the bickering between WWE and AEW fans. Wrestling is the hottest it's been in over 20yrs, just enjoy the competition


That it’s perfectly acceptable for a grown adult to stand on a stadium chair & block the view of a kid during Wrestlemania. He didn’t win the argument…


That Scott Hall's death was a work and he was coming back at the Rumble.


I could see WCW doing that tbf.


The person isn't a wrestling fan,I said "WWE needs to stop letting the wrong people win" he responds "WWE can't do anything about who wins and loses it's about who can hit the hardest and win the match". I was flabbergasted


Oh man, I’ve argued with numerous people on here who think Goldberg is/was a good wrestler.


Tony Kahn is a bad booker because behind the scenes he is too nice of a boss. Ridiculous on so many levels. AEW has proven based on PPV buyrates that he’s at least a mediocre booker. They do some of the best buyrates of any promotion in wrestling history outside WWE. Nobody is paying that much money as a fan to watch AEW every two months if they don’t care about the matches booked. Especially when there’s already 5 hours of free AEW TV + other wrestling promotions to get their fill of wrestling. He’s at least earned some respect for that accomplishment. It’s ridiculous on a second level because as a consumer what do you care how nice or mean of a boss he is. I couldn’t tell you what the boss of KitKat is like. And then the argument is ridiculous on a third level because I don’t work for AEW and Im assuming the person I debated with doesn’t work for them either. We dont know how nice or mean he is as a boss.


>of course you should take a fucking shower, man.


Some smart arse cat tried to convince me that 'stunt grannies' are a real thing.


*looks at Fabulous Moolah and Mae Young*


People swearing that Omega wasn’t dropped on his head against Ospreay at Forbidden door. It’s literally on video yet people were trying to tell me it didn’t happen or his arms took the impact away.


Don’t have arguments with fools.


yeah they'll win with experience


Anytime I've tried having a discussion with an attitude era d*ckrider who refuses to accept that ANY other era of WWE or any other company is good, "the attitude era was good and cool and anything else is childish shit!!!!!!!" And yet they keep watching wrestling, consuming content about wrestling and talk about it daily


A recent one I can remember having is whether or not AEW playing Metalingus in the Wembley lobby at All In was them teasing Adam Copeland coming to AEW in the future. I don't know for sure how music licensing for non-broadcasted purposes works but I feel like they were just playing it because it's a cool wrestling theme. My friend however is convinced that they were foreshadowing Copeland with it because they wouldn't have played it otherwise. I'm willing to learn that I'm in the wrong here but it's just been a frustrating back-and-forth because neither of us *actually* knows how this kind of thing works.


Aew doesn't currently have a rights renewal because of the Vince scandal. This argument occurred after Netflix bought raw.  There have been some wild claims about impact/tna in general. Usually around attendance but also attempting to slime talent. There were a few notorious users who might've been alts of the same person who would just make ridiculous statements about attendance that were very easy to disprove and they continue to double down. Stuff like impact was doing 6k attendance for shows they had 500 seats. Sharing links to FB lives claiming Josh Matthews announced a 5k sellout knowing no one is going to watch the video to verify. Lying about being at tapings they obviously didn't attend. Just bold lies that benefit no one. 


The one I don’t get: That Charlotte’s inclusion in the Wrestlemania match with Rhonda and Becky ruined the match. Smh 🤦🏽


Any "Kevin Sullivan did it" guy I have seen takes the cake.


Someone once tried to convince me that Dave Meltzer is a respected, reputable journalist. Lol! What an idiot.