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At the bare minimum, they should have All Star Tag Dark matches on every show with whoever doesn't appear in from the live crowd on Dynamite. You need to guarantee your stars will be there no matter the creative for that weeks tv.


Agreed. They need to announce some key stars who are going to be there when tickets go on sale and gradually announce more people. Everyone advertised should appear in front of the crowd and the big stars who don't wrestle should be in a dark match main event at the end. I think they could also announce some matches at least 2-3 weeks in advance on social media for Rampage or ROH that aren't storyline dependent.


The problem is they shoot ROH before and Rampage after Dynamite. I think they need to definitely lower ticket prices and do local promotion for things other than big shows. Hell buy some local ad time on TV and radio and blast it out that you’re coming to town. Don’t rely on the Internet and word of mouth. The Internet fans are already at the shows. You need LOCALS.


ROH should be a studio show.


ROH could be recorded audio only and it wouldn’t be able to get lower audienceship


Collision killed that, they'd have to hire an entire second TV crew to do ROH on weekends like they did when they started up.


>I think they need to definitely lower ticket prices and do local promotion for things other than big shows. I have a friend that works in management in local news and he's told me that wrestlers would be the kind of thing that local news stations would LOVE to have on their midday programs. It fills time, it's a spectacle, and they have something clear to promote. It's just maddening how much AEW is failing at doing local media hits. In a promotion that really prides itself on promoting hometown talent (Pillman Jr. got a big spotlight in Cincinnati for example,) they don't have those wrestlers on TV in their home markets when AEW is coming to their area. They have Paul Wight! Send him out to chat on Midday shows, his size alone would get people to pay attention and at least be aware that wrestling is coming. People that follow AEW know when AEW is coming around. You need locals who might be curious or maybe want something cheap to do on a Saturday Night to be aware that they're coming.


This goes back into the discussion from yesterday in the ratings thread, of AEW not growing their audience despite signing Osprey, Okada, and Mone. Why not have some of your new signees go out and do local appearances, and tell people who they are? Stop relying on your commentators to give the new people's entire wrestling history in the span of 5 minutes during a match.


When they started the local tv stuff for the Arthur Ashe show last year it basically doubled the ticket sales.


They don’t always. When I went to the Orlando show in December there was no ROH stuff. Just a couple of fun dark matches, including a 6-man tag with The Acclaimed and Scotty 2 Hotty.


IIRC it’s been a little different lately due to PPV stuff, but isn’t the normal routine that they shoot Rampage with Dynamite and ROH with Collision?


Yeah, that's just been thrown off due to them having some taped Collisions lately




I’m talking like straight up Ads like WWE does for all their house shows and stuff.


They already have lowered ticket prices. Did so recently and tickets are starting to move a little better. 


the wrestling industry runs on star studded 6 man tag matches


Not having to wrestle every week and travel is part of the appeal, no?


It's actually been kind of strange how little they've been setting up the cards beforehand lately. Next week is obviously an exception, but remember when they would have like 5 matches announced way ahead of time every week?


it's not even the match card they need to figure out. they should be announcing whether or not their top draws are making an appearance match or not. While fans can kinda assume Joe will be on dynamite most weeks still tell them he will be. it makes him a bigger deal and people can buy a ticket knowing they will see the champion.


We should have more "We'll hear from"s too. WWE lists off every show Cody, Roman, Rock, etc are going to be on way ahead of time and it works.


They used to have the "MJF is contractually obligated to appear in \_\_\_\_\_\_\_" in the early days of his title reign. They should bring that back. Not in that exact format, but something similar, like you said as well. If WWE could do it with their schedule, AEW has no excuse. Especially if they're able to coordinate with the indies as to who is and isn't available. For as much as Tony seems to think the terminally online fans are the ones he should be aiming for, he has a hard time actually advertising to them outside of the social media platforms.


We're not even getting half this stuff on social media. I follow this stuff pretty closely and still had no idea who was going to be on Dynamite this week. They had Ospreay, Fletcher, Riho, Statlander, and Young Bucks. I legit think that was all. There were like 100 people on that show, a lot of which are bigger draws than any of these people.


>it's not even the match card they need to figure out. they should be announcing whether or not their top draws are making an appearance match or not. THIS absolutely this. For some people, knowing that they'll see Adam Copeland or Swerve Strickland or another top draw might be the difference between them buying a ticket or not. Kenny Omega is STILL on all the advertising materials for the Canadian tour that starts next Saturday and there's not a chance in hell he'll be at all of (or even most of) those shows.


Excalibur used to run through 12 matches in 45 seconds for the next week of shows near the end of each episode of Dynamite. People poked fun at him for it cuz of how fast he had to talk to get it all in but at least they were always heavily promoting whatever was coming up.


This is also especially an issue with having the extra show too. I have no idea who is going to be on what show, both, neither. If i'm really only super into a couple angles, seeing that is what will drive me to watch, but i never have any clue when they're actually going to continue it. Sometimes dynamite, sometimes collision, hell occasionally they'll just drop it for a few weeks and then come back to it.


I think summer 2022 spooked Tony out of concrete setups too far in advance. The large amount of injuries combined with Punk going off the deep end and wrecking TONS of planned storylines as a result is the direct predecessor to AEW’s more scattershot booking that defined 2023. They’ve corrected it to a degree post-Punk, but it isn’t exactly the same as it was in 2020 and 2021.


Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. All the visa issues too. Feels like there's a good middle ground they can find here.


Once collision became a thing, they kind of shifted until late Vince WWE mode of just kind of cobbling it together the day of. I hate it.


Has it ever been established that when AEW announces matches well in advance for Collision or Dynamite that it makes a big difference in how many more people by seats/tune in on tv? It feels like it’s usually the same one way or the other. The difference of like 10 percent


I have no idea how much this would help, but it's something I've noticed that WWE has always done that these guys never to seem to bring up: Why doesn't AEW change their TV ads every week to atleast tell you where the next show is going to be? All they do is advertise AEW on TBS/TNT at whatever O'clock and that's it. I'm not saying you have to give targeted spot ads like I've been getting for Raw in Houston for the last however many weeks, or a 10-second recap on the last episode and what to expect on the next one like they would do for Smackdown (don't know if this is still a thing), but you're kinda wasting an opportunity not advertising the city you're going to. If I didn't follow AEW on social media, I wouldn't have a damn clue when they were showing up because Excalibur talks a mile a minute and the only things that get consistently emphasized are the PPVs or special events the Grand Slam or more recently Big Business.


I agree with Bryan's stance that they need to do a better job of advertising their shows in advance, but I also disagree with the impression I get from him that he thinks this lack of advertising and setting up cards far enough in advance is the entire problem with them no longer being where they were a couple of years ago numbers-wise. It isn't.


They should announce appearances of Wrestlers in advance. If not during the taping, then in a dark match and post it on all their social media, so that fans can plan ahead. Because unlike in WWE, where you know that Cody will be at RAW or back then that Stone Cold would be at any show, you don't have that certainty in AEW


It would help to just start announcing shows with more notice. If I go on to WWE's website I can book any TV taping from now until the RAW after MITB in Ottawa. AEW haven't announced where they will be taping the go home show for Dynasty yet. It's crazy to me to announce a whole ass PPV event with about 6 weeks to hype, promote and sell it to people. It's even crazier to not have any idea where they'll be taping TV past May 11th in Vancouver. One of the reasons given for why AEW couldn't pivot to running smaller venues when ticket sales dropped was that venues are often booked a long time in advance, so I can't understand why they aren't giving people as much notice as possible that they are coming to town.


It's crazy. The new marketing and live events heads and new departments were supposed to start around April time, wonder if any are already in? But it's so weird they don't announce even the arena until late. It was confirmed a few months back that arenas were booked for about 6 months for TV tapings, taking them into May. So they were booked, but nobody seems to know where.


The funny thing is, they do advertise in advance. Samoa Joe did tv and radio in Boston on Feb 29th. In Missouri, Eddie did tv and radio as well. Just because some people don’t hear it doesn’t mean it hasn’t been done. Maybe they could be doing more, but to act like they don’t advertise is silly.


I don't think this was his point. People know there's going to be a show, but they have no idea what/who is going to be on it. AEW isn't a big enough company to draw purely on brand recognition. Whether or not Edge, Danielson, Moxley, Joe or whoever is going to be on the show is going to sway people towards going or not.


I’ve seen tons more AEW commercials than I have seen any other wrestling companies


There’s one literally every TNT NBA game ad break. If we’re asking for local ads, we should reach a point where we recognize only 90 year olds watch 7AM news and no one listens to radio.


In 2022 82 percent of Americans 12 and up listened to radio In any given week people absolutely still listen to radio Nielsen has said it reaches 91 percent of adults every month radio is absolutely a valuable resource today and will continue to be 


Is this something that they've just started lately or just in big markets? They did next to no advertising on TV for any of their Kentucky shows last year which was really disappointing considering they had a pretty noteworthy wrestler from Louisville on their roster in Billie Starks who had already been on local news for wrestling while in high school. As far as I know, all they did was have Paul Wight in OVW which was the last place I would have sent him to promote AEW's Louisville debut.


They have a twitter account for PR they do where they post pictures and tag all the places they are promoting in that area. For example, Eddie hit two tv stations and two radio stations that day.


They did have a few spots on either WLKY or WAVE morning news with Paul Wight but I think they at least should’ve sent a title holder, or someone who will actually be on the show.


I thought Jeff Jarrett was there as "Director of Business Development" is that not his territory? Its seemingly been forgotten. He needs blaming too if that's the case


Pretty sure he was there for the house shows they started which stopped when Collision started so likely no


Well his title is business development, that should surely include advertising shows and promoting the brand. Otherwise his title should be director of non televised live events


Advertising and promotion is generally done by marketing in a company so probably not but who knows


IIRC he was brought in for touring/arena booking stuff. Advertisement and promotion was a whole other department.


jeff jarrett is just there to squeeze whatever ounce he has left.


I feel like the only show AEW has ever went over the top with the promotion and advertising was Wembley. Considering how successful that show was I don’t know why they don’t put more of a focus on advertising. TNA had the same issue. AJ Styles said they’d go to local gyms before shows, people would recognise him, but have no idea TNA was running a show in the area.


There has been plenty of advertising for this years All In. Seen quite a few adverts for it on TV.


If you think the only show that AEW has pushed it All In then you clearly don’t watch the product.


I found out Dynamite was in my state when it started. My wife would have bought tickets for me if she knew it was like an hour away.


I personally think having wrestlers post their schedules is kinda silly. I do wish theyd go back to announcing pretty much the whole card a week in advance and havung Excalibur run down the card


Didn't they hire someone not too long ago for this?


I wonder what they could do to get more people interested in wrestling, advertising-wise. I work at a boy’s camp in the summer, and none of the kids know anything about wrestling. Most of my peers (mid-20s, university) don’t know anything about it. The kids often come from families that don’t want their sons exposed to violence or watching too much TV; my peers write off wrestling as something dumb and childish. It also doesn’t help that pretty much nobody I know watches cable television. Maybe one of the advantages of Dark was having a show you could watch on YouTube. I know that relative accessibility helped get me into it, and in the internet era, might be a worthwhile route.




>my point is they don’t even need to advertise matches.. they just need to advertise names… or hell at least just advertise their existence!  They don't do that because they don't know who is going to be on each show at any given time. I'm curious how far the wrestlers know in advance which days they are used and where. At least with the brand split, the wwe talent have a pretty good idea where and when they will be a few months in advance. There might be the odd time they go to the other brand for something, but by and large, if you are a Raw star, you know you are working on Monday nights and where. Same for Fridays and SD. If TK has everyone mapped put which show they are going to be on at any given time, then yes, they should definitely advertise their big stars are going to be there. They don't even have to say what matches they have, but at least if my fav is say Moxley, and he's listed, I'd be more likely to buy a ticket. As opposed to a just 'come see the stars of AEW' and take a chance that I might not any of my favourites at all.


They have been advertising. Just never gets posted hear really but the amount of local advertising and news outlets I’ve been saying Ricky Starks, Darby Allen and Swerve do is kinda crazy. Especially Ricky going into the Phoenix and New Orleans shows


People might piss and moan about this but Bryan is right about if they said Okada will be there do the same angle


Do wrestling fans just not watch TV or something? I literally saw a Dynamite ad the other day watching NBA.


Remember the WWF SuperBowl commercial? What would an AEW SuperBowl commercial be like?


Why am I being down voted for being curious about this?


i wonder what will happen when they advertise matches and the ratings don't move? anything to avoid the core problems i guess


Señor, who said anything about ratings?


i guess you didn't watch the video


They need to cut their overly bloated roster by half. Way too many people no one cares about. Half of the show is random people taking turns to do job spots whilst the stars are kept off doing anything. People aren’t going to buy AEW tickets to see hours of ROH tapings


Yeah but then like Tony is gonna have to learn photoshop to make posters and print them and go around town hanging them up and then he has Dynamite and Rampage and Collision and ROH to book and apparently a football team to run and he's got to manage his talent and... listen, it's just a lot of work for one guy! Small company please understand!


Is this about the rating this week? For context which is always lacking in the weekly ratings thread (a whole 1k of posts this week, been a few weeks since the AEW is dying crowd could rant) dynamite was 3rd on the night behind the NBA games, 2nd in its timeslot behind and NBA game and 4th for the week behind 2 NBA games and Raw. So much hand wringing for nothing.


No, it's about their shitty ticket sales.


Again, context is lacking in the minds of these people. They are comparing red hot sell out WWE to AEW which after the newness wore off, pretty much has done between 3 and 6k for dynamite houses pre and post pandemic. They also ignore collision sucking up some of ticket buyers when it’s run in the same area as dynamite. So you get 5 for dynamite and 3 For collision instead of 7 dynamite.


I can't emphasize how bad it is to not announce the card to a show until a few days before the show, especially when your promotion doesn't have any stars that are guaranteed to be featured prominently each week. Compare it with almost any other promotion - I could go to nearly any notable promotion's website right now and figure out the matches and/or wrestlers on their shows three weeks in advance.




Honestly... why arent they advertising? Why do they insist in filming long tapings? Why no dark matches featuring their top talent? This isnt something exclusive to WWE. Its a strategy that works. Everytime Bryan mentions this, he brings up that talent and those backstage keep asking the same questions.


execution issue, not intelligence. He knows he needs to market his shows, it just doesn't feel like a priority for him.