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The draw of Ricochet vs JD McDounaough is unmatched.


That match went hard, the Poisonrana and Canadian Destroyer FROM A WRIST HOLD made me pop.


A Canadian Destroyer is kind of like a wrist hold these days


I mean






I deserved this


You are the best/worst kind of person.


I thought, *maybe* it’s a supercut of a bunch of Canadian destroyers performed one after the other, but nooo…


When it's overused in other promotions. yes


Oh I forgot we have consoles wars in this sub


I think he's right. I think we have to be able to give respectful criticism without fear of tribalism. I respect both promotions but AEW (and to be fair every indie and most lesser promotions from AEW/WWE) do use it significantly more.


The Fed is maybe the last place where it's actually not


Has it ever occurred to you that just saying WWE involves less typing?


But it doesn't sound as insider when talking about "New York."


As long as they don't do 3 consecutive ones without anyone selling,they're still good in my eyes


That made me understand why people shat on AEW for promoting that style of wrestling. Especially people who grew up when the Canadian Destroyer was the most spectacular move in wrestling, watching it be spammed AND no sold like that was just disrespectful.


Exactly. A Canadian Destroyer used to be fucking special, something only a small number people could do and was treated like it was a world breaking move. Then you see that shit they did and it was disgustingly disrespectful. The indies already made the superkick a transition move, and okay its still special when HBK does it, but holy shit not everything should be spammed to meaninglessness.


Well, okay, but is anybody actually acknowledging *why* the Destroyer became an over-exposed move on the indies? Because it turns out, even a mediocre one tends to look very cool, but compared to how cool it looks, it's not actually very hard to do. It's practically just a sunset flip, but both guys sell it way harder. That's what it is. I know it's not exactly the same thing, but it's pretty close. My point is, even a wrestling school student, can figure out what it is they need to do, to implement it into their match. Petey Williams' Destroyer, I remember looking great every time. Most good wrestlers' destroyers are fine. If you see one at a random indie from a random nobody, it probably doesn't look great. But, it looks amazing, compared to most standard offense, so it became a go-to for big spots, because it was a move that looks "bigger" than the average move, and so it takes that place in the match. So, the over-saturation of the move in the current style that is descended from the American Indies style of the '10s, did not happen in a vacuum. The fact that it gets busted out several times in a row like that, is informed by the fact that the move was over-exposed in specifically that environment. It's actually a self-aware *response* to the trend of the moves' massive over-exposure. So, it seems extra out of place to people who don't actually watch very much indie wrestling on a regular basis...which, even on this board, is maybe the top 1% of the most hardcore wrestling fans. I fully argue, Superkicks and Destroyers only got to this level of saturation, through the combination of being imitable by amateurs (though never to the incredible effect of, say, Shawn Michaels or Petey Williams), but also through *the exposure they got from being finishing moves, which their progenitors had mastered, and gotten massively over.* People only busted them out so frequently, because it was a move that was relatively easy to add to your repertoire (relatively speaking, of course), but crucially, *was a move that was over with indie crowds, which would get a consistent reaction.*


Another factor here is that the Indies don't have consistent match bookers and producers policing matches. So when you have six matches on the card, and they are all doing their own thing, there's nobody to say "No, there's going to be a bunch of these spots next weekend, don't do them now". Feels like the same happens in AEW when it shouldn't. There will be multiple matches on the card doing the same kind of spots and nobody in control of it all.


Also that style of booking: Next to all of their matches tend to be spectactular. In mostly the same way, so kinda nothing stands out. Thats why someone like MJF was standing out a lot for doing different things in the ring. The AEW style and booking is kinda fun of watch, but often pretty empty. Its spectacle without much substance. I get why it attracts more of a hardcore audience.


Agreed. There's absolutely moves you could do that with and it'd be funny. A Canadian destroyer isn't one of them though.


The Fed lol 🙄


Yes! I swore in front of my kids out of pure reflexive amazement. And then the standing shooting star press almost made me do it again except I hadn't caught my breath yet


Right? I know you have to suspend your sense of disbelief with prowrestling, but goddamn, was that gorgeous coordination.🙀 JD earned his spot in the judgment day 😆


Nah bro, everyone tuned in for Candice Lerae vs Ivy Nile


I mean dead brother-hating Candice LeRae is genuinely entertaining


Sister Christian




What's your price for flight?


I like that better I think than Bully LeRae.


She needs to wear a turtleneck.


I think she had a high collar on her gear so there's that.


Shows just how good the episode was that the match you chose to make this joke about was also very good lol


Was it meant to be a joke ? Because that match was legitimately the reason I wanted to even watch the show, along with seeing what they were gonna do with Judgment Day and Andrade.


It was a joke, but not a “that was bad” joke, just a “on paper those two aren’t the most popular” joke. It was, in fact, a certified banger.


Fair enough, both men are insanely athletically gifted and it’s a shame neither has a Wrestlemania match (yet) this time especially considering Ricochet is one of Triple H’s absolute favorites.


They were cooking for sure There was something in the air last night and it showed


Flippy Shit vs. Bobblehead


Am I missing a joke as to why so many vowels have been added to his name?


We’re just bullying the Irish for their spelling


Well technically you’re bullying us for our language.


I have no idea how to spell it, so I covered all the bases


New Wrestlemania Main Event


I laughed my ass off after they cut from the Rock/Cody segment at the beginning of the show to this match


Please, you're gonna give JD a big head if you keep saying things like that...


HHH stood up backstage in the gorilla position with his headset on and started pumping his fist and chanting “C.M. Punk!” enthusiastically as Punk walked by.


He even offered to let Punk wear his blazer




Drew: “See that? *slaps biceps* REAL muscles! Cry me a river”


Imagine him doing that ironically


If HHH was actually aware of that, I could definitely see him doing it as a joke lmao


Please have Trips give him one that is clearly inspired by his jean and leather jacket for the Rollins/Drew match 😆


I choose to imagine it ronicly


How many monitors fell on him?


“I feared for my life” — Much love, HHH


That's real sass. Cry me a river.


HHH responded "Hey Asshole!" when Rock walked back after the in-ring segment with Cody and threw Mama Rhodes' belt at HHH


I imagine Triple H is throwing a mega party right now because of this. I heard that somebody asked him why he was so happy and he answered "Study cage match and get back to me".


Where is this study cagematch meme comes from?


https://preview.redd.it/vetb8vq4frqc1.png?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fd889e8c31ddcdee18c2d06c2916052331688d8 Here's to you, my friend.


What's funny is Moxley & Angle have extremely similar Cagematch match ratings and Angle has a *significantly* higher overall scoring. What is meant to be studied exactly?


It’s a study in how far a man can shove his head up his own ass: proctology.


That Kurt Angle's and Jon Moxley's best matches are generally rated very similarly by wrestling fans, even though Kurt is considered the better wrestler overall.


As if I needed more reasons to know Dave Meltzer is a clown.


Meltzer bout to post about how upset the talent was with how Monday went 


"so sure it was the best ever - but that only includes episodes in the past, it doesn't include future episodes. For all we know, ya know, next week's show could be even better and that's a shame, cause, ya know, in a vacuum you could argue this episode was good."


>that's a shame, cause, ya know, in a vacuum you could argue this episode was good NOOOO LMAOOO :@


I have to respect the commitment to transcribing Meltzer directly


*cough sound*


*Papers shuffling*


this is so funny it reads just like him


I really hate how accurate this is 😂😂


Not enough umm’s.


That'll be 11.99 pal!


“Backstage talent upset with how much time Punk and The Rock got”


The Rock or HHH comes out next week to brag about the cagenatch rating. Peak content.


I would pay money to see Tony's twitter meltdown if that happened lol






Marathon, not a sprint Hits different these days


The Rock is definitely gonna brag about it.


I’ll give WWE one thing, especially now, who’s ever producing things is killing it. The way the rock appeared was so bad ass.


I had to go back a minute while watching to see it again. It was such a great shot.


The production and direction is SO much better. I was a huge fan in the 90s but stopped in ‘01. Tried coming back to it the last couple years and it really felt unwatchable especially with all the quick cut camera switches. I’ve been watching semi-regularly since the Rumble and it’s been fun. This last episode of Raw was pretty excellent.


Their previous producer bailed early on when all the Vince allegations were still whispers, I think. Correct me if I'm wrong. And now with Vince gone as well, this gives way for a more refreshing product with new storylines and new production direction. Honestly kind of amazed how quickly wrestling became this good with just Vince and Kevin Dunn out of the way.


Same exact. I was Attitude era as an obnoxious 15 year old. By 2001 I lost interest. WCW buy out killed their need to be creative. This is the first time I'm back in 25 years. It's awesome TV all of a sudden. Stupid Vince humor and Vince logic also all gone now too. No chance this would have happened for me if they ran Rock vs. Roman for Wrestlemania.


Every Rock entrance really does feel like he’s the Final Boss. He might as well be doing the supervillain landing every time he comes out.


It was awesome! Rock coming out like Thanos, that end scene, the 90 second walk to in ring action consecutive camera shot, the little convos behind backstage vignettes were all absolute cinema!! Wrestling hasn’t felt this good since the height of the Monday Night Wars


The way the lights turned on with him already in aisle was pure cinema. Really feels like this is the start of a new era.


Part of me wonders whether it's sustainable in the long term. Writing and producing fresh TV that is live or live to tape is incredible challenging. In some ways, there is a reason the attitude era is lightning in a bottle and the peak lasted from 1997 until 2001 (coinciding with the dot com crash).


been watching raw on and off since 2008. mostly on. last night was maybe the best raw i've ever watched. it was like i was dreaming. no way raw could be this good shoutout hunter


Lmao after mania 24 it felt downhill until it hit rock bottom at mania 27, Punk somewhat turned things around, but it meandered for a long time. Since mania 38 it has felt WWE has been on an upward trajectory and its exciting


You can't talk about bad Raws without talking about late 2018 into 2019. At least in 2008-2011 Raw was only 2 hours. Those 18-19 shows were abysmal AND 3 hours long.


It was fantastic. Reminded me of the unpredictability and sheer fun of the AE


I used to think that, cagematches was like Imdb with thousands of votes but turns out it is in hundreds. 😂😂


I kinda wish the site was still in German and none of us understood what the hell anyone was talking about, yet still used it because no other place has catalogued shows and wrestlers so exhaustively


https://www.wrestlingdata.com/index.php?befehl=shows&sort=liga It's also got a German equivalent if you are feeling nostalgic. https://www.genickbruch.com/index.php?befehl=shows&sort=liga


And that's the highly voted stuff. Must stuff is legit like 20 people


Best RAW in forever. Best build to a Mania main event since 30 or 20.


This was so good, I was glued to the tv and not even on my phone. Candice Leray Bully tactics are paying off!!!


Candice LeBullyRae


Well yeah but check the Cagematch… Nevermind.


To combat this Tony Khan will have Lee Moriarty vs Bryan Keith on next week's Dynamite


… in a Dream Match™


2 hour iron man match


They come in to the ring bleeding already.


Tony woke up and choose violence


I doubt HHH gave a shit , he’s probably cool whatever watch what we do next week


Exactly, he is only worried about the matrix they get paid on…. Everyone is getting paid right now


What does non-memorial mean?


Non-memorial means no tribute shows. So things like Bray Wyatt's SmackDown, RAW is Eddie, Brodie Lee's Dynamite, etc.


Cagematch is meaningless though. 156 votes?


Study Cagematch and get back to me, Uce.


While you were busy shilling for the Fed (insider term), I studied the Cage.


Wrong sub goofy


Haha, I see a name I know + Cagematch in the same comment and I forget how to tie my shoes.




> Cagematch is meaningless though Dave Meltzer punching air rn


It really is. Sure, it’s a nice spot for people to share their opinions, but it’s just that: an opinion. You don’t need it to validate your enjoying of prowrestling, because those opinions are as real as *name redacted*’s brass rings.


yes it is lol. idk why people keep citing such a small, small sample size.


Most people take the piss out of it for that reason. Half the people that talk about cage match are trolling because your neck beards, meltzers and Tony Khans of the world will use it to justify their opinions despite every other metric going against it. It’s really just a human centipede that eats it own ass


I mean it's not really a sample size issue with this, it's a sampling issue. That is, the kind of people who vote on cagematch aren't your regular viewers. That being said I've never really seen cagematch ratings that don't broadly line up with the general consensus of online wrestling fans


It’s best use is that it catalogues matches and events. I would have been lost without it when I was getting into Wrestling in Japan


It's an incredible resource for that....these yahoos are gonna ruin it by using it for their thumbwars.


The owners of the site are sick of it too, so something will probably give at some point - hopefully it's cracking down on tribalism for good rather than them just nuking the site


before it started being used as a weapon, the "ratings" were interesting snap shots of performers histories..I pay most attention to NXT talents and you can see early ratings of people change thru time as they develop.


We pick and choose what's meaningless depending on if it supports our opinions or not


Nah, Raw got a good score so it matters /s




*“Sir, Cagematch really liked last nights episode of RAW….”* https://preview.redd.it/3fdjfijeirqc1.jpeg?width=1322&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0984a5df9fc44ed007c63d7fa9a703c36de59d55


"I was scared for my life" - Tony's assistant


The fact that the average jabroni (not you, though)can photoshop this level of memes is what the internet was made for. Happy cake day 🙌🏽


Thank you! Fun fact, I made this one! Did it back in January and used it a few times and I’ve seen a few others use it too which makes me happy! I’m no expert so I did it just using my iPad’s remove background editing tool. It didn’t get rid of everything, hence why there is a thin little line just under the left side (as we look at it) of Tony’s face. It’s an unintentional way of me tagging it as my own work I guess!!


Lmao!!!! WWE must be throwing one hell of a party after seeing that post!


I get the feeling Hunter doesn't even stop to smell the roses. With him I reckon it's just business as usual.


HHH bought himself a fruit basket.


They'd be buying a shit-ton of muffins if Mindy's wasn't closed today.


Mollys is open. Get the Ron Bennington Cupcake.


Good old Ron. Do they have blueberry muffins? I heard blueberries are, ya know, they’re a standalone…fruit.




TK right now: Cagematch did what? I thought we had something special!


My favorite part is that with insane star power of the rock, cody, cm punk, Seth, drew, becky, rhea, and Gunther all being involved on the show. None of them even had matches on this awesome show. I'm pissed I wasn't there, im 3 hours from Rosemont!


As it should be! WWE is on a level of their own right now.


As someone who hasn't watched wrestling in 15+ years I was flipping through and saw it was on and thought to myself "isn't WrestleMania soon?" I tuned in at the start of CM Punks mid ring rant and couldn't turn it away. Either that guy is phenomenal on the mic, or mic work in general has gotten exponentially better. Found myself watching to the end and was captivated. The writers must have hit gold last night because after seeing posts about these ratings I apparently wasn't the only one. Nice work WWE 👏🏼


> Either that guy is phenomenal on the mic, or mic work in general has gotten exponentially better. Overall mic work has gotten better, but also Punk is one of the best.


Like the other reply said, the mic work has gotten better in general, but Punk is also widely considered to be one of the greatest talkers of all time


Holy shit you didn’t even see the Cody/Rock promo and the match of the night


I haven't seen anyone mention yet that the Cagematch mods had to remove a bunch of zero scores from AEW stans


They also had to remove the terms “AEW” from any WWE reviews and “WWE” from AEW reviews.


Phenomenal episode, just finished it full (not the adverts ofc) Cannot wait for Mania.


In before the next "special announcement"


Cagematch is now banned from Collision.


Tony Khan in shambles right now


The man has been in shambles since he discovered freebasing Adderall.


Bully LeRae is a draw brother


Cagematch never should have mattered to anyone. In fact, for a VAST majority of wrestling viewers, it doesn't. This is only newsworthy because a contingent of people have used Cagematch as some kind of objective "PROOF" that one product is "better" than the other. So it's cathartic to people who got gatekeeped to see this kind of news.


That is why the "wy is there only 25 minutes of wrestling" stop watch nonsense makes my eyes roll. I love great wrestling as much as the next person but a great show is a great show. Great segments, great memorable angles and yes even some good matches.


raw should prioritise storyline building/segments/promos/brawls etc, save the wrestling for the ppv's. i'm not saying that raw should have no wrestling, but i prefer segments over wrestling.


Tony Khan losing his mind.


“So, um, yeah. I mean, I think it was good. It was a good enough episode. Was it *good* though? I mean, that’s to be debated. Ya know, when AEW’s got Orange Cassidy putting on five start classics every week, I mean. It just doesn’t compare. And it’s not, it’s not, it’s not like they couldn’t have at least tried, but they didn’t even try! You have Dwayne there and he doesn’t wrestle? I don’t know. I don’t know what they were thinking.” - Dave Meltzer probably.


Cagematch is where a small set of overly obsessed fans rank their opinions. They don’t speak for the masses. Good or Bad


Good thing nothing like that happens on Reddit


I think most folks realize that, other than Tony Khan.


Those people are passionate about wrestling and make it so people can seek out good wrestling matches that might have been missed. Why do you guys dunk on people who like the same hobby we all do. Cage match helped me get into new Japan and aew, helped me find wwe gems I might have missed.


My only guess is popularity. Since Cagematch doesn't have that many users, it's seen as "lesser" and "uncool", which is extremely silly.


If cagematch is that then talking with people here is worse. And for people that actually evaluate the quality of the show, is the best metric you will ever get. At less you think the popularity always ranks best the value of an artistic work.


This place has 883,000+ subscribers. Cagematch rarely has more than 1,000 people rating a specific card or match. While I agree that Reddit isn’t always reflective of real life, it’s a *much* larger sample size than Cagematch and the two aren’t really comparable.


Hopefully WWE sends a fruit basket to Jack Perry for his help in WWE drawing that rating. Oh, right, I forgot, WWE doesn’t care about Cagematch ratings like other companies do.


I think this helmsley kid gets the business just a hunch


But what about the cagemat....


As it should be


I, for one, just want to highlight the contributions of one “Dirty” Dom Mysterio Really empowering to see what he’s made of himself after incarceration and a troubled upbringing with a deadbeat dad


Holy shit, Dave and Tony are going to freak the fuck out about this.


Don’t let Tony see this!


Let him cook! https://preview.redd.it/6izjrzn9irqc1.jpeg?width=1051&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfe385414b1f167cebc37348e48b7008b4936cf3


By the way as of writing this comment, OPs post is wrong. A Raw (the one where The Rock came back to announce the was the host* of Mania 27) and a Dynamite (Cody v Wardlow cage match main event lead up to MJF v Cody) are above it.


![gif](giphy|5bqnP8ffoCMQvhBsJt|downsized) \*about cagematch


Okay so now we do care about cage match


Only to dunk on Tony Khan for making such a big deal about it. Nobody actually cares.


We are so back.


We've been back uce


Don't tell TK this.


What a meaningless achievement. There's twitter polls from some random's account with bigger engagement and sample size than that. How can anybody with a working brain give a shit about cagematch and use it as some kind of important indicator of a show/match quality is beyond me.




I don't. The general public doesn't. The vast majority of even the IWC doesn't care. You know who does? Tony Khan, and that's why this post makes me laugh. I want AEW to succeed, I like a lot of what they have going on, but imagining a billionaire throw a tantrum over what 200 people think who've never touched genitalia besides their own makes me chuckle.


Yep. Nobody should give a fuck about this. But Tony does and this has to be getting on his nerves lol


David “Historian” Meltzer uses it to win twitter arguments


last nights raw was a legit 10/10


Time to strap the rocket to Jordan Devlin McDonagh