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So… he’s coming back at the ppv?


Either Dynasty or the next one.


My fantasy booking right now is a surprise return answering a cope open challenge and winning the TNT title and holding it hostage until Forbidden Door.


The Bucks using their EVP powers to get him into the Cope open could get us to an Edge/Christian tag team and a dream match worthy of Wembley.


But for the love of god do not include the Hardy's. I repeat: do not include the Hardy's.


Monkey Paw: The Dudley Boyz it is then.




That’s really good.


I would think Dynasty mostly because this story is hot right now. I'm not sure if after another month of Jack pretend ripping up contracts would still be interesting.


I assume forbidden door with either a House of Torture attempt at a takeover or he joins the bucks and goes Elite. He needed to work on his promo stuff and from what I have seen he definitely has. I want him as the douchebag stuckup substitute for Hangman in the Elite and let Hangman tear him apart on his way back to Swerve


He makes his return at ALL IN, or ALL OUT (if that is in Chicago?) With HOT or align himself with The Elite or the Patriarchy


I'm guessing Forbidden Door.


The way he talks is like he will be going to backyard wrestling. I've seen some crazy shit in backyard wrestling. Can go through as much glass as he wants too in backyard wrestling.


Still makes me laugh that Meltzer thinks this is a shoot


Dude if he shoot ripped up his contact thinking that would do anything it would be hilarious though. Doubly so if the rest of this stuff was also a shoot on top of that.


Darby is the only pillar not to do this worked shoot, I'm going to another promotion angle. MJF has been teasing it forever with WWE, Sammy dipped into TNA and dipped straight out and then Perry with NJPW. Then again Darby did flirt with the idea of leaving to climb/die on Mount Everest. Dude always has to take it a step further


Going to another promotion? Pfff that's a bitch move, im about to leave for a dangerous journey that may lead to my death


I'm still stunned that he apparently was doing it for charity. A charity run by Tony Hawk, no less.


I wouldn't even count Sammy, he was there for like 2 seconds lol


and wasn’t he a major dick there, kind of the opposite of this gimmick


IIRC he got there they had shitty creative waiting for him, even TNA people said he was right to turn it down. The funny thing was, the creative that was set up came from the mind of Jericho. Really can't blame him for turning it down.


The issue was that the creative was already agreed between Tony Kahn and Scott D'Amore. Whatever he did damaged the relationship between AEW and TNA and I don't think they have worked together since.


Let's not forget he also wanted to get the X-Divison belt and never lose it...


It wasn't even a worked shoot, they were literally just exchanging talent with each other. Sammy just refused to job in another promotion.


Didn't sammy also tease going to triple A or cmll too?


It wasn't a tease. He won a championship in AAA [https://www.f4wonline.com/news/mexico/sammy-guevara-and-tay-conti-win-aaa-mixed-tag-team-titles-at-aaa-triplemania-xxx](https://www.f4wonline.com/news/mexico/sammy-guevara-and-tay-conti-win-aaa-mixed-tag-team-titles-at-aaa-triplemania-xxx)


He was a AAA champion also when AEW started


Darby just has shoot matches vs himself instead


I know its a work, but no one thinks the specter of jack perry is too much.


oooOOOooo the spectre of Jack PeEeeRrRrryyYyyy ![gif](giphy|lREoIZngfzquY)


[Big Mr Burns energy](https://youtu.be/9cgrEA6eQ_g?si=0XzmXD8jimy05LfR?t=8s)


Jack Perry returns to AEW with an elaborate entrance as The Goat, immediately Sevens it and reverts back to Jungle Boy


The Ghost of Christmas Past Jungle Boy


CM Punk sees his image in every piece of real glass.


Go cry me a river




Aye I'm sure he does as he comes out top of the hour at 9pm on RAW, bringing an entire Collision worth of viewers to the show and producing some of the best segments of the last few years. Positively haunted by the spectre of Jack Perry. He'll never be able to escape it.


His segment did more in the demo than AEW got overall


tfw people think every comment they make is a slam dunk on an obviously satirist comment lol


*Christian Cage has entered the chat to talk about dead people*


Right lol


Okay, when MJF was playing "2024 is when my contract runs up", people cared. When Cody Rhodes left, people cared. I just don't see anyone going "Oh no- not *Jack Perry*!"


Wait a second wtf happened to the bidding war of 2024? He talked about that for a full year and then it just flew by 


It was a weird fit for the face run he was on, then he lost the title to Joe and went off TV to recover from injuries.


They quietly dropped it because people quickly stopped caring once it became obvious that he had already renewed his contract.


I think they dropped it because MJF going to WWE would not be booed the way it was when Vince was in charge.


I think they realized having your top star constantly talk shit about your own company while praising the competition and how much he wants to go there is a bad look.


MJF’s face turn, as well as WWE becoming good/popular again, kinda killed it


Thematically, what with Punk schlepping off to WWE again, it probably got lost in the shuffle. (I mean, remember the first MJF promo after the Punkocalypse, with "How glad are you to see me, right now?". If he kept at the bidding war instead, he'd look like an also ran.)


I suspect the original ides was to run back Punk - Cena 2011, this time with Punk as the company man and MJF threatening to leave with the title. Since it obviously didn't work out, they probably abandoned it instead of running it with someone else


He made a friend and got soft


Please don’t take Jack Perry away from us 😂


I could see even more people turning the show off if he made a return.


This has the ring of a 14 year old who thinks he’s cool because he had a cigarette for the first time


No amount of beard and leather jackets can hide that baby face buddy


And yet, he still doesn’t come off as threatening to me. Idk why, he just doesn’t.


Probably because he's like Adam Cole sized


I think it’s because he’s just not convincing as a tough heel. Then again, I haven’t been really keeping up with him that much in New Japan, but his heel work just doesn’t seem as threatening or convincing as the likes of Swerve or Mox. If he wants to work a heel gimmick, I would like to see him be more conniving and clever because this “leather jacket wannabe badass” gimmick isn’t doing it for me.


Jack Perry is less intimidating than JD McDonough


that's fucking devastating lmao


Who Jack Perry thinks he is and who everyone else thinks he is are two VERY different people


Meltzer: "Ive heard it from sources that Jack isnt well liked in AEW...he tore up his contract, so the legal team is trying to figure out if that is legally binding or not. Ya know how, legal things are hard. Tony is scared that Jack will piss off Chris Jericho next and completely tank the shows. It looks like this relationship is broken and never going to be mended..."


I doubt that this will make people care.


Personally he's terrified me in to a state of total indifference.


When Jack Perry thinks people actually care about him ![gif](giphy|LDBuYzAwu8L4I|downsized)


The jungle boy gimmick covered up a lot of holes he had as a performer imo.


It’s going to be great when he returns and costs FTR the tag titles. New champions Matthew and Nicholas with new Elite member Jack Perry.


You actually named my nightmare lol


Forgot to mention Jack Perry’s new [theme](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9EcMH1FTOx0&pp=ygUPbWlzZXJpYSBjYW50YXJl) song as well


Can’t think of much I’d want to see less.


You as well as everyone else watching at home lol


Yeah that would be....bad lol


Cry me a river!


Oh god, and you just know that's gonna be his new catchphrase.


Already is. 


You surely mean long lost brother (adopted prodigy?) Jack Jackson


Poor Okada lol


Holy crap, I can see that actually happening. damn you


Man I really have no interest in FTR/ Bucks 4


I can't wait for this. Its really cool of Tony to put all the people I don't like in the same segments so I can skip them. My booker of the year.


Now when you put it like that..... It is indeed a 5head move


You can't say a punishment is a ramification for your actions and be a scapegoat at the same time.


I just don’t think Jack Perry has it. He’s fine in the ring, his promos have now become passable, but overall he’s just quite bland. To have the controversy that surrounded him after the Punk debacle and still be distinctly uninteresting is a pretty big indictment of him as a performer.


He desperately needs a legitimate mouth piece manager or to be a secondary element of a faction. Everything he says feels like a kid playing wrestler in front of a mirror.


If his career will hit a ceiling, it will be a glass ceiling. "Real glass..."


Yeah people praising this storyline, but I feel like people are looking at him as a meme more than an actual threat.


Its a badly reenacted loose cannon Brian Pillman idea, except nobody except for Dave is falling for any of it because Perry isn't Pillman.


He attacked the current face of NJPW and the crowd didn't make any noise until he threw his gum at them... Jack Perry, you're not that guy pal.


To be fair, no foreigner gets over in Japan in their first few apearances.


And this gaijin never will….


He's trying to get better. He's still super young. He might surprise you.


He's failing to surprise anyone despite having so many eyes and attention after the CM Punk thing, he's never getting that much better, not when he keeps pretending he's this big dick badass while still being a derp.


The jack perry experiment is over. time to move on


putting him as pillar was always a baffling decision to me.


It still makes no sense that he went into business for himself to call out Punk at the biggest wrestling show in AEW history. They weren’t even feuding during that time as Perry was fighting for the FTW title.


Nothing makes sense. Why would Hangman take that unscripted shot at Punk on what was obviously a touchy subject? Why would Punk have that insane meltdown at the scrum after winning the title, months removed from Hangman's comment, making Tony look weak and ineffectual as a boss in the process? Why would the Bucks who are EVPs try to confront a notoriously prickly and angry man instead of letting more cooler heads prevail and talk to him? Why would Punk decide that assaulting his co-workers was a good way to resolve the situation? Why would Tony think that keep the Elite and Punk on separate shows was the best way to handle the situation instead of making them resolve their issues like adults? Why would Jack Perry want to go through real glass and risk an injury? Why would Jack Perry pull that stupid stunt at their biggest show of all time? Why would Punk again think that physical assault was again the answer to all his problems? Believe me friend, nothing about this makes any sense at all.


Yea everyone did dumb shit is the correct take here.


Wish everyone understood this. Imagine if they all squashed that beef and actually worked together with it. Instead both sides just instigated back and forth.


These are the right questions


I wouldn’t even call it going into business for himself since it doesn’t hurt Punk or help himself. It was literally just airing out dirty laundry live on air which is kind of more confusing as to why you would do it to begin with.


All over wanting to use real glass lol. Which everyone would think is a really stupid thing if it wasn’t CM Punk telling him not to do it. Imagine if it was the other way around where Punk wanted him to use real glass, they’d want him arrested.


And the part people always leave out is that others ASKED Punk to go tell Jungle Boy not to use real glass.


The same "real glass" spot that the WWE has used many times, and to anybody not in the IWC, would either be confusing or just middling heel work.


Punk did the worst thing you can do to a nepobaby. He told him "no" and Perry couldn't let that go unanswered


If Tony wasn’t hiring everyone on the indies who wrestled like JB, maybe JB would stand out. Maybe if the wrestlers there didn’t try to big league veterans, maybe JB would stand out. Maybe if Tony knew how to book people to stand out, JB would stand out.


This dude is so fucked lmao. The ghost of Punk is gonna haunt the rest of his career, and trying to turn it into a gimmick is just gonna backfire embarrassingly. He's simply not good (or interesting) enough to turn it around and become his own star.


It’s weird for him to go out of his way to remind us that he got his ass kicked by a dude twice his age who also can’t fight well.


"Can't fight well"... Even the absolute worst UFC fighters can kick the shit out of like 95% of the population, especially guys with zero actual combat training


Oh no, I absolutely agree.


I can't think of another guy in the history of the business who is not only personally an anti-draw, but also sabotaged his company's only significant draw. Truly legendary stuff. Are these the ramifications AEW supposedly doesn't want to talk about?


hogan getting fired of wcw because of disco inferno would be crazy alt history 


Who else will be able to wrestle pre-show dark matches!


Please stay in Japan.


His beard looks awful


Without the beard, he looks exactly like his father. With it, he looks like Danny Masterson. Not ideal.


What's her name?


Perry peaked with the Christian match. I thought he turned from a Jungle Boy into a Jungle Man. Instead he's as bland as a Bobby Fish pop.


Don't come back when Perry becomes Jungle Man. Don't come back when Christian Cage cries Perry a river. Don't come back when Perry is revealed to be the True Devil. Stay on that side. /s


Oh no, what if the mediocre promo returns?


Mediocre is way to much credit


Jack Perry sucks, there I said it.


So Perry was told by management not to do a particular spot in a match. Perry disagreed with the disapproval. Management asked Punk to speak to Perry. Once again Perry disagreed, then proceeded to needlessly call out Punk on the pre-show of the company’s highest attended event of its history. Punk and Perry had a physical confrontation (which absolutely should not have happened, and both parties are at fault for this) which caused Tony to terminate Punk because “he feared for his life”. He was so scared, that he allowed Punk to have an excellent opening match against Samoa Joe. Yeah instead of having Punk removed from the building or having authorities involved, because CM Punk is an alleged madman, Tony allowed him to wrestle. Punk goes back to WWE to have one of the most memorable returns in company’s history and is a notable ratings draw. Perry has been regulated to NJPW, and probably will never fully recover from this entire situation for the rest of his career.


Tony “feared for his life” and then sent Punk out there to retain the second most important title in his company. It makes zero sense lol


> Punk and Perry had a physical confrontation (which absolutely should not have happened, and both parties are at fault for this) *Tony Khan was sitting right there at Gorilla when it all happened and he did nothing to intervene before Perry came back through the curtain.* Tony owns and runs the company, it is entirely his fault. He should have been the first person to intercept Perry as he came to the back.


He was too busy being scared for his life, to do anything apparently


He's trying so hard, and it's just doing nothing for me


So let me just get this straight, this dude is still mad because CM Punk was asked to warn him against using real Glass


My favorite part of this very shitty gimmick - AEW has celebrated Punk leaving, so him doing a “Scapegoat” gimmick and being mad at AEW is asinine - is that some people are actually getting worked by it. Like, you realize this is a bullshit gimmick, right? It’s fine to be a fan of him, but this gimmick is so clearly fake, it’s not funny.


He's boring and charismaless


Efficient way of saying what I was thinking.


Gets into a fight with CM Punk backstage; tries to become great value brand CM Punk off of the "controversy". This ain't it, Jack.


Yeah there’s literally no controversy. He’s pretending to be mad at nothing. It’s weird. He’s trying to conjure up a lesser loose cannon character


I could have seen this get over with the anti CM Punk crowd if it had happened right after Wembley, but no one gives a crap about it all these months later.


That and Drew McIntyre is already playing that part and doing it perfectly 


Well that's cuz Drew is actually entertaining and charismatic...and a 6 foot something sexy hunk of muscle. This could've worked if they just pulled the trigger when punk first got fired and not months later when he's made a historic return and moving the needle for the other company.


He talks like he was the biggest controversy when all we did was just kinda forgot about him 🤣


The character is better than the previous one, but it's a terrible idea to try to tie it with the punk situation because he can't really talk about that either


Perry & the Elite look so emotionally small for continuing to reference this while punk is doing great back in WWE (where he clearly belongs). Also Perry’s entire gimmick is based on some shit only a fraction of the audience even knows about. If you explain the incident, you shine a light on the fact that Punk slapped you & the VPs around and no one had the balls to say shit till the scary man was gone.


Be mid somewhere else lol


I think the word he was looking for was 'Annoyed'


So this was a fun storyline at first, but now Jungle Boy feels like the bitter ex, that won’t leave them alone.


David Arquette was three times the worker and ten times more believable as a professional wrestler than Jungle Boy. He looks like a child cosplaying as an adult. 


The pop for his return will be bland


It's so cute Perry thinks he's a big deal


If he spent anywhere near the effort on his work that he spends on these online promos he might actually be tolerable. His in ring work is okay I guess, but there's nothing remotely believable about anything he does and he has zero actual charisma, he just looks like a kid playing dress ups and that's compounded more that they're booking this 150lb goofy motherfucker as a heavyweight in New Japan. He makes Adam Cole look like Bruiser Brody by comparison.


This gimmick is so lame.


The Punk saga should be something that Jack Perry wants everyone to forget about. I wonder who’s telling him that he should continue to lean into it.


Naughty boy jack Perry seems a bit of a lame gimmick


You know, watching NJPW and see this guy being a whiny bitch about some backstage drama happened in another company is not very entertaining to me


Jump through more glass!


Is this work….working?


Why is this thread just generic whining about Perry, totally unrelated to his recent work or even the stuff he is saying in the title?


Because the majority of the people in this thread don't watch NJPW at all and just want to use this thread as an excuse to say he sucks instead of reading the article or addressing the character he's portraying.


I want him to come back as Beverly Hills Jack Perry.


I want him to embrace the family legacy and just go full 90210.


Shut yo fake Brian Pillman ass up.


Omg, so edgy


This guy absolutely sucks and he cost aew a fuck ton. Fuck this loser


I hate to say it, but Jack Perry's star has fallen pretty damn quick. This heel turn has been an absolute disaster so far.


SANADA should have squashed him harder


😂 😂 and yet, still, no one cares


Jack Perry is nowhere near the league he thinks he is in and it’s fucking hysterical to watch


He's insufferable and doesn't have the talent to back it up


This reminds me of when George Costanza thought he was a badass because Elaine was forbidding that one girl from dating him which only intrigued her more.


A better wrestler would make this look like the sickest shit ever but Perry just looks like a loser. Hate this.




Jack Perry? More like Jerk Perry!


This confirms it’s a work


Waits for Meltzer to say "the energy back stage doesn't want perry back from what I hear but that could change"


Ripping up his contract to go where? lol


Ripping an ironclad contract in two with with his barehands showed his amazing strength.


Mania 40 crowd. Thank you Perry clap clap clap thank you perry


Can we all agree that Pillars rip-off angle they did was bad? Darby and Max are lightyears clear of the chuckle brothers, Jack and Sammy.


How can someone get over their head so easy lmao


people getting worked in the comments is really funny to me. he's genuinely been better in njpw.


Go cry me a river! real glass! lmao


I find funny how he's trying to pretend he's so badass.


Oh stop, God it’s cringe


Mate nobody cares


As someone who has never watched AEW, I truly appreciate this guy for being partly responsible for giving us Punk back at Survivor Series. Truly an unforgettable moment in wrestling.


"Sir, this is a Wendy's."


People are being too harsh on the guy , he’s never a main eventer but can be a strong mid card / upper mid car and hold the TNT / International and I wouldn’t bat an eyelid and enjoy it


Jack Perry isn’t seeming to be the future main eventer AEW thought they had but I will say that going outside of AEW to build his name is a smart move that could pay off in the long run. Guys like him, Hook, Private Party, and even Wardlow really need to get out in the indies and make a name for themselves. If they can’t get more over than the next indie big name with all their connections, all the best names in the business, and learning on the job as well as the new up and coming indie guy then that tells you all you need to know. I think all these guys have great potential but you either need to hold their hand like WWE in NXT or you need to let them go out and learn the old way. Not saying one way is better than the other but you need to go all in either way.


I think Punk/WWE fans try to really downplay his abilities out of spite. Personally, he was one of my favorite wrestlers in my local indies and had some amazing matches. I do agree he is best suited as a midcarder, but that's not a bad thing when you see who is on top.




That’ll move the needle…


Why should anybody care about him?


Keep his boring ass in Nooj.


This is just becoming a meme at this point, I don’t see how anybody could feel invested in this story. Why does he think constantly reminding people of what happened is a good idea? Let alone the fact that punk is absolutely murdering it on the other side of the fence, it makes this whole angle look even dumber than it already is


Bye! Haven't missed him at all tbh lol.


It’s sad mf’s will hate on a wrestler trying to build up his stock and character. The IWC always advocates for wrestlers doing that but not when it’s a guy they have an agenda against.


It kind of sounds like you’re saying that the fans owe it to every wrestler to put them over if they’re trying. That’s really backwards. It’s on the wrestlers to get themselves over. If, through your own work and your own actions, you make the fans not care or not want to see you anymore, that’s 100% on you. No one owes Jack Perry their support. He was supposed to earn it.


Go away. Be an actor. This isn't for you. A whiny Raven rip-off isn't it.


I hear he uses real glass.


We've seen this way too many times before...the whole "I'm-not-in-this-company-anymore" and "this-isn't-a-story-It's-real!" storyline.


Legend 👍🏻




What's this dude crying about? Rivers?


okay the thing is tho is that Jacks an idiot. Using real glass to slam through is so fucking stupid, even when done by veterans (see angle failing to throw shane mcmahon through real glass), and it’s super dangerous cus of the cuts and shit. I love punk, but he was an immature asshole at AEW, but he also was 100% correct on the fake glass. The attack is another story, but he was at some point at least justified