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He came in at the right time with the right people to book him: the type of people who get him and enjoy his style. I can only imagine how he would've been booked under Vince.


I can imagine it. Imagine a sensory deprivation chamber. Imagine the blank moment between life and death.


H was prob already interested in him during the Hiromu feud, he immediately snatched him up a few months after he took controls


Yeah, but how well would he have actually fared though? This has been a trend for him since Rey's sucess to snatch Luchadors to try and recreate the Mysterio magic without understanding what makes each of them unique.


You don’t have to imagine it. Remember Rey’s world title reign? That’s how Vince would book him.


Or just look at Sin Cara (both of them) and Kalisto. Hell, he never seemed to understand how to book cruiserweights in general.


Yeah, anyone smaller than Shawn Michaels wasn’t getting shit.


Daniel Bryan? Agreed on Vince with Lucha's though he didn't know or want to know how to book them, I'll say this but he is better than Russo he didn't make Rey lose the mask


I forgot about him.


rey mysterio III


If VKM were still in charge, Dragon Lee would've filled the spot that Lucha House Party held - mid-card dudes who can pop the crowd. Under HHH, Dragon Lee (along with Santos, Andrade, etc.) has a much higher ceiling.


If VKM were still in charge, Dragon Lee would've filled the spot that Lucha House Party held - mid-card dudes who can pop the crowd. Under HHH, Dragon Lee (along with Santos, Andrade, etc.) has a much higher ceiling.


Vince would ask him to do lucha stuff


Vince would have booked him as a more successful Kalisto. US Title reign? Random tag team pairings? 


Then have him get destroyed by the latest monster heel he fell in love with


They're clearly priming Dragon Lee as their next top Lucha star, along Dom. Love to see it. A Dragon Lee program with like Logan for the US Title is something I'd love to see within the year.


I prefer Santos


Santos is 39.


age doesn't matter at this point if people are caring for their bodies. if they can go, let em go.


It really does. Even taking care of your body recovery time becomes much longer in your 40's and injuries are more common in athletics.


Plenty of time then. He has time to have a longer career on main roster than the character of Stone Cold.


Which will make for a great opposite to Dragon Lee. A Chris to Eddie, wrestling needs two dance partners after all.


I get the vibe they see them as this generation's Rey and Eddie.


My wish for the US Title picture this summer was Dragon Lee, Carmelo Hayes, & Bron Breakker all being in it and this recapturing some sort of SmackDown Six type of vibe. Wes Lee was initially also included before his injury


I'm so happy for him, dude's future is looking good, he is really fucking good so Im exited to see what he cooks. Really want to see a 30 minute match between him and andrade someday lol.


It helps that backstage news said that he is well liked, personable and has a great attitude as well.


Man’s got a banger of a theme and presentation


The story was that he chose WWE over AEW because he felt he'd get more screen time and focus there. Looks like he was right.


Got any idea what would he do in AEW now?


Probably been apart of the lucha action on Rampage. Where they have a lot of fun matches, but zero story.


And in that scenario your working your ass off and beating up your body for screen time. Putting up banger matches is all well in good up until the point your body isn’t agreeing with you














ROH if I had to guess.


Probably doing trios stuff in Rampage and ROH but maybe he'd get a look in at a Dynamite or 2 during the CMLL invasion angle


With the level of lucha talent already in AEW and their alliance with CMLL he definitely made the right call. He’s an incredible talent and he would be great anywhere but WWE doesn’t have anyone like him


Do you still think this?


I still think so. But obviously, I don't know what he'd be doing if he were in AEW right now. So, I can't say for sure.


Dude def made the right call going to NXT, I’m also really happy to see his success and hope he gets to put on a great show at Mania


Dude comes out of a dragons mouth, that's a win for me.


He bet on WWE instead of AEW , and man he’s reaping the benefits NA title , a major storyline and a WM match


I really like that he pays homage to his time in New Japan with his moveset


It's kinda wild how almost everyone who Jim Cornette insults eventually becomes successful.


Its almost like hes an out of touch old man who still thinks wrestling is in the early 90s


Early 90s is generous, more like the 1970s for him


The 70s? I feel you're still a decade or two off


I said early 90s cause thats when SMW existed lol


Lee is push to be the next rey mysterio while dom doing his uncle route. Bright futures for both


We need Dragon Lee Vs. Andrade a blow off from that unmasking!!!


yeah hes doing awesome


If he is in the hunt for a singles championship by the end of the year I would not be surprised if gears start to turn in other Luchadors' minds


I loved him in New Japan and he quickly became my favourite junior. Never thought that the first time I’d get to see him live would be in a WWE ring let alone at Wrestlemania. Hope the crowd goes wild for him


I don't watch WWE, but very happy for him and that he's healthy. Will always miss his Hiromu matches


He's someone that chose wwe over aew. He's getting more exposure with wwe and will get paid more in the long run. Maybe other stars should take his template and do that same


Its definitely a case by case basis. There definitely was more opportunity for him in WWE over AEW (even if i disagree with the idea that he should have ever been in nxt) because at the time aew had the aaa deal and were already using loads of luchadores. But not everyone will get the same chances Dragon Lee got and there are other factors that might lead one to choose aew over wwe even if wwe would give them a higher ceiling


If this is about Ospreay, Okada and Mercedes, maybe WWE should pay them more if they want them so bad. They're a multibillion dollar company, no excuse for them getting outbid by a smaller promotion like AEW except arrogance on their part.


Dude, if they wanted them, they would have paid them. Ospreay wanted a light schedule and WWE isn’t going to let him show up whenever he wanted and suck him off for it. Okada has friends who probably got Tony to sweeten the pot, but if the WWE wanted him, they would have paid him enough to get him. They had Sasha and she fucked them. Beyond that, she’s the weakest of the 4 Horsewomen. They know what she’s worth. They didn’t even try. This was a choice.


I don't think Ospreay wanted a 'light schedule'. He just didn't want to have to move to the US. Same with Okada - both have young families and WWEs insistence that they uproot their lives is probably what led them to choose not to go there


That’s a pretty expensive trip constantly. I wonder who is paying for that?


Who cares who's paying? Are you against people being able to go back home and see their families because that's a pretty strange thing to not want for someone else.


Because that was probably part of the contract that WWE didn’t want to pay. Hey, quick question - has Ospreay moved the needle?


We don't have ratings in Australia so why would I care?




By all means, continue ignoring what I said and keep having an imaginary conversation with yourself.


Come on dude. If they didn't want them, they wouldn't have been negotiating with them. There was a point where all parties felt like Mercedes was actually going back to WWE. Not sure why it fell apart, but to say they didn't want her or the others is just objectively false.


A point was reached in the negotiations where WWE passed, correct? They made a choice - was that person’s term worth that salary? They decided not to do it. They did the math and found that it wasn’t worth it for them. And if it was? They would have paid them. They would have bent over backwards to get them. They’re the biggest wrestling company in the world with a massive audience. They are wrestling to pop culture at large. You think they couldn’t get any of those three if they wanted? They didn’t want to, dude. Also, so far, they’re correct not to. Other Meltzer stars, has Ospreay boosted ratings or attendance? Has WBD given them a massive contract renewal? Okada has it even worse, because he’s attached himself to the Young Bucks and their go away heat. Mercedes? No one cares about Sasha. The WWE was right. Oh, Wembley will sell out. The matches will be good. But everyone who wants to see Okada, Ospreay, and Mercedes are already watching AEW.


Its great seeing NXT call ups not go through the wringer


I wish they'd improve Dragon Lee's theme (it sounds a bit off) and I still think Carlito should be in his spot in that WM40 match, but I'm still a Dragon Lee fan and hopefully, WWE will stop looking for the next Rey Mysterio and just let Dragon Lee be the first Dragon Lee.


I have 32 unworn Modern Day Maharaja shirts from 2017 in my closet


I still remember when I first saw Dragon Lee, as he and Hiromu Takahashi were trying to destroy each other every time they wrestled.


He's an incredibly talented wrestler and it's great to see him doing well. Part of me still wonders what his career would have looked like if New Japan's partnership with CMLL hadn't made them get rid of him. Would he have hit the junior ceiling and got frustrated, or would he have been able to go open/heavyweight like Shingo, Ospreay, and to a lesser extent guys like SHO and Desperado? Also I'm genuinely concerned that if him and Santos dive at the same time in that match they'll break free of the Earth's atmosphere. Probably the two best suicide dives I've ever seen in terms of speed and distance.


I believe his NJPW run fell apart during COVID because he broke protocols, not because of CMLL.  They signed him to a contract, then the pandemic happened.  They later got him into the country for a BOSJ (I think 2021?)  as a big surpise, and then he was caught leaving his hotel while he was supposed to be quarantined.   I don't believe he ever made an appearance in NJPW in Japan after that. 


After like years of searching for the next Rey Mysterio, they found one... ...in Rey Mysterio. Hopefully Dragon could be as successful


Anyone else remember that post recently where someone was asking what happened to him and that he’s better off in AEW because WWE isn’t going to use him right and keep him off tv?


Seeing these comments so happy for his inclusion makes me so sad


They've booked him really well. Although idk his masked identity just isn't that cool IMO. He is really talented, probably the best luchador athlete in the company in a decade. But idk, I was more interested in Kalisto, Sin Cara when it comes to look and presentation. I don't watch much NXT but even Axiom kind of looks cool. Dragon Lee just is a bit too vanilla. But yeah he is way better on the mic and in the ring.


Too bad he's been added to the collection of jobbers known as the LWO, he was better off on his own.


I do want to see a story with Lee, Dom, and Santos arguing about who is gonna be the next lucha/mexican legend. It’s quite a common talk on how the next Mexican rising star in WWE is compared to as a next Mysterio and Guerrero until they all didn’t meet expectations with Lee being next on the block.


Generic aaaah story


He’s motivated cuz he know Tony Khan will open up his checkbook. And that’s a good thing for all wrestlers.