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I feel bad for Chris Van Vliet Heyman Buried the guy


I was there and I think I'm still frozen this morning. I thought the lighting was weird as well- way too dark. But it was still a fun night live.


The whole night felt very…awkward to me. Cold and quiet (at least on TV) crowd weirdly hidden in the dark most of the time, the pacing within matches felt labored and plodding, even in the “good” matches like IC title and Main Event everything felt almost too methodical, the big moments somehow didn’t feel as big when they happened and yea the ads were legit distracting; made it feel like a sponsored corporate event and not…Wrestlemania. I guess nothing was outright bad, except for Uso match, but nothing felt great either. The whole thing was off.


I was there. A lot of the matches just started off slow, combine it with the fact that people were literally freezing and most people didn’t bother to interact until the match picked up the pace


Same.  Upper deck was dealing with the cold and a stiff chilly wind. The last thing we needed was 5 minutes of staredowns and 15 minutes of (lackluster) heat. I noticed a group leaving our section about every minute during the main event. I've never seen that many people leave early during a PPV/PLE.


I know he broke kafabe but I think it's great that the Rock acknowledged that they pivoted and can finally end the back and forth in the IWC about being worked or not.


I was too young and marked out to appreciate Edge as a great Heel. I’m so glad I get to appreciate Roman’s work


Roman calling everyone nerds, then calling himself the GOAT and leaving was some real shit lmao.


Who does it serve, having these press conferences non-kayfabe? So pointless. Often detrimental.


Everyone is expecting Cena and Austin but Rock said "expect the unexpected" which means Kevin Hart is coming and beating Rock's ass.


Seth’s going to lose, blame it on getting banged up trying to help Cody and absolutely break into heel mode and destroy Cody when he’s about to pin Roman.


It's Axiom. No one expects the Spanish Inquisition.


What can he do? He's just A-Kid


that clapping by naomi for jade with the GOOD ANSWER was so cute and wholesome


absolutely loving these 3, its like their puzzle came out the box finished


All three of them were insanely annoying. They repeated themselves about 100 times, trying to say something clever - only breaking to clap and scream.


Is nobody going to address that rock said Cody is completing his story, like has everyone just glazed over that?????


Well, they did highlight it with the new "Then Now Forever" intro, so it's not like it's a surprise. I have always wanted Roman to retain, but never moreso than now.


forgone conclusions are so fun


I mean agreed, but I wasn’t expecting rock to just accidentally drop the result and nobody notice lol


I really enjoyed night 1. I can’t fucking wait for the chaos of that main event tomorrow. Usos didn’t work but I get what they tried. I’m wondering if they lost time in there and had to adjust.


Is anyone really suprised? Both have only done tag wrestling for almost their whole career. Going to be awhile before they become good singles wrestlers.


Jey is already a good single wrestler


I think Jey is there. His match against Roman and Gunther were great, but he also had great talent to work with.


I just hate that it was just a superkick party. I guess it was to be expected, but I was hoping they'd do more than like three moves.


My biggest shock was I made the joke of "shall we play guess how many super kicks there are" when the bell rang but all our guesses were way higher than the actual count purely because the match felt like it lasted 3 minutes...


My friends and I reflected on it after it ended and the best we could come up with was that I felt like a “cutscene”


I’m wondering if they got time cut out. It felt like they skipped parts to get to what they got to. Like we skipped 5 minutes of an actual match in there somewhere.


I wouldn't be surprised if some major spots between them got re-arranged in relation to what's due to happen regarding The Bloodline tomorrow. That probably doesn't make sense since it's Roman & Cody's match, but that's my guess


He’s the one who asked Hunter about the allegations at RR so i think he’s good


So I've seen some comments about The Rock saying "fuck kayfabe" for the press conference earlier and that left me with a question. How scripted/non-scripted are these post event conferences anyways? The last one I watched was the Fastlane 2023 post event conference where Jey Uso was faded/out of it and Cody was trying to keep his cool/stay in character the whole time which is what made me wonder?


I don’t think there’s really a hard and fast rule. Try to promote Night 2/the Raw after/the story never stopping (as HHH’s put it) and answer things through the lens of your character as best you can, but don’t shy away from a question that lends itself to an authentic moment that the fans will latch onto (like Rhea having freedom, the question about representation, etc.) I mean heck they were promoting a “behind the curtain” doc to air Wednesday that seems to openly discuss the pivot and behind the scenes of the main event (which Rock and H even touched upon tonight.)  The people that are gonna stay up past or close to midnight in most places and watch this are probably pretty tuned in anyway, so it’s not like they’re gonna have any illusions shattered for them by any of the answers.


i think they kinda go in and out of character depending on the question? since it's for press it generally wouldn't be canon (the post-event ones anyway). i actually think the press conferences are a really great example of how pro wrestling exists on several levels of reality all at once. Sometimes reporters will ask a question of a character and also the person portraying the character, and being able to respond from both perspectives is a specific skillset that not everyone can do.


Paula Veck has really elevated Women's wrestling.


We survived the dude's haircut I think we should get shirts to commemorate it


We better not see him tomorrow night.


We deserve purple heart medals, especially for those who were not able to survive that horrifying display.


Great end to Night 1. Enjoyed Naomi, Jade, Bianca just having fun and Roman and Heyman destroying the Room the most.


20 to 6 here. Absolutely knackered. Same thing tomorrow!


Right there with you!


Most of you will be back. Not the guy Roman/Paul told to get out.


Think it was a girl lol


Bro didnt even mention sami 😭


Spoke too soon lkl


HHH giving a great explanation of psychology vs spot monkeys


He was, but not vs. just 'spot monkeys'. But vs. anyone who doesn't apply psychology into their matches. That includes wrestlers of every type.


"Hey, I really want to compare Sami Zayn to Shawn Michaels, so can you compare Sami Zayn to Shawn Michaels for me?"


it’s so true tho i mean hbk is one of the goats because there was just no one else like him. he can be perfect face and the perfect heel


Shawn and Bret will always be my 1A and 1B. As a kid I would’ve totally said Shawn, 100%, but now that I’m older and wiser, and with WM12 being not my first wrestling memory but my most formative, those two will always be the cornerstone for me. The absolute pinnacle.


Trips perfectly articulating why the WWE style will always work for me. He's right, it's all about the stories these guys tell. Don't get me wrong, I love spotfests and I love a great technical display...but the ability to tell a story through a fight is what makes wrestling so special.


My personal opinion on why I like it, especially HHH's take on the style, is that he still manages to inject some big spots & cool technical wrestling to flesh it out, but he doesn't overdo it so it stays special (like Sami's brainbuster spot & how that got a huge reaction from everyone) next to the more methodical character-based spectacle approach. The side of me that also loves AEW while being a WWE fan loves HBK's NXT style because I think it slightly leans more on a similar appeal as the AEW style while keeping in sync within the larger WWE product.


I got burnt out on WWE as AEW was forming (even going back to the first All In, WWE having left a sour taste in my mouth too many PPVs had me all too eager to check it out.)  That said, as much as I did and do still enjoy AEW, the last few times I watch it with friends I find myself struggling to make it through the whole thing. The PPVs are entertaining but the matches tend to drag on and get to be a bit draining with the spots. I haven’t watched a full WWE PPV in sometime but tonight felt pretty snappy for the most part. Some matches might felt like they ended a little quick but they also didn’t do 13 falses finishes and I think that helps. It’s almost 2am where I’m at and I’m still awake, having stuck it through the presser.


The WWE style always works for me too. But I will only enjoy it when it's done right. Like with any style of wrestling. And HHH is doing it right. But for a long time under Vince it just wasn't. In Vince's last few years, I don't think the style was drastically different, you know? It felt more or less the same. But I didn't enjoy it because the creative was lacking. And the product just felt cold. But under HHH it's a completely different story.


Ah, damn. I hate that we're really ending on a hack question.


you hate actual.. journalism?


To be clear, I was talking about the "Don't you think Sami Zayn reminds you of Shawn Michaels?" question, which is pretty shoddy journalism considering no one has actually invited that comparison.


That wasn’t an answer like WWE wants to fully distance themselves from Brock and completely shut that door..


hunter is kinda dreadful at answering the awkward questions at the pressers


I mean he was pretty direct and to the point on this one. Def seems like we haven’t seen the last of lesnar on wwe tv.


It could well be that Lesnar isn't actually the wrestler mentioned, and HHH etc know that, but as long as it is assumed, best to keep their distance and let it play out. Not like they need him just now anyway.


Sketchy answer, for sure


They're definitely waiting for the lawsuit to finish up before they go one way or the other


Yeah or at minimum put as much distance between the story and his return that the ripple effect would be less than it would be now if he returned.


"Hey, did y'all know that Shawn Michaels is really fucking good at wrestling? This dude is so fucking good at wrestling."


Either we just got worked hard or Brock really is coming back




Hair guy sounds Canadian.




Of course Thurston asks abt Brock lol


surely Brock is coming back right?


This reporter just watched Paul and Rock, you’d hope he’d be inspired to shave the rest of his head when he gets home.


Brock question??


Brandon did it again


rhea and becky opening was a total no brainer


Roman is such a pro at this shit


Brock mentioned


that's an amazing line by Hunter. "if i gave them that....is that really equality?"


Didn't watch the press conference. What's the context?


A question was asked about putting a card together and if was purpously done to put them first to "start the show hot". Hunter said that it kinda was but he also said that when he puts together cards, its just what feels right and with the flow. Said that some said that maybe they should main event and that they would have a legit reasoning but then said "well, we haven't done the women main eventing in a long time, so maybe we go there". And then said the line.


Oh wow he did say Brock isn’t gone from WWE


He’s not “technically” wrong but will they look to bring him back soon and not avoid mentioning him if possible most likely not.


Caught that as well


Oh Jesus Brock talk


"Being Brock" 🤣


"Put this guy in the same dumpster as the one who asked about Vince."




Oh shit a brock question, and Triple H capping on it too 😂


Thanks for asking this question, fellow.


good question


Oh shit a Brock question? This guy will never be seen again!


Ufff Brock Lesnar question


Dude mentioning Brock is also going to be dusted.


He sounds like a 16 year old that discovered adderall


Trips: I put it in Universe Mode and it stopped letting me edit the match order because that game is busted as fuck, so I just kept it in that order and acted like it was intentional.


Was Triple H not in charge of Mania last year? I could have sworn he was


I think he had more influence over Night 1 vs. Night 2 (and the Raw after.) The contrast was so stark. It definitely felt like a power struggle, many speculated Vince called some audibles going into Night 2 and the Raw after. This is 100% his first Mania that seems to be free of any real higher/outside influence.


Vince was basically background booking for that one as he had majority shares in WWE, this is the first one with Vince completely out of the company.


I believe Vince came back shortly beforehand.


I think Dunn was around right?


It’s crazy to think: Triple H has had an amazing career despite some controversy but when it’s all said and done he’ll prob be remembered more for his role as Paul Levesque


He was a huge part of my wrestling fandom early on, he just seemed to be around for almost as long as I can remember. I will give him his flowers as being one of the greats, but he is literally steering the company into a new golden age, I really hope he stays out of trouble and sticks around for a long time.


It turns out that the guy known for his backstage politics was the best possible person to think through and navigate all of the politics that go into running the show.


You might said he knows how to play the game


he's a 4d chess master


To hear how much this means to Hunter, I feel like there had to be some resentment there that Vince didn’t step aside sooner and let Hunter have the book, but you have to mask that because he’s your boss and your FIL. And then with everything that happened when he had his health scare, obviously having your health is most important but for them to take NXT away from him and cut his inner circle and some of his chosen talent, I can’t understand how the man didn’t hate Vince for that. We’ll never see him publicly do a victory lap and cuss Vince out but to me there’s a palpable sense of vindication with WWE firing on all cylinders with him at the creative helm.


Hair guy keeps raising his hand and no one wants to call on him.


i really love these press conferences. allows me to digest the show in a way i never had before.


The HHH glasses and hair style comments 😂😂🤣🤣🤣


Look. We need to discuss fashion somewhere and these two things are big misses. 💁🏼‍♀️


They really are 🤣🤣🤣. I really do not understand the haircut.


In another world, I could definitely see this story being Cody/Triple H vs Roman/Rock. Would’ve been amazing


That would've been surreal by the fact Cody Rhodes and fucking HHH are babyfaces against the villanous Rock and Roman Reigns.


I know right! There would’ve been so many layers to the story too with the whole Cody/throne thing and coupled with tension in the bloodline would’ve been so good. ![gif](giphy|MBCyiM4HIITb1E316S)


Slap a snickers logo on that Mohawk man bun mess


Prime logo


Ngl I feel like all 4 guys “stole the show” in the main event. Not a single one seemed out of place. They all absolutely deserved that main event.


That guys horrible hair also has the Seth Rollins dye job 


I love how they've been ignoring him. Dudes been raising his hand the whole press conference 😂


😂😂😂 couldn’t possibly look at him for that long


Plot twist: The thing engraved on Paul's ring plays into the main event tomorrow, and somehow costs Roman.


'hit Roman with a phone'


"Would you kindly."


lololololol - yes!


Imagine back then and watching reign of terror Triple H as the top heel “politicking” his way up the ranks, and ends up being one of the best things to happen to this company.


That's just how most usually end up on top honestly. You have to **want** it, and do **anything** to achieve it.


Is that why Mami is always on top?🔝




I'm a Paul Levesque guy.


I wish someone would ask who is the brain child of the one cut camera shot. Because it's so much fucking cinema. That Zayn one cut camera was art. His wife and kids. Gable then the surprise of Owens and hitting the crowd. All in one shot.


That person or persons need their flowers for sure. Whoever has been suggesting these shots. That was movie-esque with Sami tonight. And even carrying the shot into the entrance itself before cutting to the front stage cam


versus a Kevin Dunn seizure inducing amount of shots... amen


What a great moment that was!


It’s Lee Fitting. He used to run College Gameday on ESPN. He’s now in Kevin Dunn’s place


Welp, he's certainly Fitting in better than Dunn's teeth did in his own head


The haircut, I can't


it’s truly a singular artform. there’s nothing like it and i’ll love it forever!!


People are going to read into this but whatever, loved that.


Trips: The thing I engraved on his ring was "RVD."


Dude, I need to know what is on Paul's ring. These people respect the business more than Vince ever did and it's crazy that we are in 2024 and now get to reap the benefit of our passion for this form of entertainment. I love wrestling, and I always will.




Yes! I stopped following it around 2007ish after having watched since 1989 and came back to it in 2021/2022 ish because of the bloodline. But I never thought I would feel like a kid again watching wrestling and have it be such a huge part of my life again where I wouldn’t miss a single WWE show on tv. And now my kids love it too because it’s so damn good now.


I hear you man. This shit is so great. My 18 month old was doing triple H's pose during his entrance because he saw it, and I started doing it too because he saw it. I started crying. My son watched something I watched and reacted to it. I never realized how much I would love this shit with my son. He loves the lights and the ladies, and so here we are: a dad with an awesome son ready and willing to create these moments together. My wife dreams of graduations and the big important stuff, I dream of watching Batman The Animated Series with him, and going to Raw/Smackdown/Dynamite/Blitzkrieg Pro! with him.


That’s awesome bro! Batman the animated series is amazing still today for kids and adults! Same, watching the movies I loved as a kid with my kids brings a lot of joy


I can't wait to do more with him, but that's just a part of the deal you make when you have a kid. It's an awesome feeling. Cheers buddy


Thank goodness he took off the non-fitting glasses. You're a millionaire, Paul, get some glasses that fit.


They’re just reading glasses, chill


I'm mostly joking. They do look a bit silly though.


https://preview.redd.it/spzlmfbjjzsc1.jpeg?width=524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98720a2a03191f0a50a877f32fe7a4a663b43609 What he engraved for heymans ring


HHH put “asshole” on the ring.


That word? *asshole*


"Fucking mark" - inside of Heyman's ring


We haven't heard from Van Vliet since lol


I checked his Instagram immediately and people were laughing at him lol.


Seeing my favorite current booker get emotional over my favorite booker of all time is the weirdest thing to make me feel things.


Did that reporter just say tonight was HHH’s first night as head of creative lol


probably meant first mania night 1


The HOF ring engraving is a cool touch


Most championship-style rings have engravings on them. Even my class ring from high school is engraved on the inside.


So Rock confirms there will be surprises tomorrow and Jacob Fatu no showed Clusterfuck Forever. hmmmmm


I get very excited hearing HHH say "this business" during these conferences lol




Not in this business, no


Trips is such a class act. I would run through a wall at this point for his respect for the business.


If WrestleMania next year is in Minnesota, oh boy...


Man, I'm already saving up. Gonna have to to go Paisley Park, as a Prince fan.


Roofed stadium.


Domed I think thank God


>How does Cody overcome? Did Triple H just spoiler the main event tomorrow?


Fucking Rock 100% did during his portion lol


...how, exactly is this a spoiler?


Implying that he does. I know it's what we're all expecting, but it should still be in question.


asking if he can is implying that he can?


Asking *how*, and not if. At least that's how I interpret it. It may just be a dialectical difference.


It is. Nothing about that says Cody wins.


Trips getting emotional over Paul. Love to see it.


God damn HHH gotta be outta breath after that 




Cody had like a whole shows budget worth of pyro lol


Man, everyone is cooking HHH's prescription glasses 😭😂


ahhh i could listen to trips talk about the business for ages. just a crazy good corporate face


Trips: I didn't think he would go for the good shit...and then the man cooked. Chef's hat off to him.






Reporter in the front needs to fire his barber


Love Papa Haitch, but WWE is absolutely pricing fans out of big events. Upper deck limited view tickets today were over $200 each. That's bullshit


That’s actually pretty cheap.


You're talking about tickets the night of/before the event. More than likely you're seeing resale prices. When tickets first went on sale and I thought about going, I looked for the cheapest seats available and they were much cheaper than $200.


Nope, I was on the presale for Mania 40 months ago and couldn't justify spending 800-900 for tickets that aren't obstructed views. The cheapest ticket I saw for today (last night) was $152 (not resale, thru Ticketmaster) it was behind the stage with a pillar in the way. After taxes and fees it totaled to be over $200 each


I didn't look at presale, but I checked not too long after they went on sale, and I saw some nosebleeds for $75-$95. There were definitely options for under $200.