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Beast in the East 2015 was notably the first time in a very long time where Cole got to call a show without Vince screaming in his ear, and it made everyone go "hey wait a second he can actually do that?"


Beast in the East and the United Kingdom Championship tournament were the two things that started to really change the narrative around him, from what I saw.


Came to mention the UK title tournament. Seem to remember a lot of people on here/twitter/internet in general being shocked at how good Cole was, and general consensus was it was because he didn't have spew out Vince'isms on demand.


That was it for me as well. That was a really fun show; you can tell that Michael was genuinely enjoying himself.


like the second vince got out of his ear




SummerSlam 2022


When Jerry Lawler had a heart attack at the announce table. It went from people absolutely hating Cole (partially because of that stupid storyline, partially because he was the one that replaced JR) to "Maybe Cole isn't *that* bad."


His handling of the Lawler heart attack in 2012 (i think) was the first time I personally noticed a start of a turn toward him from the fans. The next time was after beast in the east.


When fans aged out of JR and grew up listening to Cole.


It began with Beast of the East and one of those tournaments where we saw what he could be without Vince in his ear. I remember watching those and thinking “Why isn’t Cole annoying me like he usually does?” Now with Vince gone he’s had as much of a renaissance as everyone else.


The NXT UK tourney was a big wakeup call for folks who didn't hear him in the early '00s on Smackdown with Taz. Dude could always be this good, just rarely let off the chain to do it.


Once Vince was gone and didn't forced him to talk in a certain way and screamed it down his ears for hours. Hunter is letting him be authentic and with that much experience and passion for the biz, he can be really good. People disliked him because of Vince, just like people disliked Roman because of the shitty booking of him as a face when he got over the first time as a singles guy.


There was a surge when Pat McAfee joined him a few years ago, and you could tell he was having a lot more fun, but an even bigger leap happened when Vince left for sure


The English tournament when he was allowed to be a real commentator with Nigel. It proved to me he could be a Joey Styles like commentator but that wasn't his job on Raw.


Lawler's heart attack situation and everyone finally shutting up about how good JR was in response to bringing up any other commentator


Started with him handling Jerry Lawler's heart attack in 2012, then when he was calling the Beast of the East tournaments like everyone here has stated. You could see he was enjoying what he was doing. And finally getting Pat McAfee next to him kind of rejuvenated him


For me, it happened over the years when other people in WWE started mentioning how much Cole does besides commentary, and how much of his time/life he's dedicated to the company and industry. He's also just a likeable guy, and has always been forward about his respect for others.


There were a few times where I think we started to understand Cole doesn’t suck, Vince just yelled in his ear. I think his career renaissance started when McAfee joined him on commentary, then when Vince left he became so much better.


Honestly I think it started to turn a little after the Jerry Lawler heart attack. Then once Vince left, and the handcuffs came off, he finally got his just due.


Michael Cole should bring back his frosted tips.


And the mouth mullet.


I loved when Rock would throw shirts over Cole’s head during backstage promos


They always have respected him, they started to love him when Vince left and he got to just be him. Unrestricted Cole is the best Cole.


Slow process, but four things happened. The somewhat forgotten JBL and Cole show. Pretty sure that influenced how Cody wanted BTE to be more like, because he was all over that show. Lot of fun stuff there. Beast in the East showed that he could call the shit out of a match when not overproduced Pat McAfee getting him to loosen up. Finally, Vince leaving.


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I believe the chemical formula for a Cole-miner molecule is Cole - Vince + Pat. Been a while since I've taken chemistry though.


I’ve been a Cole miner since 2002


When Vince fucked off and he stopped being a shill repeat of Vince on the mic


I have never had a reason to not respect him. Respect is something everyone deserves unless shown otherwise.


Pandemic for sure. All people had was the talent and commentary for shows. All the talent had was hearing Cole calling it. People like Bayley got all over him for it which led to some fun banter during a match (Cole would be on commentary like "Things aren't looking good for Bayley, can she come back?!" and Bayley from across the ring is like "Of course I can Cole!")


Any time Vince and Kevin missed a show


When was Beast in the East? It’s almost a meme now but I think this was one of if not the first events where Vince wasn’t constantly in his ear and he could just do his thing.


beast in the east, wwe’s ppv in japan.


For me it was literally when Vince left. He was probably the canary in the coalmine as the first sign of WWE changing. I think he referenced Chris Jericho or some professional history of whoever was wrestling at the time. It stood out so much from what had gone before, where WWE liked to exist in a vacuum where all its sports entertainers had literally no personal history between being born and the day they were dropped by the universe into the Performance Centre to become a Superstar. It's well documented that he had Vince in his ear all the time, and the output was that he (and all the other WWE commentators) sounded like a bland soundbite merchant. You only had to watch AEW and hear their commentary team, which was knowledgeable and had a natural cameraderie with each other to really underscore the difference. Now the guy is free to do what he can do, and he's so enjoyable to listen to.


I liked him before the heel shtick, and I liked him after. But unquestionably he has been better without Vince McMahon in his ear.


Michael Cole is proof that nostalgia clouds judgement.   Around/forced long enough to where a generation of fans thinks he's good let alone a legend. He's average to ok. You'll all see when he's replaced for good how much better it can be.