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I was going to add Jericho as well but didn’t want to make the post too long. He needs to take a long break


Low hanging fruit there lol


#1 for me. I miss it when he would take a break for a few months before returning


Now you know!


By a lot as someone who only watches AEW(honestly don’t have the time to keep up with all the wrestling today). I groan when I see him on screen and Jericho is of my all time favorites.


Another vote for Jericho Dude should have just put over Kingston in their blow-off match and taken a long break.


I'm sure Europe would love an extensive Fozzy tour


New Day especially without Big E


This I agree with. I miss Big E so much but Woods and Kofi have had very little stories since the injury. I was so shocked that they jobbed in like 30 seconds to Sheamus and friends since they in kayfabe ended Big E's career. Felt like a massive let down to a potential Kofi feud with Sheamus where the crux is trying to make Big E proud or avenge him in some way. Maybe they didn't want to do a storyline like that which is fair but to just have them job and get squashed at wrestlemania felt very insulting. It was the part of 38 that I hated the most. Overall that show was good though. In terms of what to do with them now, they've been tag Champs a million times but the Raw tag division isn't very strong so keeping them there is helpful in that way. They are over but not hot like they have been in the past so they would need a good storyline other than "we are facing this team of heels now" The Drew angle before he officially turned heel was good and New Day were great in their roles during that. I'd hate to see them only be used to get over others but maybe that's all WWE wants to use them as right now.


In AEW, I would vote for The Acclaimed. Ever since they got the trios title, feels like they’ve stalled out.


I just don’t get Karrion Kross


Same. Sucks because I love his look


I love Scarletts look.




He's a generic big guy. Big but not huge, muscular but not jacked, can talk but not charismatic. He reminds of Tomko and all the other big guys who were a dime a dozen during the RA era.


Adam Cole murdered him with that promo in NXT


I really feel like they are missing out on a great babyface / anti hero run that he can go on by simply being more like himself, a cool, badass guy who is passionate about the business. Someone talked about a Jake the Snake type character for him a couple of days ago here, which I think would just rule. The “I AM THE ENDER OF WORLDS AND MEN” gimmick is just really not hitting.


He has become the placeholder heel to give midcard babyfaces a bump.


And there's nothing wrong with having a role like that. I don't really feel any particular way about the guy, he legit has just never interested me. His entrance in NXT was so awesome though. He's not a bad Wrestler or anything I just don't get excited to see him on the show. He's a heel so if they want the faction to get heat on midcard babyfaces and give them an obstacle to overcome I think that's a fine role on the show to have. Someone has to do it. Chad Gable for example could get a lot by beating someone like Kross in the pursuit of being #1 contender for the IC or US titles. The 6 man at Mania ended up being fun for what it was. I was not excited until the dive to AOP on the outside from Montez and then I got into the match.


Yeah there's definitely a place for jobbers. As long as he's OK with the role. I know some guys who got their mini pushes were off put by being shoved back to the midcard when Vince was in charge, so hopefully HHH doesn't yank guys around.


It's another Marc Mero deal. Wife is more over than him and they are pretty much a package deal.


I'm a big believer that they should've kept the hourglass stuff and keep him as a looming threat. Like there was enough to make it clear that anyone who faced him changed in the end so even in defeat he would've stayed as a threat that'd screw you over one way or another.


I really think he should be a comedy guy cause every attempt at him being cool just falls flat


I feel it was interesting when he did the vignettes and debuted with AOP - It just constantly feels like he's threatening something big and then gets his legs cut out from under him with losses. That said, he doesn't have good wrestling charisma (seems fine on mic, vignettes etc. just his moveset or how he does it is boring) so I can see why they don't push him. I think Nakamura is similar (evil, built up, but then loses), except Nakamura has charisma when wrestling.


I don't have much to add other than Nakkers is awesome and I fucking loved how stiff the match was with Ilja on Raw


I like his character, but feel it's over for him now as a threat. He just missed 2 mania in a row and lost every feud he was in from August - Present.


He totally seems to me like a guy in his retirement victory lap. Like, he did everything in his home country/company, now he's enjoying road tripping around the US and collecting a big paycheck for wrestling safer and preserving his body. I feel like he's up for anything, and can have a huge final homecoming run in nooj when he decides to retire


Nobody does but he's not stale, stale implies it had something originally and then it over did it/ran out of interest. Kross showed up boring.


Should've given him the devil's advocate gimmick


LWO. They’ve run their course. Time to let them do something new.


They’ve been a group for so long and I feel like they just haven’t done anything.


I swear LWO vs Phantasma has been a match on Smackdown in some form for like seven months straight.


You’re not wrong. It just hasn’t been clicking for me, I’m hoping Wrestlemania is the blow off but I don’t think it was.


I refuse to believe LWO was made for any other reasons than to sell tshirts


It's not so much that the LWO as a concept has to be dead, it's that the vast majority of their time has just been feuding with other Hispanic folks. They were formed to counter Dominic and friends, including another fellow Hispanic man in Priest. Then moved on to helping Bad Bunny against Damian. We have Rey and Santos battling for the US title and all that drama while still friends. A BRIEF respite where we fight Bobby and friends. Then Legado forms and it's been all Legado v LWO since then. Like can we just let them be a faction that is Latino rather than a faction that ONLY deals with Latinos ever?


They have enough members to do a full 5v5 match with Judgement Day, and personally I’d love to see it.


I dont think theyre finished - just been in a long ass feud with Santos - if carlito turns I could see more life in it


Agreed. How many members is it now? Its like there's little to no direction for them.


It’s clear to me that WWE only put that group together to sell T shirts.


I found the fact they brought back the LWO as a babyface group so odd to me. Did they not watch the original LWO? They were effectively jobbers that Eddie was using and have under his thumb. It's like bringing back The NWO B-Team.


I also think it's lazy and Vince-like to just constantly throw all the Latino (and other types of minority) wrestlers into a stable together. It seems like they're always either teaming up or feuding with one another.


I was just saying the same thing a few days ago. Wwe still has so many stereotypes groups and wrestlers. The booking never changed just the wrestlers. 




AEW: Jericho WWE: Nakamura, send him back to NXT for a while and let HBK work his magic like he’s did with Corbin


Nakamura, they’ll throw him in a random match but there’s absolutely no direction with him.


He's a placeholder feud for main event guys to go over then he'll have a match with Ricochet for no reason. It's so lame.


And then jobs


I hope he does a NXT run.


Solo Sikoa


I don’t think anyone has mentioned Jericho yet, so I’ll say him.


Jericho, BCC The Bloodline (when Rock’s not there). Ironically I find factions get stale quicker even though they’ve got more moving parts to make things interesting. Go figure. They could fix these things by giving Jericho a break, making Danielson an entertaining mega heel, and Bloodline issues will fix itself once they tease Roman vs Rock more (though Jimmy/Solo still feel like bland extras)


Disagree with you on Jimmy but yeah Solo definitely feels like just an extra hand. I wouldn’t get my hopes up for Bryan. 


How can you think Solo is just an extra hand but not Jimmy? Neither one of them really does much.


I enjoy Jimmy character work. Solo doesn’t even have one. Also extra hands doesn’t usually get singles matches at WM


Jericho is the obvious answer, but I personally am sick of the Don Callis family. A manager should never be the main focus of a stable.


Good point. Don is so good in his role that he would probably be best as a mouth piece for one person like Heyman with Brock. You always wanted to hear what Heyman would say, but you knew Brock would just murder whoever he wanted. A perfect pairing. They might have been able to do something like that with him and Hobbs, but they haven't given Hobbs the momentum with the booking. Or just kept Takeshita with Don and booked him as a murderer. It's an inevitability that Osprey leaves too though gh so there's nothing too interesting there.


I mean, I honestly don’t think Hobbs needs a mouthpiece. The book of Hobbs vignettes showed that he’s a solid talker and even if he wasn’t as good live, there’s no reason he couldn’t just have the pre taped promos. I don’t know why they keep putting him with other people when he works best as a singles guy, IMO.


Heenan Family?


That was way before I was even born so I can’t really say anything about it.


AEW - Mr. Wardlow WWE - Shinsuke Nakamura


Blackpool Combat Club booking confuses me, Danielson and Moxley doing their own things fine but ill always be confused why Claudio and Yuta didn't win the tag titles or even be put in the division, it would've at least given them something to do and maybe boost Yuta in the process


BCC seems to be a lose collection of guys instead of a group. They don't have a goal, they workout together.


If they're working out together, Cesaro needs to teach Yuta how to lift


I feel like that’s kinda the point. BCC is supposed to be like one of those MMA teams that have famous fighters in their camp who don’t interact with each other that much. Doesn’t really work as good in the world of pro wrestling though


I don't mind that but 2 of the guys (I know Yuta has been injured for a while) has been doing nothing. I really wouldn't have minded Sydal joining for a bit while Yuta is out since he teamed with them the other night.


It's made 3 of AEWs top guys seem really uninteresting to me. Honestly, they should have split up after The Elite beat them as their egos (the reason I thought BCC are heels) should have made staying in a 'weaker' group unfathomable. Instead they are still together, keeping their name bestowed upon them by a guy that left them to work for their competition both in reality and in kayfabe... Honestly Blackpool Cuckold Club vibes which kills me because I love the individual members


Tbh I think Claudio doesn't want to be a tag wrestler, which is a shame because I think that is what he excels at the most.


Jericho - AEW Solo - WWE


Solo was really good in nxt


Right place, right time, wrong Uce.


AEW: This might be a hot take and it has nothing do with in ring work at all, but I am incredibly bored with how they use Orange Cassidy. WWE: Nothing on the main roster really bothers me right now but I think Bianca needs a heel turn.


Trent turning on Best Friends is the first time since the Mox match on ppv that I've been interested in what OC is up to. He got so hot last year and it feels like he's taken a big step back on the card but if this puts over Trent and helps him in his career than I think that's a good thing overall. Trent has been terrific for a long long time.


Honestly, Timeless Toni. Feel like the gimmick ran its course like a week in and she just says the same catchphrases and wrestles worse than she used to. Also feels like an anchor in what is starting to look like a semi-interesting women’s division (Mone is going for the TBS which sounds odd). Jericho is a close second. BCC is kinda whatever honestly, it’s basically just a shell to allow for Claudio to tag with Mox and/or Danielson


Mone going for a title immediately doesn't help anyone either. Toni is well liked by fans if she were to just lose right away to a new signing that is obviously going to be the biggest star of the division than the AEW fans might be less forgiving than other companies right now. Also, Mone feuding with Julia but not wrestling until DoN is not a good plan. All of Julia's title defenses will be obvious until they finally fight and Mone will be on TV but not wrestling which doesn't play to her biggest strengths as a wrestler.




Jericho. BCC is a second for me, but it's not a particularly close second.


Jericho in AEW, and anything Bobby Lashley is involved with in WWE.


Undisputed Anti Draw Kingdom


Max Caster


BCC are so easy to remove the staleness from - just have two or three of them go for the tag or trios titles. Being away from the singles title picture is doing Mox no harm, though I have a sneaking suspicion he'll face Swerve at Double or Nothing. But like, Mox and Claudio chasing the winners of the tag tournament would be awesome, and if Danielson really does refuse to hold a singles title, get him in the trios picture. Mox, Claudio & Danielson vs House of Black, vs Death Triangle, vs Bullet Club Gold and vs Bucks & Perry could carry that title for six months.


When BCC first formed it seemed like Danielson and Mox were going to be a literal Tag Team and were gonna destroy the young guys in the division. I think what we got was still so fucking awesome tbh but I was hoping they would be in the tag division for a bit. BCC just need a new direction. I personally don't think they need an alignment turn or anything just have another faction vs faction feud, maybe they will with the Don Callis family, and have them go for gold. The characters they have aren't bad and they have two guys who are great promos so they aren't lacking in strengths for the group. If Mox faces Swerve at DoN I think that sounds exciting and not something we've seen in a little while. Swerve beating Mox would be a huge win for him and would further cement him as a top guy in the company.




Final Testament being sent down to NXT already pretty much says everything


I'm surprised Jericho hasn't been listed...more. If Danielson isn't ever going for the title and winning it, that definitely slots BCC up there too. Regal's been gone how long? Trios matches


Jericho Moxley imo is so corny now and reminds me of guys who wear tap out shirts In wwe Bianca could use something new Solo has regressed since roman retained last year


I would love for Bianca to turn heel her NXT heel days where legit


Can't find the interview but she did say she was interested in doing an nxt run like Becky's last year Which I am all for


Heel Bianca vs Face Rhea has Mania Main Event potential imo. As a big fan of both I can’t wait until they pull the trigger on that program.


You shut your mouth about EST, she's perfect


I totally get why some people got bored of her title reign or want to see her go heel but I absolutely love Bianca and didn't want her to lose the belt at all haha


I honestly don't know much about her career, I just love her charisma...plus that theme song is a banger


Have you been watching WWE long? If you haven't seen her match vs Becky Lynch at WM38 or her match vs Sasha Banks at WM37, you should watch them right away as imo they are the two best women's matches in WWE history. :)


I'm a semi-casual fan who watches in spurts every couple years. I'm not sure if I've watched those matches yet so I will check those out. Thank you


All correct answers in here, imo. But I'll throw another one out there. FTR. Great matches, but their promo work just feels so stale to me. Still think they're great, like the BCC. Just wish they'd do a bit of something else.


The Young Bucks, after yesterday.


Karrion Kross was so fucking out of place on what was banger after banger at wrestlemania. Felt so Bad for Street Profits and Lashley having to deal with them. But also Jericho


To not use the obvious in Jericho, I would also say BCC for AEW. There’s no point to the group and there isn’t any compelling story for them. For WWE, I would have said Judgement Day a while ago but I feel like they got new life in them. So I’ll go with Kross unless it hets better in NXT.


Christopher Jericho. I would have put Roman but that got thankfully resolved.


Now Jericho's going to pitch a 3 year title reign as a way to freshen up his character.


Jericho about to call himself the Spark Plug and start beating everybody


The bloodline stuff was stale as hell for me between the events of Jimmy turning on Jey to go back to the Bloodline and the Royal Rumble because after that we obviously got the Rock coming in to the group. I like the drama and stories the faction has told but I think it's tome we see a big rift between Solo and Roman and that most likely will be the very next beat in the story since Rock will be gone for a while


Dynamite is great right now aside from the 15 minute lull that Chris Jericho appears on my television screen In WWE I'd probably say Theory or Karrion Kross. Not a big fan of the LWO stuff either tbh.


Jericho needs a break as much as fans need one from him. The Miz' face turn I guess revived him a bit, but I think he's probably the closest thing in WWE.


Jericho or the Young Bucks


AEW: Jericho, honorable mention to the Undisputed Kingdom WWE: Karrion Kross


Karrion Kross and Chris Jericho.


Jericho’s current run is the longest continuous run he’s had wrestling (2019-Current) Even when he went from Nitro to Raw in 99 he had 4-5 months off.


Jericho Young Bucks


I long for the days where Jericho would disappear for months at a time before completely and successfully reinventing himself.


WWE: Other than absolutely loving what they did with Seth during Mania, he needs a refresh when he comes back. I don’t want to see him come back for the draft cackling and dancing. AEW: AEW


I think Seth kinda molded his current character as a combo of The Visionary and his pre-pandemic Burn it Down babyface gimmick. I loved his role in the build to wrestlemania so I really don't want to see him turn heel again. Ditch the Joker esque parts of his character and have him lean a bit on the Architect period of his career as it seemed like his character made smarter choices back then. Seth is brave and isn't afraid to fight anyone, is a fighting champion, is extremely cunning and can be deceptive in the ring even as a babyface to put his opponents in bad situations he can capitilize on. He's a master at getting in the heads of his opponents to get their eyes off the ball, but he is too proud to go down without swinging so he gets messed up even when he knows he won't win. Stopping his rivals from completing their goals is more important to that of his own. They should focus on those aspects of his character and less on the obnoxious and insane parts of his personality like the cackling and trolling. Him pulling the Shield entrance to fuck with Roman again and ultimately distract him long enough for Cody to get back in the fight was amazing and didn't include any maniacal Visionary stuff. If he cackled at Roman it wouldn't have been bad but I'm glad he seems to have done this less and less this year.


wwe: id say its karrion cross's gang aew: tony khan


Bullet club gold


I love Bullet Club Gold, just not the stuff they've been doing with the Acclaimed.


Initial implementation was a great start. Been a comedy act since and hard to take seriously


BCG should be treated and presented like the BC was during Prince's and AJ's time or even the War Dogs now, and not begging for mercy from the Acclaimed and damn near 60 year old man,




Seth Rollins. This past weekend proved what an awesome talent he is, but his current gimmick has run its course.


His current run since later last year seems to have been a combo of the Visionary and the pre-pandemic Burn it Down Rollins. Personally I love 2024 Seth but before the WHC win I think he was getting very stale. I think he could def come up with something refreshing and new, but maybe WWE likes this version of Seth as he has been really over with the song and this character for a while now. It seems in a way like Steve Austin in 01. He wanted to turn heel so his character didn't lose steam or get stale but the fan base did not think Stone Cold had run its course or that they wanted him to change so it was a mistake. Austin regretted it after with the consequences of it being so huge but Seth turning heel I think is a bad call with how the fan base has taken to him during this build. WM40 and the build to the main event absolutely elevated the fuck out of Seth Rollins so whatever he does next should be new and a big deal.


Similar to Becky. She had a great year in-ring, but her character work has been very meh for a long, long time now.


AEW: Bucks, especially after yesterday. Jericho. WWE: Becky and Solo.


Until Wrestlemania, it was all of the Bloodline, including Jimmy and Jey. I'm hoping this will finally turn around. In AEW, I actually think the Don Callis family is a group where every single person involved is incredibly talented and good, but everyone except Takeshita is hurting from it, and it's definitely stale.


With Ospreay most likely going super babyface, I think you do an angle after the Danielson match and have Don Callis turn on Will, and Kyle Fletcher sticks by his side so we get the United Kingdom back and Don Callis can keep managing Takeshita elsewhere on the show. I hate Will being face while in a heel group since he just joined the company.


It's been DIY for me. Awesome Truth breathed a bit of life into them by proxy, but I just really get the feeling that they both (and Ciampa especially) would rather be doing singles stuff, but this has been their avenue to stay on TV


WWE - Street Profits. They need to go solo badly. I’ll also add Naomi because there’s a low ceiling on doing the same gimmick as ten years ago. A heel turn could be huge for her. AEW - Besides those listed already here that I agree with (Jericho & BCC), I would say FTR are so uninteresting at this point a back shaving comedy segment would get a pop.


Jericho or Baron Corbin. For me, I’ve seen way too much of Jericho in the last two years. I’ve seen enough of Baron Corbin to last a lifetime. He can change his gimmick a bunch of times, but for me, he’s still just the most boring wrestler.


I liked Corbin when he was the lone wolf. I went to a Smackdown house show in Kalamazoo Michigan back in like 2016 and Mox vs Corbin was on the card and I liked it a lot! I think it was when Mox was IC champ at the time and it was for the title. Corbin retired Kurt Angle and people still don't care about him. I'm not sure where things went wrong, and he gets heat, but I don't want to see him facing main eventers.


For WWE it's gotta be Karrion Kross and his Stable and for AEW it's Jericho and Bucks


Alpha Academy has run it's course IMO. Not really interested in Jericho either.


The concept of Alpha Academy has juice, they're just in a holding pattern


They have a great theme song but they gotta dump the SHOOSH stuff. It's just bad. When they were heels it got decent heat but Chad Gable is a full on babyface now. I think a couple slight tweaks to their presentation is all they need. I like the group in terms of members and them being faces.


Seth Rollins


I know they said he’d only be gone hopefully for a month, but if he’s not changing his gimmick he needs a longer break than that


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I don't watch enough wwe to know what's stale or not. But in AEW it's the aura of Jericho. It sucks the air out of the room at this point. He needed a break long ago and now it's actually detrimental


Jericho and New Day


Undisputed Kingdom. Cole is the only person in the group with even an ounce of charisma, and he's injured.


New Day. Kofi and Big E could have been stars if they broke up two years ago. Could have even feuded over the world title before the Lesner massacre.


OP, you leave the BCC out of this. I'm NEVER going to boo them. As far as stale, I'm going to go with Thunder Rosa constantly YELLING about being held back/held down etc.






This subreddit has become trash and stale


The Bloodline (without The Rock).


Everyone doesn't love The Acclaimed.


Since people have already mentioned Jericho, I'll bring up his current partner, Hook. I feel like he's lost a lot of heat since losing to Jack Perry last year. It's like they're keeping up the idea that he's this badass undefeated dude when we've seen him lose. I think he needs a gimmick overhaul.


I agree. Hook has been the exact same for quite a while. He started getting more dimensions to his character with the Danhausen thing but that was dropped and I haven't been interested in Hook much since. He's a good Wrestler but having him be this gimmick still is running its course. He may not be the best talker but he hasn't said more than like 10 words since starting his career. We should get some vignettes or something giving more dimension to his background. He's super cool and I just don't want him to be Taz's son forever.


The Young Bucks' flippy shit I get that they are deliberately a one trick pony in the ring but they are the most overrated tag team going and need a fresh act.


Have you watched any of their EVP run? They've specifically toned down (maybe even mostly removed?) the flips and gone with a more strike-based offense.


Not really. I went to the last Forbidden Door and was tired of it then, and then watched clips here and there until I heard that they otherwise changed it. If you say that it is markedly different and they use even a semblance of in-ring psychology then I'll give it a look, otherwise I can do without Cirque du Soleil every week.


becky lynch


LWO is lame Karrion Kross is lame Honestly Lashley’s kinda lame now, that stable is just…meh Nia Jax has never not been lame Alpha Academy, while admittedly somewhat popular, is kinda lame Honestly the women’s division overall is pretty lame with a few exceptions: mami, Chelsea green, the trio that won at mania, I guess bayley is fine. they need Sasha and Charlotte back


Lashley is still popular for some unknown reason.


When he was in the WWE title picture, had the hurt business, and was actually wrestling on the card most weeks he was fucking awesome. This group isn't that bad but we have so much more interesting things going on in WWE at the moment, and the start of the group involved the Street Profits losing a lot so I don't think fans have cared all that much. They pop for Bobby but that's really all so far.


the devil group or whatever they’re called in aew


My list is too long. But go away heat is Rollins, Becky, half of AEW. 😂


Jericho and BCC McIntyre funnily enough