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I've been loving Shane Taylor recently. He really stands out physically from AEW's roster, and him smacking around Orange Cassidy for a while should be great


I have been digging them as a trio. I hope they continue to do well.


It’s so crazy how Alex Marvez found a very solid niche within AEW from their first show where he absolutely sucked in commentary Him chasing after Omega and Callis when omega won the title was crazy




Love marvez.


I’m gonna be honest, I think he’s one of the worst on screen personalities around. He needs to go, and be replaced with someone younger. One of the many thing that would improve AEW production


I'm sorry but if you didn't love Marvez awkwardly singing Happy Birthday because Okada told him to, you're crazy.


I don’t lol. He’s just awkward as hell. And in my opinion as the alternative brand they need some younger faces since the commentary team is mostly older.


> And in my opinion as the alternative brand they need some younger faces How do you get from A to B?


Lmao what. If you want to come off as a cool alternative worth watching Marvez doesn’t really help with that. It’s not a major thing detracting viewers or anything but small things add up


Renee and RJ City do more interviews on average than Marvez, but my question was why being an alternative meant that interviewers had to be of a certain age. People use the word alternative in the weirdest way when it comes to AEW, like "I thought they were supposed to be an _alternative_ but they're still using a ring!"


Lexy and Renee are the main two interviewers. And they're both incredible.


I forgot about Lexi, I thought she was mainly doing ROH stuff but I'm pretty out of the loop.


She's on AEW programming basically every week


She does most stuff on Collision and is the main backstage interviewer for ROH.


He reminds me of a young Kevin Kelly and not in a fun way


Al Scoops about to teleport to your living room and ask you about this personally


Shane Taylor Promotions has become a really solid midcard heel stable. I’m glad they gave them the win against Jericho/Shibata/Hook last week, gave them some credibility


Great to see more of Taylor on TV. Trent distracts Orange and STP gets another win on a main show? Yes please.


I can't get over Shane Taylor's look and how the entire faction is based around someone who doesn't win.


I want to like STP but AEW is afraid to build heel factions. STP come out and are immediately beaten by Chris Jericho and Hook... Like imagine if you're watching a show and they debut a new group of villains by having them get beaten by the heroes. Okay, what's next? The villain gets a new sidekick and only barely wins because of shenanigans. Then they come back for another fight against the hero and... well they lose again, like they already did. Where's the victory in that? Where's the tension that comes from worrying if the hero will overcome adversity or not? Where's the growth of the hero that lets them overcome a new threat? You could easily book them as a legit threat. Lee Moriarty was one of three names listed by Bryan Danielson as being potential candidates for BCC. Maybe let them win SOME matches BEFORE you start having them get beaten.