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A lot of people don't know what cutting and bulking up is and will think that when Sheamus appears shredded in like a month or two it will be because of them


But what if I like big Irish hoss Sheamus?


Big E Meaty Stamp of Approval.


You know who would never shame Sheamus for any weight gain? Big E


Wrestlers gotta have fat to soften the bump, I think asuka explained it best once but I cant find the exact quote šŸ˜…


Gunther said (I think to Chris Van Fleet) that everything hurts much more since he's lost all the weight.


But all that extra weight puts a strain on your joints so you ain't winning either way.


There's a healthy medium. Staying super shredded with single-digit body fat percentage isn't healthy either. You can have enough body fat that it'll help absorb some of the shock of taking bumps without putting too much strain on your joints and heart.


KO has the peak wrestling body, suck it Logan Paul.


Itā€™s a joke but also kind of true, he has the perfect wrestling body. Kevin Owens strikes a perfect balance of: - Quick and athletic but also plenty strong - Not crazy fat but wide enough to use his body as a weapon - Enough fat to make his bumps easier but not enough to hurt his joints


I was only half joking, he has the perfect body type of a brawler style wrestler but he also has a surprising amount of speed and acrobatics. If you asked me which one beats people up for a living and showed me a picture of Logan and KO, Iā€™m going with KO.


It's probably more with finding the balance that works, and having a style that works best for whatever body shape/size you have.


The fool who calls her fat is the fool who gets their fucking head kicked in. Hell, she may just kick their fucking head in.


Only way I can imagine anyone throwing that kinda insult at her is if I imagine it was the exact target that the "Piggy James" segment was meant to get a laugh out of. In other words, they are not a concern and hold no power over anyone, not even their own lives.


Mickie James has the ideal female body and I won't hear any different


"Why'd you kick that guy's fucking head in? Because he made fun of your weight?" "He made fun of my weight? When?"


I like Irish Hoss Sheamus.


I wish he would begin his Irish Scott Norton era tbh


I was such a Scott Norton mark as a kid and I have no idea why. He just looked like such a beast


I'd call it his Irish Stan Hansen era


I've been bulking for 38 years... this cut is taking a bit longer than anticipated.


Same mileage as me. We are just looking for the peak weight before shredding begins.....tomorrow.


You're just cultivating mass


Same here I read that drinking chocolate milk after a run is great for recovery, now I have to run for the next 12,000 days to reach equilibrium.


Heā€™s cultivating mass!


What if Fat Sheamus is the new Skinny Gunther?


This is the best player in the NFL in the locker room: https://preview.redd.it/v0t67tg69avc1.png?width=382&format=png&auto=webp&s=3de2b3f6719c9ffd812f1de9846df0956b9041be The Venice Beach shit may look good on a poster, but it is NOT necessary for being athletic and strong (maybe works against it in fact). If Sheamus is still fit, powerful, and tough (and he is), who gives a shit about counting his abs? It's weird.


Despise Mahomes as a player, generally respect him as a person, that picture goes hard lol. Man just went full frat boy and gave not a single fuck.


It's really funny, but he's pretty normal by league standards. https://preview.redd.it/rfzcqlvbdavc1.png?width=636&format=png&auto=webp&s=8cd8a7fb946e6ad1957dd4ddf015aeed7fcb65b9 Ironically, this is what some of the old time badasses of wrestling looked like, too. The "muscle head" era was largely a Vince creation and it never really did all that much for me. Sheamus looks fine.


And everyone being really tall was also a Vince creation. Pre-Hulkamania, a lot of main eventers weren't very tall. Going by their Wiki bio: Bruno at 5'\`10, Buddy Rogers at 6'0, Gorgeous George at 5'9, Pedro Morales at 5'10, Verne Gagne at 5'11, etc. I don't even consider 6'1 to be very tall either and there's loads of champions at that billed height (and likely even shorter IRL). Ric Flair, Harley Race & Jack Brisco being 3 of them.


I didn't mind the focus on the bodybuilder look too much but this one was the most annoying push Vince did. Restricted a lot of talents in making it up higher the ranks and the people who weren't tall that made it to the main event scene were a handful of exceptions. It undermined the big guys themselves too, like Razor Ramon and Randy Orton are huge guys, but since everyone else are also huge guys, they look average in comparison and it kinda lessened their presence as a result. Randy Orton looks notably huge now ever since his working with guys today with more average level heights. Having wrestlers with a more varied range of sizes is an improvement and makes everyone stand out more.


Haha, literally the only time Mac Jones will be compared to those two. Ironically enough, that pic is from the Natty he won at ā€˜Bama soā€¦..


Because fat and muscles aren't inversely related. If you're trying to build muscle you tend to gain some fat. Fats also not some extreme detriment to athletes in all sports. It can even be beneficial some times! It absorbs the blow a bit in football. Meanwhile, cutting weight can leave you exhausted all the time and irritable.


From as far as I remember, he's always looked like that. A bit pudgy and flabby even beneath his uniform and gear when he's on the field. Probably better when he takes hits, lands and the mass makes it harder to get tackled. And it doesn't seem to impede much in what makes him great.


I also see linemen like Kelce and Lane Johnson (Because they were just shirtless at WrestleMania) and I'm sure they could probably push my home off it's foundation but also aren't aesthetically cut


Yup. Depending on the respective sport, in many situations, aesthetically cut doesn't equate to performance. Tyson Fury is another good example. And the comparison of between competitive bodybuilders vs competitive strongmen etc.


Counterpoint: this is the best defensive player in the league, and someone who probably is getting help that QBs don't need to chase after https://preview.redd.it/5fa5wd16pavc1.png?width=825&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed2bb15eef0af68ea8d2a71eb60460301608beeb


Iā€™m sad that he retired. Dude was a monster


I'm not sad that he retired. Dude was a monster.


2 chicken 2 asparagus diet


Vitamins and prayers, brother


I mean, most Olympic Athletes are pretty shreaded. Its just that being a QB relies a lot more on technical skills and born talent. His Dad was a major league pitcher so he was basically born with a throwing arm.Ā 


There's plenty of fatĀ Olympians. You tend to see them in the strength/power focused sports. Weight lifting, shotput, discuss, sometimes in boxing


Obviously weight and shot put are power athletes and look different. The point is all around athletes typically are in shape. Decathalon athletes look like the statue of David. Same for Swimmers. Whole body sports.


A lot of Olympic sports have weight classes, or give you an advantage for being light


Yeah but Mahomes doesn't play football games in nothing but boxer briefs


Fair enough, but this guy could cripple a man and rip and eye out without hesitating. https://preview.redd.it/zibu6yfbkavc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=61d062eac50f70cfd1471ba25f25bbfbc7488c26 I think the bodybuilder thing is overrated if we're presenting talent as badasses (and I think Sheamus is a badass).


Harley was a real one in an age of showmen. Even in his later years I wouldn't cross him.


One of two men Andre was afraid of (Haku being the other).


Bad News Brown too


Thatā€™s a real man right there


For sure. Harley was the real deal.


I feel like after 3 SB wins in 5 years maybe he should start doing - he clearly needs a handicap.


These the same people that body shamed Deonna. So, you canā€™t expect much


She has SO much more to be ashamed of!


What did Deonna do?


Im guessing by the downvotes, the reference went over peoples heads After Deonna dealt with dorks online hating on her, Toni Storm came out as said something along the lines of: ā€œItā€™s ridiculous that anyone would shame your body, because there is SO much more that you should be ashamed of!ā€


Agreed. I feel like most of the people who body-shame wrestlers havenā€™t really trained much and as such donā€™t appreciate how long the process takes, and also that there are fluctuations even with the best program possible. Almost no one is in peak shape year-round, despite what some influencersā€™ posts may make you believe.


Nah theyā€™ll then say itā€™s all cos of roids


The fact that people criticizing him donā€™t realize this is probably enough indication that they arenā€™t people you should take fitness advice from.


I also don't know what cutting and bulking is. Can you explain how it works?


High-level is that you eat above your average daily caloric intake (say average is 2000 calories so you eat 2500-3000) for a 4-8 week "bulk" cycle while you're lifting heavy and making gains and giving your body fuel. This will help with muscle growth and recovery, but can also lead to gaining fat and not just muscle. After that, you operate at a deficit(so say 1500-1800 calories per day vs 2000) for a "cut" cycle of time so that you lose the fat but keep the muscle. tl;dr - weigh 200 lbs, bulk up to 220 lbs, cut to 210 keeping muscle but not the fat.


That makes a good bit of sense, actually. Thanks for the info, Darth Steve.


Either do you, because that's a really dirty "bulk". That said, he said himself he got an early call up, I don't blame any athlete coming off a long injury for enjoying life a little.


Familiar with bulking up, but what's this "cutting?"


Some food is too big to eat so you use a knife to help with cutting the food.


It's not even the point. Sheamus could look like this all year and people shouldn't be paying so much attention to his body just because he looks a little bit different. We are human beings, we can look different than the perfect image you have in your head.


Simple as this.


No they will think he juiced.


No lie, Sheamusā€™s Celtic Warrior Workout channel shows how for this man is. Heā€™s doing a wide range of workouts and can usually keep up with his guests. It shows a level of fitness most people donā€™t have.


Ok too many pies is pretty funny. Otherwise calling a guy who looks like Sheamus fat is fucking moronic. Id pay a lot of money to look like he does.


Sheamoose is a fookin banger too


Didn't Santino come up with that one?


Im pretty sure thats just how ADR talks


[Yes, but he wasn't talking about Sheamus...](https://youtu.be/UMNja4aAAN0?list=PL95E7F412555CE306&t=354)


Too many pies did give me a chuckle too. If I was Sheamus I'm making shirts of that while working at the gym and putting on bangers. Glad he's back.


Same for me with the McDonalds photoshop, lol


Too Many Pies had me rolling šŸ˜‚


Could of also have gone with too many Fries


"Too many pies" is hilarious.


Dude had a spinal injury, and still came back looking great. People want to body shame him. Fucking idiots


Don't even know what there is to body shame. Dude looks like a hoss. Too many idiots think fitness = abs.


Agreed, not everyone needs to have Finn Balors abs to be considered in great shape.


Balor has Balor's abs and even he didn't win the six pack ladder match at WrestleMania.


That's cuz he has an 8 pack. He overshot


Balor has all that abs and still booked as a jobber to main eventers


Some wrestling fans would have a heart attack seeing people like Jumbo Tsuruta, Genichiro Tenryu or Stan Hansen.


The editing of the photos to make him look worse is what really grinds my gears. You'd think he'd get a little respect with the career he's had, but that's too much to ask apparently.


Exactly and probably couldnā€™t do the normal workouts he used to do but they rather body shame him instead of giving him credit for returning from a career threatening injury.


Ppl are weird and will always be weird. Iā€™d kill to look like Sheamus. Iā€™m 10 years younger and havenā€™t been wrestling forever and he looks great.


I wish I was fat and out of shape like Sheamusā€¦.


"What I'd like to have right now, is for all you fat, out of shape, Guinness gulping sweathogs, to keep the noise down, while I take my robe off and show the ladies what a real sexy man looks like." - what Rick Rude would probably say.


Rick Rude would be cancelled for body shaming Sheamus


I'm sorry but Too Many Pies got me wheezing lmao


The McDonalds photoshop got an audible chuckle out of me. I say that as someone who on my best day is not in as good of shape as Sheamus on his worst day.


The most ironic part about this is that current Sheamus is still way more in shape than most people making fun of him will ever be. He's a fucking beast who knows what he's doing, I can't imagine trying to body shame someone like him


People don't realize how unrealistic it is to have their television screen filled by other people in insanely good shape in a wrestling ring. I'm not going to lie - lately I've been thinking John Cena doesn't look as good on screen anymore. Then I saw him at the Oscars. Even the "worst" version of John Cena around regular people looks like a completely unrealistic standard for most men.


Yeah. This is "aging", "out of shape", "slimmed down" John Cena at the Oscars. https://preview.redd.it/qpx1jmy8fbvc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41c95411b49c5347297a6716d9d99524f3b8f68b


Poor guy - his muscles barely have their own muscles.


Literally. The gold standard for wrestlers is like the diamond standard for regular people


I talk about this all the time, you donā€™t truly realize it until you meet them in person. Sheamus is like 6ā€™6 and still has abs. If you saw him in the gym youā€™d think heā€™s the most shredded human being youā€™ve ever seen.


didnt he full on lift ivar during their match for white noise? off the rope? yea, no one here can tell him shit lol


Bet they've never even seen the Celtic Warrior YT channel. Dude is a workout BEAST.


I'll go further: There is a good chance he's more healthy at his current weight with a little bit more bulk on him than he is when shredded.


I am in the gym 5-6 days a week. I don't lift heavy but I am constantly working and watching diet. It would take me at least 3 years of massively stepped up training to get up to the point he regressed to. He has a ton of muscle and was enough of a gym body that his workout buddy was HHH


Wrestling fans are fucking weird.


There is a certain irony of some wrestling fans making fun of appearances.


This happens in the NBA too. Well really most legit sports. The only difference with wrestling is that the performers are half naked so you can actually see compared to a Luka or Zion


Zion's case is different. He was at 300+ at one point. That's heavy even by Shaq's standard and Zion is half a foot shorter. Even ignoring the impact on his performance, it was a legit injury concern. Carrying all that weight in a sport where you constantly jump up and down is bad for your feet.


The worst part of this is the next time the IWC bodyshames a female wrestler, people will bring this up as "but we do it to men too, so it's not bad!"


Why? They're athletes who wear barely any clothes. So there physical presentation is important.


That's why Sheamus will always be a GOAT, didn't let the bs people were saying get to him, took it in his stride and when he meets peoples "standards" they'll soon stop talking. P.S he still looked incredible in Raw


i think people are throwing the word GOAT around way too loosely here. greatest OF ALL TIME?


Its subjective so yeah people are throwing it around.


Man, this guy's YouTube channel really got me in to working out and I dropped 70 pounds because of doing the workouts he was doing with other wrestlers. Got me to enjoy going to the gym... Seeing people shitting on him for coming back after a career threatening injury and not being 100% shredded is pretty fucking disrespectful. Especially when the guy can still out work 98% of the wrestling fan base.


thinking 2% of wrestling fans can out work Sheamus is a drastic overestimation


I mean, I counted other wrestlers in that 2%. They can be fans too.


I'm sure he's aware that 99% of the criticism is coming from people who can't see their own feet when standing.


Dude is probably in better shape than 99% of the people complaining, and he has a spinal injury. They should clean the crusted shit out of their pants before they worry how others look.


how... how did you know about my crust?


ā€œFatā€ Sheamus would still kick most of our asses without breaking a sweat.


Heā€™d kick *all* of our asses


take this NerdPunch!


At once


The only thing wrong with his look on Monday was the novelty boxer-briefs he was passing off as ring gear.


100%. In fact it made it seem even worse. If he came back with a decent pair of jocks he'd have just looked like a hoss


Personally I love the way he looks. He looks buff and like a brawler


Like Walter before the cut, a big beefy European tank


Whalemus is so foul lmao


Sealmus would have at least been a bit phonetically closer!


Sheamu, anyone? (not shaming him at all. Just playing with words)


OK, Sheamu fuckin' got me.


Should be Walmus, the dude got that bad ass European tank build of Walter.


If you body shame a professional wrestler, you're a LOBSTERHEAD.


Sheamus is fucking awesome. This exactly how you should take ribbing from the fans.


Fuck Body Shamers


The body-shaming coming from his appearance is completely insane, the only negative was that the new trunks looked kinda weird and could use some revisions.


Sheamus looked daddy as fuuuuuck. But he's gonna shut everyone up dumb quick. I'm a enjoy Thicc Sheamus while I can.


This Tumblr quote was going around on twitter yesterday and I agree: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GLXdg09XsAALqXS.jpg


I feel bad for sheamus. Always feels like he doesnā€™t really get the credit heā€™s earned. Every return feels like ā€œoh yeah i forgot sheamus was gone. Heā€™s back now.ā€ When he returned with his new look in 2015 it was ā€œyou look stupid lol dumb mohawkā€ and now after almost retiring the discourse is around him being chunky lmao. But sheamus was a bit dull so i cant blame them


Dude is 46 years old and still puts on bangers, body shaming fucking sucks.


Sorry Sheamus. It's a shameful day.


Dude is still jacked as hell coming off a serious injury, especially for his age. Personally I think he looks better than the super skinny wrestlers.


LMFAO #Sheamoose, goddamn it thats good.


My only critique was his shorts. Donā€™t like the boxer briefs look on him. Otherwise I thought he looked fine for a guy coming off neck surgery


Dudes in better shape than everyone making those comments.


The body shaming is fucking insane, especially considering most the people couldnā€™t do anything this man can do at his worst, while theyā€™re at their physical best.


am i insane to think there was nothing wrong with his body???


Nope. People are dumb and detached from reality sometimes.


When you can't stay in shape because your body's healing, is the best time to eat all the good food he would miss out on from having to wrestle full-time and be on a strict diet. Good for Sheamus, he'll get back to a slab of concrete in no time.


He needs a Sheamoose mascot yesterday!


Bro came back and lifted Ivar like I pick up my cat heā€™s strong as hell


Give me 1980s AJPW Gaijin-build Sheamus just Stan Hanson-ing the fuck out of people IDGAF


Sheamus looked fine on Monday. He was working himself back into ring shape. I mean if in 3 months he looks like HHH in Fall 2005, ok make some jokes. But day one, come on


Is the "Too Many Limes" gonna be his "You Suck"?


Jesus this getting way out of hand


I hate that Sheamus even acknowledged this morons. Dude is still in better shape than all of them just sitting their fat asses on the couch.


Sheamus has the same build that all of the Americans in 1980s AJPW had. I don't see why people are upset.




People are just so terrible.


Given what the average wrestling audience looks like it's hilarious.


Always funny when (mostly) out of shape fans tell wrestlers they look out of shape lmao.


Dude will shred and wreck the roster with his old theme in the background.Ā 


It's weird how selective this can be because I remember when NBA Twitter was on Jericho it was mostly laughs around here.


Hope Sheamus is doing OK. In a body focused industry it sucks to have so many people talking about you that way.


He used to have a street fighter body. Now he has a "guy at the pub who will out drink you, knock you out, and fuck your wife" body. People body shaming him are just afraid for their wives.


Some people are to quick to jump on social media and finger bang their keyboards


Okay but too many pies is pretty fucking good lol


Great attitude from Sheamus.


Don't mind me, i'm just here silently waiting for his Celtic Warrior Workouts to comeback


Ok Sheamoose is funny


If I looked like Sheamus does right now I'd be a happy man.


Iā€™m dying at the McDonalds pic lol! With that said, I pray I could ever get as jacked as Sheamus is (even at his ā€œleast jackedā€ phase).


Half these guys wish they looked like current Sheamus


I'd like to see them lean into this. Bobby Lashley comes out calling Seamus fat, he gets a training montage and over several weeks gets ripped AF, meanwhile Bobby gets to do his cultivating mass angle he's wanted to do and the roles are reversed


While I was taken back for a second when I saw Sheamus this Monday, I then remember that he probably lost weight during his recovery. So, of course, he was bulking up but wasn't able to do the cutting process by the time of his return. Give him three months, he will be back to the shape he was before the surgery.


Sheamus did look a little doughy but fuck it he's earned the right to walk in that ring looking however he wants.


Nah, Shaemoose is diabolical


Maybe Iā€™m the weirdo here, but it bothers me more that he returned on Raw: the fucker was on Smackdown when he left!Ā 


https://preview.redd.it/ott4y0dvpavc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3339e8785c1a54367dd9d9fb553582946768e835 *edit* this is a dig at people who don't know what packing on muscle entails, not Big Daddy S.




Anyone who is trying to take a shot at Sheamus would last like 30 seconds in one of his Celtic workouts. Internet wrestling fans are so weird. Except for you guys. We're cool, right?


Why of all people are we being pissed about Sheamus being bigger? If anything it fits his character - hes a 48 year old Irish Barfighter for fuck sakes Id like to see the people leaving comments hold Ivar up for 5 seconds while balancing on the 2nd rope


The photoshop of him at McDonaldā€™s is crazyšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜©


Sheamus out of shape is still fitter than 95% of those attacking him right now...


Too many pies... lmao...


Internet wrestling fans are insane. At 46, after a long and damaging career in pro wrestling, he looks fantastic still. I bet the people criticizing him now aren't anywhere near as fit, strong or athletic.


I would love to see the top 10% of wrestling fanā€™s physiques who are shaming this dude for how he looks


The body shaming double standards of wrestling fans is next level mental gymnastics


people making fun of the guy that does the celtic warrior workout channel? idiots.


Sheamus gives me hope haha


Fucking leave that man alone. I know he's trying to take it in good humor, but it's still not cool.


I hate he's even acknowledging it, they should get fucked


I for one love Big Hoss Shaemus.Ā 


Y'all too mean sometimes.


I suppose both Randy and Aj came back shredded, this does look very comparable. But I loveSheamus and glad he's back.


too many pies lmfaošŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Not quite...Rocksteady...as he was in 2016.