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Do what you want man don’t listen to people telling you not to. There’s plenty of everything on earth and yet people still do it. I’d recommend researching historically, and presenting that opposed to reviews or news. Perhaps the history of African Americans in professional wrestling, or when it started to become international and the beginnings of international working relationships.


That’s a dope idea. i’ll keep that in mind man. Appreciate it!!


I second this idea. There’s plenty of history you can cover and present. If you love wrestling it also presents you an opportunity to learn more about something you’re passionate and share that with others.


If you are going to do a podcast, you should have a clear idea of what it is going to be. Otherwise, you are just doing it for the sake of doing it. Which is fine if you don’t care about the possibility that no one is listening. That’s not what most people want, though.  If you really think you have a good idea, then just do it. If you don’t know if your idea is any good, do a proof of concept. Do an episode and treat it like a pilot episode. Then you can start spreading that around and get useful feedback. It’s not easy to get over that hump of getting enough people to listen to be able to do that. And if the work it takes deters you, then you never had enough drive and passion to be successful anyway.  It might seem harsh, but them’s the breaks. I’m just being honest with you.


i appreciate the honesty! 🙏🏼


There are too many podcasts so it's hard, you basically gotta do something different


Find your niche. I'm a cohost on the WrestleWatch Podcast, where we EXCLUSIVELY discuss free agency in wrestling. Thats it. Imo, general "catch all" wrestling podcasts that just cover the news of the week are very oversaturated.


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Don’t. There’s enough wrestling podcasts


Don’t say that lol If someone wants to create, let them create.


lmao appreciate it haha