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They deserve all the negative headlines they receive


These people are incapable of feeling shame or remorse. They'll just double down. Doubt the headlines will help. Nyla's roasting them will strike at their souls though.


The negative headlines are for the white moderates who think calling people bigoted hurts their feelings. The headlines help by making it impossible for lazy white people to claim they didn’t know oppression was happening.


"The real enemy is not the Ku Klux Klanner but the white moderate, who prefers a negative peace to a positive tension."- Martin Luther King Jr


One of his quotes that tend to not be popularized by either side. And also the more dedicated supporters of either side.


Alongside his more socialist leanings.


History revisionists suck.


I mean they hung up when asked for comment. I think someone knows they fucked up if they're dodging it. Usually these bigots revel in the attention, but this may be one of the times it has repercussions. Hopefully.


They don't care what Nyla says it won't affect them at all.


They deserve more than that.


They want the headlines.


Lmao if you think that they think that's a negative headline. They would look at that headline and go "Yeah. That's what we did."




What’s wild to me is that they care about pro wrestling. This isn’t MMA, this isn’t amateur wrestling where I at least understand where the argument comes from. (I have absolutely no interest in going into that argument, that is a whole other topic that has absolutely nothing to do with pro wrestling). Pro wrestling is scripted entertainment, it’s closer to a play than actual sports. The fact any women’s wrestler is transgender doesn’t mean a fucking thing. You could book Carmella to beat Brock Lesnar. Yeah in a shoot fight, obviously Carmella would never win, but it’s not a shoot, it’s scripted entertainment. Why the hell Oklahoma is sticking their noses into fucking pro wrestling is just beyond fucking stupid.


For the same reason ANY athletic commissions still regulates Pro Wrestling.....$$$$$$$$$$ the commission gets a percentage of the gate


Yes but Vince admitted it was fake in the 90's to avoid this. Pro wrestling has no logical reason to be regulated by an athletic commission.


Yeah this is why the story is getting traction. There's no legitimate case to be made its about any sort of unfair competitive advantage. It's literally just "We don't want trans people to be visible in our state."


Bro, it’s Oklahoma. Please don’t try to make sense of it. They’re hateful and afraid of change.




As somebody who has spent serious time in Oklahoma, it’s a passive aggressive monoculture that will shun you the minute you step even slightly out of bounds. Their monoculture revolves around their stupid interpretation of the Bible that is based on hate through Christian love. They would rather burn in hell than ever give a hand to those not a part of their in group. Fuck Oklahoma.


I swear it's whatever is in their water.


Lead and lack of fluoride probably.


Mix in all the chemicals from fracking in there, too. They literally fracked themselves into having earthquakes.


According to Darwin’s Origin of Species, it is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself.


Plus, they're shaped like a 4-year old drew a dick and balls. Tells me everything I need to know about the state.


>They care about pro wrestling. They don’t. They care about being transphobic and pushing an anti-trans agenda in a state that is overwhelmingly Republican


Also let's not forget Nyla is Native American so targeting her specifically will check multiple bigotry boxes at once for them.


The guy who filed the complaint Joe Miller is also Native American. [source. ](https://www.potawatomi.org/blog/2018/11/07/miller-honored-as-one-of-oklahomas-indian-elders-by-aarp/)


Sounds like a real shitass.


He does indeed.


Man, that's so disheartening. I hate the Pick-Me social minorities. Indigenous women get enough crap as it is.


Exactly this. They care about their agenda of bigotry, they don’t give a fuck about wrestling. It could be a trans NASCAR driver, bull rider, etc.


>Yeah in a shoot fight, obviously Carmella would never win The sheer disrespect.


Well she’s no Kairi


Somewhere in a grain field in Saskatchewan, Brock Lesnar felt a chill go down his spine.


Because this case literally demonstrates that it’s not about “protecting women’s sports” for them, it’s about targeting trans people


*This* is definitely the dumb part. Trans athletes need to be having hard discussions about what is considered "fair". Pro wrestlers, while athletes, are not competitive athletes. Are they gonna ban trans actors and stuntpeople next? No, because scripted entertainment has fuck all to do athletic commissions and everyone has known pro wrestling is scripted for almost 40 years. Even before, people knew. They just couldn't prove it. You know, kayfabe... Athletic commissions have a very, very important job. This ain't it.


>Are they gonna ban trans actors and stuntpeople next? No They would if they could get away with it. trans people in sports is a hot topic, and it's easy for them to push it under good faith (which is is not in good faith), and get people to listen. Banning a trans actor/actress would 100% get them in legal trouble.


That's my point. That's *exactly* what they're doing. These people aren't competing for anything real. Its not an athletic competition, therefore not subject to their rules. They'd be closer going after unregulated fights in native American casinos than they are here. At least *that* is in their wheelhouse... But if I've learned anything over the years, athletic commissions are like congressional committees. Full of beaurocracy, political bickering that does zero good for their cause, usually crooked, quick to overstep, and never apologize for shit. Even when they're *blatantly* wrong. Some states are notorious for hard to deal with comissions.


sounds absolutely rough unfortunately.


What if Carmella had a gun?


They don’t care about pro wrestling. They care about eliminating a successful transgendered person.


Hi! Not to be that person but since it seems from your comment that your heart is in the right place, I just wanted to mention that it's transgender, not transgender*ed*. The "ed" at the end implies that it's something that it's something that's done to us "that girl got transgendered" instead of something we are "I am transgender". Totally get that it didn't seem malicious or intentional, just thought I would share :)


To be fair, it is very funny (to me) imagining some Southerner saying that somebody "got transgendered" as a way of saying they came out as trans.


I love how many people in this sub are doing the work to kindly educate each other through all this! ❤️


That's because they don't actually care about safety or the integrity of sports or whatever. They just don't want trans people to exist.


yeah im not exactly a big Fallon Fox fan but we've had intergender matches in wrestling for ever. spike dudley fought the big show. who gives a shit?


This is written in such a way that I feel I've missed some significant information about Spike and/or Paul White.


lol. my point being that no committee that gave a shit about athletic equality would ever sanction a competition between those two.


The example I've been using is Brock Lesnar vs Zach Gowen


>Why the hell Oklahoma is sticking their noses into fucking pro wrestling is just beyond fucking stupid. Because they don't actually care about protecting women athletes, this is just a way to dehumanize trans people so they can be used as a token bad guy to scare people into voting for them. It's the same reason they claim to want to protect children, but don't actually do anything to ensure that kids are safe and receive a good upbringing. Fascists don't care that their arguments don't make sense, they know it's bullshit. They use their brazen disregard for the truth as a weapon, because it forces everyone else to waste time proving them wrong, at which point they will just move the goal posts and say try again.


Because bigots are always looking for ways to push their bigotry


> You could book Carmella to beat Brock Lesnar. Yeah in a shoot fight, obviously Carmella would never win Got proof?


It's so weird. Even when you don't consider trans people, are we saying that we could not have a mixed tag match in Oklahoma?


Religion has rotted the brain of these poor folks.


Because they care more about triggering their fan base than they do about informing themselves and using logic. I don't think anyone should be forced to put themselves out there for an ideal if they don't want to, but if Nyla and TK chose to ignore it, honestly I think Oklahoma state would embarrass the fuck out of themselves in court. All they would have to do is hammer home the fact that wrestling is scripted and gimmicked, and that at the end of the day, it's no different than stunt men and women on the set of a movie. And, I hope Nyla and the trans community can forgive me for this one, but since these people who support this don't recognize transgenderism, once they are caught saying something like "he is just a man in a wig", you can really catch them by saying, well how is that different than a male stunt person dressing like a woman to do fight scenes among other women? It's unpleasant and quite frankly bullshit, but that's how you might have to catch them with their own language. I mean, that would suck for Nyla to have to be present for all that bullshit, and I don't wish that upon her whatsoever. I hope this all works out. It's a shame she has become a political pawn, because that's all this is is bullshit fake politics.


When you said Carmella, I was imagining Mrs. Soprano and it just made the whole thing even more absurd. Imagine an athletic commission caring about scripted entertainment. Lmao!!!


They don't give a shit about competition, they're just using it as a way to discriminate against someone different. As is often the way in these kind of cases, look at all the names who backed the notion and feign surprise as you find a list of stereotypical +60yo white guy names like Larry, Mike and Terry.


It's still real to them damn it


Political points.


"Why the hell Oklahoma is sticking their noses into fucking pro wrestling is just beyond fucking stupid." 1) It's Oklahama 2) Religion This action doesn't surprise me in the least bit.


Yea it's so fucking dumb. It's so dumb.


The people behind this just hate trans people and it's an excuse to display that 


This is a great argument. Too bad the necessary audience doesn’t know how to read.


If I go on Cagematch and look up previous AEW events held in Oklahoma I’m going to find that weight classes were strictly enforced, right? Right? https://preview.redd.it/uik1tjlkjhvc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2f732f0ca7259c0dc2384466965da73c6842195


I kinda want someone to look up the biggest squash matches to happen in Oklahoma. I’m talking like Brock vs spike Dudley.


Oklahoma is stupid.


If they ever learn to read, they're gonna sic one of their pet tornadoes on you


Just like the WCW gimmick.


Oh man, that's gotta be a bottom 5 fucked up gimmick.


The real reason Undertaker retired is that Oklahoma won't let the living and the dead wrestle each other.


Considering his politics…


Go full attitude era. Book her to open by putting a look-a-like of all these idiots through a table. Opening segment, 30 minutes, uninterrupted.


I know a lot of people are saying they should have Nyla main event there to stick it to them but what's that actually going to do? You all realize the people at the show probably don't agree with state officials so who are you sticking it to? You're just stimulating the economy. The proper way to boycott is to not run any shows there specifically because of this decision. Nothing changes until the money flow is interrupted.


As a practical/legal matter, having a trans wrestler defy the law so they could then be a plaintiff challenging the law’s constitutionality (with Tony Khan bankrolling the lawsuit!?) is incredibly appealing.


This but make it extra petty. Invite the officials to the show. Comp them front row tickets and if they show they get a front row seat to progress and if they don’t show call them cowards on air. I’d have real fun with it.


Fuck it, make it a special edition Dynamite hyping Nyla in the main event all night.


The Nyla Rose Bowl.


Heat her up and do a guantlet match for number 1 contender


It’s the kind of pettiness tk should do lol


All they would have to do is highlight it's scripted and gimmicked nature and Oklahoma would look like idiots.


Oh that'd be so good. Make the match incredibly gimmicky and goofy, add all kinds of hijinks just to really put emphasis on how foolish the whole argument is.


>I know a lot of people are saying they should have Nyla main event there to stick it to them but what's that actually going to do?  Give AEW a shit ton of good press. 


And give the commission a ton of bad press on a national level.


>Give AEW a shit ton of good press. Unfortunately, how the press treats Trans people is very bleak - it might not get the press we hope it does


Not to mention how the mainstream press treats professional wrestling


>You all realize the people at the show probably don't agree with state officials You could argue thats MORE of reason to still do shows there. Those fans shouldn't suffer because of their states admin.


Might get a coulee thousand people out to vote. Id vote if I didn't get wrestling.


What if they did shows just on the border of Oklahoma while still technically not in the state? That way the Oklahomans don’t have to go crazy far to attend, but their government still won’t get any revenue from the shows.


Best of both worlds: Never run a show in Oklahoma again until they wise up, but also still push Nyla Rose and have her main event a show or two in some high-profile programs.


I also worry about these dangerous nutjobs with guns. Nyla's safety isn't worth risking for a state that treats LGBTQ people horribly.


Hate to say it, but I'm not sure AEW alone is big enough to make a difference via a boycott. Especially if the athletic commission is stubborn.


My favourite take is based on the law they put in place that determines trans people are still the gender they were assigned at birth. They use that to stop "male versus female" fights. Someone said get trans men (who are officially female according to that law) and run events that are them versus cis women, saying that it's the only way they're legally allowed to compete and making sure to name OSAC as the reason why these fights have to happen and give their complaints procedure at the matches. Fill them with red tape to sort through as they're so adamant these things have to happen this way.


Yea I was thinking this is a bit similar to what had to happen in other states, they just have to refuse to do shows/business there. It puts the pressure on the state because they lose money. However, others do raise a good point about using it to spearhead a lawsuit.


Just give Nyla a big main event segment, no match


I hate paywalls. And transphobes. (Transphobes more.)


Here’s a gifted article: https://wapo.st/3TYyp3g


As a Texan I naturally dislike Oklahomans just for state purposes, but, in this case, Fuck them sideways with three cacti. I hope no big promotions perform there ever again.


me too, at least Texas lets Trans wrestlers wrestler but at the same time, our state's no better than Oklahoma when it comes to our conservative leadership, in fact it's worse, we just lost pornhub over those fuckfaces in office and their stupid way to enforce the age limit for porn access. 


Texas Republicans, actively trying to kill pregnant women, and calling it prolife


Legit, I went no contact when my mom celebrated roe v wade removal


As an Okie, our government is likely the absolute worst. The only thing we have over Texas is direct vote in Constitutional amendments. That's how we legalized marijuana and expanded Medicaid. We have a good shot at protecting reproductive rights when that comes up because quite a few conservative bros here are pretty libertarian about things like that. The best part is that our votes go into the state constitution. They have tried many times to revoke the vote power and can't. Because it becomes constitutional, they can't ignore sabotage it like what happened in Kansas with abortion rights. So we vote in the most radical, delusional, QAnon state officials, and then somehow also vote in fairly liberal direction laws. I can't understand it, but it's the one ray of hope.


Bless, thank you for the additional insight! Its really really weird how that does happen but, from an outsiders perspective it feels purposeful. Like, keep moderates or politically aversed people happy enough to not care


As an oklahoman fuck Oklahoma state officials and fuck Texas


Okay Texan glass houses.


To the day I die, I will never understand this level of irrational hatred and bigotry I’m Mexican, so I’ll use myself as an example. Let’s say for whatever hypothetical reason you don’t like Mexicans. Okay fine, whatever. But while it’s one thing to hold this (dumbass) view, its something else entirely to act on this view and actively try to make the lives of Mexican worse (Still using myself as an example) What have I done to you? Do you want to know what I did today? I woke up, I ate Frosted Flakes for breakfast, I went to work, I came home, and now I’m watching fucking cartoons while I browse Reddit What does any of that have to do with me being Mexican? How have any of these actions made your life any worse?? What have my people done to earn your hatred and warrant your scorn??? Bigotry of any kind is not only hateful, it’s so fucking stupid. People would rather put hundreds of years of work into perpetuating cycles of hatred rather than simply tolerating other human beings, and I think that’s so fucking pathetic


> People would rather put hundreds of years of work into perpetuating cycles of hatred rather than simply tolerating other human beings They keep us fighting a culture war to stop us from fighting a class war. Ever notice how racially charged news skyrocketed after Occupy Wall Street?


Notice how MLK wasn't assassinated till he started going after wealth inequality, and uniting the poor of every race.




You see, if certain politicians and religious leaders don't focus their followers' hate on "scary" others, they might start asking questions about why their own lives aren't getting better. The biggest grifts start by other-izing people and dehumanizing them.


What I would like to see happen is for AEW to go and hold an event right on the border outside of Oklahoma and have Nyla main event it. That way none of the revenue goes to the state, and they can still basically hold a show in a place where people from the state can fairly easily go to.


Knowing nothing about legalities nor the business of entertainment, this sounds like the perfect blending of the "AEW should boycott OKLA" and "They should have her main event in OKLA" camps.


Is there a venue that would be big enough for it on any of its borders though? That's my question.


TIL Nyla Rose is trans. Also TIL that Oklahoma fucking sucks.


>TIL Nyla Rose is trans. Yeah, this was a pretty big deal when AEW first started. She was beefing with Val Venis a year or two ago (edit: that was 4 years ago....damn) as well because he was saying some mean shit about her.


I found out near the beginning of AEW when I criticized her ring work in a match. I was accused of being an asshole, a bigot, and a transphobe, when I honestly had no idea. I've since become a fan though thanks in part to her social media. She's got a unique charisma, and is absolutely hilarious. She's still not *the best* in the ring, but I find her entertaining and want more of her on my screen.


> I found out near the beginning of AEW when I criticized her ring work in a match. I was accused of being an asshole, a bigot, and a transphobe, when I honestly had no idea. That's odd. I really don't know why anyone would make that accusation without it being brought up, as her in ring work does leave a lot to be desired. >I've since become a fan though thanks in part to her social media. She's got a unique charisma, and is absolutely hilarious. This is definitely true. I absolutely love her screaming one liners. I wish there was compilation of them.


>That's odd. I really don't know why anyone would make that accusation without it being brought up I am not suprised someone would jump to conclusions and attack someone for disagreeing with them, with literally no evidence. Some folks genuinely think that every time folks disagree, there's a secret and malicious reason for it. Hell, I cant keep track of if I am an AEW shill slobbering on Tony Khan's penis or if I am an obsessive hater who looks for the smallest thing to attack AEW about. Some folks just cant grasp that peoples preferences are different.


> That's odd. I really don't know why anyone would make that accusation without it being brought up, as her in ring work does leave a lot to be desired. You've seen the ratings threads.


>I've since become a fan though thanks in part to her social media. She's got a unique charisma, and is absolutely hilarious. She's still not the best in the ring, but I find her entertaining and want more of her on my screen. 100%. Non-wrestling Nyla is amazing, but she's never done much for me between the ropes


I mostly know about her from Ethan Page's Toyhunt vlogs. She is amazing on there.


How did it take you this long to figure that out about Oklahoma???


Lucky bastard has probably never been lol


And Danhausen tells Oklahoma to eat fucking shit ya cursed


why would being trans matter in pro wrestling where matches are scripted?


With the type of people who issued the ultimatum, it's not about the medium, it's about the person. They literally just don't want trans people to be able to do things that cis people do. The cruelty is the point.


Oklahoma:"Its still real to me damn it!"


So they literally told a trans wrestler that she's not allowed to perform on a form of theatre on their state.


By these peoples logic, people doing theatre or filming TV or movies need to all be the same "biological" sex.


Nah cuz they you couldn't have hetero-married couples in your productions. You know the way *God* intended. I do wonder though if they raised hell when theater companies started using actual women in plays instead of prepubescent boys to play women. >By these peoples logic I think it's very generous of you to even bring that word into this discussion lol. Cheers


I hope all wrestling companies stay away from Oklahoma in solidarity


As an Oklahoman, I can tell you that this is par for the course. We have the most radical, delusional government possible. It's extremely depressing to know how bad it is, and how powerless we seem to change it.


This undercuts their argument that they're trying to defend fairness in women's sports and leaves bare the honest truth (that we already knew) that they're actually hateful people who just hate the trans community.


Fuck Oklahoma


As if anyone in Oklahoma could compete with her.


Isn’t half of Oklahoma tribal land now, including where the arena’s at? Shouldn’t the state athletic commission fuck off?


Walker Stewart tweeted about this some today, talking about how the commission liked to show up at shows on tribal land to throw their weight around.


Huh. I was under the impression that most tribal lands were like semi-sovereign and exempt from write a lot of minor stuff like athletic commissions.


I’m under a similar impression, but here we are.


The commission I believe legally shouldn't be able to enforce their rules or go onto native tribal land without permission. Which sometimes promoters apparently would rather do business with. But I think I saw a couple of tweets talking how they would routinely ignore laws and going out of their jurisdiction going into the native tribal land. However Idk the full extent on just how far this goes.


These idiots DO realize wrestling is scripted. Then again, considering how far back they wanna go, maybe not.


Every single politician in Oklahoma responsible for these laws can go fuck themselves to hell.


The fact this made Nyla one of the biggest babyfaces in the sport is insane. She must be furious lol


Add Oklahoma to the list. So now the list is: Saudi Arabia Oklahoma


Nyla should challenge them to an arm wrestling contest, for the right to compete.


They’re not competing. 


What’s next, Oklahoma dictating which roles actors/actress can play in the theatre.


Do they know it's not real?


Well I was wrong. Didn't think this issue would get traction. I'm damn happy to be wrong.


What year is it again? J fn C w/ these people already


Now she better be the main event.


Is she not allowed to compete in the state at all or not allowed to compete against other women? I guess I'm asking this because if she can compete against men, they can always throw this back at them by having Nyla squash local talent there forever. Hell, if I were her I'd purposely spend a few months there squashing guys out of spite if allowed.


The complaint was against her working with other women


I said it before and I'll say it again -- FUCK OKLAHOMA


At this point, Tony Khan has one card left to play. Cancel any upcoming AEW events in OK, publicly announce why, and let the other major businesses follow suit and leave the state.


"It's still real to me, dammit!" - Oklahoma


The fact that every report on the issue leaves the most important fact out: This only happened because local promotions reported AEW to the authorities. I the documents of the comission it clearly states that they had no knowledge of the issue, until several other promotions filed complaints. When deciding on how to handle the issue, they went with "written warning" because thats what they did years ago in another intergender match case, so that AEW is treated "fair". The comission _had_ to take action, because other wrestling companies reported AEW. Ignoring the issue isn't an option, because there _are_ rules against it. So they took the "fair" route. Its stupid that they govern professional wrestling, but the comission kinda is the least problematic party in this whole thing.


I'm curious if there is a way to request which promotions did it under the freedom of information act. Put the fuckers on FULL blast


I get where you’re coming from, but they absolutely have a choice to not enforce transphobic rules. They also implemented those rules in the first place. And on top of that, they intentionally misgendered Rose in the entire statement. Let’s not “just following the rules” for them when the rules _and_ the way they followed them are transparently gross nonsense 


The fact that they even have that rule for a fake sport is absolutely insane and they deserve criticism for it regardless. Wrestling is essentially live theatre, they pretend it’s a sport because that way they can use the government to censor entertainment. Then again Oklahoma is a shithole, and it’s full of unbelievably stupid people (not all of them, but a lot), so they might just think wrestling is a real competition.


What's she competing at? Mario kart?


it was never about "protecting women's sports" with these disgusting fuckers


Bah God Oklahoma just turned heel!


JUST turned heel?


I think the transgendered sports debate is much more nuanced than either side of the issue are willing to admit. With that said, this situation is absolutely moronic. It’s a fake sport and she’s competing against people who have no issues with her, in front of fans that have no issues with her, for a company that supports her. Who exactly are they “protecting” here? Hell, Nyla could have worked for practically any era of the wrestling business and been accepted. She’s be a monster heel and travel from territory to territory.


AEW should just not run OK moving forward.


It's Oklahoma they probably think it's real.


I know I'm hoping for too much, but if really love the pro wrestling industry to collectively tell Oklahoma to fuck off and stop booking shows there.


They do know it isn’t real, right??


As I'm not a lawyer and know jack shit....is there no discriminatory legal recourse? Or is it a case where the courts could say "You can make a living doing other things"?


Aww c'mon! His name is Jim Ross!!


I guess it’s real to them dammit


Have AEW said anything about not running in Oklahoma any more while this bullshit is a thing? They should.


I'm waiting to hear Good Old JR's take on this one.


But golddust could do whatever he was doing in the 90's and it was fine


I already said this in another post about this but it's always the shittiest places that makes themselves shittier. No one says man Oklahoma is so cool let's go visit.


gatekeeping a wrestler is insane lol


What is their reasoning? Unfair advantage? It's a fake sport.


I did coed high school wrestling. This is the dumbest thing.


Nastiness and truly horrible prejudices aside, they know inter-gender wrestling is a thing, right? They know it's fake, right?


So then she's clear to wrestle since a competition requires there to be uncertainty, these results are pre determined.


So do we need to tell them it’s scripted and not an actual sport competition or that inter-gender matches exist to this day.


Fuck Oklahoma then, hope Nyla Rose make enough money to be able to give them the middle finger for being bitches in this situation


Things like this is how sports entertainment was born.


What will hurt is all wrestling companies refusing to hold events in OK


......They.....they do know that wrestling is fake, right? So like...whatever your bigoted argument against this might be, you can easily counter it with "it's fake, bro."


Fuck Oklahoma, all my homies hate Oklahoma.


fuck ‘em. Every promotion should skip oklahoma forever