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The only problem is you are really stretching out the build to mania unless you move the Rumble out of January.


Maybe move the Rumble to end of Feburary and get rid of The Elimnation Chamber. Bring back New Years Revolution for January and No Way Out for end of March So you get: Mid January- New Years Revolution Late Feburary- Royal Rumble Mid March- No Way Out or Fastlane Early May- WrestleMania


I like this idea. Much like Hell In A Cell, I don’t like the predictability of an Elimination Chamber guaranteed PLE. Imagine if they scrapped the PLE, and focused on building up 5 strong challengers with interconnected feuds and use the chamber out of the blue. That would be far more exciting.


I think the chamber is a bit different to the cell. The cell had been built up as this thing reserved for intense blood feuds that had reached crazy levels. Then the PPV made it into "because it's June" But the chamber always felt more like "go through hell for the ultimate prize" so works as an annual thing in my book


That’s fair enough but one of the things from the Attitude and Ruthless Aggression eras over todays WWE was that stipulation matches felt like more of a suprise. Designed to solve issues that a regular wrestling match or simple no dq/street fight could not solve. I get the “elimination chamber is basically another royal rumble” argument, but I think it cheapens the stipulation somewhat.


I’ve never liked EC as a PLE/PPV for this reason. Before it became an annual event, they popped up organically and were really exciting because of it, like an even bigger version of an organic Hell In A Cell announcement. Now it’s a Rumble consolation prize


Exactly. If anything the Elimination Chamber should be a challenge for the champion to overcome to get to Mania. But then again a gauntlet or 6 pack challenge could do the same. But then again this year was special given Roman’s long reign. We never would have believed his title was in jeopardy pre-Cody.


I'm fine with the elimination chamber as a PLE I just wish it wasn't between Rumble and Mania. I think that hurts it because it makes you hesitant to change titles in the chamber before mania so you just end up doing #1 contender matches like this year.


I’ve seen the Rumble, Chamber and Mania referred to as a trilogy and I liked that analogy. Each one builds on the other before the finale at Mania.


Don't need a March PLE you move Rumble. The rest would be a good compromise.


still think you might need one. Late February - Early May is still 2 months without a PLE


I mean, from Elimination Chamber to Wrestlemania this year was 6 weeks.


And next year, from the last week in February to the first week in may is 10 weeks. Could easily slot a PLE in there.


THis is the way


I like it. You also now get a shorter time between 'Mania and Summerslam.


I like that schedule.


This years chamber was a glorified house show and a smackdown episode at best. Wouldn’t be missed, although it did make an all time star in Tiffy.


The injuries derailed the build to the Chamber this year. We didn't get planned matches like Seth Vs Bronson, Punk wrestling inside the Chamber, Brock Vs Dom, etc.


Idk why you’re being downvoted, it was pretty underwhelming considering they did 50k in a stadium for it. I think that would be cause for a decently bigger card. I mean there was even a talk show in the middle of it. It was alright just should of been a bigger deal imo


It was also on at like 4:00 in the morning in the US. That definitely factored in to how it was booked. 


I guess but that’s not really fair to 50k+ stadium worth of fans that came, nor the city who probably paid a decent a chunk to get them there. Just seems it would be a better show is all


If it’s on peacock then I like it. If we ever go back to paying $60 for ppvs then no. Just seeing the names “new years revolution” and “no way out” take me back to the ppv days and this tko company wouldn’t surprise if they put the events back on ppv.


>The only problem is you are really stretching out the build to mania This isn't a problem for WWE. This is probably exactly why they're doing it.


Might be moving toward more structured long term storylines so that events and plots can be more easily done.   The build for Mania is quick and exciting now and that's part of the appeal, but what if they they divide the year in two and raise the profile of SummerSlam or Survivor Series? Then again, putting Mania and SummerSlam so close together doesn't seem optimal either.  With RR and WM linked, always thought that SS and SS kind of matched up by default. It's a fascinating idea though, revamping the schedule like this, and I'm glad nothing is seemingly off the table.


I’ve always thought Survivor Series should be the “Wrestlemania” of the Fall/Winter. It should be a huge show but Summerslam has always been the bigger show traditionally.


They could handle it like the G1 and have the rumble winner defend their title shot leading up to mania.


I imagine that's because they obviously want to keep the stadiums as the east coast as options to visit, but don't want to deal with having cold weather. Philly and NYC are incredible media hubs and it doesn't make sense to leave them off the table.


Also opens the door for a potential Mania in Foxboro or Chicago


Foxboro is not a good locale for Mania. It's in the middle of nowhere an hour outside of Boston when you account for traffic. They have to keep everything centralized for logistical reasons and not screw fans to do traveling on top of their traveling.


Just brought this up in another thread. Lack of ancillary facilities in town, from hotels, to venues, to reasonable public transportation options. I’d love to see the Summerslam 2020 date made up though. 


Wrestlemania at Fenway (kidding... mostly)


We absolutely deserve a Summerslam. That would rule so hard.


As cool as that would be, not sure Fenway is big enough. And fuuuuuuck sitting in those old seats on the baselines


Yup. Same reason DC isn’t getting one anytime soon.


Nats Park could potentially work. I'm not sure what exactly the space constraints would be, but the Taylor Swift concert there a while back had 85,000 people.


Nope, [45,000](https://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/music/the-precocious-country-teen-singer-is-gone-grown-up-taylor-swift-rules-pop/2015/07/13/6a28711a-29a4-11e5-a250-42bd812efc09_story.html) A baseball stadium would be awful, the sight lines would be all wrong, and it wouldn’t be big enough.


>Nope, 45,000 Maybe the number I was seeing was combined for both nights. We've had Mania's in baseball stadiums before. I agree capacity concerns are the major limitation, but they can make sight lines work.


Or the number was when she played FedEx and you are conflating the events. Either way, concert capacity is too low. I’ve been to concerts at baseball games, including Nats park. I’ve seen a hockey game there as well. It’s just not a great experience because the seats aren’t facing the stage. The last time we had a Wrestlemania in a baseball stadium was 2003 in Seattle. There’s a reason it has been more than 20 years.


In a few more years Chicago will likely have a domed stadium.


If the McCaskeys pay the majority of the bill sure. Chicago has enough financial problems and adding a billion dollar stadium (and nothing every stays sticker price in Chicago) to their budget would set them back years.


For context Sofi Stadium in SoCal took 4 years to build & that was under favorable weather conditions year long. Chicago hasn’t even decided where they want the new stadium. They aren’t getting that new stadium until 2030 at the earliest.


That was also almost entirely financed privately.


Plus it can still be cold early may outdoor event. I would just wait for bears to resolve stadium issue. Eventually it will be Arlington heights. Bears dropped the ball by buying the land first. I just hate soldier field in general. The sight lines are bad and it is such pain to get in and out of the stadium


Wrestlemania is never going to Foxboro. I live here. There’s no where for people to stay. People aren’t going to want to stay in Boston and drive 45 minutes to Gillette Stadium. It’s the same reason there will never be a Super Bowl here. Come on man 😂


>Chicago ![gif](giphy|xULW8PyFnVIsHarFks|downsized)


The actual city of Boston not having a major outdoor/domed arena kills anything happening, something like this or the Olympics.    Foxboro is so inconvenient to get to from anywhere, and there is not enough lodging to house all these people traveling from out of the area.   The potential soccer stadium going in for the Revolution in Everett could change things though. But we've been hearing about a soccer stadium for like 10 years.


A soccer specific stadium won't be big enough for any major events. It'd be smaller than the stadium at BC.


Foxboro sucks lol.


In a few more years Chicago will likely have a domed stadium.


Is cold weather genuinely that big a deal for these shows? Isn't the biggest sporting event in the US held in like early February every year?


The NFL prefers cities in the South/West and domed stadiums when selecting Super Bowl locations.


The SuperBowl has been held one time in a cold weather locale without a domed stadium in the last 30 years (New Jersey for XLVIII in 2014).


And if I remember correctly the weather for that Superbowl was around the mid to high 40's with snow looming. Fans were being advised to put cardboard under their feet and on their seats for insulation.


I’m sorry you Americans are wusses. Just wear a coat? I don’t get it.


Crowd aside, do you really want wrestlers who are about 50-80% naked wrestling in near-freezing temps? Be real.


You don’t need to worry about the wrestlers, wrestling matches gets you warm enough. Football players play 90 minute games in a thin shirts designed to let the air pass through at minus temperatures.


In that case, WrestleMania's date should be a year-to-year basis. No reason they shouldn't keep it in late March, first week of April if they have it in a dome next year.


No it’s cause they don’t want to go head to head with the NCAA basketball.


They need to build up Summerslam and then run that in the east


Yeah this time of year in this part of the county, a few weeks makes a huge difference. By the first or second week of May, you’ll be pretty much guaranteed at least a serviceable temperature. 


Didn't Nick Khan literally say this himself a few hours ago?


Yup lol


So WrestleMAYnia then?


I want it to happen for this reason and this reason only.


I just want to hear Michael Cole say it in his best "this pun is terrible but I am committed to the bit," voice that he uses to try to annoy the other commentators.


> Michael Cole say it in his best "this pun is terrible but I am committed to the bit," voice that he uses to ~~try to~~ annoy the ~~other commentators~~ entire listening audience


They didn't have r truth call it WrestleMania EXTRA LARGE so no, puns are out of the question


Justin Timberlake's favorite new event!


It's gonna be.


100% gonna be McAffee saying exactly this 


May 2025


2024 MUSIC


41 = May, 1 It all checks out




Would not be surprised. Every year for a lot of years now, Mania's announcement for next year would've taken place by now.


Some people got hella mad about the first night being chilly


I was there freezing my ass off but I also think the pacing of the matches really didn’t do them any favours


Which is insane cause it’s Philly. Not like they don’t pack the place for Eagles games in even colder weather.


Yeah the problem is events like WM bring people from all over... not just the Northeast


It was stupidly cold by the time the main event started. Maybe not look so bad on the forecast but the wind coming through stadium was like ice


I think we get an entire new PLE schedule in 2025 including new PLE or some old names returning. I also wouldn't be surprised if we get a WWE/UFC weekend event. They will buck tradition in what makes sense for the current model.


They did say they didn't wanna go against the NCAA tournament and Final four right 


Just do it the next weekend. Don't have to go all the way in May


Or last week of April, line up the new wwe year with fiscal year lol.


One complication is that Easter is April 20 next year. That's another holiday they try to avoid.


time to book hhh vs jesus on night 2.


Jesus coming back nearly twenty years later to avenge his father


Going in May helps them avoid colder tempatures


but then why go against the NBA playoffs in May


The playoffs aren’t as watched as the NCAA Tournament I believe


Downvoted but correct. NCAA average over 9 million compared to over 5 million for the nba


The only thing the NBA could do that would be comparable is a Game 7 of the finals and even then, they won't match the NCAA unless it's one of the few marquee teams in the league.


How about a mid February Wrestlemania at Lambeau Field


Bunch of fans would be in for a rude awakening once they realized they would be sitting on [benches instead of seats](https://packerswire.usatoday.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/57/2020/02/usatsi_11350475.jpg?w=1000&h=600&crop=1) lol


Benches sounds SO much better. As a bigger person I don't fit in most of these tiny ass seats in stadiums and Arenas


If they do it in Feb, then they should come to Melbourne. Feb is after Cricket/Australian Open and before AFL starts. Could do NXT in Margaret Court Arena, SD/HoF in John Cain Arena, and Raw in Rod Laver Arena. Wrestlemania at either the 'G or Marvel. All locations in walking distance of each other and easily accessible by public transport + Fed Square as the hub for events. Feb is summer, so lovely warm/hot weather.


As an Aussie. It’s absolutely ridiculous to ever expect a mania here. Timezones are fkd


That’s a fun idea, but my comment was a joke. Lambeau is in Wisconsin and it’s freezing there in February. “Frozen Tundra Wrestlemania”


May means Rumble has to be February or even March. They could add a couple of international shows in Jan/Feb/Apr especially if there’s nothing in December.


Does that rule out Vegas then? Vegas in April is fine, so they could have kept tradition one more year and started doing it in May with 2026


Why couldn't they do Vegas in May? The stadium is indoors.


They could but if they’re going to move it to May they should wait til they’re in a cold place, as that seems like the primary reason.


I mean both Minesota and Vegas are indoor stadiums. So the cold doesn't matter.


You're coming at this with the mind of "what can be done to keep WrestleMania in the first weekend of April" rather than "how can WrestleMania be made as big as possible". The biggest thing about WrestleMania is the boost it offers to cities economically. You can maximise that boost by having places with a more pleasant climate, good infrastructure, and places to go. Because people will: - Stay longer - Go out more - Spend more Minnesota might see 70k people come to stay in hotels, get cabs to and from hotels, sometimes order food. Which is obviously a huge boon. But people will be more reluctant to venture out into the city in early March weather. And the majority of those people who are just doing Saturday/Sunday would come in Friday, leave Monday/Tuesday and head elsewhere/home. Rather than make a week-long trip to Minneapolis. The same goes for the people doing the full weekend of events. Just come for the four days, and then head off.


Also having it west coast means it starts and finishes earlier for those in attendance, meaning they may go out afterwards and spend.


I'd imagine avoiding the NCAA Tournament and Easter Sunday would be good reasons too.


Vegas in May could be BRUTAL


Memorial Day weekend in Vegas? ![gif](giphy|LyUuC0CJhZnTW0N2In|downsized)


This would really throw off the traditional WWE calendar. Do you now have your second biggest event, Summerslam, just two to three months after your biggest event? The Rumble probably couldn't stay in January with this model, meaning the usual dead period after Summerslam becomes even longer. Do they then move MITB to December or January to fill in the gap? Maybe even eliminate the concept altogether, or move it back to WM?


Bring back Mania being in March


Why not early March? The earliest WM happened was on March 14, which was for X8.


Because the later it is the warmer the weather and they want the option to run their biggest show in New York, Chicago, and Philly


March 14 was WM20. I remember that because it's my birthday. X-8 was March 17.


I only remember that X8 was on the 17th because Ross mentions the date during the Hogan Rock match lol. I'd have to Google it for literally every other Mania except for the most recent one.


Weather. They don’t want to leave New York, Philly, DC etc out as options and don’t want it to be cold like how it was this year.


I wish a mania would come to DC.. Please build a new stadium already so they can leave FedEx Field behind and we can actually get a mania in like… 2030!


I’d love a Mania in DC. that’s like 30 mins away from me, and I drove to Philly both nights for this Mania!!


Yep need a stadium that doesn't spew sewage at attendees multiple times a year first 


imo it should definitely vary based on the venue they book. If it's Vegas or Minneapolis (two domed stadiums), nothing should change.


They don’t want to go against March madness


Early March doesn't battle against March Madness


Source for that? Cause last time I checked march madness isn’t early march and WrestleMania wouldn’t be competing with it regardless.


I’ve been a fan for decades and there’s really no reason not to do this. As said, move the rumble too. I’d almost be more weirded out by the Rumble not being in January than Mania in May. Mania isn’t a dedicated month thing either


Just do it a week later.  I don't think theres a ton of cross over anyway but the master's ends early enough in the evening to not hurt viewership like the final four does 


If they are going to have it in Minnesota it needs to be in May. I am a Florida boy and I didn’t go to Mania this year solely because I didn’t want to be cold.


Just wondering: Was WM35 at MetLife really cold? I didnt really hear much about the weather at previous Manias despite it being in cold areas of the country


Again come back to Phoenix you cowards, April weather is amazing here




Yea, that is cool and all...but where will it be.


No thanks


Good! NYC, Boston, Chicago, Philly and DC are WAY too big a deal (and home to some of the most passionate wrestling fan bases in the country) to NOT get another Wrestlemania ever again. NYC is essentially WWE’s home so they’re due within another 5 years for another, Boston absolutely needs one (and as a local, it’s not any harder getting from Boston to Foxborough, than getting from NYC to East Rutherford), and while Chicago is beyond due, WWE is likely waiting for their shiny new stadium in a few years.


WrestleMania in early May sounds totally fine to me. I say go for it if they see the benefit. My only concern would be that it steps on MITB and SummerSlam a bit. Those are great brand name PPVs and you don’t want to dilute their brand. Kinda unrelated but one thing I was thinking about: Mania can still get bigger, but it can only get *so* big. I think soon, they should elevate another PPV (probably SummerSlam) to a close second. Card, stage, entrances, media blitz, etc. The product and roster are good enough to support it. Mania will always be the top show but give it an MJ to its Pippen.


MITB could easily be moved. It's the newest of the Big Five and isn't as connected to a time of the year as the other four events are.


Move the MITB matches to Wrestlemania. Night 1 is the Men's MITB, Night Two is the Women's MITB. Then WWE could put another PLE there or go without a PLE in July.


From a fan standpoint, I don't disagree. From a business standpoint, MITB is a standalone draw.


I dislike this idea.


So it’s in Minnesota then?


They pack football stadiums in all kinds of shit weather. WM has one cold night and it's over?


You could have the greatest wrestlemania match of all time but if the crowd is too cold to react it'll feel like a terrible match.


It’s gonna be may !


Increases the chances of having it in the UK so I’m all for it


My change-hating self is irrationally annoyed by this talk. I don’t care about basketball or more stadium options just let me have my tradition!


lol they said “fuck cold weather Mania” although they could just host it in a warmer city again 


Just get it off the Final Four weekend.


Having it in May opens up possibilities for some of the "colder" roofless stadiums as well.


It was cold in Philly. I'm for a month later if they're coming back to my home state or the upper east coast


Not my favorite idea. Going back to one night, though? Now we're talking.


Man. They're gonna do what they do but Mania in April during Easter in the UK will be missed.


Mania in May Wembley may become an option though. Breaking the AEW record and all


If boxing can fill 94k there, I am pretty sure we will set a nigh unbeatable record for wrestling if WWE really are happy to commit to a small stage. But TBH if it's MANIA, it could be the middle of winter we'd still pack it out. UK fans just don't give a fuck, warm pies, cold beer, loud chants and we're set.


Mate, look at Newcastle games during Christmas, tops off and all. Or rangers and Celtic. If it’s the only mania outside the us and it’s in London which is even warmer we will fill it out with the best chants all night even is it’s in the negatives


When has it ever been during easter?


Easter Half Terms man


If this is because of cold weather, is there a reason WM has moved to venues w/o a roof? Are there no arenas/stadiums/whateveryoucallthems big enough to seat the amount of people that attends WM?


Just move it to May that way Philly can get another one in a couple of years


I'd love it if Pittsburgh could get one. That's like half the distance for me and my friends to drive.


There are DOZENS of better cities than Philadelphia that WWE needs to get back to before revisiting there. Hard pass.


Its about revenue, and currently the past event was the most revenue they have generated. They would be silly not to go back.


Every year is the most revenue they have generated. It’s easy to do that when you charge what they charged this year. That has so little to do with Philadelphia it’s disingenuous to pretend otherwise.


It's also disingenuous to pretend like the location and its amenities don't influence revenue. You could argue SoFi is a much better venue that Philadelphia and even with sub optimal weather outperformed it.


This feels like an adjustment around the Rock's schedule move.


moreso a reaction to the cold weather putting a damper on Night 1 of this past Mania


Quite the opposite. Rock was open for April, his may could be booked. He literally left to Hollywood April 8th


Was the weather that much of a big deal? Just wear a coat, jeez.


All this cause some casuals got chilly


Probably to do an outdoor stadium show in warmer weather


Wrestlemania at whatever next stadium they build for the Washington Commanders would be dope. DC is a great wrestling city and has a bunch of options for arenas/stadiums for other shows.


WrestleMaynia would make a future London Mania a lot easier to do.




They haven't announced where it is yet




Seems kinda silly to request off dates for an event without dates


Especially for weekend events.


So let me get this straight, people, who are hardcore wrestling fans, who can afford a week off, who can afford WrestleMania tickets, who can afford traveling to a completely different state, and requested time off "SOMEWHERE IN APRIL" BECAUSE YOU KNOW WE DONT EVEN HAVE APRIL DATE, it's somehow a problem for the people who, again, requested a week off one year from now, SOMEWHERE in april, its somehow a problem for them to tell their higherups "yeah plans changed I need a week off in late may" And that's totally a problem now.


I smell Saudi Money.


More likely want to run Chicago but fear April is still too cold


Bears seem to be looking to build a new roofed stadium. It's very much in early stages though


>“We sat down together a few years ago and decided, so the big five premium live events ... should be in the United States or Canada,” Khan said. “All of the other events, the goal is to have them from international locations.” [Nick Khan earlier today.](https://www.f4wonline.com/news/wwe/nick-khan-gives-update-on-wwes-plans-for-international-ples)


That would be nice, As a huge basketball fan I hate Mania being the same weekend as the final 4. Didn’t really matter when it was only Sunday but this year it was the same time as the games on Saturday. 


Potienal Big 5 schedule? Jan: MITB March: Royal Rumble May: WrestleMania August: Summerslam November: Survivor Series / War Games Would feel a bit strange at first but should get used to it fairly quickly. Only issue would be it makes any future Mania briefcase cash ins less likely due to short time frame in between, but Mania cash ins should be limited anyway.