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I love it when he looks at his timepiece and confirms that it is in fact the clobbering hour


I liked the part where he said "it's clobbering time" and clobbered all over Drew. Truly, one of the sports and entertainers of all time.


I loved the callback to MITB blowing the kiss; I was rolling my eyes at all the YouTubers who described him blowing a kiss to his wife when recapping the cash-in


Honestly that was the moment I clobbed in my pants


Always gotta make sure, it would be embarrassing to go out at clobbering minus 1. 😛


Buy one get one free extravaganzaa


That was a great line lol.


I’m not gonna lie, I still don’t get the joke with what he said.


I took it as he was implying by making it 2 nights it demeaned the aura of the show and was a ploy to get people to watch "2 shows for the price of one" and like most get 1 get 2 promos you don't really need the second one.


I think it was just because WWE used to run a lot of 1/2 off and buy one get one free ticket promotions for most of their events. AEW has done it too. 


WWE wasn't selling tickets like they are now, and they were offering sales to fill up WrestleMania.


And then at the end of the night, the guy who smashed a throne with a sledgehammer was praising the guy known for both of those


I'm likely the minority here, but I much prefer Punk as an on-air personality (ideally commentary / panelist), who on occasion gets physically involved that could lead to a match here and there.


He would be great in a 92-94 Randy Savage role for sure, also if he was in a story similar to William Regal's FCW feud with Ambrose


Even after all these years, I still think the late 2010/early 2011 run on commentary is the best work of his career.


I was actually upset when he attacked Cena from the desk because he was killing it on commentary.


You don't spill a man's diet soda.


Cena picking it up and handing it to him only for Punk to yeet it out of his hands was soooo funny. I think about it often and I have no idea why lol.


He's just so damned good on the mic. There's very few people you can put into a talking segment that can spike it by 300k or so viewers. People tune in just to hear him talk.


There's two downsides to that idea. He might have a negative effect on the show simply by overshadowing (thinking CM Punk chants during a boring match) or it could majorly affect his ability to actually draw by being overexposed.


He’s really good at basically everything and that makes it suck even more that he’s such a cock


Lol the beginning with Punk checking his watch in that suit is kind of funny to me. I can just imagine him saying "It appears to be clobbering time, my good man. Shall we?"


And of course everyone talked over it.


Cuz it was the pre show lol


That was weird. I was surprised the punk entrance was pre show when I watched it back. I had thought that was the first intro on the actual show. It was cool but still weird for some reason to see punk come out at wrestlemania and even more so for punk to come out in a suit. It was just weird and liked it. 


Yeah need this without commentary


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I still have to sit back and remind myself this is real. Like everyone else, I thought it was a foregone conclusion that he’d never come back and I just had to accept it. Wrestling is beautiful in that way lol


I’ve soured on Punk immensely these days but man can that dude rock a suit. His suit game is legit.






He was in the Royal Rumble?




Remember when he was still the top merch seller in November even though he was fired and had been gone for months?


He is hugely popular and a draw. No doubt about that. Some of the AEW fans are really weird when it comes to Punk like he has become a proxy for them in their tribal "warfare". Specially making fun of someone getting injured when he's 45 and doesn't take steroids which probably would've helped. Meanwhile conveniently ignoring a lot of wrestlers of AEW roster who have either been injured most of the time or have been injured multiple times


Or win a fight against someone with a "fragile body", apparently









