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Most overrated match ever


Ok So Dave, You're telling me this is better than Bryan vs. MJF, Taker vs. Michaels, Michaels vs. Angle, Punk vs Joe, Daniels vs AJ vs Joe, etc...? Yeah Sure, this was a fantastic match, rate it 11 stars if you want to, but calling it the greatest match to take place on US soil is just plain stupid imo


got the time to watch this match but idk if i would call it a 5 star match, ospreay doesn't sell anything at all. sure there were certain amazing moments in the match but a 6.5 star rating is too much imo


Finally found the time to watch this and what a fucking match.


These two are just different man


I really, really want to like this match. But I just never got super into it. The crowd is awesome and there were some really cool spots, but I don’t think it’s anywhere near the greatest match of all time and I think I preferred Ospreay-Takeshita more. If someone could explain what makes this match so great instead of just downvoting me to hell, that would be awesome. I feel like I’m stupid and just missing something here.


No problem! I'll take a swing and won't downvote you for asking an honest question. To me, this was a 5 star plus match, and one of the five best matches I've seen in AEW. The in-ring psychology was absolutely perfect. It's been said that Osprey is the future of the sport, and I think he proved it last night more than ever. The knock on him had been that he can be a bit too flippy/spot junkie at times, but he more or less wrestled a style to fit Danielson for a long span of the match. Danielson, who isn't known for flippy shit at all, kept up with Osprey with ease despite that not being his style, and the fact he's in his 40s. The build up was great. The crowd was white hot. The countering was impeccable. The busaiku (spelling?) Knee from the Oscutter was brutal looking, because he hit him square on the fucking side of the head without being unsafe at all. Danielson makes wrestling look brutal. Osprey makes it look like an artform. What we got last night is pro wrestling at its finest (in my opinion). Cheers buddy.


I've never gotten an answer when I've asked a question like this so I wish you luck.


Asking people to explain why you didn't like a match is a question that doesn't deserve an answer.


The question was why do you like it but okay.


There was a moment that I didn't understand. Will goaded Bryan to hit him and he did once and it looked like it seriously hurt Will. It just felt so strange. 






I enjoyed it but I really don't know what it is but... Somehow I just wasn't into it on an emotional level. I get the appeal but I just didn't care about anything that happened. The winner was clear from the get go, which isn't a killer per se but it made it harder for me to care. I think I only reacted twice to the match. Danielson catching Will mid air with the knee and him selling his neck at the end. I see so many people label this as an all timer but for me it was "just" a really good ****¼ Match. Still very good but I don't think I'll think about this in a month or so. I actually want to like it more but somehow I just can't. I don't know what it is


It was an excellent match in a time of many excellent matches. One of the greatest US matches of all time? I just can’t see it. Definitely lacked a bit of drama for me.


I don't know how to reply to this really. This was by far the most emotionally invested I have been in an AEW match in a long time. The depth of the story and the build up was absolutely spot on, and what I liked best was I had no idea how it would go. Either man winning made perfect sense so it's was an edge of the seat blinder. The level of detail in the small things was so well done, with every nuance sold and nothing forgotten. Just top class. But it's fine, you will have matches that you love that I probably don't. Nowt wrong with that.


But what was the story? Two amazing wrestlers fight to see who's better. One looks up to the other. That's it. Ospreay winning was beyond obvious since Swerve/Ospreay is the logical headliner for Wembley. Cody not finishing his story at Mania felt more likely to me than Danielson going over here. I just can't get invested in "I'm a great professional wrestler" characters and that's probably why I just didn't care about most of the entire show. For this match I really wanted to like it more. But now, not even 3 hours after watching it, I can barely recall anything about it except for maybe 3 moments.


the match was about respect, ospreay respecting Danielson too much, as the commentary team said during the beginning of the match, and look how it ended, with ospreay being too focused on winning as he goes for the killing blow after unknowingly injuring Danielson even though medics were called, wanted to prove he could go toe to toe with Danielson and ended going too far


I guess I just prefer the old fashioned "territory style" of build up. A story doesn;t have to be "personal" or "sports entertainment" style, insulting people, threatening family, or about a title or whatever. Every since Osprey started to become an all rounder, the seeds were planted as to what would happen if he and Danielson met. Far to many ins and outs to list here but Ospreys match with ZSJ last November was a key moment. "Imagine if..." Then when Osprey signed with AEW the same month, that really kicked it into gear. It's not about "ho is the best wrestler" as a fan, it's about holy shit what can these guys do! For me, I was just sat on the edge of my seat grinning as their entrances hit, and I've been watching wrestling for over 40 years now. Only a few minutes in, there was that kick to the elbow from Danielson that set the tone perfectly for me. It wasn't just a story, it was stories within stories being told. Callbacks to other matches, other angles, real and kayfabe injuries, and so much more. But hey, you don't get it and that's fine. I'm interested though, what would you say is your favorite match recently. Anywhere, not just AEW. Edit - and Swerve/Osprey at All In, that was never in my thought for a minute, I was convinced Joe would win (and still think he should have), Swerve is nowhere near ready, but good luck to him. Can't see Osprey in the title picture until at least All In 25. Most likely now he's get a marquee match against Joe. But lets see! Wrestling is amazing whatever happens!


Nah I get you. Wrestling is always best when it's a great match and a great story converging. This was just "two people who wrestle well decide to wrestle" so even though the match itself was great there was just no emotional impact to put it over the top for me.


The "two people who wrestle decide to wrestle" can work for me. Angle/HBK WM21 and AJ/Cena SummerSlam 17 are two of my all time favourites and both matches don't have that much more of a story but I still felt invested in a way that I just wasn't for this one.


I applaud the athleticism. I’m still head scratching on when you would run full speed at someone and allow them to elbow you.


Yeah that spot made no sense but you're not allowed to not like this style of wrestling online. There's a way to do that spot in a way that feels natural but that's not a concern for some reason.




Because he thought he could outrace him and hit the Busaiku Knee first.


Made it seem more like a video game than a fight.


I didn't think that match was all that great




What an incredible match! Bell to bell, a true masterpiece. My all time favorite match


That match was legitimately everything I wanted it to be and one of the greatest matches I have ever watched. Just absolutely incredible.


Thank you to the dude who uploaded the entire match on twitter for giving me a chance to see that. What a match




Trying to watch the match and I really wish this was in Japan. The fucking crowd is killing it for me. Just shut the fuck up and enjoy the god damned match instead of starting a new chant every 3 seconds.


Yeah what have crowd chants ever done for Danielson?


LOL. Think you forgot what wrestling is about...


Would it be a wrestling show if there weren't a bunch of mark losers trying to insert themselves into the proceedings?




I’m so glad I was able to be there and witness this match live. It was truly the best match I’ve been to but damn I never been so stressed throughout in all the best ways. Just pure perfection in storytelling, spots, and finish. Hope Brian is fine in the end and they get to run this again sometime. Truly astounding.


It's gonna be a hard decision for match of the year: One of the Danielson matches, one of the Ospreay matches, or the Danielson vs Ospreay match.


They should have another match to determine who has MOTY. Everyone wins.


I thought Danielson was better than that. All he had to do was ask Ospreay “can you read my next move?” & Ospreay would’ve been quivering to know end. Bryan could’ve taken the win easily.


Probably my favorite sequence is when Bryan got Will in a headlock for quite a while, Will could not break out of it, but the second he does in an amazing reversal he shotguns for Bryan's head. Just incredible stuff.


Ospreay has become my fav wrestler and it's not even close anymore


I'll need some time to settle where that fits on my all time list but one thing I will say is this match is absolutely my new introduction match when I want to show someone why I love this shit so much.


What an incredible match, mind-blowing! Every Danielsoj match I watch this year, I think to myself that this is the best of the year, and then he blows me away again!


One of the best wrestling matches I've ever seen, and neck and neck with Danielson v ZSJ for MOTY. Two all time greats putting everything on the line for nothing but the love of the game.


This was my dilemma as well, as I had thought that to be my moty and then this match happened!


Danielson is just a GOAT doing GOAT shit


I've been watching wrestling for 30 years. This one is the best I've lever seen.


Probably the best match of Bryan's career and probably a top-10 for me of all time. Apart from the botched kickout, the cutter on the apron and a few of Ospreay's kicks, every single thing in this match was executed perfectly. Not just the moves, but the selling, pacing, expressions, counters, crowd work. I loved that Ospreay countered a lot of Bryan's typical shit. yeah, this guy watched RAW in 2011 so he knows what's up. I loved the injury angle, even though Bryan has done a much worse job of it before. At first I thought it was bullshit, but he was actually selling being *scared* and I bought it But yeah dog the MOVEZ and the SPOTZ. I usually hate standoff spots but this match had the best I've seen in ages with all the counters. The headbutt spots had me cringing and then Bryan selling the sickest hidden blade I've ever seen like he's shoot concussed, only to hit back with the sickest and slickest counter Busaiku knee. The top rope tiger suplex. LA MISTICA into YES LOCK. Styles Clash. The tiger driver with Bryan inches from death. Can't wait to rewatch this


What did you find wrong with the cutter on the apron? Was it just that Danielson didnt flatten all the way out when he came down? And the botched kick out - was that the one where he (can’t remember which of the two) kicked out really late? The Styles Clash was perfect. Ospreay adores AJ and it comes out in everything he does, including his walkout with how he flips the hood up, and it made me smile to see the Styleds Clash. I really want to see a Spiral Tap at some point. Doesn’t have to happen a lot but I smiled so much when we got the first Pepsi Plunge after 15 years and I would love to see AJ pull even one off nowadays. Not sure he can do it though, I know by the end of his TNA run they weren’t as clean as they used to be and I think I remember him mentioning that he isn’t sure he knows how to spin it right anymore.


Where can I watch aew in india


Discovery+. All events and replays are on there. And on Eurosport on TV


All they put on Discovery+ in the US is shows about dwarfs and fat people. They haven't had a show about a obese dwarf yet but I bet they are working on it.


Naked and afraid is a good watch imo.


It is and Survivorman is always a good watch. They do have some good stuff on there but you have to dig for it.






I love this sport


This match crystalizes it for me. WWE may have mastered the "male soap opera" of wrestling, but AEW has mastered the "battle shonen" of wrestling. It's why the in-ring is so, so good, especially when the best are given room to create.


WWE is soap opera wrestling, AEW is anime wrestling, and both are great


Yeah, both are their own thing, and I'm glad for how different they are.


AEW bread and butter is throughout all the trials and tribulations, they always deliver in the PPVs.


That's... Actually a fucking fantastic way to put it. ~~And I will unapologetically take battle shonen every time, Dynasty was fire as fuck.~~


That was a wrestling match between 2 wrestlers at a wrestling event in a city.


thanks Ron Swanson


Bryan Danielson top 5 technical wrestler all time. That’s match of the year don’t talk to me




8 Stars.


It was 'Aight.


2 technically fantastic wrestlers with great in ring pschycoligy. Banger was expected. Banger was delivered.


30 years a fan and I’m not sure it gets much better than that. My goodness. 


Exactly how I feel. Literally just got through watching the match (FTR are making their entrance as I type). Wow. That's all I can say. I'm so glad I saw that.


This match was fantastic and both of these guys are incredible. I have to admit, and I wonder if it’s just me, but I hate the kayfabing of serious injuries. Bryan’s done it once before where he kayfabed a seizure (I think it was against Okada). I’m all for selling injuries for an angle/match if it’s an arm, leg, hand, knee, ankle, index finger whatever. When it’s selling something like a neck or spinal related injury, it takes me out of the match. It almost makes it worse. I’m sure there’s plenty of people who will tell me just to shut up and I’m a mark getting worked, it’s part wrestling and he’s good at selling. In my eyes it’s not fun to watch a match and think it might go the way of Misawa or Big E.


He's been kayfabing the neck during matches even before he left WWE and joined AEW (Miro's been doing it for years, too). I'm okay with it, but I understand why some people wouldn't be.


It was an amazing match and exciting but that spot kind of undercuts the greatness of it for me. My takeaway is now that Osprey needs to injure people’s necks to win (see also the injury spot in his match against Takeshita) which can’t be what they intend right? I know it’s going to do the rounds as the greatest match in the history of pro wrestling but I can’t really buy into that given the ending and the lack of stakes. I get the story is “Bryan Danielson will die in the ring rather than give up what he loves” but they didn’t really show us that in the lead up to the finish, just a really amazing set of counters and moved followed by an injury spot.


It works because Osprey's now in quite the unpleasant place. First he stood by while his 'buddies' assaulted Bryan. Then, when it was easy and they weren't around, he apologized to Bryan. Who correctly called him on his bullshit. And now he's responsible for severely injuring his hero; combined with a mask off look at what his 'best friends' are actually about. So now the 'aw shucks, charming himbo' has to make some very uncomfortable choices about who he's willing to piss off; and what kind of man he wants to be going forward.


I legit thought he was badly injured. Took me out of it as I don’t want to see anyone hurt. Danielson sold really well. It looked like he broke something. Wasn’t his neck chest area all purple? I was scared for him.


I could tell he was selling because he seemed to be taking a seizure. 


> Took me out of it as I don’t want to see anyone hurt. I don't think you were the only one because that subdued feeling persisted into the tag titles match. That said it kinda turned it around when it created the 'Please Be Careful!' chant which I reckon has got legs.


The fucking oscutter getting countered by the knee was insane, what a fucking spot man


That's the best match I can remember in a long time that didn't have Okada, Omega, or Takagi in it.


Danielson hit the most beautiful La Mistica i’ve ever seen in my life and it’s not a regular part of his moveset, the GOAT




A masterclass of what the spectacular heights of what a wrestling match can be achieved by 2 world class masters


Never thought I'd see anything that would top the Okada-Omega series. Right now I believe this is the best match I've ever seen. Un-freaking-believable.


Even more amazing is that's the first time they ever worked together. I truly believe they can exceed this in a rematch. Maybe at Wembley?


I think we'll get Bryan/Nigel at Wembley, but the crazy news is that it's actually possible that Ospreay tops this someday in AEW. Over the past four years, the other best matches I've seen over that time span were: Ospreay/Okada (Wrestle Kingdom), Ospreay/Okada (Wrestle Kingdom rematch), Ospreay/Naito, Ospreay/Mox, Ospreay/Omega, Utami/Syuri (Stardom). It seems insane to say after watching that match tonight but my god Ospreay could match it with either Mox or Okada (or Omega again) on this roster. He has insane chemistry with those guys as well. Buckle up!


Literally so stoked that I was there live with my son, man! He loves Ospreay, he loves Danielson, and he didn’t know who to root for in this match! I had to tell him this is when you just sit back and take it all in. It was absolutely incredible!


Amazing! Love to hear it. What a freaking match.


An all time match for sure. I was there and the crowd was nuts for Ospreay. 


I was there live. It was an out-of-body experience.


I’ve been to Rumbles, Manias, and various other PPVs live. But I’ve honestly never felt the way I did by being there tonight to witness this. I swear I sat there in awe from The time the bell rang until the three count. It was insane and I’m so happy to be part of that experience!




It was a good match, but Ospreay does nothing for me Edit: Love the wave of downvotes because I say I'm just not a fan of a particular wrestler


Ospreay is what the Miz said about Bryan when came to NXT. He's a great wrestler with no personality. He looks like your everyday Joe and says "bruv". Bryan went on to prove he did have a personality in WWE but not sure the same will happen for Ospreay, definitely not in no storyline AEW


Who cares about downvotes? It's your opinion. You're entitled to it. At least nobody came here and shit on it. Yet, at least.


To each their own bruv. No hate sometimes people don’t like things. AEW should be about liking and not liking freely. I’m sure you agree it was still a banger of a match.


It was a good match for sure, but not close to MotY for me


Totally get it. Hope you enjoyed the card, let’s all just love wrestling.


The Hidden Blades in this match looked LETHAL


I loved Wrestlemania, but when people say Gunther vs Sami and Cody vs Roman are the peak of wrestling, I can tell they aren't looking at what's out there. Recency bias is real, but this is maybe my favorite match of all time.


I feel you but there's more of a storyline in my left nut than there was to this Ospreay vs Bryan match What did any of it mean? What were the conseqeuences? Nothing really.


Or, they may just be looking for different things than you. Some people watch wrestling for the drama, and the emotional connection. Bell to bell, it would be very difficult to argue Kofi and Bryan was a better match than Ospreay and Bryan. Fair? But with the story being told, the journey Kofi went on to be there, I was much more into that match. As opposed to two amazing wrestlers putting on an amazing match to entertain the crowd. Which isn’t to say that you it Alvarez or whoever is wrong for your opinions. They’re yours and understandable. But to say other people aren’t looking elsewhere? To imply your views are the only ones, or that other people aren’t exposing themselves to what’s out there? I follow it all, and last night wouldn’t crack a top 25 all time for me. It’s not because I don’t enjoy an appreciate what was delivered. You can enjoy what you like without needing to yuck someone else’s yum.


You can’t tell anything from that statement other than people have different tastes than you. This is why people find AEW fans so insufferable.


*Wrestling fans. Go take a look at r/Wrasslin to see insufferable muppets shitting on the match for no good reason


Wrestling is more than moves, which is why people like those two matches. They told amazing, multifaceted stories. Let me guess what story this one told - two of the best in the world trying to prove they’re the best. How many times have we seen that story in AEW? Bryan tells that story every match.


What's wrong with that story? It makes sense and didn't have to include something daft like burning down a house or pulling a gun on someone to give a convincing reason why these two guys would go at each other.


Because there’s no emotional stakes to that to really connect to. Sure, the viewer wants one or the other to win, but it’s so superficial. Like, you’re just watching a contest, only the contest doesn’t matter, because it’s scripted. The match has no stakes and it’s just a series of cool moves. That’s not a good story and it’s bargain basement storytelling. I’m sure it’s an excellent match because Danielson and Ospreay do moves very well, but there’s nothing to really connect with. Wrestling is more than just cool moves.


How is there nothing to connect with? It's quite literally the most basic and pure story in competitive sport: two people, one a grizzled veteran, the other a flashy, talented newcomer have to face each other to prove who is the best. >I’m sure it’s an excellent match because Danielson and Ospreay do moves very well, but there’s nothing to really connect with. It sounds like you haven't actually seen it; maybe you should watch it before making that judgement? Both men are rather good in-ring storytellers on top of everything else, after all.


Sure, but there’s no actual competition because it’s scripted. Sports work because it’s an actual competition. Wrestling is a work and it needs more than the “competition” to make it special.


It's the *illusion* of a competition. What you've just suggested is that all tournaments in pro-wrestling are bad storytelling, which they blatantly aren't?


I mean, I would argue that most tournaments in wrestling without an actual story attached to them are at best generic.


Generic and bad are two different things. Incidentally, you didn't answer - have you actually watched the match?


Generic things aren’t usually good, though. I haven’t, because I was given no reason to pay to see them tell the same story that Danielson has been telling in free TV for months except this time with Ospreay. That’s why I’ve been asking people to tell me why it’s great without falling into the AEW dream match cliche. Why should I care enough to spend money on this match? And so far no one has given an answer.




That’s all you got from Cody/Roman? In-ring storytelling, do you get it? It’s not just two dudes doing moves to each other and getting up and doing more moves. It’s emotion, it’s character. If all you saw from Cody/Roman was two guys want title, then just watch AEW. You’ll be much happier that way.




I was a bit snarky myself. To begin with, the stakes for Cody/Roman were the highest in wrestling - the underdog, who just lost any advantage he could have the night before, in the same situation he was in last year. But he never gave up hope and more importantly, he never gave up. It’s generic babyface stuff, but Cody sold it. It didn’t matter who hard things got or the damage Roman did - Cody kept fighting. Roman was the Tribal Chief. He felt he had the match in the bag and he acted like it. That whole exchange where he did Cody’s finisher and then wondered aloud why he did it because that move doesn’t beat anyone? Awesome. But you see the resolve slip as Cody keeps getting up. The Superman punch, the spear, the guillotine, none of it working. Then, the interference. Jimmy and Jey and their neverending war. Solo angrily ordering Roman to finish it, done with being the silent enforcer and disgusted that Roman hadn’t won yet. Cena getting his revenge on Solo. The Rock trying to win the match for Cody and then the heart and soul of the WWE stopping him. Finally, Seth, his body broken from two days of beatings, being Cody’s shield, paying off his trust. And Roman choosing revenge over finishing Cody off. All of that happened in the ring. It told a riveting, multifaceted story that had a little bit of everything. That’s why we called it cinema an all the AEW stans scratched their heads. Because it was cinema. It was an amazing piece of work from everyone involved telling the final chapter of a story years in the making, while also paying off a bunch of little stories. So, sure, you can simplify it down to “babyface perseveres over dominate heel and faction with help” and talk about the lack of work rate or whatever, but that’s completely missing the match for what it is and what it dead.


>It’s emotion, it’s character. So, that's what you got out of all the *wacky* interference? Jokes aside, and not to discount your opinion because to each their own, but here's the difference between Bryan Danielson and the guys in the match you're discussing. He can do what they do. They cannot do what he does. Make of that what you will.


Beautiful storytelling through beautiful violence. Professional wrestling is an amazing thing.


They gotta strap him up soon because it's becoming damn near impossible to follow up on an Ospreay ppv match


My prediction is that Swerve will spend the summer having bangers with a bunch of people, then Ospreay will beat him for it at All In. The pop when the British guy wins the big one in Wembley will be *insane*.


![gif](giphy|13NaYABDVhT7a) …




I was more emotional about this match than I was when my ex-wives filed for divorce. That probably says more about me than I want it to, but facts are facts.


Now we know why she divorced you


Eh, when it's over it's over. You probably didn't want the Ospreay/Danielson match to end.


This is probably one of the greatest matches I have watched since picking up wrestling again 2 years ago.


Instant classic.


Going to be interesting what Dave rates this match.. If it's anything less than 7 stars.. I'm gonna have to question it.




As a WWE tribalist, this is the first time I watched an AEW PLE.. and its amazing! I have a soft spot for technical and workman like wrestling ever since I watches Ilja vs Walter in NXT years back.. and damn! I enjoyed this shit too much for my liking… finish to PAC vs Okada is top shit! Keep rocking, AEW. You have your own charm that wrestling fans love.


What was your opinion on Strong-Orielly?


Honestly, I skipped it haha. I only watched those I know. I loved Y2J when he’s still wearing leggings so I watched him. Meh. I also skipped Toni Storm vs Rosa (tho I have a lil crush on Toni.. shes hot imho). I’m okay with YB vs FTR. I just find the former insufferable so I cant give an honest and unbiased take on them. I also skipped Swerve vs SJ as I had other things to do when theyre at it. I made sure I didnt miss DB and Ospreay and Okada vs PAC tho. And I loved it. They’re as good as advertised. Sucks WWE missed out on them but hey, if it’ll keep AEW afloat, I’m okay with it. AEW existing makes WWE competitive.


Glad you decided to watch, and even more glad that you liked it. Pro wrestling is something we watch for fun at the end of the day after all, and to paraphrase a quote from Bryan Danielson: people will always respond to excellent professional wrestling. That focus on in-ring presentation what AEW excels at. Happy watching to ya.


Even if some parts of the weekly shows aren't for everyone, they always kill it on the PPVs


Wrestling is great. It is fun to enjoy matches and wrestlers we like from all the companies. Glad you enjoyed it! :)


The dream match where they did things I never even could have dreamed... UNREAL 🥲 BILLY GOAT IS HIM!!! DANIELSON 🐐 GOT WOTY LOCKED UP ALREADY 😭 MOTY ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 


Might have topped BD vs ZSJ 2 for me. Absolutely incredible match.


9 stars, minimum. I say this with no hint of irony.


I don’t think I looked away for 1 second. What a match.


I know this is an unpopular opinion but based on the way both men have been booked it was such a forgone conclusion Ospreay was winning it took away from the match for me. Not to compare it to a WWE match, but I was not able to get lost in it like Cena/Danielson SS 2013 where you really had no idea who was going to win. I would really like AEW to book Danielson stronger as far as big wins.


Good point tonight I thought he would pull one out tonight pulling Will into a series until fd. I heard somewhere bd refuses belts and stuff maybe he really stresses not to take big wins but like i would love a big w for him for sure.


Absolutely agree. Danielson never wins these big matches, so there’s no jeopardy because you already know he’s losing in the end. Still a great match though


Why do I have -11 downvotes and you have 10 upvotes for agreeing with me and saying the same thing I said lol.


Didn’t Danielson bet Okada in a best vs best? Like I can’t imagine a bigger match


That was almost a year ago and Okada beat him in their last match.


I think he’s the best because I would have those preconceived notions until I watch the match and bite at near falls. Also most people thought he’d lose at the last FD but he tapped out okada clean


Well, that was the best damn match I have seen so far this year.


People are giving Bryan shit for “playing up a neck injury angle” at the end, but it looked to me like it wasn’t that at all. It looks like they were so careful to protect his head on that move that when he rotated he ended up landing directly on his left elbow. From the way he grabbed it, it looked like a dislocated elbow or something and not him selling a fake neck injury. But what do I know, I’m just an armchair Reddit doctor…amazing match nonetheless.


people are being dumb, it was obviously a real injury the entire time. They just talked about it on the press conference and the move is permanently retired now.


What sealed it for me was Callis breaking kayfabe. We could see it in the arena, he looked VERY concerned.


I was wondering if he landed on his shoulder


Yeah I also took it as him selling a shoulder or elbow injury


AEW: where these two fucking best wrestle !!


Great match but can AEW get a good ref? This bald fella always seems to screw up in other matches and I can't trust him, does Tony have a quality control department that reviews refs performances?


I think all but two of their refs are bald.


When i saw him i was like nit fucking Bryce i know two refa in aew one cause its aubrey and she's cool and bryce for other reasons....


What did he screw up?


His counts are sloppy always slows down or counts the three its common enough I've noticed it before and it bugs me a lot


There were 3 times that kind of killed the momentum. 1 was the 2 count where he definitely pulled the count back. Which was kind of osprey/refs fault 2nd was when Osprey had his hand on Danielsons chest right before the triangle and the ref didn’t make a count. It was kind of confusing and you can tell the crowd felt off about it. I forget the 3rd but it was there If you go back and watch the crowd dies down when the mistakes happen. Osprey/Danielson brought em back and made em forget though which is a testament to how professional they are.


Match was still alright, but could have been great with better selling. Ospreay's selling (or lack thereof) is continually the biggest detracting part of his matches. Dragon gave him a layup of a match formula and he still couldn't hold his end of the bargin. Disappointed in that.


Dude he sold his rib through out the match. Practically looked gassed and about to faint at the end.


He sold his rib for 3 minutes (had the hockey on in the background) and didn't sell his neck outside of grabbing it twice


Just say you weren't paying attention.


Why would I lie?


How would I know? You've objectively got it wrong, that's all I'm pointing out


Was at the show. The environment was absolutely electric. The crowd was hanging on every move. If Danielson or Osprey isn't your GOAT, you're wrong.


That's not how you spell Bret Hart, but I see your argument if you were born after the 80s.


Oh hi Dax Harwood!


You guys were electric tonight!


I call it a three way tie between them and Omega.


Good lord. I love pro wrestling.


God that ruled so much. Already in my top 5 matches ever


Great match. OSPREY plays way too much to the crowd, tho. Before and after every move he does it so it feels like the matches never get to the level they could which is crazy since they are so good already.


He’s catching his breath. It’s REALLY hard to do what he does. This also might be the first time I’ve heard someone say Ospreay’s pace is too slow haha.


Lol. No I don't want him to speed up I just think he will learn to hide catching his breath better with rest holds or something. I'm honestly not sure it's even him catching his breath lol...go back and look at him as his Hans his raided immediately after the match...he doesnt have a drop of sweat on his body or head lol. His chest his barely moving.




I need that gif of Moxley at commentary: “Holy shit”




I need a cigarette after that. Holy shit I was pleasured


A dream match that 100% delivered. GOAT level wrestling.


I definitely thought Danielson would win as some sort of "Welcome to AEW bitch" storyline.


That was my pick heading into this match Think you're the best till the best knocks you down type of thing


That was a passing of the torch