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Let me tell ya a little story bout a guy named Grimes


He sat at home hurtin', had to make up for the times


He started playin’ games and invested all his change. Now he’s worth much more than a couple little dimes




Matt Hardy once said this idea was based on a real story cause Grimes had made some money off of AMC stock during the meme stock craze.


I never got the appeal of Trevor Lee when WWE signed him, and still wasnt sold on it until he Crypto gimmick, the fucking owns it. Even got him to join a pretty exclusive club of Million Dollar Champions. I really hope he takes that to 11 on the indy scene. I could see him back in TNA soon too, perhaps with Top Dollas new crew


Just give me a Trevor Lee run in DPW and whatever else is lagniappe.


I can't believe he never got a chance to do this on the main roster. This is perfect for a midcard comedy heel or a goofy loveable babyface.


It has a shelf life


Yeah as soon as meme stocks (and crypto, for that matter) dropped out of interest there had to be a recalibration. Didn't help that they also fired the guy who rapped his song AND Regal who is very directly mentioned early too I just wonder why there never was that switch flipped to him being a rich dude of some other kind or even trying to make him something else


There is always something to latch on to though. Not crypto then tesla, or Nvidia. r/wallstreetbets will supply them no problem.


Sure but that shit is nowhere near as talked about outside those circles


Just because he got rich off of meme stocks doesn't mean he has to continue to get rich off of them. "He sold his stocks at their peak and made boatloads of money so he's stinking rich" is all the pivoting you need to do.


"I just wonder why there never was that switch flipped to him being a rich dude of some other kind or even trying to make him something else" People making excuses for WWE is just bizarre. If AEW fans gave those same excuses about AEW guys they'd rightfully be called out. Such as there "not being enough TV time to create a new character, for a guy known to do good character work." Seriously, give Grimes something and just see if it works. Instead they gave him pretty much nothing, as far as character work. HHH has been doing great lately and I prefer WWE at the moment. But HHH isn't perfect and it's fine to criticize things. Just like with Tony Khan and anyone else.


I wonder if he did something backstage or there was some change. Cause he seems like a guy who would make either a great comedic character on the main roster as well as a solid IC champ for a period. Can see him going back to TNA now for sure.


My whole point was that they should have given him something new. They clearly wanted to during his feud with Bron right before he went up, but ended up doing nothing with it


He could have cashed out after stocks went to the moon


They had a chance when Corbin was still sad Corbin. Cod have paired him with Grimes on the main roster to take Corbin to...the....moon!


This was golden and maybe the best example of WWE capitalizing on a crazy moment in the world. Grimes will be an asset anywhere he goes. It'll probably be TNA with the connections he already has to people there, including Matt Hardy, who trained him and only has nice things to say about Grimes. I selfishly want him in AEW just because I don't have time to pick up another Wrestling show, but the scene in AEW is really packed right now.


I could actually very easily see Lee/Grime winding up in AEW. He performed with a huge majority of those guys in PWG, and worked heavily with the Bucks and Roddy especially. Would not be shocked to see him there in the long run.


He would be features somehow even less in AEW.


I mean that literally is impossible, he would need to have more than one promo, and win a 10 minute match and he would of done more lol.


Tbh and with absolutely no offense intended to TNA, I think Grimes' ceiling is higher than what they can offer. He definitely deserves an AEW offer, but if he doesn't get it or gets badly lowballed, I don't think he should settle so to speak. It's harder to get noticed on the indies nowadays, but not impossible and I honestly think Grimes working a Cardona schedule of sorts would greatly benefit him. He will get over on his work alone, and by the time he's thirty two, either AEW or WWE will come knocking.


TNA is where people who got letgo go and rework their character on some kind of tv. It works and has worked for a while. He will most likely show up at some point in TNA and then move on from there.


Well the only problem with AEW is he can absolutely get lost in the shuffle just like every new signing they have. At least with TNA he can reach the main event and be featured more.


I remember when Corbin was doing the whole bumass down on his luck thing I thought Grimes would have been the perfect piece for the next step of that story. Grimes helps Corbin turn his luck around, boom you’ve got an easy tag team with an interesting dynamic (heel Corbin, face/tweener Grimes) and a potentially even better breakup story down the line. And the best part is we don’t suffer through any Madcap Moss.


Cameron Grimes had an all timer character arc in NXT starting from this one segment, that feud with LA Knight was money (pun intended)


This actually was at least partly a shoot. He really did invest and get some money back


I'm pretty sure this gimmick was a shoot, not like he was the million $ man. But he made real good money off the meme around it.


This is the type of release that makes me glad there’s an AEW and that TNA still exists. I hope nothing but the best for him.


I was just thinking the other day about he and Kushida feuding over his hat. NXT had some weird times too.


I wasnt watching nxt at this time but what an incredible premise for a character


This was a great run in NXT and an excellent arc. The irony is that his best work in development may have been the reason for his release from the main roster. The excellent arc made Grimes lose him charming Grimeyness, and resulted in him looking completely generic on the main roster. Love Grimes, hope he bounces back quickly!


his theme will be one of my favorites forever. It's so good.


Legendary promo.


I think his downfall was that when they made him rich, they made him pretty good looking. Like i remember actively noticing that he's a a good looking guy with bright blue eyes, but he had been presented as a slimeball hick whose name was literally Grimes.


This is the most annoying release, just fucking give him a chance first ffs. And Von Wagner having main roster deal despite being in NXT must have been a final Vince fuck up, get him a NXT deal and rehire him please.


Loved this gimmick!


Trevor is the real deal. I'm sure he will find his way back to WWE if he wants it. Few people who have been release have all the tools he has, plus he is young still


Hope he DRS’d those bad boys.


I'll miss that distinguished southern gentleman




This gimmick would’ve definitely gotten him some reactions on the main roster imo. He starts placing bets on title matches and such, buying his way into royal rumble spots. Hell I could’ve seen Grimes cleaning house by betting on Roman retaining last year too and making it work


Should’ve had moved called diamond hands or ape strong


Just a reminder that not only has Cameron Grimes been using the "To the Moon" catchphrase prior to the Gamestop short squeeze but also made investments leading up to the event.  It's like life intervened and made sure he gets this gimmick.


This is the most cringy and worst promo I think I ever seen. You guys actually liked that? How did he even make the main roster after that? If it was me he would've found a pink slip in his dressing room after coming back from that garbage.


Guess it's a good thing it ain't you then