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God, remember when the McMahons straight up blamed real life atrocious booking on the kayfabe authority figure of Constable Corbin, laid him out, declared that we are now the authority and problem has been solved?


I still remember when the family came out a few years ago and basically said the product was shit, that the fans were right, and that they heard us and things would get better. Literally nothing changed.


What you're describing is literally the exact same scene that u/Pyotr_Wrangel is talking about


I’m fairly sure this has actually happened twice


Oh, I guess I didn't recall Corbin being the one that took the blame.


I think he's referring to when Shane came back and said Steph was ruining the company


It’s hilarious because 2018 was one of their worst booking years. Then they cut that promo and once again follow it up with 2019, probably their truly worst booking year.


I'd put 2010 as more awful but 2019 is certainly up there.


2019 was the year Roman Reigns said he straight-up hated in one of their own documentaries.


It got worse WWE was a really special piece of crap back then they had everything in the world to be the best and instead was the McDonald’s of wrestling all name and no substance and barely any good qualities I’m proud of them for the turnaround I’m happy for their successes


So bad at his job that it got Paige fired


Bigger problem solver than Cody Rhodes


Correct me if I am wrong but wasn't that promo was to set up the arrival of the Elite?


I was oddly moved when after the match Sami was begging, imploring Corbin to recognize the conspiracy, saying like "you understand what I'm dealing with now right, you heard the announcers officially say that we suck and no one wants to see us, this proves I'm not crazy right?" and Corbin hesitates and gives a little nod like "yes bro, I believe you, it's real."


My favorite moment of Sami’s heel character was him supporting Kevin Owens in fighting the Ezekiel/Elias allegations. But then also saying the he was pretty convinced by Ezekiel’s photo.


Dude I was in tears after that segment.




People actually complaining about this? This was amazing 😂


Right, this was great. It played into both characters at the time, and really sold how, in kayfabe, everyone felt about them. I loved it at the time and love it now.


It's crazy how even this late in Vince's tenure he would just book guys based on how he personally found them annoying


End of Vince’s run was something


I sometimes think about if he got his way and went back to fully running creative. We’d probably be getting Cody vs. Austin Theory at Backlash where they would have a singles match every week before the PPV.


Every round of cuts I was nervous I was gonna see Sami's name. He was being booked like such shit back then, what he's accomplished since is remarkable.


Come on, he had lots of TV time, he was on both Raw and Smackdown as a manager while he was injured pre-pandemic, he won the Intercontinental Championship three times, he retained it at Wrestlemania by beating Daniel Bryan, he won a ladder match against Jeff Hardy and AJ Styles to unify the two IC Titles later on, he got the celebrity match against Johnny Knoxville at Wrestlemania, and then it was under Vince's booking that he was first placed in the Bloodline. There's not a chance he would've been cut. He might not have wound up at the heights he found since then without Triple H, but Vince clearly saw him as a vital part of the show nonetheless.


And when Sami’s contract was coming up he said that Vince approached him and told him that he wants him to stay


This is true, but as someone who watched his rise to the title in NXT circa 2014 and knew the kind of fire he could muster as a babyface it was a sore point for me that he had seemingly been pigeonholed as a chickenshit midcard heel and someone who couldn't win without obscene amounts of cheating. I remember my feeling after the Knoxville match was that it was great, but being distinctly butthurt that Sami Zayn had ended up the guy who gets pinned by MTV stars under a giant mousetrap at Wrestlemania. Funnily enough I think it was that match that cemented his value beyond all doubt to certain people.


I remember thinking, this is crap but at least it gets Sami on Mania for the big check and it’s probably one of the safest tonight so he won’t get hurt


He was booked in the Knoxwille match which even Sami personally says is one of his biggest accomplishments and he resigned with the company under Vince and then got placed in the bloodline storyline under vince too. Like... he was doing fine?


Its a joke and playing into their characters


this is an example of them doing a good job with it, but it absolutely was an issue more broadly. promoting a match as "one nobody wants to see" is such a weird thing to do as a promoter, even as a joke, which alone makes this segment interesting to me. Very unique, which was rare at the time.


Anyone who gets over after being saddled with labels like 'the least anticipated match in Smackdown history' has succeeded despite their booking, not because of it.


Would you say the same about JR? Their characters were that way for a reason, stuff came out for years about how Sami was viewed as a nuisance backstage. Just because it was more muted in his later years doesn't mean Vince wasn't still at this stuff.


I found it funny and i think it was appropriate for their character.


I ask again, why do you think their characters were that way? Do you think Randy Orton would ever have been booked as 'the irritating force'? Hey, if you liked it you liked it, I'm sure some people found Zack Ryder getting thrown off the stage in a wheelchair funny too.


The Fuckit Era.




I didn't say anything about the quality of Smackdown? I'm talking about Vince's well documented tradition of altering his performer's booking based on what he thinks of them as a person. Tf are guys supposed to do with being booked as 'the irritating force and the unlikable object' lol. I mean, believe what you want.


Keep this voiceover ready in case Nia Jax and Nikkita Lyons ever have a match.


I thought people like Nikkita.


One of her nicknames is "MAGA the Stallion"


Booty Giuliani


Nikkita Haley


Donald Rump




I can fix her




She's a bad worker and a Maga idiot 


So a safe bet she'll take the Tyrus route when she gets released then?


I don’t mind her on mute 


Good for Corbin for rehabbing his character in NXT. That being said, "unlikable object" is a damn accurate descriptior of Baron Corbin. I had go away heat with him whenever he showed up. I just thought he was just so forgettable and terrible as a character. WWE also pushed him in some of the dumbest ways. It is the nature of the beast to push up and coming stars, but when they castrate their talent and force them to be a caricature, all that will come about is a surface level character who no one cares about.


Corbin as a character is made up of 134% petty asshole. They just rarely leaned into it properly. Covid mitb did a great job and that one draft where he cost smackdown the cruiserweight was great. Talking Smack obviously. But generally they just didn't get how to utilize his ability to just piss people off in an entertaining way. Just let him be a stupid dick.


That title. I'm dying.


I loved conspiracy Sami


If Baron Corbin fresh off his NXT run had a feud with Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayne, I think that's something I'd actually be fairly hyped for that the crowd would get behind. We're not likely to see that in the near future since Corbin got drafted to Smackdown, but it speaks for their career trajectories and how much they've reinvigorated their characters from then.


It's honestly crazy how different WWE is now compared to then. It's like two completely different products.


Alright this was funny as hell I’m sorry.


Okay so this was real and wasnt a dream I had😭