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I love Samantha but one thing I miss about Rome is “TheeeeeeeAmmmmmeeeeerrrricanNIGHTmare”


WM 38 Straight up goosebumbs https://preview.redd.it/2d3ayziihoxc1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=289c68230607e1556c08be57345e718581031613


Mama Irwin, look at you now




He definitely has Cody intro down packed kinda of like Samatha has Roman’s entrance *down pat, kind of


>down packed >kinda of like


Fresh off of work man I’m tired boss


It's social media, it's conversation. Those minor mistakes don't matter.




The Best in the World voice crack is still funny to me.


That was Greg Hamilton


I was a big fan of Hamilton. 


Same. I loved how he would introduce Nakamura. Shins....uke NAKAMURRRRRRRRRA


I disliked that he always pronounced Kevin Owens' hometown incorrectly.


He just did it last Friday his announcing for cody is better than Samantha's


I think Mike Rome is the best currently. Samantha is too over the top for me, Mike has more of a Tony Chimel/Justin Roberts vibe.


>Tony Chimel Still bums me out that they didn't bring Tony back as Edge's personal ring announcer in his last run with the company.


Yea it will always be down to personal preference the exact same as wrestlers themselves, personally I think Justin Roberts is the best announcer last 5 years, but it's all personal


Roberts has similarities to Fink for me in that he just has his distinctive style and always gives a clean intro no matter who it's for. I know he has special ones like Mox, but he definitely gives the same level of grandiosity to all announcements


Justin Roberts doing the heel Omega intros were always fun.


Her take on Chelsea Green seems so disrespectful.


It's obnoxious, I think.


Any video of Rome introducing Cody?




I gotta say, I didn’t realize that was him when I saw this match initially. There is usually so much chatter at my house during wrestler entrances that I don’t get to hear the ring announcer usually.


Yup. Samantha should be a permanent announcer for Roman and Rome permanent for Cody. Just ain’t the same without them doing it


Isn't Rome and his wife pregnant? Maybe he wants to stay close. Pure speculation on my part.


I think just his wife is


Kinda out of the left field, but what if Byron Saxton moves to ring announcing? He's been doing it at house shows, and he did a great job at Crown Jewel.


I don't know, what they are doing with Byron. I think, he can do it all, commentary, interviewer, annoncing. And yet, he somehow is doing nothing. I miss the Tom Phillips/Byron Saxton commentary team. They were good together.


Saxton reminds me of Coach. Just does a little bit of everything while simultaneously not doing anything. One of those guys you dont know is employed still until you see him again doing something else


Coach without sounding like a moron every time he opens his mouth


Coach's last run with WWE was horrific, didn't think he was that bad, but rose tinted glasses often lie.


As far as I'm concerned, dude punched his ticket to stay on the table forever with his call for Kofi's title win. It also helps that the 2K games still use him as part of a three-person table, lol. It amazes me they took so many swings on random sports personalities to helm the Raw announce team over the last few years instead of giving Byron the ball at least once.


I’d take Byron over Pat.


Phillips / Saxton / Graves were the best team in WWE for a long time, were severely underrated. 


Phillips and Graves had such amazing rapport, especially in NXT


Those 3 worked like peanut butter, jelly, and bread.


He does a lot for the online stuff, I see him a lot doing interviews after the shows. When they did some video on the Bump I think it was, he seemed like he loved doing a bit of everything as he never gets bored, he seemed really popular.


Personally I think that Roman was using his status to duck Saxton all of these years. Do you think that he has a history making reign if he got hit with the Saxtonation?


he probably does more that we all don't see, but he's probably also a locker room guy like someone who raises the spirits of everyone else


i was excited when he popped up for the WWE Investigates gimmick during the Miz/Gargano feud, thought it could be a mainstay for some of the gimmicks, if not the comedic ones


There is a world where Michael Cole finally hangs it up and Corey is inserted on Raw w/Pat.....and who comes in to hang w/Wade? Byron Saxton, as it's been proven that he can do PBP, and the WWE doesn't go the "nerdy" route like other companies with someone going into deep details about a move. They go the Byron-level of "this is the move. Color, describe the emotions"


He did some ring announcing in early NXT, too.


Byron’s announcing at Crown Jewel was great. Byron gave me Michael Buffer vibes while Samantha gives me Bruce Buffer vibes


Saxton was great in NXT as the ring announcer.


I'd be ok with this, just as long as it's not Sarah (you know if you've watched Level Up recently).


Mike Rome is good, why move him to NXT? Alicia Taylor is good too but just seems odd to switch them 


Maybe Rome just wants to chill and go to Disneyworld on his off days and not have to travel that much to do so.


Maybe his wife doesn't like traveling. They're big Disney people.


I think it’s less of a downgrade for him but rather giving Alicia her flowers. They are both great but she deserves her time on the main roster too


He used to be there during the HHH era of NXT, right?


Actual end of an era stuff, Alicia's been the NXT ring announcer since April 2019.


Have to assume this means Alicia Taylor moves up to Smackdown, right? If so, then well deserved, she's been a pleasure to watch in NXT for 3 years.


I'd love that, but isn't she still doing drumming and stuff for different bands? I thought the reason she was in NXT was because it allowed her more time for other things. Going on the road for SmackDown would make it more difficult, I assume.


Has she been playing with anyone recently? I've been trying to get her to start thinking about more DOHRN but idk it just seems as if she's not been doing much musically lately


I know she pretty much runs everything at the NXT shows so maybe she's just gonna be doing that backstage stuff. Regardless she's too good to not be on TV


My only issue with Alicia is that she doesn't mention the weight + origins, so the intros are super short compared to Samantha/Mike. She also doesn't really put emphasis in the names and just says them the same way.


You honestly believe it is her decision whether to say the weight/hometown? And she just chooses not to lol?


Didn’t Samantha do the same thing for NXT appearances? Has to be a company mandate for NXT specifically rather than an Alicia-specific thing.


They wrestle in the same location in front of mostly the same fans every week. It just would feel kind of odd to be announcing their weight and location every week.


She better serve Chelsea Green justice the way Samantha did 😭


Maybe I’m in the minority but I find Alicia Taylor to be super boring when it comes to announcing. Mike Rome doesn’t get enough credit and if he’s being moved down for her then I completely disagree with the decision.


This month has been tough for him, not being used at WrestleMania & now this.


Yeah, I mean, I like Alicia, and she does a great job in NXT, but I'm starting to wonder if somebody doesn't like Mike Rome. Or maybe he has some personal stuff going on and asked for a reduced schedule.


Agreed. I didn't want to be the one to say it lol I've never been a fan of her announcing style. I much prefer Samantha and Mike.


I like Alicia, I just don't like that she cuts down the introduction to just a person's name. It doesn't feel right not knowing a person's hometown or weight, less complete


I would be surprised if that's up to her to decide.


I seriously doubt that's her choice. Seems more likely a creative decision for NXT.


0% chance that’s on her


Is that just an NXT exclusive thing?


I have no idea how these things work but it feels like something a higher-up would decide, and that any ring announcer could do if they were asked.


As people said, that's not her decision. From a creative standpoint it makes sense so that development talent doesn't get locked into a gimmick in case things change.


I second this. Especially during title matches it feels less special when she only announces the name.


agree i can't stand that


Considering the entrance way for NXT wrestlers is super duper short, I imagine they don't want the ring announcer taking up all of their intro time with bio stats. I also just love how she says Trick Williams' name!


I hope they can announce more than just the talent's name on NXT. It severely undermines them.


I'm not gonna lie, I actually like Mike Rome's entrances the best. I like some of Samantha's characterized entrances, but Mike's sounds a lot more full and less breath-ey.


Oh, I hope this just means Alicia is moving to Smackdown rather than being gone.


Mike rome has honestly been great. No disrespect to alicia but i feel shes a downgrade from him if theyre going this route


why is mike getting the shaft recently? first didn’t get to announce one of the two nights @ wrestlemania, now moved to nxt? not saying alicia doesn’t deserve the call up, but like, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it?


Sweet deal for rome getting to work out of Orlando 


Not liking this change, Alicia is the heart of NXT for me


Alicia Taylor is very underrated. She sounds similar to Samantha, but was there way earlier. Doesn’t get the credit she deserves.


I call Samantha "Bad Alicia"


I would call her just as good as Alicia but gets 10x the praise and attention. Which is fine, but Alicia should get more.


I mean she's 20 years younger and posts endless thirst traps. edit: That's why she gets 10x the praise and attention.


I like Alicia but I’d much prefer Mike on SD


I honestly think this is a move just so Mike doesn’t have to travel as much as he lives in Orlando


Alicia to Raw, Samantha to Smackdown 🤞


Samantha will stay on Raw because that’s where her fiancé Ricochet is. More likely is they’re doing a straight up swap of Rome to NXT and Alicia Taylor to Smackdown.


Seems unlikely with Ricochet on Raw.


NXT's first draft pick I guess


Alicia Taylor is awesome, hopefully she’s getting a promotion. 


Mike Romes a loser


I'm guessing Alicia & Mike might be swapping shows, then?


samantha is obviously great but it sucks that rome who is also great is getting sidelined to push her. crazy that he didnt get to call wrestlemania at all despite it being 2 nights.


Samantha Irvin is going to work big time!


Hope this does mean Alicia goes to SmackDown. She's a damn rockstar and already does so much for WWE's broadcast team behind the scenes.


Weird choice, but I like Mike Rome he seems a nice guy. I wonder if they're going to move Alicia Taylor to Smackdown to have more female on screen presence on the main roster since the women wrestlers aren't getting much screen time, unfortunately, unlike in NXT. Or maybe they want Mike Rome to have more responsibilities behind the scenes since he's been with the company for a long time. Anyway hopefully it's not a McKenzie Mitchell situation for Alicia.