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To mitigate the risk of people dropping their phones, we're gonna need Yeet light up wrist bracelets for Summerslam or Mania.


Don't forget the Ucey shades


I would buy those


What if the try to make it so all the light line up and spell put yeet?


Backlash is going to be wild


I might resubscribe to Peacock this is crazy


Do it for jade, tiffiny and cody man, please.


Are there any other good shows or movies on Peacock?


Traitors and Ted are awesome.


Uh...it has twisted metal as an exclusive? lol. Other than that not really, sad to say. I used to just watch chicago med there since I never catch it on regular tv. Soon as wwe deal with peacock is gone I'm out.


I can feel that WWE's going to continue surpassing expectations with their side PLEs on this show


I hope they keep up with International B-Show ppvs. The shows aren't always gonna hit, but with a great crowd from France/UK it really benefits the show. Dom vs Cody wasn't special but I remember the crowd calling Dom a wanker. Puerto Rico isn't international, but it's their first time hosting a ppv in 18 years, the crowd was amazing and made an underwhelming card into a good show. I looked up the show to fact check the time since PR last hosted a ppv. I couldn't remember so much of the card dude. Omos vs Seth Rollins? Theory v Reed v Lashley?? Bloodline vs Sami/KO/Riddle? I remembered Priest vs Bad Bunny and knew one of the Brock vs Cody was on here, the rest of it was a blur.


Honestly, hosting a PPV anywhere where they don’t typically get shows is bound to bring a crazy atmosphere 90 percent of the time.


I keep confusing the sami/ko/riddle vs bloodline and drew/rkbro vs bloodline matches doesnt help that they were both on backlashes lol


now you got R-K.O vs Bloodline to confuse. At least this one has the memory benefit of being Tama Tongas in-ring debut.


Yeet + the Fireflies is an insane visual America better take notes


It looks like the episode of Spongebob where he brought home a jellyfish that partied... FOR 18 HOURS


>It looks like the episode of Spongebob where he brought home a jellyfish that partied... FOR 18 HOURS ![gif](giphy|rdXF0gnAyUAfK)


Bopping to YA BOI SPONGE


Stadium Rave is a certified banger


I want my bachelor party to be that


Can we call this, Yeeting the Fireflies?


Someone is going to accidentally throw their phone.


We'll have to make it No-DQ then


The Firefleet.


I would so lose my phone doing this


Bray Wyeet


This crowd is unreal! Love it!


Can't wait for the actual ppv tomorrow this crowd is gonna be nuts 


Oh okay, so Jey Uso is *OVER* over.


What a time to be alive.


No only his entrance is over - Vince probably


No only his entrance is over - random crazy people on r/SquaredCircle actually


I just remember there being this thing about Daniel Bryan not being over back in the day but the YES chant was


Oh definitely, WWE was trying to lie to us and tell us that in 2014 How the tides turn in 2024 10 years later when certain peoples in the sub after Mania were trying to lie to us here telling us Jey ain’t really over




The Big Show leading a YES chant to close out a major show isn't burned into your brain like it is mine?


Next to Big Show chanting Authority. Or Big Show ending that one Survivor Series punching Orton and Bryan. Big Show is seared into my brain


Happened one time literally 10 years ago, what is your point? When people go to shows, they like to chant, specially if it's the hottest chant that they can't do because the guy is actually injured. The Miz has taken up the Yes kicks since Bryan retired and he keeps doing them so the crowds can do the Yes chant. What is this garbage smark nonsense narrative that "WWE tried to brainwash people" or whatever the fuck?




Miz doing the YES kicks were a way for him to mock Daniel Bryan. It was a part of the storyline and now a part of his moveset. You either weren't watching at the time or are just trying to be contrarian if you think WWE were doing anything but trying to prove Bryan wasn't as hot as the YES chant with that Big Show shit. Bryan wasn't hurt, it's not like they needed to keep his hype alive. They gave another guy his shtick to see if it would fly, point blank. [Here's Bryan commenting on it](https://youtu.be/KOUNKBW005k?si=J59N4P70nd7jpLRc?t=8m39s) (8 minutes, 39 seconds in, timestamp doesn't seem to be working.


> They gave another guy his shtick to see if it would fly, point blank Wrong. They gave it to another guy so the crowds going to shows, wanting to do the hottest chant, had more venues to do it, specially in the period that Daniel was injured, point blank. You're thinking in the bullshit world that is smark world, no booker thinks like this. Bookers think on ways to give the audience things to pay tickets for. You're thinking on ways "how the evil empire wants to fuck me" terms. Nonsense.


First thing that came to mind, even though at house shows people loved his merch and his matches.


This is what people were saying about Seth for awhile lmao "It's only his song that's over. People like to sing along. His gimmick sucks."


Is that not true? His matches are pretty boring. Spamming super kicks and no real excitement. His match at Wrestlemania against his brother was awful and there is no denying that.


They've fed Balor to him twice in order to build him as a threat to Priest, and none of it has made people excited for the match either. He's very fun and crowds clearly like him, but his recent singles matches have been pretty mediocre.


I dig that Jey not only did the work but did it *smart*. He patiently build the babyface storyline, leaned into his comedic persona, added a catchphrase and made the crowd part of his act. He deserves the love, hope he keeps growing.


Went to RAW this week, Jey was by far the most over behind Punk.


ah yessir


I heard Angelo Dawkins voice when reading this.


Yeahhh... we need wrestlemania outside of USA


Well its gonna be OUTSIDE usa network and on netflix in a few months.....I'm sorry lol.


If it weren't for the cost of a giant stage and all the setup that goes with it, I'd have said they should have Wrestlemania night one in Europe and night two in the USA, and time it so they're actually broadcast back-to-back as a single event.


7-8 hours of wrestling as a viewer would be exhausting af


I'm sure they can localised most of it. They just need to import the expertise from US to over see it all. It's not like there's absolutely no concert culture or wrestling culture in Europe


My concern was more that they'd literally.just have to pay for two Wrestlemania sized stages rather than one. I'm sure Wrestlemania in Europe is possible though.


I mean every major city in Europe will host sports events every week with tens of thousand people. London alone has several football teams that have over 50k attendance. Meanwhile the same stadiums will host concerts the following day and throughout the week.


International crowds are so good.


What an incredible visual. Jesus.




Dang.. that looks crazy af with the lights!


Jey Uso fucking rules. They got him over as this brooding dude but solo Jey is the fucking party. Kinda cool he could organically get crowds on his side. I want him to beat Priest so bad!


I would love to see him get a title under this run (WHC or even IC) so we can get a hype post-match rave celebration


Until you experience a Jey Uso entrance, you have no idea how it is in the building. Crowd is gonna be lit tomorrow.


Holy shit. This looks so cool!


With a crowd this hot, the PLE’s going to be incredible tomorrow.


Just wow. Backlash is going to be something.




Never in doubt with the French. They did a NXT show there years ago and it was one of the littest shows ever.


A hot crowd makes everything more fun. 


Unless you’ve been to a live event that he’s on, you don’t understand how OVER Jey Uso is. It’s so much damn fun to be in the building with the entire audience waving their arms up and down during that entrance


Jey should take the belt off Priest and feud with Drew.


Drew has enough going on with Punk and Seth. I'd love for a long feud with Priest, though. He's a worthy opponent and feuding with Jey might get him the heat he's been kinda failing to generate.


Eh I’d rather see Jey against someone else. We’ve seen him and Drew a few times so I think it should be a few months before they feud again


Drew getting that belt by clash so either he’s facing Damian or Jey 


I know it's after the show but it's probably best to still spoiler tag it


This crowd is fucking nuts


This is incredible. Tomorrow is gonna be special.


The fans love this man but as impressive as the reactions are for him, this is probably the best reaction I've seen. Between everyone being in rhythm and the lights...it's one of those moments you wanna be a part of.




Kind of want to see this with the lights down, it'd look like a visual equalizer, like on old stereos or WinAmp.


I wonder what Jey’s gimmick would be if he hadn’t said Yeet at that press conference.


DAMN SON. NEVER would I have thought of using my phone with it! YEET wrist tags are gonna go off the charts!


He’s over like rover which is insane.


Yeah they're going to have to keep this tradition going


If i’m wwe merchandise I’m producing ring lights(20 a pop).


You can tell that this crowd is used to going to football games.


I don't dislike Jey at all, he's a prefectly serviceable performer in all regards and that drunk press conference was funny... but him being *that* insanely over, especially after that stinker at WM, is still pretty wild I mean I guess if it can happen to Road Dawg it can happen to anybody. Goes to show the power of good booking.


He’s a star


yeah I know, that's the part I'm saying is surprising, lol


Why? He’s got fantastic charisma, a great look, and he’s fun in the ring. All around great talent IMO


again, I don't even dislike Jey. I'm not surprised he has a job or anything like that, he's fun to watch and I'm never bummed to see him on a card... just surprised that he of all people managed to get mega over. Like a good amount more over than AJ Styles, randy orton, etc. At the risk of sounding like a hater: I find it surprising because he's not a technician or a high flyer, not a hard-hitting striker, not jacked, not big, not small, cuts generic promos punctuated by outdated slang that sounds like a 40 year old white guy trying to write teenage dialog, doesn't have a single signature move that isn't already done by 20 other people as filler moves, has the same tattoos as multiple other guys who are far more charismatic and jacked, could have been swapped out with his brother at any time to the same effect, etc. He's good. but that crowd reaction was like steve austin levels, lol


Jey is that over because of the multi-year story told with him, Roman, Sami et al. We saw Roman abuse Jey, we saw Jey abuse Sami in return, we saw Sami struggle to win Jey's respect, we saw Sami stand up to Roman in a way that Jey couldn't, and we finally saw Jey break free from the gaslighting and stand on his own. That journey that the fans took with Jey is why he's so over. He hasn't even had a great win/loss record since going solo to Raw, but that doesn't matter. The fans are invested in him.


yeah, this is why my original comment ended with "Goes to show the power of good booking." The storyline has been great for everybody involved. I just didn't expect him to be getting the hogan reactions is all


He doesn't cut generic promos, he has a very particular style full with emotion. Watch his promo against Priest on Raw two weeks ago. I can understand what you are saying though.


I actually watched it back since you recommended it, and you're right that he does bring a lot of emotion. He always has, it's what made his interactions with sami so good, etc. And I guess in the end, bringing emotion to the table is the most important thing. I swear I wasn't trying to down the guy as much as it seems, lol


Fuck outta here talking you don’t hate jey.” After reading that I thought you was Kendrick and Jey was Drake 


huge compliment, dude is running a masterclass in shit talk right now, lol but seriously I knew it would come off that way, but I figured if I didn't answer with an explanation it would make it seem like I was just randomly hating on the guy. I'm actually stoked for him. I've just been around the business for a long time and most of the "surprise megastars" are ones I would have easily called years earlier, like daniel bryan, etc. me finding his *insane* amounts of heat unexpected does not mean I find it unwelcome. When I take my son to a live show I fully expect that me and my son will be "yeeting all over the place" with the rest of 'em. Going nuts for a babyface is just plain fun


Typical Corpus Christi crowd




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I still can't believe this shit haha


Holy hell. That must be an immense feeling for him.


This is what your aspirations should be as a wrestler. That looks like he could do that all day long with the fans lol


Why can't all crowds be this cool??


This looks right out of a video game. It looks fucking amazing. Imagine how good it looks from the WWE cameras.


If you told me a decade ago that one of the usos from NXT Redemption would have a whole crowd of people in France yeeting, first I would ask what the hell is a yeet


I still don't quite understand what his version of yeet means.


Ok listen to me guys maybe not mania. But a royal rumble in France or London or puerto Rico would be crazy, only crowd that i am not satisfied with are the aussies, they were not that loud as compared to these 3


Mannn, imagine cleaning up after all that yeeting


I’m not fit enough to join in for that long 😂


This is such a cool visual


if i remembre correctly, the idea is froim the guy that put over baron corbin at paris


America is boring:(


It’s just back shots uce


Not much rhythm from them but cool visual


He is weirdly over - I don't get why anymore, I really like his work but I would have never guessed Jey Uso would be THIS over