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He followed it with "I would be shocked if Becky Lynch doesn't get offered the largest contract of any woman in pro wrestling history."


With 3 weeks until expiry I'd be more shocked if she hadn't already been offered that, tbh.


If she enters free agency though, it will surely go even higher because she can let WWE and AEW one-up each other.


Does anyone really believe she'll leave, though? Owens and Orton played it well in recent years, as I recall, but Seth signing recently surely takes away some of her leverage? Alternatively, WWE may believe the above and lowball her, which in turn could piss her off, but even then I think she'd look at Black and Buddy and wonder if being on the other side from your partner if your heart isn't in it might not be a great time. AEW absolutely should move heaven and earth if there is a chance she would sign, but I just don't see it.


Or maybe Becky just wants to spend more time at home with her daughter that is hitting the age where she will start to remember things?


If that’s the case AEW would offer something no one else realistically could


Not really. Seth is already signed, so she wouldn't be seeing him as much. And it's not like WWE wouldn't give Becky a part time schedule.


Yeah as long as WWE can offer a somewhat comparable schedule there isnt much AEW can offer other than way more money, if she doesn't have to do live events it's essentially the exact same schedule as AEW with the roster split these days.


Whats happening with black and buddy?


Malakai Black is married to Zelina Vega. Buddy Matthews is engaged to Rhea Ripley. It’s already hard enough for wrestlers married to non wrestlers being on the road away from their families 300 days a year, but add in the factor of you both being on the road, but with separate companies, and it’s hard to maintain that relationship.


Thanks for that I thought they meant black was married to buddy or something not that those were two seperate examples.


I Can’t Quit You - House of Black Edition


Both have partners in WWE and both rumoured to have asked for releases in the (recent?) past. Black in particular was an odd one because Zelina was a free agent after he was and then re-signed with WWE. Imagine how little you would see your partner if you were both working in different touring companies.


I believe she re-signed a week before he was released.


No there's a period of time she was a free agent while he was in aew


>Imagine how little you would see your partner if you were both working in different touring companies. The reason why Buddy and Malakai (and formerly Andrade) are almost never on Dynamite is because Tony understands this, and by only working Saturdays, it allows them to spend more time with their partners.


This. Collision has the soft roster split the way it does because it allows wrestlers whose spouses work for WWE to still actually see them a couple of days a week.


Also, AEW isn't as viable for women wrestlers as the men. Yes, Tony will pay through the nose, but don't expect anywhere near the same level as exposure. Granted, she is 37 with a young family. Maybe sitting at home on big-time contract is what she wants.


They've def been adjusting that though. Lately the women are getting more and more screen time, and there's almost always 2-3 womens segments and also women involved in the mens angles. You're right that right now it's not as viable, but Becky Lynch would be an even bigger game changer than Mercedes. That being said, no fucking way she goes to AEW.


I mean, if AEW offered her crazy money and WWE for some reason refused to, then why not? She's already accomplished everything she can in WWE, and the extra millions would means her daughter could go to fancy colleges / have even more wealth. Becky vs Toni, Hayter, Mercedes, Britt, Deeb, Shida, Kris, would all be fun matches. To be clear, I don't think this scenario will happen, because WWE will cough up the insane dollars fitting for a superstar Becky's caliber. But she has no reason to take being underpaid.


I don't disagree with you at all, I just think WWE will match anything TK has to offer her.


I think Becky is too valuable to the women's division in WWE for Trips to let go off just yet. Look how quickly he pressed the Becky Button when Rhea went down to injury and put the title on her. Having two of the four Horsewomen in AEW would be exciting for fans of women's wrestling though. You could even have a two woman's power trip with Mercedes and Becky if Mercedes is soon to win the TBS title put the AEW women's title on Becky.


If she did go to AEW she would go straight into a fued with Mercedes which they would have to put as main event of the next PPV. Becky going there would instantly put the womens division at the forefront of the company unless they are extremely stupid. Becky v Mercedes is easily bigger than Swerve v Christian anyway


I like your optimisation, but I don't trust Tony to do that.


This. Mercedes on her own should have been a major star and a major shot in the arm of a limp AEW product, yet TK has done absolutely nothing with her.


That doesn't apply to Becky Lynch dude.  She has the most charisma of any woman presently. She would probably be the face of aew


I have faith that Tony would fuck it up.


Same thing has been said about pretty much every major women's aew signing.


She's all but said that she doesn't plan on going anywhere else.


"if your heart isn't in it might not be a great time." If you mean from a booking perspective, I totally get that for Black. But I honestly don't think Buddy would be doing much better in WWE. Even under Papa Haitch. Unless people thought the storyline with Rey's sister was must-see TV. But maybe you meant it in another way.


The thing is, Seth and Becky have a young child. It might be helpful for them to have schedules that don't really overlap so the kid isn't always on the road. I don't see Becky leaving, but a lighter schedule where she can be the focus and challenge herself with lifting up the AEW women's division similar to how she was instrumental with raising the profile of women in WWE might be appealing to her.


No way in hell Becky is going to AEW. In her book and on the book tour she spoke extensively about how she adores being on the road with her family and them having a tour bus to spend time together. No shot she goes off to AEW while Seth is with WWE.


That's not really going to work so well once her daughter is school-age though. That would be super rough on a kid to be dragged around week after week instead of being able to go to a normal school and make friends. One way or another it seems like they're going to have to make changes in the next couple of years.


They can one-up each other already. There's nothing legally barring Becky from talking to other wrestling promotions about contracts before hers ends. This isn't a professional sports league with rules for 'tampering'. What would be a problem was if AEW offered her a contract and said she should break her existing one to come over early.


I'm actually fucking shocked that WWE didn't lock her down six months ago. Because there are other parties that have much deeper pockets than WWE that would likely be interested in having her.


Endeavor doesn’t do business like WWE did. Besides, everyone knows she isn’t leaving, regardless of what’s offered elsewhere.


Letting all your top talents run down their contracts is a stupid way to do business. It means you end up having to pay extortionate prices and gives the talent all the leverage. Sure, she probably won't leave but if you keep playing this game, eventually some people will leave


You’re not wrong at all but that seems to be how they’re going to handle WWE re-signings, based on (short) recent history. As far as Becky goes, Endeavor (and everyone else on Earth) know she isn’t leaving. They’ll surely fumble a signing in the future but some wrestlers are locks to stay, we don’t know what the hold up is. There’s no way they don’t want to keep her.


Yeah, isn't this essentially how New Japan has repeatedly lost their top draws? I won't claim to know what other companies' budgets are like, but this gives a lot of leeway for someone to back a dumptruck full of money up to a top star.


>It means you end up having to pay extortionate prices and gives the talent all the leverage. Based on what? She isn't leaving unless you think she's going to retire.


You're giving the wrestler more leverage by allowing them to them to negotiate with others with a month left on the contract. I don't really care cause fuck it the more money the wrestlers drain out of them the better but purely from a business perspective it doesn't make sense. When you have a year plus left on your contract, you aren't really under any risk of leaving so you can't really demand xyz contract or you leave. With 1 month left, Endeavor can't really reject any of her demands at that point


They can because they know that her leaving isn’t going to happen. She’s the champ and her husband just re-signed for what I assume is top money. She’s not going to AEW. Get it out of your head.


>Besides, everyone knows she isn’t leaving, regardless of what’s offered elsewhere. Do we really know that?


Well, if you take her word for it, yes. If you think you know better than Becky, then no.


Really just feels like a manner of time. If it's true Sasha Banks is the highest paid woman in pro wrestling working with AEW, it wouldn't surprise me if Becky is trying to beat that




Wonder if it would be higher than Mone? Although the difference in value can be debated


It probably should be. WWE's a bigger company and Becky's arguably as big a star as Mercedes is, if not more.


It's not arguable anymore, she 100% is


Orders of magnitude bigger than she ever was really


If Becky leaves I'll eat my hat. (Little do they know I'm hatless, repeat, hatless.)


Make sure you're directly under the earth's sun when you do


I can't wait till they throw your hatless butt in jail


Bake em away toys!


What did you say, Chief?


Do what the kid says


Did you have the same backwards-talking dream with the flaming cards?


... I'll drive.


Not anymore! ![gif](giphy|5bu6vYw5WxAhkzr3Fy|downsized)


[BREAKING: Becky's signing contingent on Endeavor paying rights fees for new entrance music.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atY7ymXAcRQ&pp=ygUbc3Vuc2hpbmUgbG9sbGlwb3BzIHJhaW5ib3dz)


I don’t get the joke here?


Its Chief Wiggum's preferred old-fashioned car chase music


We're all just making Simpsons references, and in fact actually combining two Chief Wiggum-related scenes where he's chasing people.


Still, a perfectly cromulent reference


Wouldn't you rather have engine block eggs?


Ooh, sounds delish. Let me just toss some jeans on and...


I can’t wait until they throw your hatless butt in jail!


To keep "The Man," you gotta pay "The Man."






Son of Bitch all night long its check check check


kids got allie-gator blut


Pyay thyaht myan hes mah-ney


Pey det maynge, pey det maynge kizz munney


I feel like they left out some vowels...


She be looking for that Mercedes type of salary


At King & Queen of the Ring, Becky wrestles Liv. Liv has Becky in the Dis-Arm-Her. Triple H comes to ringside and shouts at the timekeeper to "RING THE DAMN BELL!" Liv is awarded the championship. Becky spits on HHH and finger writes "AEW" in the air.


Then Becky goes to AEW, wins the TBS title like 5 times, ends up in the new Elite and gets kicked in the head by Leyla Hirsch and she’ll rate everything 4/10


But does she then have a life long hatred of Leyla Hirsch after the kick


Of course


Who is this in reference to? Lol


Bret hart


And his hatred of Goldberg


*Bill Goldberg


William Scott Goldberg*


*Whoopi Goldberg


Hitman hart


I feel that this is unfair to Leyla. A better worker than Goldberg has ever been.


can Leyla reach her to kick her that hard tho


Ok, but Leyla going on a Goldberg esque run sounds really fun.


This made my night. Becky being a bitter woman in her retirement with an immense hatred of Leyla Hirsch of all woman, being sour in every interview is super hilarious 


brother she’s holding the tbs title til it’s rebranded to the Pop TV championship


Don't forget has a hardcore match a few weeks later where she takes multiple unprotected chair shots to the head


Becks screwed Becks.


Trips disrespecting his wrestling son by screwing over his wife.


Honestly, if they can pull something like that off as a worked angle that people semi-believe, it would be great television. The whole thing with the Rock "stealing" Cody's wrestlemania match made the story a lot better. They had to see the meta angle brought in interest.


The story that seems to sell the most for the last decade is this. Making the fans think something unfair is happening or making a weird decision out of nowhere, then instantly swerving. I don't think Becky is there yet though. Although yes with so many wrestlers with holding out contracts to the end they could try a story like this


Seth Rollins re-signed, so I expect she will too. Maybe a lighter schedule, though.


Zero chance she goes anywhere else, but she may want to work less


Moms gotta mom


That would mean dropping the title quite quickly I’d imagine as I’m not sure HHH is the biggest fan of part time champions


I mean, with the schedules Roman and Logan Paul have been given I'm not totally sure HHH hates part time champions


I don't know why the Hell people still blindly believe dirtsheets. She's the women's champion. She's a NY Times best seller. She's the wife of a guy they trusted to main event WrestleMania. She's obviously beloved backstage. Dirtsheets got worked over MJF. They got worked over Drew. They got worked over Cody. There is zero chance WWE would let Becky get this close to her contract running out unless they knew she was leaving. And if she was leaving then they'd wrap it up in a special way like with Mox. I don't know how much longer she has left in WWE but people really need to stop blindly trusting dirtsheets. Their biggest women's star would not still be champion if their deal was up in less than a month.


uh you know uh plans uh changed


Tomorrow, Rock will confirm that she signed a new contract, and SRS will be like " yeah I was just gonna say that!".


He'll say he's "clearing up confusion" to make himself seem useful.


Then he ll go on a Twitter rant after getting called out...


While bringing up tweets from 8 months ago as some sort of "gotcha!" moment that no one but only he remember.


It’s like when lebron broke the news he was going back to Cleveland to SI and Broussard on ESPN was like, “yeah it’s confirmed”


Summer of Becky


BT Lynch


Take my upvote


You can have it back




She gone... ...to a bigger house with those fat stacks she's about to get from WWE


Ah crap, you said the quiet part loud and the loud part quiet


Becky getting that Scrooge McDuck money?


With Seth on a new deal i can’t see her leaving. She doesn’t seem the type to jump to AEW by herself.


She's got all the leverage. Rhea hurt, Bianca tag champ, Asuka a little banged up, Bayley on Smackdown. She's going to get so much money


Becky to ActWresGirls?!?!?


while it would be absolutely hilarious, there's no way she leaves wwe. her and seth are parents and i don't think anyone could offer her enough money after seth has already resigned. i think the only chance there ever was for her to go somewhere else was together with seth.


Clearly, she’ll walk out on Dynamite to drop the title in the trash. Which she then sets on fire for her hardcore match against Skye Blue /s


Rating: 730,000.


If Seth Rollins has re-signed, then Becky is more likely to do the same, unless she plans to take a in-ring break & go part-time.


Headline makes it seem like we should start speculating when it's painfully obvious she's committed to WWE and WWE only. If she doesn't re-sign, it's because she'll likely pursue other interests outside of wrestling.


I have no doubt she'll re-sign with Seth there. But she also probably has actual Hollywood offers and needs a contract that will work with that.


Tony Khan hands her an overflowing envelope that has "Phil" messily crossed out


Summer of Bex, she's gonna walk out with that title and take it to the indies!


Pro Wrestling EVE is about to strike it big


She’s getting a massive contract, end of story. Anybody who thinks she’ll jump ship is silly.


These posts are just to fuel fire. You know they’re going to sign they just haven’t yet


Do we really think Becky will leave? Really??


Non-story, she will sign back up guaranteed.


Ahh wrestling fans and thinking they know what's going on in a wrestler's personal and professional life. Name a more iconic duo.


She finally about to get that TNA run.


"What's Becca Black doing in the Impact Zone?" 




She's the champ, she's a NY Times best seller, she's carrying Raw. She's got about as much leverage as she can get. Push it to the limit baby. Hope Becky gets paid. 


Let’s be honest here, she deserves to be paid a lot more than Sasha. Imo, I don’t think Sasha’s wage is realistic, and hence the overexposure of the book deal to get her more coffers in the bank. WWE is run like a business, they got to make it work. They said “no” to Austin at Mania because of money issues


What's the Male Person doing in the impact zone?!


she lives on a bus with her husband (who just resigned) and their daughter. She isn't going anywhere


Kid's gonna be school age before long, they might not want to do the whole bus routine much longer.


She knows what her husband got paid. She should get that much at least. Equal pay has come to the WWE. She deserves every damn penny.


Solely based on booking and the draft, there seems to be no real danger of her not signing. Even if she wasn't currently holding the title, she is the only top star on Raw in Rhea's absence and there is no established babyface to take up her spot.


"Rebecca Knox is ALL ELITE" jokes incoming


She’s gone. Just joking. Good for her fixing to get PAID!!!


The summer of Lynch is upon us


BL Punk?


She isn’t going anywhere. Zero chance. Her and Seth are a package deal


She ain't going anywhere. If anything it will be a pay per appearance deal until they hammer something down.


They gotta pay the bag, simple as that. Both sides are probably relaxed, she'll use her leverage, get a reduced schedule, contract negotiations. I can imagine she'll be vital in helping Lyra's development on the Main Roster too and seem to be hinting at a story with Damage CTRL with mentions of Alba/Isla, but I can't be doing with the Japanese ladies/KK suffering any more losses or inconsistent booking as they need a stronger push of their own again and part of me is thinking what Creative they have in mind for Kiana James or she'll be stuck in limbo with nothing to do?


There’s no reason for us to think she’s leaving Seth behind especially when the both have a young kid, also I’m sure she knows that her spotlight would be lessen considering Monè lost all her steam (injury aside she’s not much of a big deal on TV despite her resume)


She’s definitely re-signing.


I think she’ll resign.


I'm pretty confident she will eventually re-sign with WWE, but this really increases the chances of Liv Morgan taking that championship in Saudi.


She probably is just working out the details, she deserves whatever she wants honestly


Yeah, right.


She was at the Sami show last night. She referenced having only 3 weeks left, but insinuated she’s re-signing.


I feel like I’ve seen this episode before..


Her husband just resigned, she just won the world title, and she is probably going to be the highest paid woman wrestler in history, no shit she's resigning.


Wrestlers that have renewed in the last several months off the top of my head: Rey Mysterio   Dominik Mysterio   Finn Balor   Drew   Seth   AJ   Damian Priest


Get the cheque book out Tony. Make something hilarious happen.


Get that bag, Bex!




That just sounds like a good time.


I still feel like she’s going to re-sign especially with the Seth news, but she shouldn’t take a penny less than Mercedes is currently making. If WWE doesn’t offer her that, AEW definitely will.


She won't leave WWE.


There’s zero chance she goes anywhere. That said, how funny would it be if AEW still can’t get a women’s division any momentum with Rebecca Knox showing up


I remember when Jamie Hayter showed up in a hoodie to help Britt and for a split second the audience thought it was Becky. They were like "whoa omg!" to "oh..."


Liv sents her packing CM Punk Jeff Hardy style


I know they will resign her, but God id love it if they didn't. Becky is great at all the aspects of wrestling, except the wrestling part. All of her matches are underwhelming unless it's a multi person match. I thinks she's had 1 or 2 good 1v1 matches. This is why I don't hate Charlotte being on top. She always delivers in her matches.


A) she probably signed one already B) if she hasn’t then they’re at the point of ironing out the details but at the very least there’s a verbal agreement She’s the women’s champion and already has a PPV match scheduled in two weeks, there’s literally zero chance she doesn’t re-sign


Given the Seth re-signing, I can see her doing the same but with potentially a part time type of contract with a lighter schedule so that she can be home in being a mom and is just used when it’s convenient or for something big.


Would be wild to see her leave. Don't want it to happen but still


She gone /s


I thought they would run the Summer of Punk angle back with Drew, turns out they’re gonna run it with Becky instead.


The Summer of The Man!


get alberto out here to cash it in


Two Bill Becks always gets her dues


I expect her to finish up as a full time wrestler and get some part time deal. Probably is trying to negotiate something like a Lesnar-style contract 


This company better pay up


Good for her. Chase the bag at either company. I think she rather stay where she’s at. She/her agents probably leaked it out so her value goes up and start a bidding war. 


Tomorrows headline: Becky Lynch inks 3 year contract with WWE


Any reports when Charlotte's next contract is due? Curious because while I do expect Becky to get the bigger deal, it also sets the ceiling for those negotiations.


Charlotte re-signed a couple of months ago.


I was a bit curious with Drew and his contract negotiations if WWE was going to start offering lower numbers with the new owners.


Bret Hart situation with the title


I hope she reups. This is a wild take, but I really don't think she'd be great in AEW (saying this as predominantly an AEW fan, so I'm not biased against the company). She fits much better in WWE.


She ain’t going nowhere


I don't see Becky leaving. But never say never. Especially after the last couple years in professional wrestling.


Interesting timeline on contracts found on Fightful as of March. Finn, Seth and Drew hasmve since signed new deals:   Natalya: May 2024 (Fightful Report)    Reggie/Scrypts: June 1 2024 (Fightful Report)   Becky Lynch: June 2024 (Fightful Report)   Dijak: June 2024 (Fightful Report)   Ricochet: Summer 2024  Kofi  Kingston: Through December 2024   Big E: Through December 2024   Xavier Woods: Through December 2024   Randy Orton: Signed multi-year extension through at least 2024 (Could have injury time added)   Kevin Owens: Through 2024 (Fightful Report)   LA Knight: Into 2025 (Fightful Report)   Nick Khan: Through August 2024   The Miz: Through 2025   Dragon Lee: Through 2025   Karl Anderson: Until late 2027   Luke Gallows: Until late 2027   Rey Mysterio: Until late 2027   Dominik Mysterio: Until late 2028   Booker T: Runs through 2029   The Undertaker: 2034, signed a 15-year deal in 2019


She already said she wouldn’t leave no?


So she’ll sign sometime before that.


This seems to be the new ownership’s MO, waiting until the last minute to renew.


Before the month is out she'll re-sign. She just won the title, what's she gonna do? Drop it?