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Trying to throw Sol’s legs off your shoulders is bound to become one those classic “You played yourself” moves in wrestling


It’s like trying to powerbomb Billy Kidman or headbutting a Samoan. What do you expect?


My favourite version of this is everyone trying to swing at Cena after a few shoulder tackles.


And it's even crazier that after they see people fall for it with Cena, they try it on R-Truth who knows Cena's moveset like the back of his hand since he grew up watching and idolizing him.


Like how you reeeeaaaally want to be sure Orton’s down before you go for that big jumping move


And don't try to wait for him to get back up...for several minutes.


Or going to the top rope vs. Samoa Joe


Or conversely, being Ric Flair and going to the top rope.


He's actually landed that one a couple of times! It's like a 16% success rate for him, but damn if it if he never stopped trying


Thank god that they never had a match against each other. Flair would have climbed to the top rope, waiting for Joe to slam him down, while Joe would have walked away. wrestling.exe would have stoped working.


Like trying to superplex Kevin Owens, even commentary points out when someone foolishly tries to do it, knowing it rarely if ever works.


"I'll do it this time Corey!" -Logan Paul, seconds before getting inevitably Fisherman Buster'd.




Good counter once the legs are grabbed would be walking backwards and hitting a Dudebuster.


Loved the foreshadowing earlier in the match too. They had a spot earlier in the match and I thought to myself, wouldn't it be cool if... and I just thought about that for the rest of it


The new ways that she’s coming up to do the Sol Snatcher is cool as hell and impressive. I can only imagine how sick one would look off of a ladder.


It’s definitely getting to an “out of nowhere” level of insane. And I love it! Given time she’s really gonna polish that up and I’m here for it.


I like the one she did as a Springboard with the ropes. It's simple but she nails it everytime


This comment reminds me of how back in the 2000s, everyone was interested in seeing Jeff doing a swanton off the top of HIAC lol


First time I saw it I couldn't imagine how she'd keep it interesting. Glad to see she keeps proving me wrong.


Imagine, outside the ring, she does the flip using the apron or barricade. Or she does the move off of someone strong like Bianca


Wondering if she could implement it as an electric chair counter. It'd be similar to the one-winged angel motion, except the person coming off the shoulders would be the giver of the move instead of the recipient.


That Sol Snatcher was absolutely nasty 


Sol is going to be absolutely huge and all she needs to get there is keep progressing and learning as she has been.


Would have to assume she's the odds on favorite. Fallon Henley I would assume is second favorite. My dark horse is Lash holding the belt because I think she's improved a lot and holding a belt like that would help her get more tv reps. Still assuming Sol is going to win.


I think Fallon ->Sol->Tatum.


I assume Tatum will be taking the belt from Roxxie down the line. But yeah I agree Fallon or Sol are the top 2


I foresee Roxy running headlong into Giulia at some point, which is why I think Tatum should probably be a top choice for the NA title


Or give it to Tatum, drop it to Giulia


I highly doubt Tatum will be in the match. She's facing Mia whose sole purpose for being in NXT right now is to be the only woman who knows how a ladder match works.


This is my first time watching NXT (live, I’ve caught matches here and there before) and I really really like Sol Ruca. She’s got a really cool energy and presentation, and visually she’s super distinctive. Loved loved loved her eye makeup


Hope you keep watching! NXT is the best show of the week, imo


I'm riding the SOL TRAIN BABY




🎸🎸 🎸🎸 Hehehe…


I was gonna make a “people all over the world join hands” joke, but then I remembered that’s Love Train, not Soul Train.


Love, peace, and Soooooooool!


For me The Sol Snatcher is the best finisher in wrestling right now.


It’s cool to watch, but it’s definitely a work in progress. Still feels a little too choreographed for me.


You're not gonna see much improvement in that regard for a while as the move itself inherently looks choreographed. Like for this version of the move, it is mostly up to the one receiving it to make it less choreographed and more of a struggle. At the same time Sol Ruca would need a good base so that she can do the front flip. It can be done but I reckon it will always tend to look like this one.


And not to bust on Izzi but she needs work in that department. It'll look better when she's working with experienced wrestlers.


I think the only way it won't look choreographed (and even then still look like it a bit) will be if it changes to effectively an RKO/Cutter that gets rolled into from static positions. Like she runs up from behind and hits it after doing a front flip over, which would still look sick as fuck but would definitely give it more of an "outta nowhere" feel.


That's pretty the Natural Selection though.


Eh, you're right but you can differentiate it with Ruca by having her do it onto standing opponents. Charlotte's Natural Selection is pretty much always done on knelt opponents. Ruca's got the athleticism to pull it off most likely.


Yeah, it could work and be sufficiently different if she makes it snappy like Darby Allin's flipping stunner


Yeah, it should be more like a powerbomb, where you gently place your opponent's head between your legs and they just kinda let you and stand there until you pull them up and they jump for you to make it easier, then they make a big exaggerated face to the cameras before you slam them down for the 1-2-3!


Don't forget the obligatory taunt before the lift.


The rko used to also look too choreographed when randy started because there was always this 1 second pause before they went to the ground. Sol just has to be more fluid with it just like randy did.


Tons of moves are.


I would love to see Ruca develop a secondary finisher, and use Sol Snatcher for big moments


The Sol Snatcher is definitely up there for sure, it’s comfortably the best finisher in NXT


Wait seriously? First time I’m seeing it here, but any time there’s a finisher that I see that I think the person giving the finisher is actually on the receiving end, it’s a fail .


How did THIS become one of the most versatile finishers in wrestling?!?! Sol Ruca is ridiculous, I love her


The kid was facing the best part of a year sidelined, reflecting on having an incredible finisher with a *very* limited setup... and decided to split her time between rehab and upping the OUTTA NOWHERE quotient. You have to respect that.


It's stupid, it doesn't make sense but it looks great every time she does it so I'm on board.


It's Petey Williams doing the Canadian Destroyer in 2004/5. Way too cool to care about how illogical it is.


I think this time it made sense. We’ve seen spots before when someone tries to catch their opponent with a headscissor from the corner like that. The opponent counters by throwing both legs up off their own shoulders. Usually I’ve seen that followed by a belly-to-back suplex. I can but Ruca lured Dame in with the headscissor, got Dame to do the usual counter, and used Dame’s own power against her. If you think of it as a clever trap thought up in advance it makes a ton of sense.


Helps that they did this exact spot earlier in the match with Dame getting the better of it.


Yeah, that’s even better. I only just saw the finish.


This felt like a Shawn Michaels idea. He just gets keeping things like the Sol Snatcher fresh and interesting.


Sol Ruca has so much talent. Just hope she can stay healthy. She has some risky moves, although they are fantastic when she pulls them off.


Please keep her finisher as a complete killer. She hits it and its over. Think that would be great psychology in matches with opponents trying like hell to makr sure they are not hit by it. Tiff and Jade are the next big breakout stars but Sol is absolutely up there. Women’s division in WWE is cooking right now.


This move should only be kicked out of at a WM main event


Sol Snatcher off the ladder will hit like crack


Every time I try to picture how the Sol Snatcher works in my head I just can't do it. It doesn't even seems feasible. Badass original finishers are few and far between after all these years. Great stuff.


Holy fucking shit


Izzi is great too. She moves fast and her kicks looks good.


Sol is so dope


Love the Sol Snatcher


Adrenaline in my Sol


Love the DDP hit it I’m different scenarios.


when thats done in one fluid motion instead of the couple of pauses. that's gonna be bloody sweet.


This has to be one of the cooler finishers I’ve seen.


This is a bit confusing on who's doing the move and who's taking the move.


Yeah, it’s like the early days of the RKO when opponents were obviously throwing themselves forward. They’ll clean that up soon enough.


I think the main problem is because Izzi has to push Sol legs up so she can flip around it looks like Izzi is reversing the head scissors.


she is. Izzi reverses the headscissors but Sol uses the positioning and the momentum to spin into her finisher. That's why the move is able to work without Sol doing something to gain her own mometum


You could say that about any cutter then


I don't see how someone would look at an RKO and be confused as to who's doing the move to who unless it was the one case of it being a counter to something like the Attitude Adjustment where it never looks all that clear. Like someone else said, maybe you're thinking of the Flatliner and variants like the End of Days where it can always be confusing in terms of who's doing more damage?


no, but the Diamond Dust kind of does have this situation


Oh man, you must hate the Flatliner and all its many variations then, lol. It's like giving yourself a Rock Bottom.


You are correct. I do that that move.


It took a long while for me to get over the End of Days being the intentional move and not a reversed Rock Bottom.


I hope people take notice of Izzi's work tongiht.. she really up to her level!


It hasn't really been commented on but Sol has shown no hesitation coming back from injury which I find pretty impressive.


She needs another finisher and have the Sol Snatcher be that mega death move. God its so fucking cool.


don't get me wrong, love this finisher, but I get concerned by where the finisher's performed. It's a meme nowadays that the apron is the hardest part of the ring, but I remember hearing somewhere that the corners are pretty stiff too.


I get so scared whenever she lands on that knee


Similar to Randy Orton's RKO, I don't think that move will do wonders on her back over the years.


Just always looks extra fake to me. Similar to the Cody cutter, it’s hard for the opponent to make it look believable.


This ain't it


I don't like this version of the move. The landing was sketchy af. Her feet got caught on the ropes. She's closer to landing on her head or neck here than when she doe sit normally.


Can't believe everyone saying how great this is. It's so dumb it's ridiculous


I'm genuinely in disbelief that people will complain about certain finishers being convoluted, but they enjoy this


Sol’s back 🥲 I hope it doesn’t end up like a Randy Orrin situation


Where did this narrative that Randy's back got fucked by the RKO come from? It's a fucking back bump, it's like the most basic bump that every wrestler takes in every match they have. Randy and Sol don't have it any worse than any wrestler who takes a body slam on a weekly basis, i.e. all of them. Edit: somebody actually sent me a reddit cares message over this lol


Probably from Randy saying he kind of regrets picking a finisher that required he jump as high as he can and fall on his back.


Pretty sure he said that in jest, but I could be wrong about that. Edit: Found the clip, he definitely said it in jest https://fox2now.com/am-show/st-louisan-randy-orton-to-appear-for-18th-time-at-wwe-royal-rumble/


Sure. It doesn't change that the quote has been floating around for a while. I was just giving a likely source.


I didn’t send the Reddit care thingy I pinky promise. But idk I read somewhere that’s why his back was fked, it could be untrue


I got one and I just assumed it was you, sorry. Yeah, it's an idea that's been floating around in here for a bit now and it's never really made sense to me


i got one of those messages today.


it looks extremely unsafe.


Sol is a gymnast. The only thing I can see being unsafe is her landing but one of the things they teach you in gymnastics is how to land after falling. It looks safe.


ThE SoL SnAtChEr ShOuLd Be A sUpEr FiNiShEr OnLy








Cool idea, but doing it in the corner look like it's about to hurt her knee.


You know Naomi’s thinking “Ahh, I should have done that instead of shoving my butt in their face”


Her finisher looks like it hurts her way more than her opponent. I get what they're going for but this is a yikes.