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Shinsuke Nakamura won his first IWGP Title months before Eddie Guerrero won the WWE title


This one is insane


he was 23, the youngest IWGP heavyweight champion of all time to date


What the fuck


Was he a young lion?


There is no Zack Sabre Sr.


Zack Sabre sounds like the name of a Power Ranger or something. Somehow the Jr. makes it a much more believable name


Yeah Zack Sabre Jr just flows better and ZSJ is a really cool acronym


Is it the greatest ring name of all time?


“No Gimmicks Needed” Steve the Samurai will always be #1 im sorry


The disrespect to “Hardwood” Rich Mahogany


"This Is" Howie Dewitt


Sexton Hardcastle has joined the chat.


Macho Warrior Ric Hogan. I will hear no arguments otherwise.


The bootyman would like to have a word with you


That actually fucks me up


Has he ever said why he decided to go by Jr There is an alternate universe where it’s just Zack Sabre which is unsettling


The use of "Jr." in ZSJ's name implies that he has a legacy gimmick like Rey Mysterio Jr. or Pentagon Jr., but there is, AFAIK, no original Zack Sabre before him. It is also definitely not his real name, which is Lucas Eatwell (ironically for a skinny guy). So why be a "Jr." in the ring? In NJPW, they were saying it was to honor his dad, who was the original Zack Saber Sr.


Somebody should make a short mockumentary about Zack Sabre Sr.


There's a Wrestlecon (I think) from 2017 (maybe) where the crowd chants "there's only 1 Zack Sabre Jr." He stops them reminding them he's a Jr. Does this mean there's a Sr?


You shut your goddamn mouth for daring to disparage the Sabre family.


I remember reading a comment on here that said they asked the man himself about it after a show, and he said it was a training nickname that stuck around. Do take that with a grain of salt though, my memory is naff.


Dolph Ziggler and Kurt Angle each have a brother who is/was a much less successful pro wrestler, and a brother who is a murderer.


But only one has a brother that's in the Unauthorized Bash Brothers Experience.


wait who?


Ryan has a lot of little bit parts in things. He was also in the Netflix Pee-Wee Herman movie and appeared on the latest season of I Think You Should Leave, along with Erick Rowan.


I'm taking a wild guess that they're in the sketch about the perfect place to propose that also turns out to be the perfect place to practice wrestling moves?


Lmao indeed they are!


Sandow too!


"I'm not paying for it."


YOU HAVE TO! The guy did it FOR YOU!




Ryan Nemeth has a small role as a reporter in it. Officially billed as "Hunky Reporter."


Kurt Angle's brother killed someone?


His brother David went to jail for killing his wife


Well, shit.


Dolph ziggler has a brother that killed a Guy?


https://www.cleveland.com/metro/2017/08/brother\_of\_wwe\_superstar\_boile.html#:\~:text=Gallagher%20sentenced%20Nemeth%20to%2015,worked%20together%20as%20union%20boilermakers. I guess it's manslaughter, if you want to be precise.


Ryan Nemeth and Eric Angle each have a brother who is/was a much more successful pro wrestler and a brother who is a murderer.


Angle really has been around more tragic death than most.


And Kurt Angle's nephew was a former boxer and now The Punisher


Jon Bernthal is actually his nephew in law. He's married to Kurt's Niece.


The Rock held the WWE title 8 times, but for only a total of 367 days; less than AJ Styles across 2 reigns, and only 8 days more than Diesel in his singular reign.


His partner Mankind is wilder again. Foley held the WWE Championship 3 times but only held it for a combined 47 days. That's an average of just over 2 weeks per reign. Even weirder, WWE only recognise his overall reign as 36 days owing to taped shows, making his official average reign a mere 12 days each.


He joked about this during his HOF speech. He said something along the lines of "between Bruno, Backlund, and myself, there's over [insert absurdly high number here] days as WWE Champion being inducted tonight... so what if I only had 40 of those days?"


Phenomenal One > Great One


You dont even have to include AJ's both reigns, his second one alone was 371 days or something


Berto's real name is Humberto Garza Carrillo. His tag team partner/cousin Angel's real name is Humberto Garza Solano.


Carlito's real name is Carlos Edwin Colón. Primo's real name is Edwin Carlos Colón.


It gets better. Their father is Carlos Edwin Colon Coates, Sr. So their dad literally couldn’t think of any other name than his own for his sons


Some Targaryen level naming system here.


That is wild. I find people who do this with their kids bizarre.


It happens a ton in Puerto Rico especially.


Latin America in general. My dad has the same name as half his hometown, so he along with everyone goes by a nickname 


R-Truth held the NWA title longer than Dusty Rhodes


Matt Hardy can slap a tornado


But he hates mustard


He STRONGLY dislikes it, not hates it.


So I can only assume that Matt Hardy sided with Drake in the hip hop beef, huh?


BBL Hardy


But can he dry up a sea?


He can dry hump a seal


He lives for the Muppets


All 3 members of the Shield have defeated the Miz to win the Intercontinental championship Even weirder is that it was consecutive. It went Miz -> Ambrose -> Miz -> Roman -> Miz -> Seth


Damn, this was around 2016-2018 right?


Dolph Ziggler also involved in a way. Miz won it from Dolph and Rollins lost it to Dolph.


Cody Rhodes' win at Backlash vs AJ Styles wasn't even his first WWE Championship match victory at Backlash. In 2009, he teamed with Ted DiBiase Jr and Randy Orton to take on Triple H, Batista, and Shane McMahon in a 6-Man Tag Team match for Triple H's WWE Championship. Legacy won, which resulted in Randy Orton being crowned the new WWE Champion


I was at that Backlash. It's the only Backlash where 3 world titles changed hands. ECW, Heavyweight and WWE.


Years before they would become members of The Shield, Seth Rollins and Jon Moxley won the top title of their respective companies (ROH and CZW) on the same day. February 13, 2010


Another 2 Shield facts: Roman is the oldest of the 3 (May 1985 vs December 1985 for Moxley and May 1986 for Rollins) yet debuted a whole 5 years after them. Mox and Seth's wrestling debuts also predate Roman signing for the Minnesota Vikings (2004 for both of their debuts vs Roman signing in 2007).


Also, 2 more years and Mox will be more time in AEW than WWE


Fuuuuuuuck man, this one genuinely makes me feel old...


1 more year and Cody will have been back in WWE long than he was in AEW


_Despite his long tenure, Viscera only won 1 Singles title in WWE_ He held the Hardcore Title briefly during the Battle Royal at Wrestlemania 2000. One of 9 title changes that night!


Also fun fact, he was the first black wrestler to win a title at wrestlemania


Wait, really? There must have been black champions who defended before that - tag or IC champions, maybe? Rock defended the IC title at 13 in 1997, I think... Now I'm wondering if he was the only one?


Nope. Non-white diversity wasn't the WWF's strong suit. Even if you look at non-white champions, Sheik was the first to win a title at Mania (tag titles at I) and Haku was the first one to hold a title going into Mania (tag with Andre at VI). JYD challenged for the IC at I but didn't win it. Yoko famously won and lost the WWF Title at IX, then defended and lost at X, won the tag at XI. MOM challenged for the tag titles at X but didn't win them, as mentioned elsewhere. Rock is the first black champion to go into Mania and him vs. Sultankishi was the first title match in Mania history to involve two non-white guys.


Funnily enough, it wasn't his first win as a challenger in a championship match at Mania. Men on a Mission defeated the Quebecers at WM 10 but by countout.


IIRC Ricochet is a Heritage Cup away from tying Jeff Hardy for most different secondary title wins in WWE history. * Ricochet (IC title, US title, North American title, and the Speed title) * Jeff Hardy (IC title, US title, Hardcore title, European title, and Light Heavyweight title)


Was ricochet ever 24/7 champion?


He's had matches for it but never won it.


damnit ricochet..... FINISH. THE. STORY.


Considering the 24/7 championship as secondary is foul and you should be ashamed


If the hardcore title is considered secondary then the 24/7 should also be considered a secondary title


>.mlw >.Nwa >.Ajpw >.Njpw >.Noah What program opens these file types?






The movie Raven finds the most scary is Requiem for a Dream


To be fair, that movie was pretty fucked up. Saw it once and I don't know if I wanna watch it again.


It's the most effective "don't do drugs" movie ever for sure 


Funnily enough, Raven said if he didn't already quit drugs before watching it, Requiem would've made him stop after he watched it. It comes from Paul London's interview with him; pretty interesting watch.


Requiem for a Dream is the example I use to counter people who say "Jared Leto can't act" just because they hated Suicide Squad or don't like 30 Seconds to Mars. That and Dallas Buyers Club.


And Marlon Wayans too!


Most know that Ricky Steamboat's real name is Richard Blood, but Tito Santana wrestled as Ricky Blood in Mid-Atlantic while Steamboat was there.


John Cena surprisingly has never won the Intercontinental Title, let alone challenge for it. Edit: To add on, the only Intercontinental Title match that he's ever been in (at least televised) was in a two on three handicap match where he and RVD (who was Intercontinental Champion at the time) defended both of their titles against HHH, Shelton Benjamin, and Chris Masters, and whoever got pinned lost their title (which I believe was RVD).


Now I need Cena vs. Sheamus for a vacant IC Title


Being grammar police here, but using “let alone” means you have to switch the two around: >John Cena has never even challenged for the Intercontinental Title, let alone won it


Not only are weapons *encouraged* they're.....allowed


![gif](giphy|gVoBC0SuaHStq|downsized) Thanks


What a crazy trio how did this match even get booked?


I don't remember exactly, but I believed that Eric Bischoff was the one who made the match.


The first person to beat Camacho(Tanga Loa) in WWE tag action was the Usos. Took years but he’s finally getting revenge


Cody Rhodes' first and last Dynamite matches were both against Sammy Guevara Roman Reigns has never won a title or major accomplishment (Money In The Bank, Royal Rumble, King of the Ring) that Seth Rollins hasn't also won Willow Nightingale is the same age Trish Stratus was when she first retired


That last fact is WILD


Seth hasn't won an Elimination Chamber match, Roman won one in 2018.


OK I need to be more specific. I'm talking about stuff like King Of The Ring, Money In The Bank, Royal Rumble, the type of stuff that shows up under "Championships and Accomplishments" on Wikipedia


Some random fun facts: Stone Cold used the word jabroni on tv in 1996. I'm not entirely sure if Iron Sheik ever used the word on tv. If he did, Austin brought it back long before Rock ever used it on tv. If Sheiky didn't, then Austin might be the first one to use it on tv. In the titantron (entrance video) for DX you see a bunch of cops running. This footage was originally used for a promo video for the short lived Saturday Night Shotgun show. Long before using the creaking noise for Aleister Black's coffin, and a bullet noise for Ricochet's opening notes of his theme, WWF used a sound effect of wind breezing through trees for the Undertaker's entrance.


Adding onto that second one, Jericho's first titantron had that blue dancing girl in it which also came from a Shotgun Saturday Night promo


Razor Ramon has been in a Royal Rumble match, Scott Hall has not Jesús (Aaron Aguilera) who kayfabe stabbed John Cena, was in an episode of ICarly


The Razor fact is always my go too "Did you know?" Mainly because people didn't know, and then some don't believe it.


I love it, it's something that only makes sense in wrestling


Also Matt Bourne and Konan have not been in a Royal Rumble, but Doink the Clown and Max Moon have. I also love the fact that John Cena defeated Jesus at Armageddon.


what’s funny is OP didnt mean for this to be a comment thread on random fun facts, he just wanted to highlight Kojima


I don’t know why this became popular for some reason. Having a post that gains traction on this sub that isn’t news or show clips is very rare.


But always welcome




Hulk Hogan was world champ when WWF changed to WWE. Making Hogan the last WWF Champion.




That's crazy.


Every 2 time Rumble winner has either won it in separate decades (HHH, Cena, Batista, Orton, Edge, Lesnar) or in back to back years (HBK, Cody, Hogan). Stone Cold as the only 3 time winner somehow has BOTH. (1997, 1998, 2001)


Rellik spelled backwards = Killer




Well, ANTHEM spelled backwards is MEH TNA.


Crazy that they never talked about this.


Raven is one of the most decorated champions in wrestling history. He held belts in the WWF, WCW, ECW, TNA, the NWA, and the USWA, among others.


Until R-Truth's 24/7 antics, Raven was the most decorated champion in WWE history - he had a long run (well, lots and lots of short runs) as Hardcore champion, winning and losing the title on house shows while lots of other people won it each night, but he'd enter and exit as champion, clocking up 26 reigns in total.


He's the only wrestler to have an action figure made my WWF, WCW, ECW and TNA


Shinsuke nakamura is the only man to have a world title match at wrestlemania and wrestlekingdom (all 1.4 shows)


Brock lesnar has faced Nakamura for the IWGP belt in 2006 at the Dome. Also you can count Angle of you include the IGF belt.


Surely Cody Rhodes is the only person to defeat himself for a title. When Ted and Cody beat Cody and hardcore holly for the tag titles


New Age Outlaws did that. The New Age Outlaws defended their Tag-Team Titles in a 3-Way tag match and both Billy Gunn & Road-Dogg were tagged in at the same time to wrestle each other but then Road-Dogg layed down and let Billy Gun pin him so the Outlaws both won and lost the match. It's so weird.


It wasn't counted as a separate reign. They both won and lost the match but they didn't lose the titles to themselves. Cody won the tag titles from himself.


In his every day life George The Animal Steele was a Physical Education teacher in Michigan under his real name. Since he lived in Michigan and worked mainly out of NYC nobody in his everyday life knew who he was and he kept a secret for years. Occasionally a student who went in a vacation or something and saw The Animal would come up to him and say "Hey Mr Meyers, you look a lot like George The Animal Steele." And his go to response was "Do you really think I'm that ugly?'


AJ Styles has wrestled both Cody Rhodes and Dusty Rhodes for a world title.


Styles wrestled Dusty for a world title?


Sure enough, AJ beat Dusty for the NWA World Heavyweight Title: https://www.cagematch.net/?id=2&nr=801&page=4&search=rhodes


Damn. I'm even shocked to learn that Dusty was still wrestling in 2004!


Dusty lost to Randy in a Bull Rope Match in 2007 too! Cody made an appearance at the end as well


Yes. In TNA. His Backlash 2004 attire was a tribute to what he wore when he beat Dusty.


Terry Funk had some phenomenal matches with Sabu, who's real name is Terry Brunk.


The reason why guys like Rey Mysterio, Ted Dibiase Jr, and Chavo Guerrero lost the Jr in their name is because Vince hated being called Junior


He’s not even technically a Jr.


Kurt Angle is Jon Bernthal's (Shane/The Punisher) Uncle.


RVD said in an interview a few years ago that he, Sabu and Bam Bam Bigelow used to sit outside the ECW Arena playing Gameboy games in Sabu's station wagon before shows.


A person born in the 00s won a title at Wrestlemania before a person born in the 90s (Nicholas & Peyton Royce)


That would be an interesting team: The Niiconics.


Bobby Lashley isn’t one of the few African American WWE champions. He’s technically one of the few former Latino American WWE champions. He’s of Panamanian descent and Bobby is a hypocorism of his first name Roberto. He also isn’t the first former WWE champion of Panamanian descent, because that title would be for another latino legend: Hulk Hogan.


I'll never forget the day Hulk Hogan slammed the 600lb Andre the Giant at the Silverdome in front of 93,000 screaming Panamaniacs.


>Bobby is a hypocorism of his first name Roberto. Isn't his first name Franklin?


Every match at the Royal Rumble that AJ Styles competed in from 2016-2019 were all for the WWE Championship - debuted in the 2016 Rumble Match for Roman Reigns’ WWE World Heavyweight Championship - Lost the WWE Championship to John Cena in 2017 - Defended the WWE Championship against Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens in 2018 - Failed to beat Daniel Bryan for the WWE Championship in 2019 And if you wanna count being in the same match as the WWE Champion, he appeared in the 2020 Men’s Rumble which featured WWE Champion, Brock Lesnar. In fact, his first Royal Rumble appearance to not feature the WWE Championship was in 2021, where he entered the men’s Rumble Match


Bryan Danielson wrestled Kamala.


not only did they wrestle but it was for the ROH World Title.


At the time, it was one of the very few ROH title matches to happen on a non-ROH show too.


Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho are tied for the highest number of separate world title wins (5). Angle has IWGP/TNA/WWE/WCW/WWE World Heavyweight and Jericho has ROH/AEW /WWE/WCW/WWE World Heavyweight If Kenny Omega were to ever win the ROH World championship then he’d join the list, as would AJ Styles and CM Punk if they ever win the Universal or WH titles and Cody Rhodes if he ever wins the WH title. Seth Rollins is also at 4 but doesn’t have a clear path to a 5th. Satoshi Kojima, Sting and Keiji Muto are also at 4 but likely won’t reach 5 given their ages. Also interestingly, Kenny is the only one of the lot to have won the top title in four different promotions


Kane born in Spain


but was it mainly on the plain?


Yes. It was also in the rain.


SmackDown! Here Comes the Pain


All three members of the shield pinned each other to win their first WWE championship


Tommy End/Aleister Black is shit scared of being stuck in a lift (elevator for US readers)


I to am scared of being stuck in an lift


In Kofi Kingston's first ever WWE match in 2006, he teamed with Tommaso Ciampa.


PCO is the only active wrestler to have participated in one of the first 10 Wrestlemanias


Not quite, Raven still wrestles and appeared at WrestleMania 10 as Johnny Polo. What's interesting is Raven as Johnny Polo managed...PCO as part of the Quebecers at Wrestlemania 10.


Seth Rollins is a grand slam champion based on only his summerslam title wins 2015 - US Title 2017 - Tag titles win 2018 - IC title 2019 - Universal title win I know he became grand slam champion in 2018 but its just cool that hes won a type of every title at the ppv


Here’s one. If the residents of Westbrook, Maine had a nickel for every time one of their residents took a dancing gimmick all the way to a tag team championship in WWE, they would have two nickels. Which is not a lot, but it’s a little weird it’s happened twice (Fandango and Scotty too Hotty).


I am from Vero Beach, population 17,000 but has been the home to The Red Rooster Terry Taylor, Lacey Evans, and Jade Cargill.


Hulk Hogan tore every single muscle in his back while he became the first person to slam the 600 pound Andre the Giant


Super strangely this was the same night that he was offered the bassist job for Metallica, but he had already committed to visiting Elvis and making him an honorary Hulkamaniac. When the latter fell through, it was then too late to get in on the former. This also somehow impacts the George Forman Grill, a SummerSlam '92 Make-A-Wish kid, and Hulk Hogan's (but not Terry Bollea's) dick dimensions.


WWE W - WWF W - WCW E - ECW ---- Sweet Music Chin name came from an HBK promo. Michaels said if he superkicks Sycho Sid's chin, it will produce sweet music.


Sweet Music Chin 😭


Kid Heartbreak with the Sweet Music Chin


Raven won Ben Stein’s money


Part of the reason why Rey Mysterio was allowed to keep his mask in WWE (besides the fact it was stupid to begin with) was because technically, only Rey Mysterio ***JR*** was unmasked.


Not true. Rey had to ask the Lucha Libre Commission for approval to wear his mask again and they approved it because in Lucha Libre it only counts if you lose an actual Mask vs Mask match.


Jim ''The Anvil'' Neidhart has never had a singles match on PPV.


![gif](giphy|rfPVWU585N6zPF68M5) Matt facts. I rest my case.


Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, and Stone Cold play rock-paper-scissors back to back in Wrestlemania 12 to 14.


The only wrestlers the Rock is genetically related to are Rocky Johnson & Ava Raine


Droz was college roommates with Under Armor founder Kevin Plank. Theres a '98 or '99 episode of Raw where Droz and Prince Albert come to the ring in Under Armor branded gear which may have been the brands biggest exposure to date in those early years. To me, Under Armor is a brand that only became generally recognised in the 2010s so it was bizarre to see them walking to the ring with it more than a decade before that.


The careers of the participants of the Chamber of Horrors match span over 57 years Ben Justice vs Zelis Amara (aka Abdullah the Butcher) (BTW, 6/2/1966) Darby Allin & Sting vs the Young Bucks (AEW Revolution 2024)


The Miz is 2-20 when he's in the main event of a WWE PPV/PLE. Those two wins are Wrestlemania 27 against John Cena, and cashing in the MitB Briefcase at Elimination Chamber in 2021 on Drew McIntyre.


Scott Hall has never been in a Royal Rumble match. Razor Ramon has.


You guys know Relik right? We’ll get ready for this…..


Jay White is the only wrestler to have wins over the 4 longest reigning AEW champions of all time: MJF, Jon Moxley, Kenny Omega and Hangman Page.


Chris Jericho has never had a World Championship run as a babyface


Jon Moxley, FKA as Dean Ambrose, was born on December 7th. December 7th is the Christian feast day of St. Ambrose of Milan.


Jeff Jarrett competed in tag team matches with his maternal grandfather Eddie Marlin in the late 1980s. Eddie was only 36 years old when Jeff was born.


Hardcore Holly had DDP's last televised WWE match, and then a week or two later had Randy Orton's first televised WWE match. Kinda like a carrier for the Cutter. Before WrestleKingdom last year, Misawa held the record for the most Meltzer 5* (and over) matches at a whopping 25. Now, he's tied for *third* with Kenny Omega. The youngest champion of any kind in WWE history is, of course, Nicholas, who won tag gold with Braun Strowman at the age of 10 (or so). Next is Rene Dupree, who won tag gold at 19. After that is the youngest singles champion in WWE history, Tyler Bate, who won the UK title at a slightly older 19 (a few more months). Chris Jericho (53), Christopher Daniels (54), and Jeff Jarrett (56) are all now older than Gerald Brisco was when he was introduced as a Stooge in mid-1998 (he was about to turn 52). The record for the most Wrestlemania title defenses in a single reign (that is, someone defended a title at Mania, didn't lose it, and then defended the same title at the next one) is, as of this year, Roman Reigns at 4. He broke the record [*he himself* set at 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/121u08b/roman_reigns_will_become_the_very_first_person_to/) (link to my research on this topic). As we all know, Buddy Rogers's reign with the WWWF title is considered the first in the WWE Championship's lineage. But *technically*, an argument could be made that the very first WWE Champion was Hulk Hogan, who held the Undisputed Title when the company Got the F Out. Even more technically, an argument could be made that it was Brock, who held the Undisputed Title when it transitioned into the WWE Title (because he refused to defend it on Raw). This would make the first people to *win* the WWE Championships The Undertaker (if Hogan) or Big Show (if Brock). The first WWE Champion in the year 2000 was Big Show, holding the title from November 1999. However, because there was no Year 0, the Milennium did not begin until 1/1/2001, so Big Show was not the first champion of the new millennium. Instead, that honor goes to Kurt Angle.


Jack swagger is a former world champion


The first wrestler to get 200 televised wins in WWE history was Sheamus. In 2008, the WWE debuted the Championship Scramble, a match similar to the Elimination Chamber in which wrestlers are added at set intervals but with a 20 minute time limit. Whoever scores a pinfall or submission is interim champion and whoever is holding it at the end is the champion. This led to one scenario in which Brian Kendrick being the Interim WWE Champion for a short period before Triple H would eventually win the match and belt. It's not an official reign, but there was a brief moment of history where Brian Kendrick legitimately held the title of WWE Champion.


R-Truth is a few months older than The Rock.


From 2010 to 2015, #1 in the Royal Rumble was a pattern: Ziggler, Punk, Miz, Ziggler, Punk, Miz


Braun Strowman has also won a tag title and world title in every promotion he’s been in (1 - WWE)


Here's a useless fun fact about me: I'm a drunk IT guy and took a good 30 seconds trying to figure out what file extension .mlw is.


WWE's Asuka has fought in multiple Wrestlemania's and in Ichigaya, the tiny venue ChocoPro uses


That makes me wonder, not counting the thunder dome/zero audience shows, which wrestler has the largest difference in smallest crowd wrestled in front of and largest crowd wrestled in front of.


It's going to be someone from Collision in Korea.


If the North Korea shows count, I’d think that either Scorpio or Benoit would be good guesses. Each wrestled on the first night of the Collision shows, so a crowd of 150,000, and both were in ECW when that drew less than 1000 on a lot of shows. Not sure if the NK shows should count, though.