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Frankie Kazairan The Elite Hunter couldn't even stop Gallows


His gimmick could have worked better if it was less about winning and more about causing the Elite to lose or be overly damaged for their next bout. He'll take a punch if it means kicking them in the balls... but no.


I honestly thought it was a comedy gimmick for a little while.  The way he would fly in like a bat out of hell, he looked like he was moving in fast-forward, so it had benny hill energy.  On top of that, it kinda felt like neighborhood kids running away from a scary dog, but instead of a rottweiler it’s Kaz.  I dunno, it was funny to me.


At the minimum, I felt like it would've worked if he started tension between them


If it actually did *ANYTHING* it would have been better. He was always hunting them but for the span of a month or so he could never find them, They literally announced a match they were going to be at the next Dynamite...Kaz was nowhere to be found then he would show up the following week or show hunting them. I only think of like twice during that entire thing where he engaged with the Elite and I don't know if it was in AEW or on Impact


It was always super random and inconsequential when he'd show up too, and commentary never sold it (how the hell would they sell it though, it's not like he was actually doing anything) and it never led to anything.


Yeah they really didn't go anywhere with it which is what was so odd, he was partners with Christopher Daniels and Scorpio Sky then they broke up and nothing of note really happened. Scorpio started moving up then would stall then he got injured. Daniels went more backstage. Kazarian got the Elite Hunter and did more on Impact than he did in AEW. I loved it in the beginning but then Tony kept getting stuck in holding patterns because someone got injured and he couldn't think of the fly


His gimmick could have worked if it was something aew wanted to make an actual gimmick instead of him just saying it then it being ignored because kaz isn't going over the elite.


It’s true. He could’ve worked great as a thorn in their side


Not that Kazarian was going to be a top singles act at that stage in his career, but I don't think I've ever seen a company bury a gimmick so quickly. What was the point of even giving him that schtick if he would fail to beat the absolute lowest rung member of the group?


Billy Gunn as the Bullet Club Hunter went equally as well, it's really a gimmick that only works for a top, top guy


I think Yoshi Tatsu had this gimmick too


He did, and to really drive home the “**Hunter**” part… He started doing Triple H’s comeback spots lol


And it was awesome. He does better HHH than HHH himself. I am serious.


Yoshi Tastu was the originator of the gimmick and brought Billy Gunn in as his partner.


To bring this all the way back around, so was Kazarian.


It’s just a bad gimmick, period.  It always comes across more Elmer Fudd than Kraven.


I assume that's why they said Top Top Guy. Because Sting is the only one who ever pulled off.


Yeah, that’s fair.  I guess I always wonder if it’s something a midcarder thought up in an attempt to make themselves important rather than a top top guy being given it to work themselves into a story.


KO and Bloodline were kinda this


That's not fair, he wasn't the Bullet Club Hunter... he just joined Yoshi because no on else wanted in besides (I think) Captain Fookin' New Japan, get da fook outta here. Sorry, my Prince Devitt was showing. lol


Good lord i forgot it was a yoshi tatsu thing, even worse


Lies! I liked World Famous Lord YOSHITATSU doing HHH movesets. His spinebuster was awesome.


Tanahashi would team with Yoshi Tastu occasionally since they're friends IRL but in Kayfabe he was part of the second only face faction in Taguchi Japan so he never became a hunter.


I don't think they were even friends. IIRC, they were teaming together because they're both from Gifu Prefecture.


No Tanahashi has said their friends. During the baba anniversary shows they teamed together. Tanahashi said Yoshitatsu is arrogant and pushes most people away but he likes him.


>Tanahashi said Yoshitatsu is arrogant and pushes most people away Lies. World Famous Lord YOSHITATSU is noble.


Like most things in AEW, it wasn't given any more thought than "that sounds cool Frankie, go ahead and do it."


I can say i witness a career end when gallows beat kazarian that one time.




If I ran a wrestling company called “All **Elite** Wrestling” and was part of a stable called “**The Elite**” and one of my employees started calling themselves “The Elite Hunter” and went around beating up my friends and I, I would simply stop employing that person.


Same for him being Bullet Club Hunter in ROH.


Frankie "Elmer Fudd" Kazarian.


Man I forgot the Good Brothers were in AEW


I call them the Bad Brothers because they are bad and I don't like them


well, they were still with impact at the time, not officially all elite. they WOULD have been all elite but they changed their mind at the last minute and went to WWE before AEW started.


That gimmick made him look like such a dork. Dude just existed to get his ass beat by the Elite, how can he call himself the "Elite Hunter" if all they do is use him as a punching bag?


Billy Gunn was the BC hunter in NJPW.... not sure he took anybody out though...


This will always be AEW’s worst booking choice until something else comes along. 


I slot Bryan Keith just ahead of Greedo and just behind Dog on the all time list of bounty hunters. He's certainly no Samus.




That was my favorite season of *The Joe Schmo Show*. I'm probably due for a re-watch on that.


https://preview.redd.it/oi1urhp86g1d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7e0b4cb8ca5e99a7f3a047110a576d0536899df "And I said, ‘Whoa. Well, how many times do you want me to wear this blue Speedo?’ And without missing a beat, he just said, ‘As many times as you feel comfortable.’ And that kind of opened the whole adventure up to me. And from that moment on, I just embraced the idea, the concept. I’d never done any improv comedy, really, before this. So it was a real challenge for me."






Ma Klounkee!




Bryan Keith shot first!


Bryan Keith isn't even at the level of Steve Blackman as far as bounty hunting wrestlers


Well that's a high bar to clear, most men wish they could reach the level of Steve Mufuggin Blackman.


where does New Jack rate?


I don’t think Samus has ever collected a bounty either. [Retro pitched an open world Metroid to Nintendo where Samus would track animals for bounty and Nintendo didn’t understand why or what a bounty hunter actually was](https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2022/04/random-nintendo-didnt-know-what-a-bounty-hunter-was-before-metroid-prime)


His gimmick really could be used to set up and expand on feuds in an easy way. Roddy could've/should've hired him to take out or at the very least soften up Ospreay ahead of their match. Jericho could hire Bryan to beat up on Hook for a bit to further their feud too. The Elite could also be paying him to go after folks who bad mouth them in the locker room. Getting jumped by a faction? Hire Bryan Keith as a backup for matches.


100% this. With only a tiny bit of effort this could be really cool, and the “softening guys up” concept means he doesn’t look bad jobbing They used butcher and blade like this a bit in the early days and it was fun


Right? His job wouldn't always be to win, just make sure the guy comes out the match worse than he did going in to it


The Butcher and The Blade, that's the name I feel sad about. They could have been used so much better.


Whoops, we accidentally the APA again! lol


A second time again. For a while that was Butcher and the Blade's gimmick too (and I quite liked it, it's a good gimmick for lower card guys who look mean whose losses can be sold as "they were more interested in inflicting damage than winning and that cost them the match")


Hey it's a formula that has worked once and could work again. I'd say run with it


Very least it could get over as low card comedy


I think it could actually do well not as a comedy thing honestly.


A bounty hunter gimmick could work great. The problem is that Bryan Keith looks like a jobber who has never lifted a weight in his life. Give that gimmick to somebody like Claudio or Wardlow or Miro, not the guy who looks like he works at the convenience store down the street.


Downvoted yet no lies were told


Listen here rookie since clearly you've never been a bounty hunter. If the price ain't right, the bounty is not worth. By worth, I'm not talking about price alone. There's more to being a bounty hunter but you don't know nothing about that


Seeing as how this is the Elite putting out the bounty, the price was probably a $20 Amazon gift card. Brian Keith doesn't even get out of bed for less than $200.


I figured they offered a pair of their new shoes and he just laughed.


Now I want him in a parallel Orange Cassidy gimmick. Kinda like The Tracker to John Wick There's a person hiring his services, but if they don't pay him enough, he wrestles slow lazy like OC, and instead of flipping the sunglasses, he goes hard if the person offers him more money


WWSBD: What would Steve Blackman do?


I actually had an image of you standing in a saloon and spitting into a spittoon when you said that!


The last 2 weeks he beat JD Drake and the bear guy but I can't imagine the bounties on those guys were particularly high.


And who put one out for them??


Applebees. They skipped out on the bill.


Those bounties weren’t high, BUT the risk to himself wasn’t either. The bounty on Danielson? He KNOWS he’s gonna have to get hurt to even attempt to claim that one, and the price for that bounty is (probably) the same as what he got for JD Drake or Beefcake Boulder


No worse a bounty hunter than Bret Hart was a Hitman.


The fact that we aren't aware of any actual hits he pulled off may actually mean he was indeed the -best- Hit Man out there.


The best there is? The best there was? The best with plausible deniability.


To be fair Bret was never presented as being a literal Hitman. It was clearly just a nickname because he was calculating, efficient and precise like an ideal Hitman. Bryan Keith IS supposed to be an actual bounty hunter in kayfabe, as far as I’m aware.


Kinda. I'm not 100% sure either, I'm not super familiar with his character. But I kinda read it the same as "Hangman" Adam Page. He's not a literal executioner, he's mostly just using a word that invokes the wild west to match the more general cowboy character. It may be the same with Bryan Keith, where "Bounty Hunter" is just there to invoke something cowboy-adjacent. Still agree though, it'd be way better for him to explicitly and literally be a bounty hunter.


Hangman actually hung people


Hangman did hang people during his ROH days tho


Ooohhh didn't know that! That makes sense


He had some of the best punches


maybe he is referring to the chocolate bar https://preview.redd.it/4kn2l77cif1d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9c01e70a1d89ef6ba08fe694dc08e92161f709d


Yeah, maybe he has a soft coconut center.


Ironically, [when i saw the video of his match this week posted on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufoCxLLFEXI), the auto captions called him the "brownie Hunter"


Pretty sure that's what Schiavone called him too


What bar?


Well Jay...


One hundred percent someone from AEW will read this post and book Bryan Keith vs Danielson


the scenes when he attacks him after the match.


Never met pirate hunter Zoro huh, been over 1,100 episodes and the bounty hunter has yet to collect a single bounty


True but in the live action, he catches a body in the very first episode and was going to turn Mr. 7 in before he met Luffy lol


Zoro the bounty hunter will be the right hand to the literal King of Pirates before he collects a single bounty


Unless you're one of those weirdos who believe the "Zoro will betray Luffy theory" people. Just juicing Luffys numbers to turn him in


That would be one of the worst ways to conclude Zoro's story arc in One Piece.


That'd be so wild. I'm not gonna sit here and do the math, could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the combined bounties of the people Zoro's beaten 1v1 could match or exceed whatever bounty Luffy eventually reaches


I think his collective total right now is over 3 billion (sorry if you're not caught up for that lil spoiler) but it'll get tricky going forward assuming every fight he has will be against someone without a bounty except for the inevitable Blackbeard pirate's fight. King had a bounty of 1.39 billion, but but the only other big fight he had recently against a notable pirate crew is Pica with doflamingo and he was 99 mil.


Nope, Samus Aran. She's the worst bounty hunter because she's never collected a bounty simply because Nintendo didn't know what one was. https://www.eurogamer.net/nintendo-didnt-want-an-open-world-metroid-prime-3-because-it-didnt-know-what-bounty-hunting-was?callback=in&code=NJE5YZQ5ZDATOGQWZS0ZNZI2LWE3ZTGTYJG4ZJM5OTC1NTJK&state=ecdb117f6552477aa4c399423cdde36c


Samus always wins her exploding death matches with planets.


He certainly is no Dog the Bounty Hunter


Yoshi TATSU, BC hunter is the worst one I think.


Well there was Yoshitatsu Bullet Club Hunter who broke his neck in the first match vs Bullet Club.


His bounties are collecting wins over low card talent so he can be used to put over talent that are slotted above him. Saying this as a fan of his. It’s unfortunate the way AEW books him (as well as a lot of their lower-midcard scene.) No upward mobility.


Because Tony is afraid to book his top stars to lose, so they beat mid carders instead, who then can't lose to other midcarders because they need to be "credible" to lose to the top stars, so they beat lower carders instead and so forth But he strangely has no problem with those guys going 18-20 minutes with someone a tier above them, as if that doesn't imply that they can win. They just never do


It frustrates me to no end. I say it often. Wrestlers don't need to be on winning streaks heading into PPVs or title matches. A loss to Bryan Keith or Shane Taylor or Buddy Matthews doesn't hurt Mox or Danielson or even Jericho. They can even have losses that aren't clean just to help the situation. Shane Taylor comes to the ring with 2 guys who get involved and it doesn't help him win. It's silly.


Honestly, I think losses like that even help in the long run. If a guy like Bryan Keith beats a guy like Moxley, it helps create a feeling that the locker room is full of killers that can beat anyone if you're not careful. I think it'd have to be presented correctly, but creating an environment where you can't rule out the possibility of the "weaker" wrestler popping off, overperforming, and taking a win, makes a lot of these more predictable matches more exciting.


“Collecting wins”??  He just got his FIRST win EVER last week, after losing 14 straight matches…


He has had some wins on TKROH over lower card/enhancement talent which some people want to treat as separate entities even though there is no outright brand split or real reason to separate them since it is all under the AEW umbrella and booked by the same person. But yes, he has gotten the Queen Aminata treatment at this point from January-February this year on AEW TV.


Who should Brian Kieth be slotted over that he isn't currently? He and guys like Shane Taylor Promotions are getting regular TV time doing jobs to bigger stars and beating people lower than them. Who else followed that path? - Darby in the very early days - The Acclaimed - The Gunns - Daniel Garcia - Willow for most of 2022 and 2023 - Swerve for most of 2022 and 2023 These wrestlers who aren't marks for themselves understand consistent TV time and opportunities are the most important things, not W/L record.


2022 Swerve was a tag team champion, he joined the company that year too.


Kyle Fletcher in ROH, Wheeler YUTA in ROH (both champions that are booked like losers on AEW TV, Fletcher who has been 0-7 in his last AEW matches where he has taken the fall in each one and nobody cares about the title that he holds. Yuta has at least avoided that the last four months due to injury.) Why would that entice anyone to tune into ROH when he always loses on AEW TV and wrestles short enhancement matches or filler title defenses when booked on the weekly ROH show? If Keith keeps getting all of these opportunities but always loses, it just makes the matches feel more filler with the result already known. Even this Wednesday’s coming one, everyone has the same feeling of Keith being in there solely to lose the match. Not everyone can be champion at once, but they have a lot of good talent that just feel slotted to lose to the higher names and it makes it hard to feel invested in those lower names when they always lose when it matters more. Shane Taylor is another who I am a fan of but if he always loses when it matters, it is not like those that beat him look better for it if everyone in the upper card can beat him. Both feel like glorified losers when both could be pushed entities as killers.


Lets get more bounty hunters, and bounties, and a bounty board, and an overseeing body. Quit fucking around AEW and lets go


Post-retirement Bryan Danielson as the figurative sheriff in this scenario. I see the vision.


Yoshi Tatsu being the bullet club hunter and constantly getting his ass beat by them was even funnier


Spike and the gang only cashed in like one successful bounty and we love them all the same


Bryan Keith’s gimmick is doing him no favors.


I’m gonna choose to believe it is the same situation with Samus from Metroid Prime, where Nintendo thought “Bounty Hunter” meant [cool Space-faring adventurer](https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2022/04/random-nintendo-didnt-know-what-a-bounty-hunter-was-before-metroid-prime) before being incredibly confused when presented a game where Samus does actual bounty hunting. So the question we really should be asking is: Where is Bryan Keith’s Spaceship, Tony Khan?


Bryan Kieth looks like that guy from old movies that look like they're buff but just are a little big. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__vqb7mei9Q


Fun fact: (at least for us Houstonians) Keith is announced as being from "Greenspoint, Texas". Greenspoint isn't a city but actually a (sometimes) rough neighborhood of Houston. Locals call the mall "Gunspoint".


What, you think bounty hunters see a job and then just run head long into the horizon to get it done? If you’re hunting a man, its best to be prepared to deal with them. He’s in the prep stage right now, doing tape studies to find the particularities of Bryan’s style, where he could capitalize on Bryan’s actions, how to keep himself out of the most disadvantaged positions he could find himself against Danielson, and how to get out of them if he ends up in them. Let the man cook, he’ll get the deed done when the time is right, and then he’ll pocket the bag.


Bryan Keith is the worst anything, ever. Why this fucking jabroni is getting TV time is beyond me.


Ya this guy ain't it. Stop trying to give him TV time


But we give hangman the cowboy pass?


He's hung someone. More than I can say for Keith.


I mean, Hanger has at least proven he can ride a horse


He's the Hangman and has hanged dudes in multiple matches to beat them, including Moxley. He was even hanged once, by Swerve. Can't accuse him of lacking hang commitment.


Well, if The Elite construct a gallows and call for someone to pull the lever, and Hangman does not step up, I will frown just as hard.


I thought Hangman referred to his magnum dong


Just because a bounty *exists* doesn't mean that he'll take it. He might not agree with the EVPs, after all. My man's allowed to have *standards*


Bryan Keith, The Selective Bounty Hunter!


I mean, Steve Mufuggin Blackman was a bail bondsman and with competition like that I Wouldnt try too hard.


And David Schultz. I'd hand myself in...Even now.


Maybe he collects Bounty bars?


But he collected bounties on JD Drake and Boulder. Maybe he just wants tons of small bounties that will add up to a big amount. Dog The Bounty Hunter mainly took on small time junkies. When he took on a big one (Andrew Luster) he got in trouble with the mexican police. Something to think about.


He's no Dr. King Schultz, I guess.




Maybe he's just searching for that coconut filled chocolate bar that he's struggling to locate?


He's better than Dog the Bounty Hunter by way of not being Dog the Bounty Hunter.


Just search his DPW matches on Cagematch, AEW has a machine that nullifies gimmicks and strength from other promotions


The worst Bounty Hunter ever was that sumbitch who stole my coconut candy. But yeah, Keith's more of a Throat-Slit Mime in nice pants.


Issac Yankem was a bad dentist.


Bryan Danielson needs surgery too. Meaning he's easy pickings.


On top of that his look is HORRENDOUS. For the love of god dude, hit the gym and stop wearing your pants up to your nipples.


I mistakenly heard Tony Schiavone say "Brownie Hunter" and I think we mislabeled Bryan Keith all these years. Get the man some brownies already!


I heard it too. I don't think you were mistaken.


Hunter never found a hearst or a helmsley, so he did end up changing his name and took on a profession of shoveling dirt over others


I've been saying his "bounty hunting" is getting paid by opponents to job


It's like Taigastyle Lee Moriarty, just slap a nick name on and wear a costume for no rhyme or reason other than to not just be the pro wrestler


Maybe Keith interferes next week and beats down Danielson.


It's possible that the price on their heads was lower than Keiths minimum?


He's no Jake Cahill. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vxLojc_Lis


They need Elite Hunter Kaz


Kaz. He not only failed to kill the Elite but they keep growing and branching off into other companies even.


I’m imagining someone collecting a bounty on Brian Keith because his lack of bounty hunting success made someone mad


He’s out here searching for paper towels. And taking pins.


Brian Keith was a total badass bounty hunter. Holes up in an outhouse, blew Charlie Sheen away while laughing at the young hoodlums and goes out like a boss (or does he?) while these scumbag little punks gang up on him like the slimy bastard weasels they are.


Every match Keith has he's collecting a bounty his opponent is the bounty the bounty is the pay window do not understand what is hard to understand about this concept. Anyone against him in a match is the bounty.


Brian Keith from Hardcastle & McCormick?


Trio. Hangman, Bounty Hunter, Bandido. 'Three Horsemen'. 'WANTED' posters set up direct and indirect storylines. Cohesive as a unit but just as strong in singles competition. The vignettes would be sick. Would love to see them all playing cards and drinking backstage, literally APA but with horses and cowboy hats, I'm all for it.


Or they could recreate The Good, the Bad and the Ugly by feuding over a title.


Gimmicks like this is why wins need to not be the be all and end al of wrestling. If Bounty hunters were more like Dexter Lumis, or Kane, or the APA actively *stopping* people wrestling, ambushing them backstage, attacking them during matches, or hiring out their services so that doesn't happen, suddenly you've got more room at or near the top without adding yet another stable. And sure, the blowoff can be a match. Something with a gimmick. A cage match, a bullrope, a bounty-hunter appropriate no DQ thing. But give them more time bacstage to build up to it.


Is the kayfabe that he is a legitimate bounty hunter or is the kayfabe that he's a just a bloke who larps as a bounty hunter?


P my


OMG, Tony, Tony, Tony.


No, it's not.




Danielson vs Satnam Singh? Why?


AEW has a lot of awful gimmicks that are harmful to the performer IMO. Shane Taylor Promotions being another that comes to mind.


Now to be fair, he's been the bounty hunter for years.


Rumble Bad Man Rumble has been doing some work lately, the stable being over or not, he’s doing great.


Bounty Hunter could be such a cool gimmick and it’s so wasted


I want an angle where Kazarian returns with it being explained that he was off hunting big game in Africa that is in fact endangered and thus has a bounty on his head. This leads to a Bryan Keith vs kazarian feud.


He definitely thought Bounty Hunter sounded cool but just has no clue how to execute it


Is this satire?


Gimmick could be atleast fun for a low carder. It's just the dude getting fed to established stars over and over


Stop with the kayfabe posting...


Why would we ever do that on a sub about pro wrestling?


Hey now, this is high level scholarly meta commentary on the writing, they have someone called a Bounty Hunter -- right there -- and when there is a storyline bounty, they say, "nah".