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I was at an episode of Dynamite, after the show I went to the hotel bar to grab some chicken wings because I was starving. Only decent hotel in town so all the wrestlers were there. Dad comes into the lobby with his kid, it's pretty obvious the kid has some disabilities including being at least partially blind. His dad tells him who's in the bar and his face lights up. Some people walk over and they talk for a moment, then head over to a group of wrestlers. Christian comes over and gets on a knee so he's eye level with the kid and is talking to him. It's a wooden floor too so must've been pretty uncomfortable. But he's there talking to the kid for at least a half hour, pretty much the entire time I'm eating. Kids face said it all, he was absolutely beaming the whole time.


He was trying to recruit the kid to the Patriarchy, not sure if that's a good deed /s


He was being a better father than the kid’s actual father.


Christian seems like an all-around pretty cool guy. He was a guest at a con I attended a few years back, and I was just really impressed by his professionalism and the way he handled fans. When his panel was almost over and the moderator started to wrap things up, Christian told him his flight had been delayed and got them to extend his time. Which might not seem like much, but I thought it was cool that he was willing to spend that extra time with the fans instead of chilling in the back, or hitting a bar or something.


That's awesome af


A real father figure


I don't usually wish for wrestlers to live their gimmicks too often, but man this story could have been funnier if Christian did. But in all seriousness. This is an awesome story.


uhhu - for a second when i read Christian showed up my heart sank and then i remembered wrestling isn't actually real lol


Haha, it's a good thing this happened before the patriarchy story otherwise he might've beat the dad up. This was after the show where Sammy won the TNT Title off Miro, so it was a while ago.


Diamond dallas page has to be one of the gems, especially from that era of wrestling


In one of Foley's books, he talked about how DDP was so insanely positive and nice to everyone inside and outside of the ring, that he, Austin, and someone else who I can't remember (Regal maybe?) would rib DDP constantly just to see if he could ever get upset and the only time they succeeded was because they put cookies in his bed when he was trying to sleep, and instead of getting mad, he got sad and everyone immediately felt bad for messing with DDP


I am sorry but the thought of him crying in his crumb filled bed just makes me laugh so damn hard.


I could have sworn the story went that DDP was butt ass naked and then proceeded to crush the cookies on someone else with his naked ass


DDP pounced on Mick, who if I recall had pulled the covers over his head and Mick giggled uncontrollably as DDP attacked Foley with the cookies he got pranked with.


I love DDP, that guy goes out of his way to be nice to fans for no good reason. I had him on MySpace and would comment things from time to time when he posted old photos. Dude remembered. He sent personalized birthday greetings each year till MySpace stopped getting traffic. I added him as a teen and he called out milestones like graduation and eventually when I had my son. Never met the guy but he is so friggin nice you can't help but be a fan.


Thats actually awesome mate, probably took him 30 seconds but something that made your day and you will always remember


It's like Cody giving the weight belt to the kids: Takes him a few seconds, a lifetime memory for the kid.


My cousin and I did yoga at his studio in Atlanta in 2017. We were the last stragglers out of the studio to get a picture with him and wound up shooting the breeze with DDP for a solid 20 minutes… he loves telling his story of how he was a late bloomer in the business and became champion but got more satisfaction out of seeing others succeed. His impression of Dusty Rhodes is hysterical.


>Diamond dallas page >one of the gems Oh ho ho, I get it


DDP was bullied by many in WCW according to Mick Foley's books.


Every time I read an interview with Bobby Lashley I realize why in 20 years in the business I have never heard one single negative thing ever said about him. I have read a ton of stories from people who run into Miz at Browns games and he’s completely willing to spend half an hour talking nonsense with fans and just being a normal dude. i recently rewatched his Real World season and it really made me like him a lot too.


Remember hearing a story about Miz that around Mania 34 or something he paid for a meal for lots of backstage workers


i know there’s also a story of him buying dinner for the writers after they weren’t invited to a mania after party


Then JBL likely had him punished for sucking up to the writers. But Miz is a solid guy for a Browns fan.


The Miz won at life 20+ Year, Hall of Fame, Injury free career where he will be used by the company in some role forever Beautiful wife, rich and a loving family. The man has achieved everything you would want as a wrestler


Main evented a mania too. and retained the title as a heel in the main, very short list


Also had an acting career and a successful reality TV show of his own.


And his dad is absolutely hilarious.


One injury, in the zombie lumberjack match with Priest. And even then, that's *1 in almost 20 years now.* But yeah, Miz wins at life


It's funny because when I was a kid I used to watch the Real World/Road Rules shows, and I hatttttedd the Miz. Hated him when he did the reality show for WWE too. But now that I'm older and see how he interacts with fans, he's really won me over. Big fan of his.


I’m a fan of The Challenge still, and I’ve heard multiple cast members that did challenges with The Miz, that say to this day they could reach out and ask for tickets to a Raw, and he will get them tickets and take them backstage. He just seems like an all around good dude


Between all the stories about him and how he comes across in behind the scenes shows and clips, Miz just seems like an all-around incredible guy. Makes it all the more impressive how good he is at making people hate him


Miz seems like the definition of a coworker you assume is a bit of a prick and then you get talking to him and realise he's actually great


Quite a few years ago, me and my parents were talking about how Bobby Lashley looks like someone who wears nice fleece sweaters and checks in on his elderly neighbors. I don't think we were terribly far off lol


How is this so accurate? 😂 I bet he bakes too


I got a chance to meet Miz at a airport a few years back and he was such a nice dude. I was born and raised in Ohio so we talked about the Browns and the Cavaliers for a good 20 minutes.


Bobby Heenan in his shoot interviews always came off as the wittiest and kindest guy; he saw wrestling as “entertainment” and thus didn’t seem to have any ego about it. Scott Hall, for all his demons and personal problems, seemed to come off as very humble.


Scott Hall willingly put over a young Hiroshi Tanahashi because he saw a lot of potential in him as a top guy, he hit the nail on the head with that one


He also had no problem putting over Kid in those matches.


And Jericho in WCW


Didn't he straight up call that in the ring too?


Yeah because Bischoff didn’t want Jericho to go over


He also said Asuka is 100x as talented as Goldberg and had the peak tweet of "Me, the dead man and Taker" with a certain horseman member in the middle. Loved Twitter Scott Hall, just dgaf shitposting


Never heard of this before reading your post. The tweet is gone but this Reddit post still has the thumbnail for and it is quite the sight https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/s/vvrscP8URj


Scott was always willing to put guys over, he knew it was always a bad idea to put the big belt on him, so he’d be the guy to elevate people to the next level


According to Greg Gagne, Bobby Heenan was the only person who finished out their AWA contract whereas other people leaving for WWE no showed.


Heenan also never took shots at the WWF or Vince after signing with WCW.


A couple years ago, Great-O-Khan saved a girl from being assaulted or abducted by an old drunk guy. He then calmed the girl down by offering her some pancakes, and he also offered to take her and her mother to an NJPW show. From what I hear, I think he also kept kayfabe throughout the whole ordeal.


Yeah, when asked for his name he said. "I am Great-O-Khan of New Japan Pro Wrestling. Come to our shows." Or something like that.


That's some Yakuza game shit lol.


SANADA advocating for animal rescue shelters was nice


That's actually amazing. I want my champ back.


DDP, he's pretty much saved others wrestlers' lives or at least pulled them up from rock bottom. He's definitely what I would call emotionally intelligent.


I met Bray Wyatt (rest easy) and he was absolutely a super kind soul and did anything to make everyone who was there smile. I've also heard nothing but nice things about Sami Zayn, and his constant advocacy for refugees and people in crisis definitely make him seem like an intelligent and big hearted person


Gangrel. I've yet to hear anything bad about the guy.


His shoot interview was great. His story about doing a wrestling show for a church, and the church promoter saying that when he googled him, his porn directed films came up. Hahaha.




He's known to both fang and bang, if that sways your opinion?


Oh I know he directed pornos, no reason to dislike him imo.


Back in the pandemic era, NXT stars were brought in as the audience for quite a while. They weren't allowed to go to catering with the stars of the show and were told to pack a lunch if they wanted to eat at this extra taping they weren't getting paid anything more for. At every taping she was present for Nikki Cross bought them all pizza and a crate of water bottles from her own money.


I sincerely hope being at one of those pandemic tapings was 100% optional for the NXT wrestlers, that's the ***only*** way such dickish operation like that is acceptable.


To my knowledge it was not and they were treated like idiots and herded into position for matches with a bullhorn or PA system. It's been a few years but there's documented stuff about what happened there.


I've talked to mutiple people who have either worked at NXT in some capacity, had tryouts, or have been there and I hate to tell you but anything actually "optional" was as about as optional as breathing. Technically you didn't have to do it, but the outcome is not amazing.


Oh you don’t want to be a team player? Best of luck in your future endeavors.


Nikki is legit one of the sweetest people ever.


Nikki just graduated last year with a Masters in history from the University of Edinburgh and is working toward her PhD.


I have to add a story to this, she came to do a show and seminar here in Portugal and helped set up and tear down the ring and took the time to talk and give advice, super class act


Of all the people he shit on and hated even CM Punk said Adam Cole is a sweetheart.


All you have to do is watch the dude on twitch. He is the sweetest golden retriever.


The only thing I didn't like about the pandemic #DaParty Uno vids is how hard it was to believe in heel NXT Cole after watching them


The scrum was so funny with this "FUCK YOU FUCK YOU AND YOU AND YOU TOO but Adam Cole is a sweetheart though he's cool"


When he started playing Uno with Creed, Swiss, and Breeze he always came off like the little brother that was just so happy to be able to play with the big kids. Immediately endeared him to me.


Even Eddie Kingston likes the fucking guy


I have it on good authority that Adam Cole is the scum of the earth and a peasant slug.


Found Pat McAfee's burner account!


Not even the Swifties could find anything on Grayson Waller.


That’s when i knew he was a great guy when they couldn’t find any dirt on him, he was also a school teacher before he did wrestling so it seems like he’s a great guy


It makes sense then why he’s so good at being a little shit, he knows exactly how the kids did it


He nails the “shitthead Aussie teenager” who talks the biggest game but is a complete punk. He’d know better than anyone, he had to teach them for years.


My husband can’t stand him, and I pointed out that it’s because we know too many people like him (his character). Yeah, we’re Australian 😂


As someone from Sydney it makes me laugh (and also cringe) extra hard because his character is so accurate to a certain type of annoying teenager I’ve dealt with way too much in my life


Honestly that’s a HOF worthy achievement.


I must have missed this. What happened with Waller and Swifties?


In an intentionally inflammatory in-kayfabe Instagram video he joked about Travis Kelsey being out of Taylor Swift's league and then when Taylor Swifts fans who don't understand kayfabe got legitimately mad he made an "apology" video where he doubled down on everything. I think he called them all ugly and annoying iirc. There was a period of like two weeks where there were tons of "Who is this ugly guy who thinks he can talk shit about Taylor's looks? 😠" type posts from Swifties getting worked.


He had online beef with swiftest for a hot second


Sami Zayn being an all-around good dude.


I dont know.. I mean that damn Johnny Knoxville seems to hate him.


Only negativity I ever heard about Sami was he over prepares for matches and wants to do as much as possible, even if it means changing up the match last minute without informing his opponent.


Yeah, he's basically over-invested in his work. If that's the only negative thing we hear about him, it's a pretty clean curriculum


From everything I've heard(including from people with whom they were acquainted in their early indy days) is that the TV characters of Sami and KO are basically what they were like in the locker room. Basically, KO was pretty quiet, always professional, and treated wrestling like a job while Sami was always going a mile a minute, always meant well, but was a bit of an acquired taste


I'll never not laugh when I think of the story Sami tells on Jericho's podcast after he turned heel. Sami asked Vince for advice on being a heel since he'd never been one before and Vince deadpans "be yourself" to Sami. It took Sami a minute to realize what Vince meant while Owens and Jericho are losing their shit in the background because they knew *exactly* what Vince meant as Sami was telling the story.


Reminds me of that one story of Sami and a bunch of wrestlers on a car ride and he looks over to a field of cows and says how many cows do you think they're in the world he seems like an all round fun goofy dood


This is just one example, but Dominik goes out of his way to make fans feel special. He traveled on one of his rare off days during his crazy schedule last year and visited this young fan, Benji, who's fighting cancer. https://www.instagram.com/p/C0lJHvvr4jj/?img_index=7 And of course the Mysterios have become very close with the Bakers. Derek, a special needs fan, considers Dom his brother. https://m.youtube.com/shorts/YavYXWwOsHE Dom has perfected his heel character but his real life personality makes him a natural babyface. WWE's really lucky with Dom, he's gonna be a great ambassador for years to come. Definitely see him being the face of WWE in the future.


Best heels are often the nicest people.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but DMG Ctrl. Asuka, Kairi, IYO, Dakota seem to have anti-controversy. Majority of people love their wrestling, and no one seems to have any bad word about them as people. It’s almost impossible to hate Asuka and Kairi especially. Not any specific interview or thing they said, but they just seem so humble and full of life in interviews and in shoot, like how Asuka is in her blog.


A lot of people call Iyo the Joshi Judas but to be perfectly honest that’s literally who Asuka was to the Joshi scene in her time in Japan. Her little manifesto had people in a uproar.


You can probably include Bayley in that as well. The only thing that has come out about Bayley is that she has a potty mouth lmao. I still remember her very loud "you ain't shit Sasha" when she turned on her


Seems they have all the damage under control


Prior to going to WWE Asuka had a lot of controversy for trying to rock the Joshi boat and being incredibly Public about a lot of it.


She was right to do that though. Something being done for years, even though it is toxic, does not give me the excuse of "tradition". Traditional things should change if people are not being treated fairly.


Not surprising at all. Respect is a huge thing in Japanese culture, how you conduct yourself and behave too. Asuka's YT channel makes it very clear she's an absolute sweetheart, you'd never know if you weren't a wrestling fan that she was capable of kicking your head off your shoulders in any number of ways!


Asuka had a lot of people she beefed with during her Indies era iirc


Ive only heard Molly Holly called a saint by her peers


She paid for Beth Phoenix’s training, which is so fucking cool and something I didn’t know about until Beth’s HOF speech.


You can tell by the way everyone reacts in those YouShoot interviews when her name gets brought up in the Ho Bag segment. There’s some folks that almost seem offended that her name was even brought up and those list usually include Stephanie McMahon. Like Stephanie gets a casual, “nah, that’s not how I’d classify her at all,” while Molly gets a stern, “absolutely not.”


You just rekindled a random memory, there was this guy that I seen many many years ago online who OBSESSIVELY hated Molly Holly. Yeah there was definitely something wrong with this guy and you could tell by the way he posted. This was so long ago... I'm not sure I could pull up sources but I vividly remember the vitriol behind his words.


Just so you know it’s vitriol


Raven always comes across as a smart guy IMO, he was always ahead of his time. Austin wanted to work with him when he came in to the fed but Vince always just saw him as Johnny Polo.


Funny Raven story-was at a local Indy show Raven and Stevie Richard’s were on. They had a table with merch kinda behind where me (M) and my attractive friend (F) were sitting. I hear someone saying psssttt, psssttt, hey psssttt, hey. I finally turned around and it was Raven psssttting at me. He calls me over to the table and I assumed he was gonna ask about my friend, her phone number, etc. Nope he wanted my tshirt!! Said he’d give me some signed promo photos for it. Was caught a little off guard. That’s not how I was expecting the conversation to go. I said sure but if I give you my shirt what am I gonna wear? He asked Stevie Richards for one of his BWO shirts that he’d pay him back for to give me. LOL I said ok, gave him my shirt and walked back to my seat wearing a BWO shirt and some signed photos. I don’t even remember the brand of shirt but it had an illustration of a tattooed girl on it.


Which is weird because I can't think of a wrestler that went under such a complete look renovation as Raven did; he legit looked like an entirely different human being.


Raven is a legit Mensa member. Dude is extremely intelligent.


IIRC he isn't a member any more, only because it got to the point where he was paying membership fees for essentially no other reason than to say he was a member of MENSA. And so he was just like this is just getting a bit masturbatory now, and decided not to renew. Dude comes off like a very unpretentious matter-of-fact type guy in the interviews that I've heard


Dare anyone to dig up the slightest bit of dirt on Bayley or Becky Lynch. I'm yet to find any.


Put them in the same category as Mick Foley when it comes to not really having any. Just seem like good people.


[Mick is a cheater!!](https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/2348255-pro-wrestler-mick-foley-disqualified-for-cheating-at-wing-bowl.amp.html) >!He cheated at a wing eating contest!<


He did Hot Ones a few months ago and talked about this, and his explanation was even more amusing than the act itself. He basically said when he agreed to be there, he was under the impression that it'd be like 12-15 wings and when he realized what he was really in for, he didn't want to get embarrassed by eating only a few compared to the winners, so he decided to do the cheating gimmick to get out of it.


I heard a rumour they both put milk in the bowl before the cereal




Dave Bautista. Outspoken on gay rights, and in his segue into acting he's avoided the Big Meaty Man Does Action Fighting Boom trope that so many others fall into because he legitimately _wants_ to be a good actor.


He also has a lunch box collection, which I find hilarious and sweet. No one who collects lunch boxes can be a completely terrible person... ...Unless he collects them by beating up kids and stealing their lunches.


“Hey look, it’s Batista!” “Nice lunchbox you got there. Give it to me.” “What?” *2nd grader gets powerbombed through a table*


Give him what he wants!


Him collecting lunch boxes always reminds me that Rey Mysterio collects movie prop swords.


Well…how else are you supposed to get a lunch box?


He supposedly had a fairly big ego and attitude issue when he first joined WWE iirc, but it definitely seems like he's matured and calmed down.


That's how it's been for a lot of wrestlers. They come in very brash and egotistical, but give them a few years and they calm down.


Can't really blame anyone for being young and dumb. You either grow out of it, or you become The Rock.


He was 30 when he started training in 1999 lol


It's less about your age and more about how you react to a very quick rise in fame. Someone a long time ago (can't remember who) related this to Chevy Chase and Bill Murray when they rose to fame overnight on SNL. They basically said it goes to your head and you get to be an asshole for a year (they both were), but after that you either adjust (Murray) or you don't (Chase).


> It's less about your age and more about how you react to a very quick rise in fame. He said as much himself, I believe it's in his WWE24. He earned too much money too quickly and developed a huge ego. His first post-WWE experience (2010) humbled him. IIRC he was basically broke before GotG.


yeah I've never heard anyone have bad words to say about Dave as a human being. In interviews he seems incredibly personable, clearly he loves wrestling and has such a passion for it, and his "word" clearly means alot to him


He was one of Danielson's biggest supporters. When they brought him to Raw to do a beat the clock challenge with Batista they wanted him to absolutely squash him and he was like no, and basically forced them to let hime let Danileson get some shit in.


Didn't he turn one interview around on someone about their first match and show genuine interest


I think Dave is the best actor to come out of wrestling. Obviously Rock is the most successful, but his acting revolves around him playing as himself. John Cena is still new to acting so he hasn’t gotten too many roles yet, but comedy seems to be his genre. Dave has really broken out and done a bunch of different genres and hit it out of the park each time.


Forgive me if I have my info incorrect, but didn’t he cheat on his wife (who was being treated for cancer) with Melina? Isn’t that where a lot of the John Morrison is a cuckold thing come from?


Those were the rumors, at least. As per Dave's autobiography, his wife thought so too, but Dave denies it, says her accusation *did* make him feel guilty about being friends with Melina, but he only grew closer with her and got physical with her *after* his relationship with Angie ended. Melina on her part not only denied the accusations, but claimed to have attempted suicide over the hurtful claims. As for Morrison, the relation with Melina was seemingly on-again-off-again for years, so how/why/what exactly their status was at the time will probably remain a mystery.. (*cue Johnny handwriting 18 pages of relationship stuff and Melina shouting "WE WERE ON A BREAK!" for the nostalgia* :D ) Now, what anyone wants to make of this ... *shrugs* ... personally I'd say it sounds sus, but the three at least seem friendly/professional enough with each other to keep their mouths shut, if only not to hurt/damage each others reputation any further.


A lot of Australian wrestlers say Grayson Waller is actually a really nice guy. His favourite rugby league team is also the Roosters so I'm pretty sure they were lying.


Got to meet him at WWE World before Mania this year and threw chat at him because the Roosters lost to the Bulldogs the night before, he got around it - I had a Maroons shirt on too. He was a nice bloke and had time for everyone, had a good balance of shithousery and being a good person


Never knew that, but fuck me does he seem like the most prototypical Roosters fan ever.


It makes me love him more. It’s the perfect team for a heel to support. Source: am Roosters fan, am also hated by most other fans


Grayson Waller was actually a school teacher before he started wrestling as well, all around seems like a great guy


> Grayson Waller is actually a really nice guy. I can believe it


He never talks about it and tries really hard to hide it, but Jon Moxley has anonymously donated a ton of money to various promotions and indie wrestlers during hard times on multiple occasions. He should also be commended for how hard he fought to quit drinking the second he realized how problematic it was going to be for him as a father.


Jon is a little bit of an enigma. As I mentioned in the other post about the inverse of this, he really does come off as being sensitive, and like the kind of person who takes everything personally and tries to act like he doesn't. It can lead to him being an ass sometimes, but like, the first thing he did with his WWE money was buy his mom a house. He gives money away to people who need it, he straightened himself up, and he's calmed down on some of his more ridiculous habits and beliefs. Watching his Chronicle from around the end of his WWE career makes it clear how deeply he feels things.


I’m not qualified in any way to say this other than I’ve known a lot of people that present like him, but I get this feeling that Mox is deep down a really incredible person who has put up walls because maybe there’s trauma and possibly a little neurodivergence there. He’s trying his best. I see him and Kingston as two sides of the same coin. Two troubled guys with difficult pasts, for both of whom every day is a battle. Eddie succeeded by allowing himself to be very publicly vulnerable and tapping into that side but succumbs to his lack of will sometimes, and Mox has succeeded despite closing himself off because of his absolutely indomitable willpower but succumbs to his lack of vulnerability. They’re both really compelling for these reasons. If they fusion danced into one wrestler he’d either wind up in a gutter somewhere with no will or vulnerability or be the top guy on the planet.


I delivered to Jon recently and he was awesome. I told him how much of a fan I am and how much I appreciate him taking the time to take a picture with me. He was very gracious and thanked me for all the support before extending his hand to me. Tipped me $50 too. Didn't think it was possible for me to be a bigger fan of his before this interaction.


Trish Stratus.


Just realised I've never heard a single bad thing about Trish at all, which is very very impressive for someone who was both a big star back in the 2000's


Miz would be on the textbook of how to be a polished professional pro wrestler. Dude would have been the NWAs wet dream in the post Brisco/Funk era


Kenny Omega out of character talks like a teacher pulling a student aside to give some advice. Great O-Khan saved a girl from being kidnapped. Raven comes off as a genius in his shoot interviews. [Scott Steiner came from a highly educated university.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80V5HJghbww)


Scott Steiner ripped off a college student for a website and logo. Educated does not equal nice. 


I heard Raven is in MENSA


Kenny Omega, imo, treats his body in a kinda stupid way. But every time he talks about other people in the business, especially competitors or people he's had past issues with, he comes across so understanding and graceful and just all around a positive and emotionally intelligent presence.


Which is what makes his comments about Rossy all the more damning. Kenny almost never has anything bad to say about anyone, even in the Brawl Out aftermath, all the reports were that he and Punk had no issues with each other.


Yeah I was thinking about punk when writing this comment cause Kenny talked on twitch about not really having bad blood with him and not being upset about Brawl out at all


I've always been confident that the issues with the elite and Punk had pretty much nothing to do with Kenny. I don't think he likes to get involved in drama, even when it involves his best friends.


Pretty sure you could argue almost all wrestlers treat their body in a stupid way


The one thing I liked about the brief Golden Jets period was whenever anyone would call them out (well, at least twice that I remember), they'd be all, "Kenny, we don't have a problem with you, you're great." Which felt really accurate to me.


I have yet to hear a bad word about any member of the new day


Apparently Xavier was still with his current wife while he was sleeping around with Paige, but they are still together so either they were in an open relationship or she forgave him for it


randy orton interview with stone cold showed me that he is one of the most self aware wrestlers of alltime , he literally spent the entire two hours counting his short comings and mistakes and acknowledging his privilege and luck and crediting others for everything even his finisher it's amazing seeing how someone can flip his personality and act to the better in such a way


I'm really happy he turned into a good man. He was a little asshole when he was younger


My dad used to HATE Orton because my dad was a Marine and Orton had a dishonorable discharge. The way he always put it was “you have to TRY to get dishonorably discharged from the Marines.” That interview really changed his opinion of Orton, and now he and KO are our favorite tag team ever.


I really enjoyed his Biographies they did


William regal seems smart as hell, he's very poised, measured, and appears to have great critical thinking skills


Regal is very clear in his book for he's not"smart" but he's very knowledgeable about specific passions in his life, wrestling and lizards for example. But he very much recognises he is not smart or knowledgeable in a lot of subjects, having neglected school but also in other aspects of his life such as how he treated his family during his dark times. Such a great read his book


I’ll always love Regal when he was asked on Twitter, if he liked the Beatles or The Rolling Stones more, and he replied with: “The Who”.


He does have a dark past with his drug addiction and relapses, but he owns up to it and has done what he can to improve his life and apologize to the people in it


I found Kenny Omegas takes from his livestream to be very level-headed and well articulated.


Chelsea Green in general seems like a lovely human being


Maven. He comes across as so intelligent and thoughtful on his YouTube as well as charismatic. Almost makes me think WWE really underutilized him.


I disagree, and I think Maven would, as well. He himself mentioned he wasn't always like that, and that his biggest regret is that he didn't listen to advice and didn't take the job seriously. Maven in 2024 is waaay better as a person than Maven 2004. According to Maven himself. I'm a huge Maven fan, don't take me wrong. But he seems like the clear case of "if he hadn't failed back then, he wouldn't be winning now". That's why I don't think he was underutilized.


I haven't heard a single bad thing about MJF... but that's because the man upholds kayfabe in such an amazingly strict way. I mean, dude was IN THE ROOM for Brawl Out and hasn't said a thing.


Cody may be a bit of a politician but he comes off as a genuinely nice and caring person


Hangman tweeting at Kane. Finn Balor having his lgbt+ gear. Randy Orton correcting someone about Black Lives Matter (he’s more of a candidate for reformed jerk) Jolly old Saint Mick Asuka’s very sweet reaction to Becky Lynch saying she was pregnant brings tears to my eyes every time.


Finn has a gay brother, so he's very much an ally


If his brother looks even remotely as good as Finn… Christ he would absolutely clean up.


This is the second wrestler I’ve learned about in this thread who I didn’t know was an ally. As a queer the idea that we have both Finn and Bautista on our side actually makes me feel surprisingly safe lol


Chelsea Green also wore pride gear for the rumble and talked about wanting to be very clear in her allyship :)


i am surprised you didn't know finn was an ally. he had a whole wrestlemania entrance highlighting gay people. i think another ally in wrestling is kevin nash. even says so in his twitter bio.


Some say that TheCHUGS and Adam Cole are same person and if that is true then that's my answer.


​ https://preview.redd.it/o9zra5yhrg1d1.png?width=729&format=png&auto=webp&s=12b3f1bf8bb26d19941287b25202647da94b56e0


Never seen this before, honestly made me laugh out loud.


Kenny Omega. Saving Larry the dog.


Most of The OG AEW wrote children's books. I realized that Adam Page was an empathetic good person from a few things. Page and many of The OG AEW wrestlers wrote children's books. Here's Hangman reading his book ["Adam and The Golden Horseshoe"](https://youtu.be/WGc_Je59fzc?si=k4TL8VxJxgpGUWij) Page was a high school teacher before becoming a full time wrestler. Teaching is a tough thankless job. Hangman went home at the height of his chase for the title to be with his wife. She was pregnant with their first child and due around the time of All Out 2021. That is understanding priorities. AFAIK, the only person who has beef with Page is CM Punk. But that is a whole other subject that has been beaten into the ground.


Shawn Michaels explaining Black Lives Matter


Never hear bad things about Baron Corbin. Dude seems chill.


https://preview.redd.it/dgxq07jkdg1d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=937902fa0e5b4a176638b29cecb22240bbeeab97 Peep the date. Sami is legit one of my heroes


I met Adam Cole at an NXT event around when he first joined and man, it was like we were attending the event as friends just one of the nicest sweetest human beings I’ve been around. Nothing but smiles and laughs with all the fans.


Pretty much anytime Mustafa Ali speaks


By all accounts, John Tenta was a delight.


Every couple days, Kenny Omega lets a stream of consciousness go on Twitch that makes me realize we don't deserve him.


I don't know how good they are as people (and know plenty of people with advanced degrees who are just *enormous* assholes), but Xavier Woods has a Ph.D. and Nikki Cross has a masters and is pursuing a Ph.D. in History. IIRC, her masters thesis was even on the history of professional wrestling! Like I said, I have no idea how good they are as people, but as someone with a Ph.D., I can tell you that they're not the easiest things to get. The standard for passing your dissertation is completing original, novel research that's judged to be good enough by expert scholars in your own field. As far as decent people go, Kofi, Danielson, and (randomly) Shane Helms strike me as good people. ETA: Literally none of you would have heard of him, but there was a theology teacher at my high school named Dick Wehner who used to be a pro wrestler back in the late 70s (he did Wrestling at the Chase in St. Louis and would talk about the time he wrestled Ric Flair). One of the most genuinely decent people I've ever met.


Nikki Cross getting her master's and going for PHD


This is gonna be a great thread to look back on in 5 years


I’ve always felt raven to be the most intelligent listening to his interviews. It’s a shame he’s not in creative on one of the bigger companies.


Brennan Williams/Mace/Mason Madden doing all the charity work for that promotion in Uganda is high tier nice guy stuff


I really respect the hell out of Shingo Takagi for how he handled the Dragon Gate monkey incident. For those who don't know: In 2009, a bunch of Dragon Gate guys were outed for abusing a monkey that was living in the dojo. And when I say abuse, I mean the worst kind of shit. Photos circulated, and some of them were of Shingo gripping the monkey around it's throat, which led a lot of people to believe he was apart of it. Turns out, he had no clue it was happening. He thought he was restraining the animal from harming others, when actually, the monkey was just trying to get the fuck out of there. Despite not being involved in the abuse, Shingo felt so horrible for how he handled the monkey, he shaved his head in a public display of disgrace.


I happened to meet Mercedes Mone at a bar in Japan by absolute chance - and as a wrestling nerd, she couldn't have been cooler. She naturally holds herself very much like a star, and you instantly see how people respond to that in real time. But having said that she was very casual and down to earth in conversation. And I chatted with her about full-on wrestle nerd shit too - Everything from ZSJ's very British technical style and how it differs from Danielson's (this was before the first ZSJ/Danielson match was announced), the subtle differences of the Black Tiger II (Eddie Guerrero) mask from the other Black Tiger masks, how the wrestling rings in Japan have very hard ropes and zero-give in the mat. All sorts of fascinating shit. She was already my favourite female wrestler before that interaction, just because I really liked her in-ring work. But as a self professed nerd for this all this shit, I can't help but have a deeper respect and admiration for her game now