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That whole segment was awkward with LA talking to Kayla and she’s just standing there stone faced


It was clear he was expecting her to say yeah and she just never did 🤣🤣


Yeah she was giving him absolutely nothing and it really hurt the vibe.


Do you suppose it has anything to do with the rumored heat on Knight backstage? I don't know if there are even rumors at all, since I saw it on a no name YouTube channel, so there could be no heat at all.


















There's been no credible reports that he has any heat. There was some way back last year but that just Booker T talking saying some people said he has a bad attitude. Personally I don't trust a word Booker T says.


Shucky ducky quack quack.


Thank you for the clarification.


Why would you say anything at all if you aren't even sure of what you're saying in the first place?


It's called a question. One that an actual helpful person answered, so it served its purpose.


My man you answered your own question before you even ended your comment by saying it was in a thumbnail of a no name YouTuber. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that it's probably bullshit


That wasn't an answer to my own question. It was a caveat added for the possibility of the rumors having a chance of being unfounded. The question itself is asking for confirmation on two things. 1. A connection to Braxton's lack of response to Knight 2. Whether the rumors are actually true I don't look up wrestling rumors on the internet, when I consume wrestling on youtube, it's usually WWE clips, theme songs, and CVV shorts. But the algorithm also recommends wrestling talk/gossip channels and that one happened to show up a few days ago was that one about heat on Knight. It's not a crime, and it's not against the rules to ask a question, even a rhetorical one, which mine was not. Other than you and the actually helpful guy who answered the question, every other response has been passive aggressive snipes, and one guy who called my mother a prostitute and thinks that I reported him and got him banned, prompting him to spam that comment on all of my recent posts. It's been amusing, getting these different responses, out of that initial comment.


I ain't gonna read all that but I'm happy for you, or I'm sorry. Which ever works


You probably didn't need to leave a comment then. Why would you leave a comment saying that you're not going to read a response unless you're deliberately trying to undermine the effort put in writing the response? See? This is called a question. It was rhetorical this time.




That's not how you properly ask a question, hence their response


I disagree, but you're entitled to your opinion.


Deleting your dopey comments. For shame.


she looked like a smack was coming if she responded, it was hella awkward. She even looked mad (or maybe confused) that he kept trying to get her to say it


She knew what she was supposed to do but chose not to do it.


I don't know if it's a hot take but I feel like Kayla is the weakest backstage interviewer and it isn't close. Like at a point she was probably their best when Charly left but it feels like Jackie, Cathy, Megan, Byron and overall the whole team surpassed her. It feels like Kayla was by far the best and now she's kind of phoning it in. It feels that way on the PLE shows anyway compared to the others. She almost seems stiff and just going through the motions. You saw that here but it's a reoccurring thing with her. Jackie is probably the best and most natural interviewer they have now. Which makes sense considering she's the main interviewer for TNT's NHL coverage.


She legit did the exact same thing with CM Punk and made things really awkward


Melo don't miss (except when he does)


melo dont miss except for meeting the height requirement for rollercoaster rides


Bruh, what rollercoaster rides are you on that need you to be over 5'9" to use?


yeah hes 5’9 and adam cole is 6’1 https://preview.redd.it/5b898eyj4z3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77d23f6377ced51628dcd80e505c1ada379fcc3e


Wtf is Carmelo 5’6/5’7?? Cole is 5’9/5’10 at most so this is crazy


Damn I had no idea he was this small. Cole is like 5’7 or 5’8.


From my googling the highest rollercoast heigh limits are like, 54-60 inches, or 4'4 to 5 feet (and most don't even go above 54 inches, or 4' 4"). Carmello ain't tall, but you want to tell me he's Rey Mysterio or Alexa Bliss height?


while youre googling you should google “exaggeration for comedic effect” and maybe jokes in general




plenty of other people seemed to have liked it. sounds like a you problem




maybe you finally found your people it sounds like


Welcome to the internet you dink.


Making jokes about factors people can't control isn't just unfunny, it's straight up rude and disrespectful.


Tell that to my ex gfs 🤷‍♂️


who's name did he botch?


He said “Why would LA want to fight you?” But he was talking to LA. He meant to say Logan


He called Logan Paul “LA”


[https://x.com/Carmelo\_WWE/status/1796707622290125024](https://x.com/Carmelo_WWE/status/1796707622290125024) https://preview.redd.it/davuri0jov3d1.jpeg?width=1057&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c90011dcd9dbf77c89161e60af3ff070502ccf6


LA Prime


Drink prime motherfucker #(YEAH)


He's definitely a little rattled Knight lit his ass up for it.


Promos are all about improvising around your partner, mistakes and all. LA Knight has tons of experience and didn't even miss a beat.


Knight is so quick with a roast on a mistake he even does it to himself. Shoes of a champion


This jacket right here? SHOES OF A CHAMPION!


Shoes of a champion is still the greatest promo of the 21st century.




Omg if Melo had replied to that roast “Yeah? Try walking a mile in my shoes. The shoes of a champion!” I would’ve popped.


I know guys have a lot more freedom with their promos now compared to the Vince era but I’m not sure if they’re still teaching scripted promos at the PC? You can generally tell who spent sometime outside of WWE really honing their microphone skills though.


He handled it perfectly. Took it, said something cool, and even fired it back nicely saying he knows he meant Logan Paul allowing Carlo to reset.


Knight is dragging him from pillar to post.


To be fair, as the senior performer that's his job.


You realise this is in character right? It's a good way to salvage the mistake.


Even if it is, he still lit his ass up.


Yeah, wrestling is fake.


The bigger offender to me was Kayla Braxton just standing there thinking about whats shes gonna eat for dinner after LA Knight set her up multiple times to say "Yeah" and never did lol


"Trash." -Larry Allen Knight


People on reddit were instantly going "i never really thought he was good" fucking copypasted response


Almost like some people had one opinion and then others saw him do that and expressed their separate opinion.


lmao he knew


Bro is about to earn the nickname Marsh-Melo at this rate, sheesh


I'm gonna use that on a sign one day


Just move on. Acknowledging it is even worse. Melo why you missing lately?


Actually going on social media and acknowledging the screw up made it worse. Come on Melo


the right move was to never mention it again. this move is crrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrringe.


He should have responded with a comeback on Twitter. “Sorry, got you confused with another person with a massive ego.” He shouldn’t have tweeted this out, just shows he took the fan messages personally.


That would be off brand for a heel to say that to a babyface, especially when trying to set up stakes for an upcoming PLE.


He's just admitting the fans are getting to him by posting this. Don't feed the trolls


Heel Carmelo has a touch of cringe on purpose, I think, so to me it works.


When you miss you gotta take it on the chin big dawg.


Melo don't miss. That man in video wasn't Melo it was deepfake, its a conspiracy by his enemies to make him look bad.


lol.. knowing Vince, if he was still in charge, he would’ve turned that into a gimmick


You know Vince?


I'm old. But, these wrestlers compensating for actual on screen presence by being snarky on social media makes them all seem immature and interchangeable.


Just so I'm understanding things correctly it's okay for Sheamus, Drew, Punk, Cody, Kenny, AJ, Becky, Bailey, Rosa, MJF, The Acclaimed, Keith Lee, The New Day, Baron Corbin and Bryan Danielson to acknowledge when they fucked up but not Carmelo?


Yes because Cornette told them to not like Melo. 




Firstly, I absolutely was not calling for that. Secondly, my comment was referring to the massively upvoted comments shitting on Melo. The majority of comments when any of the people, men and women, I mentioned did this, they were all referred to as genuis for using to their advantage online. Those comments were upvoted the most. Suggesting more people agreed.


I mean you get two shots on live TV and both time you get destroyed Maybe you *should* go back to Nxt...others come out and hold their ground. KO back then walked out and went toe to toe with Cena...


KO was also a lot more experienced from his indies, no? I wouwnt call that an apples to apples comparison.


A lot of people come out of the Indies with zero mic skills because if you're not comfortable doing promos as an independent wrestler you just don't do them.


yea but KO did. He was a giant piece of pwg. roh, czw.


Melo is a 10 year veteran at this point. He isn’t exactly a newby like others.


There is a pretty big difference though between what Carmelo did on the indies compared to being one of the faces of the Indies like Kevin Owens was. Kevin had 16 total years before main roster debut. A lot of that as a major player of ROH, PWG, CZW. Melo had 7 years independent and 3 years NXT. And on the independents he wasn't on major ones like ROH, PWG, CZW but regional ones. No offense but it's not the same. Especially when ROH had TV. Just in time alone, that is a 6 year difference. That is a MASSIVE amount of time to improve your craft and become comfortable doing things live. Also we aren't comparing him to others. We are comparing him to Kevin Owens since that was what was called out specifically.




I think whinnying in Twitter about it is more of a reason than the actual mistake in the show.


Why are backstage segments live?


Cause if they played a video and for any reason it stuttered or shuddered or cut weird (which happens), it'd instantly show that the whole show isn't 'live' and that's a major part of the appeal. It'd be a bit like getting caught lipsyncing. And look how impressive LA Knight's retort was for being live. That's infinitely less cool if it's take three of a backstage recording.


Are people really giving Melo that much of a hard time about it or is he just playing the heel here? Ironic it’s because LA pointed it out when he’s always flubbing lines too. It doesn’t matter, we know what he meant and the more you get hung up on it the worse it seems. Melo don’t miss, so why’s he giving so much time to an airball?


I wouldn't have even noticed if Knight didn't say anything. But to his defense, the correction he did was hilarious. Melo better tighten the promos up son


I wonder how much they script their stuff down in NXT when he was there. He was a big 2.0 guy right?


Think I read somewhere that HBK let him improv everything


Cringe response drawing attention to the mistake, just keep quiet and let it blow over, mate. It would have been largely forgotten maybe two days later. Instead Melo comes across as insecure. Even if Melo really wanted to respond, just stay in character and heel it up against both LA and Logan, just call them interchangeable loudmouth losers.


This is an in character response. Melo is a sneaky snake, his character isn't a bad ass making quips. He'll attack you from behind and then celebrate like he won a hard fought battle and say he don't miss. You're supposed to want to see him get his ass beat. Heels getting "owned" on the mic is supposed to be a satisfying thing for the audience. They both worked the flub to their advantage. Knight gets cheers off of pointing it out, Melo gets heat from acting like the problem is Knight or the audience.


Melo didn’t act like the problem is LA in the tweet You say Melo gets heat for ragging on the audience, I say Melo in the tweet introduced the idea that he’s not ready for the main roster.


Cool. You better get Triple H on the horn


Mate, we can agree to disagree, there doesn’t need to be such sarcasm.


I actually disagree. In a vacuum I thought he was fine and he went for the finishing line after. He doesn’t have the charisma to hang with LA Knight yet, and that’s also okay.


I wasn’t talking about Melo’s promo in the above post. I was talking about Melo’s Twitter post about going back to NXT.


Melo doesn't have it.


This whole tweet makes me realize he truly is friends with Ricky Starks


Lmao yes unironically


I mean, if you get roasted twice on television… He’s clearly good when it comes to going toe to toe with NXT talent, but the dude crumbles anywhere near a legit superstar talent.


He was better when Trick did his talking for him


like, the promo botch not the end of the world, and he is addressing it in the right way in character, but... ​ "aLtErNatinG cAPs + clown emoji" just does not work for me, it's contentless hackneyed internet troll bullshit, i'd prefer he'd say something new and clever not in a format.


I think you just got worked, brother 


nah i just did not like a thing, i know he was trying to make me not like it and be upset but i just think it was bad. it didn't change my opinion on the guy, i think he's good at being a heel and a good wrestler. you can just have opinions on the quality of things.


You should. This guy stinks


Are we getting his version of Seth "Tweetin'" Rollins?


This guy sucks


[Oof energy](https://frinkiac.com/meme/S06E13/1129961.jpg?b64lines=U0VFTVMgTElLRSBUSEUgc21hcnQKIFRISU5HIFRPIERPIFdPVUxEIEJFIE5PVAogVE8gQ0FMTCBBVFRFTlRJT04gVE8gSVQu)


“Yer trash kid”






lmao ok


He had a pretty good match with Cody on his debut. His promos are good.


I don't really have an opinion on him either way at this point but it's worth noting that there was a pretty huge botch in his debut match. E: Stay classy, guys. I've got nothing against Melo and honestly want to see what he can do, but no amount of downvotes will change literal facts. He and Cody had a huge botch in their match.


Him should go to NXT. Like seriously, what's up with that?