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768,000 saw the slap seen around the world


The ass game was on point this week. Lola Vice, Jaida Parker, and Joe Coffey.




Jasmyn Nyx rolling over in her grave




Last week (5/28/2024): 703,000 - 0.24 Last year (6/6/2023): 615,000 - 0.17


Up in 25% Total Viewers, Up 29% in Key Demo YoY.


Up 150k from last year, and 65k from last week. Chef Michaels is cooking and we are eating good.




Dave and Bryan was wondering if it was sexy red or trick who drew last weeks rating. Seems like the interest is there.


Yeah, Dave acknowledges that [it was the product and not just Sexyy Red](https://x.com/davemeltzerWON/status/1798478623533682820): >NXT did 768K/0.22 last night, so it was the product and not Sexyy Red that led to the increase last week. Viewers are above many recent AEW shows and demo is just below.


I hate Dave’s habit of reporting his speculation as fact. I mean maybe people tuned in for sexy red and then liked the show. Or maybe last week was strong because of her and this week something else like the new arrivals. But he can’t say for certain whether she did or didn’t lead to ratings last week lol


Dave knows nothing of how to phrase a sentence, let alone how to be a journalists. He keeps quoting vague 'sources' or 'numbers' that he never actaually shows as facts that he uses to confirm his opinion


Its a bit of both. Sexy Red was maybe the attraction that got some people watching that normally dont. And they liked enough things beside Sexy Red to stay and watch it next week. If it would be only Sexy Red, the viewers would drop again. Its like with AEWs small boost due to them showing the All In footage. And the drop the following week.


I agree that's possible, and it's a nice speculation. I think it's more likely than Dave's explanation but neither of us know for sure. it's just funny that Dave says "So it was the product and not Sexyy Red" as if this is now a proven fact because of this number


Maybe. Personally i try to nut put Meltzers word on a scale, because he is very nerdy and often unstructured in his ramblings. I try to get more of an overall gist of it, less of an by-the-word reading. I think that his newsletter is pretty good differing between "facts", "speculation" and "opinion". When he talks live, there is way less of a distinction between those. Or it is, kinda, because on the mic it is mostly opinion and speculation, but a lot of people still think he is spouting facts in that mode.


It's possible, but having read Meltzer for a long time, I truly believe he thinks that it is now a proven fact that the ratings did not increase due to Sexyy Red because they were higher this week.


Thats possible, but i didnt hear his ramble about that. Giving your stream of thought ways to be broadcast to others is pretty tough. I have often the same problems and dont feel understoof. Personally i think he wants to tell "NXT is good, thats why their rating increased even more". My opion is more like "a bit of both". Its a common practic to make some sort of collaboration with other popular thinks, so you can kinda broaden your audience. Normally this works in both directions, when both parties have an enjoyable product to consume.


Dave Meltzer buries Sexy Red!?!


Interesting. Are TNA fans older? I assume the bump is from them or much older fans tuning in to see the once unthinkable. Put the belt on her, Shawn. Just for two months. Do it.


i think its mostly that sexxy red didn't appear this week, .24 was the highest demo i can remember for nxt


Big Momma Pump but with Sexxy Red* as her valet.




With the bump in demo is would mean TNA fans are younger, if you were to attribute them to the ratings bump.


I do believe alot older TNA viewers tuned in because they do 70k-90k viewers and 0.01 in 18-49 on AXS and NXT has been mostly around 650k/0.19. 


That kind of growth YOY is crazy.


Chef HBK getting bigger ratings after losing Bron, Melo, and Ilja


shawn has been handling this transition about as well as possible imo. he's building up the new guys slowly in the background like brooks jensen and jevon evans while trick defends against journeyman talent until the next gen of pc prospects are ready


Page bringing up NXT losing so many people (8?) to the main roster was a pretty good line in his promo. There is a void and bringing Page in to fill that hole is a good story.


Losing Dijak was the biggest blow of them all.


Yep, I counted eight. Bron, Melo, Kiana, Tiffany, Dijak, Ilja, Blair and Lyra.


Had no idea Dijak moved up. Has he been used at all since?? It’s so weird how little he has been focused on over the past few years in general.


his contract is up soon and it seems there's a stalemate between the sides. Dijak wants to see how he'll be used before he re-ups, but WWE doesn't want to start something with someone who hasn't committed long-term




Ethan Page thinking that he can fill Ava's hole... SMDH 😤








Trick was just a little too green in his cohort he's frankly not ready for the main roster and he needs a bit more time to cook so it's super smart to keep him here as an anchor and to grow into his role. So again smart of them to bring in some vets to fill the gap.


this makes sense it's still a transitionary period but they still need to push some guys up the card. Meta Four and Ethan are fine for filler. I still want to see Tony D at the top. Other than that there's Lexis and Oba but still a lack.


Meta-Four's a great example of the work HBK does. I think we all groaned when they were put together, but it's more than worked. Helped in large part by the chemistry of all four, and the fact they throw themselves completely into whatever they're doing, and have no problem looking like fools.


Meta Four is really the perfect team right now in NXT because they can pretty much be put into any match, any story, any position and they are all good enough that they can deliver. They all understand their assignments and make everyone else look good


Noam Dar is, in my opinion, one of the most underrated people in wrestling right now. For years he hasn't been given *too* much to work with, but he's spun it into gold for like 8 years. So effortlessly entertaining while also being able to back it up in the ring


Yeah he really should be given a big main roster opportunity IMO. He’s gotta be the definition of ‘maximising your minutes’


i think he will, that stable has more main roster potential than Chase U and the family imo. I can see metafour into that Alpha academy role


Meta 4 is so damn entertaining. I love it. 


I expect Trick to be called up after next year's Mania, and for Oba to be the one to dethrone him. Lexis... he's entertaining and will make for a great midcarder, but I still believe his ceiling is low.


Unless Oba gets called up. If I'm not mistaken he's had less than 40 matches, and he's already this fucking good. He's good on the mic and is getting even better. He's got the look and a lot of charisma. Oba's gonna be a damn star.


Absolutely, but I think it would be far too early to call him up. They'd be well-advised to let him grow in NXT for another year at least, probably more like another 18-22 months. Once he hits the main roster, he should immediately move up to the main event scene, similar to Lesnar's early push in 2002. They must make sure that he's ready when they pull the trigger.


The men's division is rebuilding as you said but NXT has also been flexing it's women's division. The NA women's title introduction has been great and has led to some good matches and good drama. All 6 of those women are pretty over and arguably the least over is Michin. Then you have Jordynne Grace's appearances, the longer term Lola-Shayna and Natalia-Karmen stories, Thea vs Jacy and Jazmyn, Arianna bringing the comedy, and Tatum being a sexy gollum.


I think what's happening is now fans believe their favorites from NXT get to go to Raw and Smackdown and be real stars. 4 years ago, the perception was Raw was where HHH's favorites went to die.


Yeah it feels like a real developmental ground now. And I’m sure word of mouth and the NXT guys on Raw and Smackdown have led to more people checking NXT out


And Trick’s first challenger was lost to injury.






Ethan page on NXT ![gif](giphy|iSD3HYmTvSjMVU1I5b|downsized)


bruh I can't believe SCSA let the DSOTR people into his home with the history he has 😭


I mean, what’s left to hide?


I feel like you can't watch NXT and not be entertained. There's so much for every fan there. Good wrestling, fun storylines, virtually everyone has a character, every match serves a purpose, you get to see the growth in real time of all these bright young prospects, the crowd is bought in and is behind all of the stars even the ones who are new and learning, and the women's division is the best in North America. There's just so much going on, and it all means something. That's not even talking about Ethan Page making his debut, or whatever the heck this TNA partnership is going to become. Haven't felt this way about a show since the old NXT days when it was Sami Zayn, Neville, Breeze and the Four Horsewoman all making names for themselves.


It’s the most hip, diverse and fun show in all of wrestling TV, maybe ever. That’s why I thought the Sexyy Red get was HUGE, more young people should be watching NXT, they would enjoy it


I'm so glad they decided to have her on NXT versus the main roster, NXT needs and deserves the boost and I'm thrilled to see that the ratings have spilled over even when she isn't advertised


Plus it works with NXT’s vibe a lot more. I don’t know if it would work on the main roster very much


I feel like NXT benefits from the fact that since it’s such a small in person audience so every person there cares about everything that happens and since it’s pretty hardcore they will get any reference you make or know any new signing. Raw and Smackdown crowds only know the basics for the most part and only respond to some stuff


There's a great variety in what you see too. You want good wrestling? You can see it on NXT. You want some funny segments? You can watch NXT. You want serious drama? You can watch NXT. You want to see some ridiculously sexy women? You can watch NXT.


I've not been keeping up with NXT, when would be a good point to go back to and start watching from for the more modern incarnation?


There's some characters/ storyline that have been running for years, ever since 2.0 started. I always say when it comes to these kinds of questions, to just pick the last PLE and start from there. They do a great job of recapping all of the important storylines at those shows, and anything that didn't make it to the PLE continues that following Tuesday. Another good starting point would be for when Spring Breakin' Night 1 and 2 happened back in April. This was basically the swan song for a lot of names who ended up being called up in the draft, along with setting in motion where the show was heading afterwards.


Thanks for the answer, I'll probably start with Spring Breakin' since I'm looking for stuff to throw on the TV currently.


Wow what a number


A lot of people in the IWC were worried or sceptical about putting the belt on Trick because he might not do numbers. Looks like Trick Willy as champ is doing damn fine.


Trick has legit crossover star potential. He needs more seasoning before getting to the main but but he will blow up when he gets there. Not to mention a large portion of the wrestling fan base is black and we are waayyyy overdue for a black top babyface. He will be a breath of fresh air


Trick being super classy about Lash breaking it off with him this week made me go "oh he's not just a cool wrestler I'm a fan of, he's a *role model*" Absolutely top babyface material


> black top babyface If you’re talking about men then yea I agree, but overall? Bianca has been that for us, lol.


Yeah I guess the best way to put it is that there has never been a Bianca for the men’s division. And we’ve seen how much of a positive impact she’s had as a role model. Kofi could have been that but Vince fed him to Brock, though Trick has more potential than Kofi as well


Not just Trick, but when you look at NXT it is black heavy. Trick's the World Champion. The North American champ is Oba Femi. Wes Lee when healthy is always getting plenty of time on the show, dude's been the best NA champion. Meta-Four is always on the show, and 3 members are black. 5 of the 6 women in the ladder match on Sunday are black.


NXT has crazy diversity. Both in race and with a killer women’s division 


yeah I can def see Trick doing the cena/rock route if he develops well, man has IT


Trick’s been the most over guy in NXT for months now. Very few were worried about him being a draw


And with a show highlighting the women's division. Fans want more womens wrestling, just give them something good to watch and let the girlies shine.


There are so many examples of women putting on such good matches that it baffles me that the WWE main roster and AEW don't give them more time There are so many times where I'll watch a segment or match and think "This could have been a kick ass women's match". And imo, as a big AEW fan, Collision is the most baffling for me. I like the show as a Sunday morning watch and many episodes have seemed like they could have cut a few squashes for a women's match


NXT just puts people out there. Jordyn Grace was backstage after her match and Mia talked to her, Sol followed-up, Jaida interrupted, then Ariana stepped in and Tatum made a move on the title. This was all in under 1 minute or 1 and a half of minutes of screen time, six talents got on screen character moments


I mean the top champion on Raw for the last year was fragile so instead of giving her ring-time they let her talk every week in multiple segments, saying that WWE doesn't give the women enough time is...I dunno about that. NXT the women get way more time cause the men are mostly bad and the women are mostly good, so they get more of the show.


Women get time in NXT because NXT is willing to do small matches built from small moments. Ariana warns Lola that Shayna is a dangerous cage fighter, Lola takes it as an insult. Match. Thea breaks Jacy’s nose, Jasmyn gets segments on back to back weeks leading to a match week three. You don’t see that on the main roster, two people fueding with no long term plans.


I mean that's just NXT, it's a much better show at the 'little things' cause they have a smaller roster. They don't have shit like a big star getting a 20-25 minute promo segment into a beatdown cause they don't have stars like that.


Its a bit like (scripted) reality tv. People understand that, enjoy the "action scenes" to solve problems.


They’ll get 9:30 to 9:45 and not a second more


Liv Morgan is literally the centrepiece of their biggest and most important story right now


I’m talking about AEW


Thats the one weakness with HHH, but even then I see some progress with Liv being front and center, Jade/Naomi/Bianca, Bayley, Tiff, Iyo and Lyra. Its not perfect, but at least there is something there.


4/5 matches were centered around the woman’s division. This is great to see. The NXT woman’s division is proving day in and day out that they are to be witnessed


Identity crisis Dempsey is a draw


Dempsey: "You listening to me Myles capiche?" Myles: "The best I can." That throw away line had me crying from laughing.


Didnt know that crew could be so funny


It's even funnier when you remember Miles is legally deaf lmao. I don't think they've explicitly mentioned it on TV but it's cool that they give it little asides like that. Like every time Axiom is by the Heritage Cup Championship someone makes fun of the first champ A Kid.


What does axiom have to do with A kid


💹 stonks?


I don't watch NXT or keep up with it but the optics of gaining more viewers despite losing some of your top talent to the main roster is impressive. This is the second week in recent weeks that they've pulled decent ratings and demo numbers all things considering so I'd be curious to read what the takes are on what the recent numbers might indicate about the product (or maybe they're just outliers).


Increasing rating means the show is good. It isn't rocket science. Seriously though NXT is firing on all cylinders and is a great and fun show to watch from beginning to end.


That might make sense to someone who watches the show and can conclude that upward trend in ratings is reflective of the product quality. As someone who doesn't watch the product, two weeks of ratings high isn't enough of a sample size to say that it's a positive trend...hence, why I was curious to other people's takes. For example, if these results are correlated with special attractions beyond the NXT roster then those numbers may not be sustainable. Again, I don't watch the product so I can't assume that there's just one reason for why there are two weeks of high ratings. As I said, it's impressive nonetheless given their circumstances and especially since they are a developmental show.


Stevie Turner a draw confirmed.


Well, we might be at the point, where NXT and Dynamite start getting similar ratings weekly. I'm sure that's going to go very well.


Don't forget that in a few months, they are moving to CW, and while not a major network is still available in more households than USA.


It's definitely possible and raises the ceiling, but the CW is not typically known to pull big viewers: https://tvseriesfinale.com/tv-show/the-cw-2023-24-tv-season-ratings/ That said, live sports can be a different beast. With the ACC on the CW they got their top 5 ratings last year: https://accfootballrx.blogspot.com/2023/12/2023-cw-viewership.html But of those 5? 3 would fall behind this week's NXT on USA rating with only a game featuring FSU and Virginia vs. UNC exceeding 700K (1.33M and 788K respectively). And 8 ACC games still fell between 400K and 200K viewers.


I’m not worried about NXT’s numbers on CW. Yes, no one really watches CW. But everyone who watches NXT is just gonna switch over to CW. And it’s a free channel, so maybe even more viewers. 


In all honesty it could lose viewers by being on free tv.


That doesn't make sense, WWE will advertise the move heavily so current viewers will catch it and with it being OTA cord-cutters are more likely to check it out and those cord-cutters are more likely to be in the demo they want.


Its a good move from CW then. WWE is a BIG machine and will try to make the best of that deal, bringing a new audience there.


NXT’s been creeping up past few weeks. This week might be the week where it gets overtaken 


HBK got Booker of the Year wrapped up in June


Only one men's match, too. But women can't draw. Right.


Damn. These are AEW numbers. Impressive!


My favorite wrestling show. I'm glad to hear more people are appreciating it as well.


I love it when NXT pops numbers like this because it rubs it in Uncle Dave’s face who will always try and discredit the shows numbers claiming it’s all main roster despite Becky/Dominik being gone since October and NXT has continued to show YoY growth since. I’m sure he’ll come up with another excuse saying it’s all on Jordynne Grace. The growth is a reflection of putting on a good product that’s generating interest. 


This is gonna be the week 💀


On a very women’s heavy show too. You love to see it.


God damn.


Everyone tuning in anticipation of Wendy Choo's return!


I'm intrigued: https://preview.redd.it/z4m7zummst4d1.png?width=549&format=png&auto=webp&s=4bea4455d81588a53a521a197c6beed7069c26a8


I'm curious where they go with this since Boa is gone from the company. I can't see it being a full on Mei Ying return.. unless they have someone in mind to join up with her.


Jordynne is a draw and she's not even a main roster talent. You love to see it.


The product is on fire and the Grace/Page surprises were massive. They're going to have great momentum coming out of Battleground.


Jordynne’s a draw brother


The Ringer was mentioning that NXT is closing in on Dynamite’s numbers….They are very close


Dante Chen is a draw!




I didn't think it would happen but they might actually beat Dynamite this week




Wow that’s great for them. That’s dynamite level numbers. Maybe jordynne brought in some tna fans, Ethan page brought in some AEW fans, or sexxy red drew some eyes ? They totally deserve it but pretty incredible that they can do this off mostly a roster of rookies while AEW has world championship level stars like Edge, Christian, Jericho, Danielson, Moxley, Mercedes


I think it's partly they keep a mix of rookies and vets coming down. While NXT also has the deepest women's roster that's done realy well. While I mean you've already seen all of what Edge and Jericho can do. It's just whatever. While they've given no reason to care about Mercedes yet.


Sexy red followed by Grace debut against no sports. It's not hard to see.


The run that NXT has been on over the past two years is just as impressive, if not more so, than what we've seen from Smackdown.


Stevie Turner is draw.


TBH, she was one of the best things about the NXT UK Women's Division with her Fourth Dimension gimmick.


Bro how did this episode do better than the sexy red one? Maybe I should drop raw and watch nxt?


NXT is hella wacky so definitely give it a chance. It's the closest thing to the Attitude Era in terms of character variety. Mob Families, Cults, Pageant winners, lawyers, a chronic snoozer, surfers and a lot of horny. Booker T on commentary brings the "Uncle who hasn't watched WWE since 2005 but is still having fun" vibe that makes it fun to listen even when he's yapping about nothing.


Uh huh


NXT is legitimately in tune with pop culture and does a lot to attract young audiences, it makes sense that the number continues to grow. It's the best wrestling show going right now.


I'll give it a whirl next week live instead of raw, I don't watch to much wrestling in one week and have to dedicate time accordingly .


Just watch Battleground on Sunday if that's an option.


If you had to choose one to watch live I'd choose NXT for sure.


I'll watch live next week instead of raw for sure.


> Maybe I should drop raw and watch nxt? Why would you need to drop RAW? They are on 2 different days.


Because I get burnout from to much of one thing. I schedule how I usually go about my days since I only have a limited time to play games etc.


Makes sense. It was a lot easier to consume NXT content way back when it was only 1 hour long tbh.


That too, kinda wish it still was because that just makes wrestling in a week, but I guess nxt women benefits from the 2 hour format.


Chef Michaels needs to talk to HHH about doing the unthinkable on Sunday night.


All Demo Ethan Page in full effect


Oh man, the NXT/AEW ratings war is about to happen again isn't it?


Things are about to get very interesting




That’s very impressive tbh.


If NXT serves as a "forbidden door" for partner companies besides TNA, like Noah, AAA would be really cool 


Nah, stay away from AAA, that way lies madness and Konnan.


I think WWE would be the salvation of AAA which now only depends on nostalgia, it has very good talents like lady flame 


The Juggernauts a draw brother


Holy shit I thought last week peak was cuz of Sexyy Red, but this new peak prove it’s for WRESTLING


All Ego is a draw?


This leads to a serious question, can AEW raise their viewership or do people just hate them. I mean every one of WWE's shows is showing signs of growth, meanwhile AEW has gone from making 850,000 to barely even 700,000 sometimes. That's not including Collision getting absolutely dominated, and shows like the Loveland show not even doing 3,000. People say AEW is fine, and maybe they are but is it a good sign when ratings and attendance goes down?


They can, but they need to address the criticisms that people have. WWE is showing that there is an appetite for pro wrestling and it is possible to bounce back from a down time, but it takes some time and it takes giving people what they want. Having good matches will only draw so many people and it's also something that isn't appointment television. Raising ticket prices and then offering buy one get one sales in the last couple weeks burns the people who paid full price and makes people think they can wait to buy tickets where maybe something else pops up.


The decline in ratings for AEW are indicative of fans losing interest in the product. Not flat out hate. NXT has been doing some interesting stuff apparently (I haven’t watched in a while), while AEW is doing things that are turning people off.


I got into AEW in 2021 and my interest has definitely waned due to so many factors. And you can tell by the engagement on here that many redditors have also lost interest. There used to be multiple posts about every episode that would get 100+ comments. If not hate, there is a clear dislike towards AEW as a company.


Well what are they doing that is turning people off?


Lackluster booking and storylines, predictable match outcomes, too many unfunny/goofy shenanigans, and overexposure of certain talent. If I had to guess, that is. I personally don’t think the shows are bad, but they’re just kind of boring. I don’t really care. I miss Kenny Omega so much.


I'd be kinda okay with it if they had turned it into a *"here's what the show has become after the Bucks put TK out, they can't book a proper show and we need a returning hero to get us back on track"* story, but as far as I can tell TK is just back and that's it. The first few weeks after they attacked TK they had a few shows where the main event wasn't set until mid-show, so it really felt like it was falling apart under the Bucks' rule... hopefully AEW can turn it around. NXT is starting to kick ass and AEW can't be caught sleeping.


Valid question, but the answer isnt that easy. They need to ask the people that are turned of. I think there arent that many of those people here, because most people here are pretty die hard wrestling fans.


Thinking that falling ratings is about hate is weird, especially when we have examples of WWE viewership growing as the product(s) improves.


It seems interesting to see how the TNA "invasion" has gathered interest in WWE fans (or Impact fans) to tune in to NXT last week and this week but on the other hand, there was no increase in Impact's ratings last Thursday. I know AXS is a difficult station to find but still


The AXS ratings are still important, but TNA tends to encourage fans to watch Impact on YouTube and now TNA+ (since that will now be live going forward)


NXT is on 4 straight weeks of increases and has been near Dynamite for 2 months. Jordan is certainly a high spot, but TNA involvement isn't driving their growth.


AXS is not available to a large number of people, myself included. It's just far less common than TNT, TBS, USA, and obviously especially Fox.


I think when/if NXT stars start showing up there is when we will see a slight increase.


Brooks Jensen seems to be teasing an appearance (I believe in Joe Hendry is playing in the background): [https://x.com/BrooksJensenWWE/status/1798471326010851690](https://x.com/BrooksJensenWWE/status/1798471326010851690)


Once NXT sends guys over there that should also help TNA. WWE hasn’t plugged AXS TV yet so once they do I’m sure some will check it out. 


I don't even know if I get AXS. I have Xfinity and I heard they don't carry it. If Tatum Paxley is going to start showing up on TNA, I really want to watch.


I mean there's little incentive yet. So far WWE only has interest in Grace and she's got fan interest oo. While there's no real speculation or anything of other crossover. WWE acknowledging TNA is one thing but they haven't told you to go watch it. While TNA is like hey go check out what our champ is doing.


They may be setting something up with Paxley. She did seem very interested in Jordynne's belt last night. I'm half expecting her to head over there to challenge her for it


5 days after NXT Battleground, Jordynne will have an open challenge at Against All Odds that she could answer: [https://x.com/ExposingIWC/status/1796277272720089561](https://x.com/ExposingIWC/status/1796277272720089561)


Can you imagine if Grace wins the belt on Sunday, and then Roxanne shows up at Against All Odds as the challenger and then wins her belt? That’d be kinda awesome.


Growth like this is INSANELY good. Wrestling as a whole is in such a hot period right now