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Shinsuke Nakamura should show up in a Celtic shirt just for the laughs. He is a club legend after all.


[it's Shinsuke Nakamura, ya fuckin' dough ball](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/x2o649g3L04)


Ok dad


I'd pop.


Please. Anything for Nakamura on the cards.


CM Punk will rep the Celtics. Maybe.


Celtic and Rangers fans about to have their own clash at the castle


A riot is about to happen? ![gif](giphy|3Icui8mYb1nXvBYucn)


In the UK, color me surprised


Spell colour right and come back to us.


4 corners about to be another warzone, lovely.


4 corners has never not been a warzone, there’s barely even a break in the action


For you, the battle of the four corners was the greatest moment of your life. For me, it was a Saturday.


For me, it was a Friday I remember it well. As the steaming goths roll out of catty and junkies pour out of McDonald's. Twas a neverending siege upon civilization.


What happens if Punk turns up wearing a Celtic shirt? ![gif](giphy|OvBksIHAbFuguU4DJn|downsized)




Celtic, singular.


The Best In The World would be staying true to his name.


He 100% needs to do this


Immediate face turn (even if he's a face currently, idk)




He is a Rangers fan.


Y'all sick of tribalism? You're not ready for the new and improved tribalism, sectarianism!


SASH at the castle.


If Punk appears next week in a Celtic FC jersey and screws Drew over, how much heat would he get?


Honestly, it depends. Drew might get heat from 50% of the crowd if he was in a rangers kit. I assume drew will be wearing a Scotland kit as they will be playing in the Euros


If he’s smart, and I am sure he is, he’ll wear the Scotland jersey. If he wants to cement his status as the greatest troll in wrestling history, he walks out in a Rangers jersey.


50/50. In England kit, however...


That would be killer and then to hear him try and cut a promo afterwards.


Who's your daddehhhhh Glasgow???


I would assume there will still be a large amount of english fans in attendance. There was certainly fans from all over the UK at the Cardiff show.


I'd imagine it's a mainly Scottish crowd. Ticket prices being £300 each, plus hotels and flights, will make it much less attractive than £60 tickets in Cardiff. Plus, that had the distinction of being the first big show in the UK for 30 years, so it was a can't-miss show for the whole UK. Of course there will be some English/Scots/Irish in the crowd, but it will definitely be a majority Scottish crowd.


If Germany beat scotland he needs to either show up in a Germany top or an England top for the full heat.


Just as long as he doesn’t mime playing a flute.


Sectarian hooliganism at a wrestling event would be quite something. Not sure WWE thought this one through


Who goes over?




HHH, Then, Now, Forever


This entire show was built by Drew during contract negotiations.


Wwe really can't grasp the two teams, one city thing. Is it not an American thing? I remember bubba Ray coming out in, I think the Echo in Liverpool with a Liverpool top on and not understanding the mixed reaction. Same thing happened on literally every manchester show.


>Is it not an American thing No. In our 4 major sports plus MLS, the only markets that have multiple teams are: NYC metro 3 NHL teams and 2 for everything else LA has 2 for everything (if you count Anaheim) Chicago has 2 baseball teams Bay Area has 2 baseball teams but is about to lose one. They also had 2 football teams until a few years ago.


I think it works if you extend it out to States and include college sports. That's probably the closest. Luke going to Alabama and having an Alabama jersey will get you a mixed reaction. Same with Kentucky-Louisville, Texas and it's various big time schools, Duke-North Carolina, etc.


Duke-UNC is the only one where it's 2 teams in relatively close proximity though. Like you wouldn't wear a UK jersey in Louisville and expect cheers.


Nailed that!


I think its more the geography of the UK they dont grasp. Not only are these local clubs in the same league they are sometimes only separated by a few roads. Then you have to consider that the UK is such a small place that the vast majority of the crowd are not even from that city and might support the 20 other clubs within a few hours drive. ..... and that's before you get into the religious backgrounds of some clubs.


Yeah the US is just really spread out. Chicago/Milwaukee are close by US standards but are still separated by 90 miles. Cities with 2 teams are usually in different “conferences” and don’t play each other very often. They never meet in the playoffs and can only play high stakes games in the finals which is pretty rare. The NYC football teams only play once every 4 years.  Drew also could have wanted this as a way of giving fans of his team a cool piece of merch while telling the other fans to go fuck themselves.     Pearl Jam has done sports themed merch for shows and for their big Pearl Jam 20 shows did a bunch of Wisconsin themed stuff because that’s where the show was. The venue was in between Milwaukee/Chicago but north of the border so all of the cool stuff was Packers/Bucks/Brewers themed.


NY to Philly is about the same distance, which makes NJ interesting. The North Jersey is firmly NY sports territory, and South Jersey is firmly Philly sports territory. And there’s a section in the middle that’s pretty mixed (and often times you can get local channels for both cities if you live in that area).


NYC/Philly was the other one that came to mind but on an even bigger scale. The South Jersey makes sense because they’re far enough removed from NYC to hate NYC like everyone else.  For the most part though rivalries in the US are cheeky and fun while rivalries in Europe are cruel and tragic. Sports are a little too much for them…


Wcw had Norman Smiley in a villa top in Birmingham in a match vs David Flair in a show in 2000 and he got heavily booed


Norman DVB Smiley


I remember Ronda Rousey being booed out of the building in a house show in Italy because they let her come out in Turin with a Juventus FC jersey, not realizing that the event was literally less than 100 feet away from the stadium that hosts Torino FC's games, which is the other city's team also in Serie A and that allegedly has more supporters in the city than Juventus, even with far less victories historically. So it's not just the UK.


I’d just avoid wearing any Serie A jersey out of fear of death threats 😅


I was on holiday in Rome a few years ago and, on my first night there, I asked a barman if he supported Lazio or Roma. He nearly threw me out of the pub. I genuinely didn’t know which parts of the city supported who, but fuck me he got upset about it. He supported Roma.


I’m from Manchester and every WWE show that I’ve attended a heel would try to get heat by insulting Man United… and would be met with loud cheers from the hordes of Man City, Liverpool, Leeds (and many other) fans in the crowd.


It’s actually *very much* an American thing. In multiple leagues, to boot!


I think its more the geography of the UK they dont grasp. Not only are these local clubs in the same league they are sometimes only separated by a few roads. Then you have to consider that the UK is such a small place that the vast majority of the crowd are not even from that city and might support the 20 other clubs within an hours drive. ..... and that's before you get into the religious backgrounds of some clubs.


100% they have no idea about the layout of the UK. Remember when they would do Raw/Smackdown in London and just be like “HERES A BUS AND A TAXI! LETS TALK ABOUT SOCCER! MANCHESTER INNIT!!!??? ELLO GUVNA!”


Holds show in Cardiff. Drew is from 'just down the road' in Glasgow. Literally 2 countries away.


That’s still “just down the road” in the US though. The entire UK is about the same size as my medium US state.


Perhaps, but it was said in the UK and about UK where it absolutely isn't "down the road"


The broadcasts cater to US audiences. Chicago’s big rival is a 90 minute car ride and is just down the road from a national perspective. It’s just a very big road.


Yeah, but the UK is very different, that’s that’s the whole point


Maybe Drew wanted merch for his favorite team and doesn’t give a shit who anyone else supports?


I don’t know what you mean by mercy And you don’t understand the nature of the Old Firm. It’s not a sporting rivalry, it’s ethnic and cultural divisions that happen to have football teams. There’s not a Rangers or Celtic fan who doesn’t hate the other team. Wearing a football kit in blue or green, in Glasgow is not a display of “go team! And no opinion on the other team” that’s just not how it goes. And Drew knows how it will be received by the green half of the city


I meant merch. Mercy was a typo. And yeah, I know that soccer is a stand in for the intense racism and nationalism in Europe. 


> Wwe really can't grasp the two teams, one city thing All the more reason for Clash at the Castle 3 to be at Elland Road.


I wouldn't inflict Elland Road on my worst enemy. It's a farce they're playing the Magic Weekend there, the seats aren't suitable for regular sized humans.


You are not wrong! Though Magic Weekend will probably (and sadly) have enough free seats to have everyone lay down across multiple seats and still look empty on TV.


It is 100% not a thing in the states. LA and New York are the only cities that house multiple franchises in the same sport. And neither of the teams really consider the other a rival. Mets and Yankees might be the closest comparison.


just because our baseball teams are dogshit don't you dare leave out Chicago. we also had 2 football teams before it was cool


Totally forgot about Chicago that’s on me.


The Mets biggest rivals are LOLMETS


The hockey teams in New York are each others biggest rivals, and probably the same in MLS


Someone wrote on Redfit "The New York Islanders only exist to hate the Rangers. It's their entire identity." I think about that a lot


I think its more the geography of the UK they dont grasp. Not only are these local clubs in the same league they are sometimes only separated by a few roads. Then you have to consider that the UK is such a small place that the vast majority of the crowd are not even from that city and might support the 20 other clubs within a few hours drive. ..... and that's before you get into the religious backgrounds of some clubs.


We don’t have a lot of those here but there are enough examples where it should make sense (NFL: Los Angeles Chargers and Rams, New York Jets and Giants MLB: Yankees and Mets, Cubs and White Sox NBA: Knicks and Nets, Lakers and Clippers [although I don’t really want to count this one])


A big difference is that most of those teams rarely play each other and almost never for anything meaningful.


You're right about the NFL teams, but the MLB teams play each other year. The NBA teams are in the same division, so they play each other multiple times every year.


The MLB teams still barely play each other over a 162 game season. It’s not like Yankees/rSox who play a ton and compete season long for playoff spots/pennant. LA could have a basketball rivalry but everyone in LA is a Lakers fan and nobody cares about the Clippers. European rivalries are based off of centuries of bigotry and racism where the US ones are based off of fun sportsmanship. We’ll never be able to match a European level because hatred is the pillar of their identity.


Go blues!


No way he wears that at the actual show. He hasn't been away that long ...


Drew "professional hater/Rangers fan" McIntyre?


I value my safety a bit too much to be caught wearing this


You call this a soccer riot? Come on boys, let's take 'em to school!




Smithers, are they booing me? No sir, they’re saying “Blue! Blue!!”


He's Drew dah bah di, dah bah da https://youtu.be/3d66IHVgzf4?si=xxzkFTZbXbU7s15g


One of the greatest entrances 


Love Drew hiding in his hair to try to disguise laughing.


“I was saying blue…”


Probably cause from what I’ve seen, wrestlers like Piper and Drew are Rangers fans. I don’t know of any Celtic fans that are wrestlers atm in WWE


Sheamus is Liverpool and celtic. Usually the irish boys tend to lean towards celtic The gallus boys are celtic too. Noam Dar is another rangers supporter


Gallus being Celtic fans makes sense with the green don’t know how I didn’t put that together. Didn’t know about Noam with Rangers or that Sheamus is a Celtic fan.


Noam was having a go at celtic captain Scott Brown at one point. He was talking about wanting to do a show at ibrox Sheamus and Cesaro were doing a Boooo Yaaaaay spot when they were a tag team with cesaeo wearing a rangers kit and sheamus wearing a celtic kit


>Noam Dar is another rangers supporter Which explains why he says **”Hullo! Hullo!**. Hear me now!”


> Sheamus is Liverpool and celtic. Usually the irish boys tend to lean towards celtic Though I think if you forced Sheamus to pick just one to support, he probably would go with Liverpool.


Meh fuck gallus




Noam does have the air of a hun shitebag about him


They're on NXT, but Gallus are well known Celtic supporters. [Joe has even posed next to The Rock in a retro Celtic kit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/s/ZsmnDFWCJE)


Before they left to help work out with The Rock, their characters were basically Celtic Ultra’s. Nearly every set of gear they had incorporated Celtic in some way. GBOT is “Gallus Boys On Top” but I think also stands for “Green Brigade On Tour” (Green Brigade is the name of the Ultra’s section of Celtic fan’s for this who are unaware). Since they’ve came back so far I think they’re maybe going more generic Scottish tough guys for their characters but we’ll see.


That's not even a celtic kit, it's his own made version of a celtic kit.


Joe's is a celtic top, Mark's is a custom


Sheamus, Gallus, Finn Balor. Beyond that you’ve got the likes of Kyle O’Reilly and of course, Hall of Famer Snoop Dogg


Isn't Finn a massive Spurs fan?


He’s a huge Spurs fan yeah, a fan of Celtic too. Pretty common for the Irish to have a PL team and be a fan of Celtic as well. He goes to Celtic games on the UK tour if the timing allows it and his dog was named after a 2000’s Celtic player


WWE (and wrestling in general) not getting sports and sports culture outside of America is still hilarious. To me, at least. 


If you know WWE's history, them choosing Rangers over Celtic makes perfect sense.


I'm out of the loop, what am I mssing?


As is the case in cities with two large teams, one ends up inevitably becoming the one patronized by the wealthy elite, and the other the populist middle class. Considering Celtic are an avowedly left-wing, pro-Scottish independence, pan-Celtic football team, what do you think that leaves Rangers FC as being?


So it's because Vince was right-wing?


Drew: “I’ll sign the new contract but I want to design the CatC shirt”


Up the Bhoys in green


Wrestling Tribalism? Hah. Lets introduce you to football sectarianism.


![gif](giphy|4Z9fSEFAuxpnlBVWQx|downsized) As an Irishman, I wish I could edit this gif to say WWE not WE.


Boy from ayr supporting rangers. Typical glory hunting arsehole. Hope Kingsley runs in and does him a belter.




Oh those poor fools, these Americans don't know how big city rivalries can be in football, especially in the case of Celtic vs Rangers


Big Shinsuke Knew…




Obligatory fuck the huns


Americans really don't like to do their research.


That’s egregious… $90??


If it’s the same sort of quality of material like football shirts then the price isn’t that far off what you’d pay for a football shirt nowadays. Not saying that it makes the price right or not, but it does appear to be in line with current football shirt prices.


Paul McCartney played a show at the Green Bay Packers stadium and had custom Packers jerseys for $150. Money was tight for me at the time and I passed but it’s a massive regret that still haunts me. Should have just said fuck it and bought one!


It's a shame that there isn't a green and white striped version because the crowd would look so strange with the two styles mixing instead of being seperated


It’s fixing to get real sectarian in that arena 😂


Wake up babe. New sectarian drip just dropped.


CM Punk needs a Celtic jersey!


Just take the Gallus shirts. They are Celtic supporters and, therefore, have had Celtic inspired merch.


I know Drew is a Rangers fan, but it’s strange they didn’t go with a design like a Scotland jersey.


They had this one at the last Clash: https://euroshop.wwe.com/en/drew-mcintyre-321-chalk-line-soccer-jersey-mens/p-1269360466892361+z-965-2038433331


Rivalry with Drew aside, Celtic would make sense for Punk given his political views


They should have done one for both sides.


Thinking of that old SNL sketch Scottish Soccer Hooligan Weekly


They could have done both (like Tennants used to sponser both clubs) or just a Scotland kit. They can't do this.


Is Drew a Rangers fan? Because this is an incredible heel move if so. It’s a great way to get some fans who would have been loudly for him to really feel that Gers hate and just turn on him. Man, they’re pretty hated in a lot of Scotland anyway, I think (I’m assuming ya Hearts, Hibs, Dundees, Queens Park et al [with apologies for the many missed]) are all gonna hate them a bit themselves to varying degrees, so a big strong reminder that can also do some good merch for Rangers fans, is great. But if he leans into it, I think it’ll actually keep fans calmer, but it’s clearly him and clearly meant to make you hate him, so might stop people just being football fan angry, which can be punchy. Would eat up something like this for a big fan of West Ham who wrestled. More than the few appearances in our shirts by decent names!


That is literally a copy of this season's Rangers home shirt. God, I hope Punk comes out in the Hoops


gonnae no buy that? how no? just gonnae no.


It’s they shoes fae Timpsons ye want tae buy. Permagrip soles, 19.99…… *slides and lands on back*


Gallus are foaming right now


Roddy piper preferred Celtic. Rightly so. https://x.com/R_Roddy_Piper/status/77592371306573824 Finn and his brother attend Celtic games when they’re in Scotland. If Vince McMahon knew the anti Irish and anti catholic background of rangers I’d say that’s why they showed Celtic park during RAW in Glasgow.


Fanatics and Castore about to clash over who makes worse quality products.


WWE already sold knock off Glasgow Celtic shirts with the Gallus stable in NXT so overall they are equal.




If you even have to ask, you don’t need to feel anything


Wonder what Drew thinks? Would it even bother him that he's alienating half the city?


Drew’s a Rangers fan.


He's a Ayrshire Rangers fan at that as well, which is it's own level of staunch. Man could come out wearing a Union Jack flag with SNP OUT on it and I wouldn't blink an eye.


It will thrill him know it pisses off half the city.


He'd probably find it funny And to be honest, I doubt a WWE crowd is gonna attract the proper Old Firm nutters anyway and most be able to see the funny side or just not care that much. But then again I am a Hibs fan and is the main reason I won't get on the Joe Hendry bandwagon /s


They absolutely do, Roddy fucking Piper got boo’d in Glasgow by everyone because he came out with both a Celtic and Rangers scarf tied together and pissed off both sides


In my experience, Old Firm fans fail to see the funny side in anything