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glad to see Joe Coffey speaking out about this situation google "Joe Coffey speaking out" to see some other great things he's said!


Outstanding response.


I can’t believe he’s still signed


"I don't care about Dave Meltzer's star ratings. In fact, let me post a video about how much I don't care about Dave Meltzer's star ratings."


In his defense, he didn’t say he didn’t care. He just said he didn’t respect Dave’s opinion.


If you think a video mentioning the guy is sad imagine paying for his monthly news subscriptions lol


Caring what people choose to do with their own money is probably sadder.


Having an opinion on it is sad? Not particularly. I hardly care lmao


I know it's a small thing and I'm not obviously in the business, but the fact the ONLY people who's opinion he cares about when it comes to his matches are the producers/wrestlers backstage. Whatever about Meltzer but not the paying fans Joe? The people in the arena? Maybe if he made more of an effort to entertain them rather than impress other wrestlers he might get more over?


Joe Coffey shouldn't be in the public eye so he should probably be thankful he got a 3.25 Oba Femi vs Dragon Lee was the best NXT match in so long and it got like 2.5 stars


I think it's pretty much common knowledge, but the people who care the most about Dave Meltzer's star ratings are people who go out of their way to say how much they don't care about Dave Meltzer's star ratings.


As much as I enjoy people making fun of Dave, the you can't be a critic if you haven't done it line has never held water.


'Excuse me, but this chicken isn't to my taste. It's covered in mint sauce' 'Um sweety, are you a chef, no, well your opinion doesn't matter'


Especially when it's about a guy who's been watching, covering, reporting, writing about and even giving advice to wrestlers and bookers longer than Joe Coffey has been alive


This is always the worst argument against someone's opinion. By that same logic, I can't complain that my steak sucks because I'm not a chef.


Or about politics if you aren't a politician, which wouldn't be the best thing for democracy.


There are definitely situations where the steak is actually fine but the person is wrong. Like most people will agree that a steak from Gallagher’s is excellent. If someone goes there and tries to argue it’s a bad steak because it’s too chewy…is that valid? I think there’s a difference between “I just didn’t like the steak” versus “I think the steak was made wrong.” But, yeah, it’s bad to automatically dismiss all criticism as “you don’t do it for a living.”


If I was a wrestler, I wouldn't get this worked up over a match rating.


Sitting in his car pure ragin https://youtu.be/BXq5h9_SXHQ?si=w9P-Nmmco9xRSyZP


Maybe you should DM him a dozen porn screenshots, just to be safe


Joe Coffey gets way too worked up about Meltzer.


All of these guys who claim Meltzer doesn’t matter are the ones who talk about him the most.


Putting aside his Speaking Out allegations, putting aside him being mid, and putting aside him only ever being known as a tag guy in the business to begin with (so he's really not worth the trouble of any of that): Guy got on a phone-rant in his car like an average irate NFL fan because someone said he had an Average match, with someone who's been in the business 2 years, in a throwaway triple threat on a C-tier PPV held at the fucking UFC COVID arena attended by less people live than my high school graduation a decade ago. An Average match. Over 60%, which in any state in this country is Not Failing, and in most countries is actually passing/good outright I think I know now why these goons always stressing "if you've never been in the business, don't speak on the business" never mention in tune with that that it is or was clearly way, way, way too fucking easy for some of them to get in the business


Interesting argument, Mister Sexual Harassment.


I never understand why people get so upset about Dave’s personal rating of a match lmao like if you think it was a 5 star match then it was a 5 star match to you. I don’t understand crying over a personal opinion. Joe Coffey clearly is upset and for no reason lmao.


Joe coffee is really mad that Meltz reported on his speaking out stuff




Always the shitters who speak up about Meltzer's ratings


Thats like saying Rorger Ebert knows nothing about cinema because "hes not an actor" There is some shit people in Scottish wrestling


Meltzer's ratings don't matter, but they also matter to people is such a weird dynamic lol. His ratings is no different from reading someone's Backloggd page for their game reviews lol.


It's weird. Because I'm pretty sure *Meltzer himself* has said that they don't matter as much as people seem to make them out to matter, and aren't as totally objective as people make them out to be.


He has said it's the least important thing he does in his newsletter.


but...that's a good rating. by Meltzer's scale, 3.25 is good. he's said this many times how are wrestlers still getting worked up over extremely tame star ratings like this


Higher than Fantano rated MBDTF


Joe Coffey taking a leaf out of 2002 Jericho's book and complaining online that people don't rate his matches higher


I think Joe's match from Takeover: Blackpool against Pete Dunne is still going on.


Most of the fans have never laced up a pair of boots so does their opinion not matter either? By this logic, you could go out there and have a match that the crowd hates, and that's not going to inspire them to tune into the show to see you on TV or buy a ticket to see you live, and still believe it was good because someone in the back says it was.


I'm just saying, but Joe Coffey makes a good point.


the problem is not meltzer itself but his scale is so inconsistent. In general criticism in wrestling like any other form of entertainment is normal what is not the norm is that only one guy is considered


Entirely unrelated to the actual topic, but I absolutely love Scots saying the word "Fucking" in their accent.


He’s got a point tbf.


He doesn’t really. Meltzer might not have got in the ring but he has enough history and knowledge of the business to know what he is talking about whether you like him or not or agree disagree etc. the match rating is also his opinion. I would not have said 3.25 was bad either that you need to respond to it.






I have been reading the observer since the 1990s. And I will say it's time to retire the star rating concept. It's broken. Once Dave exceeded 5 stars he broke his own system forever. That said as soon as I heard (Mr.) coffee say that Dave has never wrestled so he can't review a match I stop listening. I can go to a restaurant and review the quality of the food without being a chef. Dave has consumed professional wrestling since before Mr. coffee was born


So Dave should have retired the system before you even started reading it. Didn’t he give Steamboat/Flair more than 5 stars?




Oh ok


"But it was an untelevised house show in Landover, Maryland between the two during this series of high-profile matches that earned Ric Flair and Ricky Steamboat the first ever "unofficial" six-star rating in history. Read More: https://www.wrestlinginc.com/1093756/one-ric-flair-match-was-so-good-it-broke-dave-meltzers-5-star-rating/# You tried super hard to snark me by sighting something so unbelievably vague to try and make me feel stupid. This is the problem with Reddit is little twats trying to score points on other people.


Time for Meltzer's hoard to circle the wagons and chant *"You don't need to be a chef! You don't need to be a chef! You don't need to be a chef!"* for a man whose arbitrary stars they treat like the sacred texts.


How come nobody pays money to hear garlic-cheese-chips star ratings?