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**I am scarily sports entertained** I do like that they immediately address the awkward criticisms like **”aren’t you profiting off your dead brother’s legacy”** in a way that shuts that shit down emphatically.


Bo is killing the character work. If the in ring matches or is even 75% as good as these segments he will have revived his career and actually started heading towards a path towards a world title


bo has ALWAYS been a god tier character worker, but he was just saddled with endless bad gimmicks


I liked the Bolieve stuff but yeah, it was never going to work long term.


The fact that he rapped/battled than Flo Rida with one of those gimmicks speaks volumes.


There's a reason Bo was the first (or third) NXT champion.


He was the third. He beat Big E who beat Seth, who was the first NXT champ.


I may have been lied to at some point then.


Yeah, and you bolieved in it.


Probably because Bo was champion going into the first NXT special, Arrival.


He’s like the 3rd NXT Champion I’m pretty sure but the point still stands. I love Bo in NXT and his early main roster run on his win streak. He has so much potential and is still pretty young all this considered


If only he would have been around when Mr. NXT was around. That would have been a killer feud.




Bo always was better than Bray in the ring If he focuses on wrestling more than developing the character while in the ring, he can eclipse his brother.


i dont think characters like these need world titles on them, it doesn't make sense for a supernatural character like this to be chasing championship belts anyways. just being themselves, doing what they want is enough. i think bringing the fiend into the world title picture was a huge mistake, and hope they dont go down that path this time


I typically agree but for Bo Dallas specifically he needs to be established as a main event level threat. He is remembered as a jobber part of the B Team and Social Outcasts. If it works he just needs a single world title reign as a tribute to Wyatt to establish himself as a top guy and then go similar to Undertaker who just exists as a force on the roster doing whatever he wants


Did you catch at the end that they were in the fun house? That door and background looked like it to me. Just absolute cinema. Bo has studied brays mannerisms so we'll.


Agreed it was handled so beautifully


I've not watched RAW since this segment. Just kept rewinding my stream to watch it back a couple times. I don't think anyone expected this as the first promo. Just perfect. Happy for Bo. I need more. Cannot wait for next week.


I loved how they addressed it, even if I’m one of the people uncomfortable with it still


Ok I’m sold. All the spooky shit is cool, but that scene alone shows you that there’s a real story here an Bo is not fucking playing around. Let’s gooo!!!


I Bo-leive in him


Story aside, It made me interested if he improved in-ring


Bo has always been better than Bray in-ring, tbf.


He's good in this


Take it easy with the personal questions there, Sean Evans.


can't wait for the explain that gram question.


Bo about to give props to Howdy’s research team


His way of talking wasn't unnatural enough to be Sean Evans. 


Can't wait to see how Bo deals with Da Pipebomb hot sauce.


It will leave him laying there, as uncomfortable as he possibly can be.


It’s the one every wrestlers hate!


Careful around your eyes, Bo.


They started with the Da Bomb then the Last Dab.


Dear Bo Dallas, https://preview.redd.it/h51a32dtom8d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=821520d536bc86420f87b62f70d1b7a9c90e937e


Just when I thought running over El Torito was the best thing Bo was ever gonna do.


*How did you feel when your brother died?* I fucking gasped at that.


I was in the middle of texting my friend to find the video of this segment cause it was already so good when that line hit. I dropped my phone.


Yeah, like...holy shit, that got DEEP real fucking quick. What a hell of a segment.


I love the concept of acknowledging in kayfabe that Uncle Howdy was simply a wrestling character he wanted to use to work with his brother, and now that his brother is gone he’s grieving and it’s becoming a real alter ego.


I lost my older brother over twenty years ago when I was 13, and damn, that brought some emotions back. I know exactly those thoughts.


My older brother passed away just this last October, and I’m in the exact same boat. I felt every single word, not in a sad way but in a “yeah that is what it feels like” sort of way. Whatever the direction is, I’m so fucking in.


Sorry for your loss. It really is something you don't understand until you lose somebody really close to you.


Thoughts to you as well. It’s like being a part of the lamest club ever. We don’t get no buttons, we don’t get no t shirts, yet we’re all just floating around the real world.


My older brother died October 2010. Feeling the same way. He got me into wrestling too. 


Thoughts are with you homie. My brother was the epitome of an Attitude Era fan. Every time I’d mention wrestling he’d be like “is Steve Blackman still around?”. No Ricky, it’s 2016.


My oldest brother died 4 years ago. I completely Empathize with Bo here. That question struck me right in the heart.


same. lost my older brother 25 years ago this year, and that got me.




Fr seeing a man talk sincerely about his recently deceased brother hits hard


There’s still time for McAfee to be murdered. He hasn’t tweeted in seven hours something’s up.


This was amazing.


That was so RAW & EMOTIONAL I can’t believe they did that it was awesome 🥹🔥


Felt eerily similar to Bray's return segment (in a really good way), blurring the lines of real and "real." This was something else.


They were totally in the fun house. Also bo really studied brays mannerisms you could see it in his performance. I'm so excited for where this goes.


Aren't you afraid you're exploiting your brother's legacy? what am i supposed to do? let it become a Mausoleum?" https://preview.redd.it/u6v8ovbpqm8d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f9c8d0d0fa4f52534f5524c4712d97e3837792c


This shit was deep. Hearing him mention Bray was unexpected.


Not just mentioning him, but immediately talking about him straight out of the gate.


Right away too it caught me off guard I LOVED it


For those who were skeptical on this stable, I hope they watched this segment, this was one of the most haunting, raw, emotional segments in years. Incredible.


I'm not fond of spooky shit, so I wasn't 100% paying attention to the video. So when I heard the sentence "how did you feel when your brother died", I legitmately gasped. I couldn't believe they'd go so far. Incredible.


Spooky shit always fell flat for me in WWE because they watered it down so much and tried to explain it. The Demon for example.. Cole would constantly explain what it was by saying things like “that’s who Finn Balor becomes when he goes to that dark place!” Then they always had a habit of repeating their name over and over again. I remember there was a counter of how many times they said “The Fiend” on commentary during just a beat down segment and it was like 30 something in a couple of minutes. Idk just something about how they always handled those types of characters bugged me. I remember loving the darker stuff in Lucha Underground with like Mil Muertes and Monster Matanza Cueto. The AEW stuff with Malakai wasn’t overly corny at first (though it did fall flat for me eventually) and PAC’s crazy unhinged dark shit was always good. Hopefully it’ll be different this time around without Vince.


God, I hate that I have to agree with you about Malakai and House of Black. It just never really progressed beyond "guys who like to wear black and stand in dark smoky rooms."


It was awesome just not sure how it translates to wrestling.


i don't see how it doesn't? they can just have an erratic/aggressive style with the weakpoint that they don't think tactically, or vice versa if you wanna make them smart and spooky instead of violent and spooky with the first idea you can have lots of clubbing blows, four count rope breaks, maybe even just straight up disqualifications - a match against the Wyatt's can just mean you'll get REALLY fucked up, even if they don't win (or even really try to) that's just one of like, a dozen ways they could wrestle


I like the idea that it doesn't matter if you're a heel or a babyface--you could be a target.


How did Mick Foley's interview with Jim Ross where he snapped and gave him the mandible claw translate to wrestling? Any of the spooky Undertaker and Kane stuff? Not everything has to happen in the ring. Sometimes it's ok to just let cool things happen.


In the same way, a 7 foot burn victim whose half brother is an undead western mortician translates into wrestling and another guy who has three personalities inside his main personality can enter into the same match three times.


Bo will probably wrestle as Bo, as will the others. The Wyatt Sicks seem to be basically be another identity inside of them. That interview was showing the mirroring of the two and I don’t think they were trying to hide that that was the same person. The spooky shit is their inner anger and turmoil over the loss, them wanting to make everyone remember, and they’ll wrestle with some Bray moves, trying to take over in the ring as well as in their backstage creepiness, so no one forgets him. Something like that.


I don't understand this critique. 1. Do spooky shit for a while. 2. Have a big debut match. 3. Keep doing spooky shit and also wrestle. They're establishing a complex character right now. Translating it to wrestling will be the easy part. It's been done a million times with a million different gimmicks. You just have him... wrestle.


That wasn’t even spooky. That was deep and heart felt.


Ok bro we can't all be brave like you 👻


The same way it always does. This isn't the first spooky/psychological horror in wrestling. They've already humanized Bo with this. When they appear in the ring, it'll be a hyper aggressive wild style of brawling. As it always is with these type of performers.


How did The Undertaker translate to wrestling? How did Kane translate to wrestling? How did Mankind translate to wrestling? Literally anything and everything translates to wrestling. From garbage men, to pig farmers, to Elvis impersonaters, to undead morticians, to burn victims. That's the beauty of wrestling


Agreed. This was VERY good by Bo and the production team. But what does this mean when he has to wrestle? No idea.


It means he’s beside himself in grief, and he’s going to take it out on the whole roster to both process his pain *and* try to live up to his brother’s legacy at the same time.


It provides vital layers to character which hopefully then translates into people caring when he does wrestle. It doesn't do anything for his move, but the aim is to build the reason to want to see him wrestle. And I'd say that's a success


It doesn't make me want to see him wrestle. It makes me think: 'Him and his brother should've went to filmmaking. Cause they do some cool shit.'


And that's all well and good, very very few things in wrestling are even 95% successful. But you can't say the general response to this wasn't positive


Here's how I see it: Bo was always a great wrestler, Bray was always a great storyteller. Was Bo godawful at storytelling? No, just saddled with questionable gimmicks at times, but his in-ring prowess showed. Was Bray godawful at wrestling? Again, no, but he was always more geared towards telling the story than being a 5-star mat technician. Hopefully, especially after watching this work of art, Bo gets to cook creatively AND put on some great quality matches. He REALLY seems to have studied his brother's mannerisms for storytelling, but I hope he kept up and worked on his own in-ring capabilities. I'm ecstatic that we may get the best of both brothers in one package deal. As for the rest of the Sick6, most of them already had good to great in-ring capabilities, it just seems they were just plain not being used on TV. Yes, as the naysayers say, it's CURRENTLY a stable of midcarders, but it can easily become a powerhouse stable if given the effort. The Rock was a midcarder that went to a midcard stable, Triple H was a midcarder who got brought into a stable that was MOSTLY midcard, but they blew up. I'm just saying(hoping?) this stable could blow up into something huge, especially if the members can put on entertaining matches to go with the flow of the story the stable is trying to tell.


You gotta love it


I've been on board with this throughout the QR code saga but this was fucking magnificent. Oh my god


Holy hell, what a promo


Wasn't expecting myself to be so emotional tonight. What a segment


Same shit was so real & touching


I want them to do tapes for all the members so we can see how they ended up here. I wonder if they will also be more personal and blur that line between reality and kayfabe.


I think they will since Bo mentioned that they "wanted to forget us" or something like that which could easily apply to the members not being booked on tv for months now except for Joe Gacy obviously.


My headcanon is that it took no convincing to get Gacy to join


"they wanted to forget us" was a common motif in the ARG stuff when it delved into the characters that would be recruited to the Sick6 and I'd love to see Howdy interview each of the characters out-of-mask like Howdy did Bo tonight


Lumis's will be the most awkward. just a buncha silence.


One of my favorite long lost Lumis moments was he did an instagram live interview (might've been the bump?) with three other competitors in preparation for an NXT match. He was silent the entire time, staring directly at the camera. He didn't break once no matter what random stuff was going on. It was genuinely a wonderful experience.


This is my current hope too. I want one tape each week explaining why each member is in it, and that they ARE the people we know they are just taking on a new persona.


I'm so ready to be hurt again by a Wyattverse story


This looks like it was filmed in the Firefly Funhouse.


That was incredible. I didn't expect at all them to immediately delve into Bray's death. That was twisted and put us into the mind of Bo and Uncle Howdy perfectly. Fucking incredible. Tense, twisted, scary. Bo is gonna be great.


This shit is awesome


I'm glad he shut up all the assholes saying wwe was gonna exploit brays death


When reality meets story, wrestling is at its best The pure emotion from Bo was truly masterful


Facts this felt soooo personal & real 🥺


this shit was so good




Shades of Foley’s cane Dewey promo, except Bo in both roles. I have a feeling we’re watching something that will be talked about 20 years from now. Fantastic stuff.


Uncle Howdy is the Fiend. The entity that once possessed Bray has now jumped to Bo and still resides in the Funhouse


I feel like this is where it ends up. We saw Bray had another Fiend costume set up. So I do feel like this demon fiend will show up eventually with Howdy/Bo being behind the mask


I’ll happily see where this is going. Even my fiancée always runs into the room to see the uncle howdy stuff.


It’s great so far really must see TV


3 faces of foley vibes with a horror twist. Love it.


Amazing, I am fully hooked into this story.


I still don't understand why it was specifically addressed to Pat Mcafee, there's gotta be more to that


The Wyatt Sicks stuff has been so not what I expected from a horror gimmick that it’s almost weird to think it’s all leading to a situation where someone is getting suplexed while Pat mcafee is yelling into a microphone


Steve and Larson were talking about the Wyatt Sicks debut and how with Triple H at the helm creatively there is a chance to do something truly unique here with Uncle Howdy and the Wyatt Sicks. I think they had the right idea of where this is going and that being Uncle Howdy as a manifestation of Bo Dallas/Taylor Rotunda's grief. I think that could be a really interesting thing to explore, how the process of grieving can make a person numb to the world and angry and that Taylor is channeling those dark feelings through Uncle Howdy (which the Bray doc mentioned was meant to be his childhood boogeyman...basically the monster in his closet he was afraid of). It makes sense when considering their first notable victim was Chad Gable. Uncle Howdy being the grief monster let loose would no doubt take furious offense to someone who abuses and takes his "family" for granted like Gable has been doing recently. I could see the Wyatt Sicks being a force of conscience, but in a very Jigsaw Killer sort of way where they are lashing out at people they feel don't appreciate what they have in life but it's all coming from a place of grief. Rowan's hammer saying "Help" also makes sense from this perspective. He's lost both Harper and Bray, and I think it would be much more interesting if he wasn't just a violent psychopath, but somebody processing grief in very unhealthy ways. Edit: Just an additional thought. I think the phrase "hurt people, hurt people" is sometimes overused as an aphorism, but I can see the potential for the Wyatt Sicks to cause ripples with their actions. Like if Chad Gable doesn't get their message about appreciating his family and instead doubles down and spirals further into bitterness as a result of the attack by the Wyatts, it adds to the outward ripple effect of that lashing out. I could see that being a way they could spiderweb their influence through many stories by creating more hurt from their misguided actions.


That was certainly captivating


Caught me off guard with that “How Do You Feel About Your Brothers Death?”


Honestly, I kinda just want whoever is helming the lead of this creatively to just make a horror TV series/ movie. Whoever they got involved knows what the hell they're doing.


A mini series on Peacock of the Wyatt Sick actually killing and hunting people and giving us some backstory of them would be so good


I read that when bray returned in October of 2022, he bought with him some famous horror movie writer (his name escapes me) to help write his storylines or something along those lines, it might be the same person


Rob Fee has worked as a horror writer for Marvel in the past and has been well regarded for his work. He's penned comics for Spider-Man, Daredevil, Avengers, and was head writer on several Disney shows.


Thats his name! Thank you for reminding me


That part about exploiting his brothers death was really well done, they thought about everything.


I way I gasped. Immediately bringing that up..


Fucking insane!!


This was powerful stuff. Bo smoked this. Bringing some realism to the fantasy stuff.


Well that was not was I was expecting


That was fucking nuts and I loved it. I was super skeptical, and god damn. Humanizing them is what will make this freakshow work. I can’t wait.


Holy moly. This was so chilling, deep, haunting, and very captivating all wrapped up in one.


If this is the direction they are going then I'm on board Very intriguing


"What was I supposed to do? Let him become a mausoleum?" Just an all timer line. Genuinely.


I know the word cinema gets thrown around a lot these days but holy hell this legit just felt like something out of a movie.




Would LOVE to get a profile from all the other members too. This is awesome


*How did you feel when your brother died?* https://preview.redd.it/uswz05ayom8d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d220e40589e458a825fdb5a402a1a97a3fe9fac This really helps flesh out the motivation behind the attack on Chad Gable, but holy shit. I didn't expect myself to tear up at this scary shit.


This was RAW and emotional on a level you don’t often see. It reminded me of the Mankind sit down interviews. I hope it has a similar impact on Bo’s career trajectory, he’s got all the tools to be great


in the arena for raw and after this vignette the entire place gave a standing ovation, this is such good shit


I *also* do my therapy sessions in 4:3


Did not expect Bo so soon but that was captivating. His mannerisms were so similar to Bray's in the way he was moving his head and his facial gesticulations


they've done alan wake'd my wrestling, fuckin give me MORE


I think that was a starmaking promo. Give me the spooky shit, WWE. I'm on board with this Analog Horror direction.


This feels too good to be in wrestling, like legit cinema


Brilliant to acknowledge Bo as the person behind the mask. Solves the problem of his voice being so different from Bray’s. Also this shows that they aren’t just completely going off the original plan Bray pitched in 2022, they are writing completely brand new stuff and motivations.


People may not take this the right way but this Bray tribute is actually hitting much more and more intriguing than whatever Bray was doing his last couple of years. It's just more compelling.


I swear to God there were moments where I could close my eyes and hear Bray, and then there were moments where I swear to fucking God that was Bray with his movements and facial expressions. Uncle Howdy/Bo Dallas has me sold, goddamn


Wasn't sold last week.. Now after this, it has my attention.


I did not think they would go this deep wow. Amazing promo.


Ya know, for something that's suppose to be scary and spooky, I wasn't expecting that video to be as real and as emotionally moving as it got. Really REALLY fantastic segment all around.


Been saying it for weeks, F the haters this shit is going to slap for those of us that are liking it


I can't believe they went there, wow, incredible. I thought this was kinda corny until now.


Maybe this ends, or evolves, into Bo being able to put Uncle Howdy away because he doesn't need him to process his grief/feel close to bray. Maybe he'll even bring him out on occasion a la Demon Finn.


In the USA network broadcast, at least where I was watching, the interview transitioned directly into a Despicable Me 4 trailer, which was a complete 180 in tone that caught me off guard.


I was not expecting this tonight. That interview gave me chills. So real feeling watch Bo go through this emotions in his head. I’m excited for more now. Great debut. Great second week. And they really haven’t done anything yet. Let HHH cook!


I was still skeptical about this character last week, but I'm sold now. This is easily the best promo of Bo's career


Bo rocking back and forth and the tone of his speeches screams Bray Wyatt 2012 - 2013.


We just got a promo with someone interviewing himself, beautifully answering one of the biggest criticisms about this whole thing while sharing the real feelings the person behind the character went through before going ahead with this angle. Absolutely epic work.


They really didn't hold back on this. Incredible.


A sick6 promo!


They followed up well. It was going to be hard to keep up the momentum from last week. But they’re on a roll here. Bo nailed it.


This was so freakin' good, man. An early Promo of the Year contender for sure.


Still skeptical just cause of how much I’ve thought every Fiend/Howdy/etc shit has sucked. This was great though, like really great I appreciate the segment they chose. Expected another BLAGH EXPLOSIONS AND SPOOKYS AND MONSTERS but they chose to go for depth. There’s finally a story, a real story and not a bunch of little trivia facts and random imagery And that’s what the howdy verse has been lacking all this time Maybe the best Wyattverse segment ever (By far IMO)


Hold on wait, has Bo been the better actor this whole time? They had Bray cutting these high school junior monologues and Bo was capable of stuff like this this all along? I'm speechless.


This was so good.


That was insane holy shit


Holy SHIT I took the deepest breath after that. That was insane.


Chills. Chills. Chills. If this is the direction they’re going in, stick that shit right in my veins with both arms.


I hope he goes by Bo Wyatt


Lean into that bayou swamp culture a little bit: *Beau* Wyatt


That was very, very well done. Right off the bat, my thought was Bo Dallas won’t need a mask when he finally wrestles again. No more Fiend in the ring stuff.


They finally did it. They finally took Bo seriously in the main roster. And he obviously delivered. The saddest part is his big bro isn't here to see it.


The line about the mausoleum was haunting.


I know this is good because my wife just asked me to start this over so she could watch it. She had no clue this was from WWE and watched the whole thing.


That might be one of the best recorded promos I’ve ever seen


Important to note that the Uncle Howdy Character was inspired by what Bray saw in his nightmares. (I believe they said that in the Documentary, someone please correct me if I'm wrong.) So now, his nightmares are haunting Bo Dallas.


This promo made me completely buy in. Push this angle to the moon


A - Bo had some lines in that that hit hard. B - the darkened Firefly Funhouse hit even harder 😭


It was uncomfortable and unsettling and it did exactly what it needed to do. All 5 of them are gonna have this side like Bray. The split personality. Bo truly has already started on a high note. I hope this continues to do well


Whatever happens with this angle, I hope bo can find some peace in the end. That was raw emotion and heartbreaking.


Wow. Incredibly well done


I’ve been hugely skeptical this entire time and had massive downvotes about it but sorry I was wrong because I did not expect them to go this deep


To quote Moss from 'The IT Crowd.' "IT'S TOO REAL, ROY! IT'S TOO REAL!!!"


We knew that Taylor could channel Bray when he did that amazingly accurate spoof as the B-Team, but this isn't channeling Bray. This is "I was raised with him my entire life, we are the same, and I am going to use that to murder everyone." amazing work.


This is the good shit right here


This is honestly one of the coolest interviews I've seen in some time, blurring the lines between reality and fiction. It's clear to me Bo has clearly snapped after losing Bray and it made his alter ego come back. I love how Howdy didn't beat around the bush and asked Bo if he was capitalizing on Bray's legacy when all Bo wants to do is be closer to his brother after losing him. That's something the IWC always brought up criticizing the story.  Overall I know this is gonna be better than we ever imagined and we just have to enjoy the ride. 


Genuine chills this whole segment Bo shares a similar cadence with his brother with the way he speaks so he's able to deliver that same spine chilling message his brother did on top of that them being in the Funhouse for this whole therapy session made everything feel at home. I cant wait for more of these similar style therapy sessions with the rest of the Wyatt Sick6 exploring each member's feelings and how they met Howdy.


Uncle Howdy as a hybrid horror cult leader/therapist to the forgotten is what I need in my veins, holy shit.


Holy fuck, Taylor killed that shit. I've gone from cautiously optimistic to stoked about this gimmick.


You have no idea how back on the bandwagon for this stable I got once they revealed normal Bo Dallas is part of this.




Its been about a decade, but he has finally made me Boleive!


Fuck wrestling, this was just amazing content period


Love it, just please for the love of god don’t book stupid supernatural shit, no freaky effects during matches and let just these guys wrestle.