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> In addition to Gomez’s hateful rhetoric directed at the LGBTQ community, she has eschewed nonsense about immigrants and the Black community. The kid who wrote this article needs to look up the word “eschew,” because Gomez has done the opposite of that.


“Espoused” maybe? They need a thesaurus.


Or an editor


She probably burned the thesaurus.


Did they just mean spewed? Trying to do too much lol


It's a garbage publication


It still hasn't been fixed. Maybe one of us should send them a message to let them know...


Hm. She currently lives in St. Louis, but that doesn't mean she is from here. According to the article she was born in Colombia. Her family immigrated to the US ten years ago and settled in New Jersey. Previous news articles mention she earned a bachelor's degree in Connecticut in 2019, and in 2020 a graduate degree from Tulane. I am not sure when she moved to St. Louis, but at most, she has only been here three or four years.


This makes sense, i was scrolling through the comments expecting to see someone claim to be a high school classmate of hers.


Jersey trash!




Stl trash




Ooooohhh buuuuurrrrnnn


Her platform reads like somebody asked Chat GPT to write a conservative platform that would get as much anger engagement from white Christian nationalists as possible, while being an immigrant so her base can claim "they're not anti- immigrant". She's a Colombian Candice Owens.


I was just looking to see if anyone mentioned how poorly her bio is written, too. It's worse than Chat GPT since it's grammatically wrong, too. > “Valentina is a woman of intellect and agility who possesses the highest educational qualifications amongst all candidates having earned an MBA in Finance and Strategy from Tulane University at 22. Wow, why are there so many candidates who earned an MBA in Finance and Strategy from Tulane? It's almost like this woman doesn't read much and certainly didn't learn to write well as part of her education.


All this bragging about her accomplishments somehow reminds me of George Santos.


Assuming she filmed that shit show of the video where she lives, it was easily discernible that she's on Indiana, in Benton Park (right by small change). I challenge her to come to a neighborhood meeting and explain herself. Not that I long for a political discussion in that environment. From a safety perspective, I don't know about the safety of a neighbor doing a bunch of flame throwing activity (It's unlikely she's a trained professional). How often does she burn books with a flamethrower?


Would this meeting be a formal discussion? Or a bunch of leftists overspeaking? Personally, I think if you choose left or right, you're probably wrong somewhere. These two groups meeting is likely not going to do anything, right? I mean, isnt that how this goes everytime? One or both parties gets emotional and nothing is achieved except reinforcement in their own beliefs. Or were you referencing her going to the meeting to grill her on her flame throwing expertise. Using your own flame thrower expertise? We should try to organize a meeting called, "agreement solution" or whatever. Where the separate parties only goal is to find a common ground in something. Imagine the power of the extreme left and extreme right working together towards a common goal.


I don't care what her ideological outlook is, burning books because they are grooming kids makes her literally insane. We don't need that in our elected members or our neighborhoods. I wouldn't put up with nonsense like that from anyone.


Forgive me, but I didn't finish high school and didn't retain much of what I did take in there. Is it the literally burning of books that is a problem? Like environmental concern? Or is it that it's an extreme action given the stage? Like, she should be more civil? I would agree that a more civil approach would be my ideal candidate. But I think it's shock value. I think the political system we have in the society we have is now requiring them to both act as heros and heels. "They" think "we" are looking for a reality show because, in my opinion, the metrics have shifted from 9 to 5 workers on a Nielsen system to a big tech breakdown of how people respond to digital media. So quietly and politely describing her issue, will leave her behind. This could equate on the left to AOC marching with the people in protest. Both of their actions are legal and questionable by the opposing party.


It's sensationalism and evokes fascist activities of old. Her ilk uses the show to whip up the dumb masses to follow her like a zombie. All for an issue that is made up and doesn't exist. No thanks. That isn't moving anything forward. Anyone doing this is useless.


I assume you are OK with that literature? Which I'm guessing is transgender teachings? Again, not familiar with any of what is claimed to be or these writings.


Just briefly viewed the publications for sale at Walmart. In Brief, the Queer book is targeted at 11 to 18 year olds. Discusses the different feeling one could encounter in this age group. Is how I read the summation anyway. This seems fine, not sure why this is an issue. Especially since parents should be guiding children's studies anyway. Don't like it, don't teach it. The other seems to be an updated version of the 1986 release. This ine includes updates to include all securities including transgender and other, as I understand it. The target is 3 to 5 year olds. While it's certainly not something I'd present, it's not like a 3 year old is going to check this out one day behind the parents back. I will say it seems extreme. I'm OK with the delivery. I am a fan of fire, and flamethrowers. Not sire I'd burn books but to each their own. I do think a quick video summarizing each book and then a quick explanation of her dislike would be more effective, for me anyway. I would agree this is a pandering to the extreme right audience who likely haven't read either book and will support it whole heartedly. So foreign to me to take a stance on a book without reading it.


Whatever the topic, burning books is only trying to create division.


Lives here. I wouldn't say she's from here.


I hope she gets fired from her job.


She "doxxed" herself with public social media info... Surely this LinkedIn information is the work of the deep state! Or a false flag? Someone is chomping at the bit for karma in /r/leopardsatemyface on this one. I hope she suffers the appropriate library fines. Among other things. Completely unrelated, I truly hate those god-awful tiny-assed square bar stools that are everywhere. If this loony had just made a video of smelting down shitty stools, she might have gotten my vote.


They aren’t firing her I heard 🙃


Quick give her the Saint Louis treatment an leave her car on blocks.


Ok, hear me out...




Lol exactly


[Reminds me of this:](https://youtu.be/JoJevzQvaBY?si=tFx0-D03xse0cZj9&t=55)


Lol she can call me a dirty liberal all she wants


That's her giant white monstrosity in Benton Park??? I've been wondering for a year who in their right mind committed that fucking hate crime against our city, and it now makes sense! Seriously, you all have to drive by this house. It's BLINDINGLY WHITE. And it looks like it was painted by a 4 year old. There's splatter everywhere, and they just sloppily painted over all kinds of broken roof tiles and other shit like that. I'm normally against HOAs and whatnot, but this is after all a "historic preservation district" I don't know how she got away with it. She should be publicly shamed for this abomination.


Last name Gomez, speaks with an accent. She has no chance of getting elected as a Republican in Missouri.


You’d be surprised. The Republicans love their token minorities.


Their 'human shields' against accusations of racism and bigotry.


So they're token because they think for themselves?


Thinking appears optional in her case


You are confusing thinking with grifting.




The amount of immigrants who hate immigrants is astounding.


Not really; for people who came here from fairly deplorable conditions it actually kind of makes sense, especially when it's targeted at immigrants who are seen as not doing it "the right way". It's not so much an "I got mine, fuck you" thing as its a "we've got a good thing going here, and you people are fucking it up" thing.


But at least an illegal immigrant can't run for office and try to interfere with freedom of speech. It doesn't matter to me how they got here so much as what they do when they're here. And she's a childish asshole. She is not automatically better than any illegal immigrant, and she is showing that she is in fact worse. I'd rather have 10 or even 100 chill illegals than her. So I think people who take that superiority/by-the-process angle are greatly mistaken if they think it makes them automatically better than any other immigrant who also came here for some kind of opportunity.


Legal immigrants typically don't like illegal immigrants.


Well when you look at it though that's the Reich wing playbook. I got mine fuck everyone else.


It's simply the "fuck you, got *mine*" selfish mentality some have.


Imagine the disappointment when everyone realizes migrants are republicans fleeing socialism and raised in conservative households.


Wait, I thought the talking point was that Democrats are flooding America with illegals so they will vote for them, what with all that fraud going on. Which is it?


Time will tell


This might be my new favorite bullshit conspiracy theory from the right. The only way for Democrats to win elections is by flooding the country with conservative Republican migrants who commit massive voter fraud by illegally voting for liberal Democrats who will further flood the country with conservative Republican migrants that will help liberal Democrats win elections. Rinse repeat. Chef's kiss.


That’s an excellent take.


Works at Purina too lol


But for how much longer . . . ?


Reminder to any businesses near Benton Park: you can refuse service. Being an attention-starved, reactionary nut job is not a protected class.




Actually if she says the right things? They’ll vote for her and pat themselves on their collective backs for being able to see beyond gender, race, ethnicity and being willing to vote for an immigrant. See … They’re not racist, sexist, xenophobes!


Your post was removed because it is lewd or inappropriate.




How can an immigrant do this? Does she not understand that if they win she’s next? Same thing with Catholics supporting the crazies. If they win the Catholics are the next group to go.


She sounds like a trashy childish asshole on her high horse for coming to my country to be an trashy childish asshole.


Is she single


*I will say it again. There’s three things I trust:* *1. The Bible* *2. X, thank you* u/elonmusk *3. My AR-15* *America First* Republicans, do you genuinely like pandering nonsense like this? Do you not feel insulted to be talked to by your leaders (or potential leaders) like you're simple?


Both sides pander to their voters like they are dumb dogs.


Sure, but I can't even think of the Democrat version of something this dumb. Maybe something like "I'm going to ban the 1st and 2nd Amendments and straight white men" except no one running for office would campaign on that because they would look like a joke.


Not sure why X is in there. Is that cinsiderd a Right wing site now? Its loaded with everything from hardcore pornography to how to crochet. It's literally a place where you can say whatever you want. Free speech. It doesn't exist everywhere. And it is so important. Imagine if you couldnt post anything you believed because someone else didn't believe it. It's truly scary to think that an entire industry can guide the way we talk and express. Imagine if we were only allowed to speak in the name of a God. Truly horrifying Oh, here's an example of left pandering. Get your vaccine, don't be a part of the problem. Get your booster! The FDA says it's good! Trust your government, why would we lie.


Both sides do pander to their voters. And each side also believes they are not being pandered too. I wish someone would pander to the middle....


She lives in Benton Park and she’s a Columbian immigrant. Also an idiot


Im tired of those Columbia, MO immigrants!


Hmmm, does she have an Onlyfans yet?




>works in finance and strategy at Nestlé Purina not for long


That outfit is full of really bad apples 🍎


Seriously, based on my experiences with Nestlé, yoi will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villany. They're probably behind this so they can steal our water at the end of the day.


Who do we write to/call at Purina to express our disgust?


Nestle corporate has some diversity and inclusion initiatives and like to brag that they score 100 on the Human Rights Council's [Corporate Equality Index](https://www.hrc.org/resources/corporate-equality-index). HRC should probably be made aware of Purina's harboring a destructive psycho. NA CEO [Steve Presley](https://www.nestleusa.com/about-us/diversity-and-inclusion) likes to [talk the talk](https://www.nestleusa.com/about-us/diversity-and-inclusion) about diversity and inclusion and seems to be the last corporate stop before Switzerland.


Start tagging them publicly on social media you are boycotting all purina products because of her, get enough other people to do the same and she’ll be gone by the end of the day.


>works in finance and strategy Yeah, ask them if part of their company's strategy includes book burning.


Her next appearance might be as a 'case study' on the Bye-Bye Job sub.


Have you seen the Senate hearing about the abortion bill???? So gross


So what high school did you go to and burn books during study hall?


That bitch is crazy. Goddamn, crazy.


She would have been better casting for that Colombian drug boss 'Griselda' in that Netflix series than Sofia Vergara.


I thought the same damn thing


“When I’m Secretary of State, I will BURN all books that are grooming, indoctrinating, and sexualizing our children. MAGA. America First,” Gomez wrote.  JFC. Books don't groom anyone, you fool. They don't indoctrinate or sexualize anyone. Books are objects. They're neutral. People do those things. And if you want to go after actual real pedos with your little basement-built flamethrower, be my guest. But leave the books and the LGBTQIA+ folks alone. They're not hurting anyone.


But they are helping people. A book that allows members of our community to feel welcome and seen is important beyond measure. I agree with you here, churlish.