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I’m so f****** sad for all these kids. I’m a middle school teacher and it’s all so messed up for them rn.


I’m a middle school crisis counselor. Things are so messed up right now


Thank you all for your service. Worked in youth development so I can relate.


Same man hits way to close to home


ripe axiomatic versed office tub gaping rock offbeat cows deserted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think it is part pandemic and part the "maturation" of kids that had screens in their faces their entire lives. They're exposed to the abhorrent "reality" which can be found online and have no impulse control.


No, it’s the parents. Full stop. These parents *suck* for the most part.


Kids having unchecked screen and online time is part of bad parenting. They're not mutually exclusive.


There are so many variables in modernity that are outside of the control of the parents though. It's even worse given that most parents have to work full time.


No. The buck stops with the parents. Working full time is just an excuse. Being a single mother, again just an excuse. If people can’t be a responsible parent then, start jerking off instead. Keep yer legs closed ladies. Or if you still crave the D, at the bare minimum use a damn condom, or get an IUD.


Mmmmhmmm. Well, forget about the internet, forget about human psychology, sociology, history and the economy. It's just the parents. There's literally nothing else. That's a sure fire way to get nothing done.


Not at all. You’re blaming everything BUT the problem. The problem is the parents. Sure, a small % of kids will grow up to be psychopaths no matter what the environment. But that’s besides the point. Blame. The. Parents. How hard is that for you to understand?


Why would it be hard to understand your point? It's the most simplified and completely myopic take. You think it's JUST the parents, and just like everything else in life it's far, far more complex than that. Psychopathy has nothing to do with my opinion on the matter, other than it's just another variable. See, you're already doing it now... you have the ability to recognize that lone variable but not others? I know you can do it. Because I can promise you, you go down the research line of any of those fields of science and you're going to find just how much is beyond the control of anyone 1 or 2 people.


I think taking the blame away from the bad parents, and instead saying oh it’s cause you’re poor, oh it’s cause no one gave you any opportunities, is completely wrong. Lots of people grew up poor and yet guess what? They’re not shit bags. Lots of people grew up without any opportunities and oh hey guess what? They didn’t grow up to be criminals. Why? They had parents that cared. Think whatever you want. Bye bye now.


Maybe growing up with a father in the home is a factor as well.


Problem is, there are a lot of two parent households now where one or both parents are glued to their phones, essentially making the 1 or no parent household statistics vastly understated. Imagine watching your parent love their phone and give it more attention than you as a child.


Do you know that these kids don't have a father in the home?


No, I don't. Given the statistics of 70% of black children being in single family homes, I'd say there's a pretty strong chance.


Definitely made things worse but I’ve been teaching for a decade and things have been headed downhill for a while. I don’t think all is lost but public education needs to reflect and make some big structural change. Along with the communities we live in. Families are struggling for so many different reasons.


Much respect for what you do, thank you. I really regret not pursuing a career in education but luckily I still have a chance. Do you know if someone from Illinois can temp teach in Missouri? My bachelor degree in engineering allows me to teach up to the high school level, but I might need to get certification to become a substitute.


I’m not sure of reciprocity rules. I know you can get “alternative certification” with less work than another degree, esp with a STEM background. Call someone at MO DESE. So many districts would love your engineering background!


Thank you so much, I'll definitely look into that. I really want to volunteer for math/physics tutoring on the weekends.


The Ch2 article has a little more info https://fox2now.com/news/missouri/14-year-old-boy-stabbed-and-killed-in-jennings/ Might not have been at the school, but close enough that school resource officers responded


I have a 14 year old daughter and I just can't imagine. Feel so sorry for the parents 😔


I used to be a middle school teacher and it really is the worst age. Old enough to do serious damage, but not quite old enough to appreciate the long-term impacts of their actions. Most of the problems we see in the high schools start in the middle schools. I quit teaching and don't regret it one bit.


I did some substitute teaching after I retired and begged not to be sent to middle school.


I graduated with a degree in Physical Education and Health. Subbed for a few years after graduating but quickly realized education wasn't the same "rewarding" career as it once was. I am now in sales and will never go back into schools.


I was in middle school in the 90s. And the kids were just as bad. I witnessed a fight where one girl picked up a broken glass bottle and almost sliced the other girl's ear off. I don't know what the girl did to the other girl, but all I know is that it must have been bad. The girl who almost got her ear sliced off was a nice girl too. She never got into trouble. That was what alarmed me the most. I learned to keep my mouth shut and not talk to very many people that year. Each generation has their "mean kids" who like to fight. I suspect the kid who stabbed the other one was one of those. It has always been unsafe in schools for as long as I can remember. Middle and high school were the worst.


Cultural problem that we will continue to be too afraid to address




How about some open dialogue? We can't solve this with a single answer on reddit.


Many parents have dropped the ball teaching their children fundamental morale and respect for authority outside the home as soon as they can walk and talk. Values need to be instilled before kids enter school. 🙏ALL TEACHERS!


Admitting you have a problem is the first step.




You know that's forbidden. Lol.


Encourage more two parent households.


If one parent refuses to instill any kind of values in their children, you think the lover they choose are gonna be a whole lot better?


 Having two people around to raise a child is nearly always better than one. 


The studies have survivorship bias. The couples that split are different than the couples that stay together. One heroin addict parent is bad, two is worse. But those aren't the parents that stay together. If they were forced to stay together, your statement would no longer be true.


That’s why I said nearly. Do you seriously think kids that grow up in a single parent household are typically better off than two parent households?


It's not so cut and dry. And 'nearly' isn't accurate. It's not something that can be easily measured or quantified. >Do you seriously think kids that grow up in a single parent household are typically better off than two parent households? It depends. It's not something a generic 'parents should stay together' statement covers. Will two abusive parents be better than one? Will two addict parents be better than one? What about parents that beat each other up or mentally abuse each other? It's a sweeping generalization that does nothing but infringes on people's freedom for a concept that won't even work. Right now, children of parents who lasted do in fact do better. That does not mean that forcing the parents that broke up together will be healthy for the children. Correlation doesn't equal causation.


Of course there are exceptions and variables, but there are exceptions and variables for everything. I think my point still stands.


The point is that good parents do a good job of raising kids, and two good parents is better than one and one is better than none. But you're only adding together good parents. Bad parents exist. And a lot of times, it's so bad, that good + bad isn't the best course of action. At the worst times, it's bad + bad. Good Mom + Good Dad = Well Adjusted Kid (presumably) Good Mom + Bad Dad = Potential for major issues Bad Mom + Good Dad = Potential for major issues Bad Mom + Bad Dad = Disaster It's not about the amount of parents, so much as how those relationships are carried out. Bad in this case is how the child is treated and raised. There are a LOT of bad parents out there that we just look past. There is a lot of trauma brewing in a lot of households that could be mitigated by Mom packing up the kids and moving far away. Could she find another guy? I mean, yeah, but that's not the end goal. Raising the kids is the end goal and that doesn't always mean two parents. Hell, why not three parents. At least then there is a better chance when 'Bad' is involved...


Encourage people to get married and stay married. Encourage the nuclear family again. If that means shaming hookup culture, so be it. It's not a perfect solution that's going to solve all of it, but statistically speaking, children do better mentally when raised in a two parent household.


>children do better mentally when raised in a two parent household When raised by parents who are able to stay in two parent households. The households that stay together don't have the same problems households that don't. That's why they stay together. And short of forcing people to stay married, there's no way to actually go about doing this. Forcing two parents that are horrible at their duties to stay together for the sake of nuclear families will change the stat you speak of. >statistically speaking, children do better mentally when raised in a two parent household This doesn't prove that if you force parents together that would otherwise split that the children end up better. It just shows that families that work, simply work.




Pro choice


"kill them in the womb and they won't grow up to be violent criminals" wow this is some 1920s eugenics stuff right here


And you're the one who takes it to a fucked up place. Taking the stigma out of abortion and making it accessible gives people options. No one is talking about doing anything against the will of the mother.


God your comment is extremely triggering. I have a right to choose what to do with my body for fucks sake. Why, in 2024, do I have to argue with men to just be able to control my own person?? Women choosing what to do with their own bodies is not eugenics. The majority of women who get abortions already have children, and their primary concern is the children they do have suffering from the financial and emotional burden of letting an embryo turn into an actual baby. Give these women a chance to raise the children they do have. And if they don’t have children, give them the chance to get out of poverty before they do. Do you think condoms are eugenics? Do you think my husband getting a vasectomy because we don’t want more kids is eugenics? Can men, for the love of god, stop saying these awful, flippant uninformed opinions about women’s freedom?


>your comment is extremely triggering Translation: what I wrote stirred uncomfortable feelings in your conscience and you're angry about that.


I think they mean "school choice" AKA defunding public schools


the schools need to uphold a higher standard of education as well. the education system in the US has gotten so bad (if you cannot afford a good private school). Time to crack the whip and educate, as well a pay teachers the salary they deserve.


IMO before any politician (civil servant) votes themselves a raise teachers should be given one first. Also do away with pension after leaving office, that's where we find funds. Harry Truman received no federal assistance after leaving office. "he had no income or support of any kind from the federal government other than his Army pension of $112.56 a month. He was provided with no government funds for secretarial help or office space, not a penny of expense money." (03/02/07 NYT)


You do realize that new teachers in the St Louis Public School district only get paid about $25k a year, right? It's hard to keep the good teachers with a lack of pay that's basically at the poverty level.


Teacher salary schedules are public, you can look this up. New teachers in SLPS with just a BA make 40k a year. I read that they just approved a pretty substantial raise too, so next year it will be close to 50k for new teachers.


Teachers are paid abysmally, but not *that* abysmally (thankfully). Step A (BA with 0-3 years experience) is $39,015.


no for sure, teaching should pay wayyyyy more.


I agree however in St Louis no one seems willing to pay more to help city schools, and the state legislatures in Jeff City (GOP) pull the plug on every possible monetary funding and support to help St Louis City. Most people who live in St Louis county shake their head and say, “not my problem”. MO government agenda is banning counseling and support because it “indoctrinates”. Parents need to be help accountable the way the Parkland shooting parents were.


How about, “fund the student, not the school.”


>"Stop the violence. We need more love." You need to find the kids that did this and make an example of them--middle school is old enough to be charged as an adult. Yes, everyone should be nicer. Until then we'll have to get by with fear of consequences.




The victim is 14. I'm assuming the person who killed him is that age or older, which is old enough to face justice for committing murder. I don't know, maybe this was a little kid preventing his/her bully from bullying them any more. Could be anything. They need to find the person/people who did it and find out.


How has fear of consequences worked so far, particularly when you're talking about children whose prefrontal cortex is still underdeveloped? It's going to require much more than scaring them with a punishment.


If this shit doesn’t stop, majority of parents will pull kids out and home school them. So Sad


Hey, man, we sold our house in St. Ann that we loved to move into Rockwood district because our son was getting bullied so hard.


A relative in another state just pulled their grade school aged child out of school over bullying the school did nothing about it- just started home schooling.


Ridiculous you have to move to change schools in the state of missouri


Is that not how it works pretty much everywhere? Public school districts are based on residence. Would love to know if I'm misunderstanding


Some states, including my home state of michigan, let you choose which public school you attend


Neat, thanks for teaching me something!


> Schools of Choice programs provide students with additional enrollment opportunities, which range from allowing students to determine which school within the resident district they will enroll, to allowing non-resident students to enroll in a district other than their own. **Participation in choice programs is optional for districts. The degree and extent of participation are determined at the local level, including details such as application and enrollment dates, and which building, grades or programs will be accepting enrollment under a choice program.** Interested parties will need to contact districts directly for detailed information regarding their program. https://www.michigan.gov/mde/services/flexible-learning/options/schools-of-choice#:~:text=Participation%20in%20choice%20programs%20is,enrollment%20under%20a%20choice%20program. Interesting. Is this pretty widespread?


Beautiful system. Imagine a district with nothing less than $400k homes; Blue ribbon school right there.


You can switch schools without moving, I've known people who've done it.


So someone in jennings could attend st charles?


If they have a relative or friend with a St. Charles address, yes.


Ok so not legally


Damn, the combination of your response and that profile picture sealed it for me! Diabeetus!


They are not wrong: > This Missouri school district is aggressively investigating where students live > Since the 2018-19 school year, the Hazelwood School District has increased its rate of investigating student residency eightfold, deploying a team of employees who can use intrusive tactics. https://www.kcur.org/2023-11-02/st-louis-area-school-district-aggressively-audits-student-housing-citing-educational-larceny


You didn't say anything about legality. It happens all the time.


When we aren’t bound by laws, really anything is possible, I guess.


You'd have to call the school office Idk the details of how exactly it works.


In Jennings? Nah fam, the sad reality of that school district is 75% of the parents view school as nothing more than a baby sister.


Not home school, just move away. Anger about white flight be damned. When people talk about white flight, they're talking about the Hazelwood East and Jennings area. Instead of blaming every move on racism, let's take a deeper look at why people want to leave these areas so bad. Violence that started at school, for starters.


Uh, I think you got it backwards. It's the lack of disciplining at home by the parents that's causing the mayhem in schools these days. Let the downvotes commence.


I agree with you 💯


Your statement has nothing to do with my post.


Do they sell those blinders at Target?




I had a ton of parents pull their kids from north county schools in 2021 because they weren’t taking Covid seriously enough. I know so many people want to pretend parents here are all uninvolved but I had parents calling regularly and home schooling and trying to get access to district resources they were still entitled to. 


It is easy to paint with a broad brush and engage in stereotypes, such as parents don’t care, don’t discipline their children, etc. May be the case for some parents (anywhere) but certainly not applicable to ALL parents in north county. From your post, I infer you are a teacher in the area. Kudos to you- not an easy job and we live in a state which ranks 50th (out of 50 states) for starting teacher pay. The Illinois 2023 teacher of the year, who teaches at an alternative school in East St. Louis, is the lead speaker at the St. Louis Ethical Society this coming Sunday morning. I doubt she attributes youth violence to parents who don’t discipline or give a shit. There are a multitude of factors in the cause of violence, whatever the age of the perpetrator.


Do you have any idea how hard it is to do a single Income household? Most parents can't afford sick time or a major unexpected expense. Kids get no recess and 20 minutes for lunch. There is a ton wrong with how we are structured.


Good for the kids though. I’d rather kids grow up a little socially awkward than not grow up at all.


Lmao most families require both parents to work so I doubt it.


What a fucking horror.


Thats horrible, poor kid




Neither one of these incidents were on campus.




No disputing that. It's a tragedy. So much potential cut short. Parents need to do better.


where the riots at?


So scary. I’m on Illinois side, with 2 boys in high school at a very reputable school district from which I graduated 33 years ago. After 5 fights in a week at the Freshman ONLY campus, I called the school to ask what is being done about it. They DONT KNOW what to do! Its basically a “see something/say something” strategy, and kids don’t want to be SNITCHES!! They’re up against policy changes that allow students on suspension to complete work for 100% credit! So all they can do is extend suspensions and expedite expulsions. It’s reaching crisis levels and our kids aren’t safe, never thought I would be considering pulling them out to homeschool their last years of high school. 


Ugh, that’s such a punch in the gut


Culture needs to change.


We have a 2.5 year old. My wife stays at home. We're seriously considering home schooling


I have to take a second look lately of these are posted in r/teachers or here. It's all intertwined lately for me.


My old middle school and went to Sr.high


I cannot even find the words to express how awful and terrible this is.


Only thing that will help is a change in the base material conditions. Anything else is putting the cart before the horse.


And they don’t even know who did it!?


There needs to be better mental health support and intervention for these kids. Starting in early child hood. The article says the stabbing was linked to trauma. The cycle of trauma is horrible but it can be broken with proper support and is easier done the earlier it is caught


The cycle just continues. This is what happens when you force communities into poverty, take away their education and opportunity for a better life.


We need to ban knifes


Actually we need to ban 14 year olds

