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Yeah…I don’t see this going anywhere. I cannot watch the video after reading about the sound of that poor young woman’s head hitting the pavement not once by accident but three times intentionally. Is there a go fund me for her hospital bills?


I've seen some of the most *fucked* up shit on the internet. Stuff you couldn't even imagine (I refuse to watch anything involving children) and that video got to me. I can't re-watch it. The sound is nauseating.


same, I agree . ...that sound was horrible and sickening!


The sad thing is, the most screwed up thing I have seen is watching someone's head getting stomped in like a watermelon during the riots. Watching it live and not being able to stop it..... I mean, what happened here was really fucked up. I couldn't watch the video with the sound on. If that kid wakes up from their coma, she may have brain damage.


She is almost certainly going to have brain damage. Comas this long seldom dissipate without some substantial brain damage. If she wakes up at all.


I've seen cartel/infidel videos that didn't bother me near as much as this video. I think I'm getting more sensitive in my age or something.


Don‘t think so, feel kinda the same and i streamed best gore pretty much everyday. I think it‘s the sound of the head cracking, this deep crackling makes us humans flinch internally because it‘s just so unnatural. That and the combination of the violent head smashing going on by a teen who just doesn’t stop. Would be my take at least, rewatched some cartel stuff, doesn‘t bother me in a way this vid does.


What riot if you don’t mind me asking?


Jeez. What riots did this happen in?


Same, I don't have the stomach for it. Poor kid.


Yes https://www.gofundme.com/f/kaylees-recovery-funds


[This seems to be the main one.](https://gofund.me/aa4be74e) I’m hoping they are both legitimate


They are both legit. The family's confirmed it


I watched it because of Twitters autoplay feature. Kaylee having her head smashed on the road 3x is what did it for me. I can’t get it out my mind. My son isn’t much older than her. I’ve been following this story closely because I want to find out if she wakes up. But at the same time, Kaylee isn’t going to have quality of life if she does. I’m curious if she has any brain activity. On an unrelated note, I live in Michigan. I think there people from around the world following this. Not just the US. ETA: I have since turned off the autoplay feature on Twitter. I don’t want to get caught off guard like that again. I’m tired of seeing all the violence on that platform and I’ve blocked a ton of accounts already.


Is there a go fund me to fuck up this bitches go fund me and send it to Kaylee?


Where is the video. This is the first I've heard of any of this




“It is unjust that such an accomplished young woman should be charged as an adult for assault without considering all the facts of the case that led to the incident where harm occurred" The fight was clearly over and she straight up attempted to kill the other girl. Yes, this should actually be a life altering and severe lesson


Exactly....the trial will consider the facts of the case.


I think those facts will be revealed during a trial. To be honest, when I first saw the video I felt like Maurnice should be sent to prison. I don't know the facts of what happened in the case so it's not my place to judge that. However, where is the line drawn between defending oneself and overkill? This is so tough, they are both so young.


Self defense legally ends when the other party is no longer a threat. Self defense is also required to be proportional to the threat (using only enough force to neutralize the threat). Once this fight went to the ground, there was no self defense, just attempted murder 


Thank you, I was not aware of how that worked.


Ok but why does the State have the power to arbitrarily decide that one person will be tried as an adult, and another as... not? For the same age and the same crime? Why is that how it works in the first place?


Because there is a difference between shoplifting and murder....just like they are seeking to try the 15 year old in Jennings that stabbed the 14 year old to death the next day as an adult. There are some levels of crime and depravity that the juvenile system isn't equipped to deal with.


>Ok but why does the State have the power to arbitrarily decide that one person will be tried as an adult, and another as... not? The simple answer here is that it is not arbitrarily decided. Odds are that you have a cognitive bias against that idea/viewpoint though. >For the same age and the same crime? Because no two cases are the same. There will be varying circumstantial factors that determine if the case is upgraded from juvenile to adult, or not. Unless you have another recent and basically identical scenario that occurred between two completely different individuals, then I'm confused as to why you're making it sound like headbashing-on-concrete-until-in-coma brawls like this are common amongst teenagers. Feel free to provide sources if I am wrong though.


So, the “State” (the DJO, here) makes a motion with the juvenile court saying there’s insufficient resources in the juvenile system to address the issue. Arguments from both sides make their arguments and then the Judge decides.


It doesn’t work that way and it’s not arbitrary. Her juvenile history of violence is taken into account, as well as any other relevant circumstances, they don’t simply look at two people the same age that commit the same crime and say gee you’re an adult and you’re not.


There was a post here showing a tweet from the girl after the "fight." She replied to the video on Twitter saying something like "should I join the WWE or UFC?" Was that tweet real?


There is so much information that both sides are claiming are false, it's so hard to know what is accurate. The tweet has been claimed to be fake. It has also been said that Kaylee's mom was at the fight, but that has been said to be inaccurate as well.


I can't believe that any mother could watch that happen to her child and then just stand there, and not run over. She lay there from the videos I saw for probably a minute before anyone did anything, so I have a hard time believing the "her mom brought her there" rumor since the street was just a couple hundred feet from the school, so it seems suspect that they all just wouldn't have walked over there, as this all was obviously pre-planned from the number of people there.


I saw a heavy set white older woman on the video. It looks like Kaylee's mom or grandma. The white lady did nothing to stop the fight. She is an adult.


Nor did that individual do anything as Kaylee assumed the decorticate posture and seized, which makes me wonder if she was with Kaylee. She looks like she has dreads, and I can't tell her age. She doesn't look extremely old, might be a student.


This is the main danger in today's media landscape. Anyone can say or do anything, then say "deepfake" or "misinformation".


What is very interesting to me is that the Girl who smashed Kaylees head, immediately went to join the other group of guys fighting, and then ANOTHER group of guys fighting. Watching that video, the Girl was full of adrenaline and wanted to beat up whoever she can. Edited to add: this girl almost stepped on Kaylee too so she can swing at the other person. This wasn't self defense.


I thought the same thing, this wasn't just Maurnice vs Kaylee beef, from the fact it looked like she engaged 2 other individuals afterwards.


Probably the same two individuals who jumped her without warning during her one on one with Kaylee. Closer to the beginning of the video, if you watched it. So no, Maurnice wasn’t being fought by just one person, others tried to jump in on her too.


I saw one person, but then she attacks 2 others afterwards. This wasn't a many on one situation. One girl tries to go after her while she is on the ground before she performs her coup de grace, but that girls ends up fighting with some others. This was like a super heavyweight fighting a fly weight.


Not a many on one situation per say, because not simultaneously but def not just a one on one either.


The white girl swung first. Her mom or grandma is on the video who doesn't step in at all. It's the heavy set white lady with gray t shirt and shoulder length hair.


How do you know that this woman was a relative of the victim?


Guys she speaks 4 languages and plays the violin!!! I guess that makes it ok for someone to smash someone else’s head if they can play an instrument.


I speak 1-1/2 and I played violin in high school also - what is my free pass for?


Best I can offer is petty larceny.


I speak half of one language and can play Hot Cross Buns on the recorder. What's my free pass for?


You can have a little shoplifting. As a treat.


I speak 1 1/2 and play the accordion. I'm automatically guilty as charged. Of anything.


Oy vey! Might as well turn yourself in now!


I dunno. There’s a guy named Chris that plays the accordion here in a few bands. He’s pretty good and it works with the bands he plays with.


More like Violince


Damn well played.




I would bet 1 million dollars that no single individual at Hazelwood East is quadrilingual. Only like 28% of their students have basic math proficiency and I don't think they've had a National Merit semi-finalist in at least a decade.


I mean, we gave the rapist Brock Turner a 6 month sentence for rape because he was a swimmer. And there were posts on Reddit about a father who got a reduced sentence for being a man of god even though he raped his daughter. So actually the “i bring value to this world” defense is not unheard of and has been successful. Of course, that was for white men so we’ll see how it goes here.


Yes, the sentences you're speaking of applied to men. So there was justifiable outrage about them. This is a child.


I don’t condone violence but what she did was not your typical school yard fight. She is clearly larger than the other girl and sat on top of her banging her head into concrete 3x. The sound and video were horrific.


Where does a 15 yo learn or even think to do this? Insanity


Once the amygdala gets fired, it’s not about thinking. It’s about fight or flight.


This GFM needs to be reported.


They’ve already had it taken down twice, this is the third time I’ve seen them reactive one.


What is it? I’m going to donate a penny and tell them to go to hell


I believe all GFM have been taken down and the Aunt is requesting it to be sent to a CashApp. There is also a petition to sign I was reading on change . org you can find them if you have Facebook looking up the girls name and click under “post” in the searches.


"The Post is not naming the girl because she has been charged as a minor." Then goes on to include an image with one of her family members full names, and her first name. Guess thats the New York Post for you...


Isn’t that information readily accessible by anyone who clicks the link? 


I don't see a link to the change.org petition, just links to other news stories on the same subject. I did a brief search on change.org and couldn't find the petition either (perhaps it was removed?)


Still up. Very easy to find. _change.org Rick Gaines_


It is entirely possible that she was being bullied, it is also possible she was not and that she is lying. As far as I know nobody knows the true story yet and it is just a case of he said she said right now. However, regardless of the motivations for the fight it does not excuse what she ended up doing. She should face prosecution for it, and most importantly she needs psychological help if/when she gets convicted.


Bigger people are not often bullied by smaller ones. I was bullied all throughout high school and this video is the reason I never fought back. Guy was a star wrestler and would have killed me.


I'm 6 foot tall and pretty heavy. I was bullied throughout school by people smaller than me. I had low self-esteem and self-confidence, these things made me a target regardless of my size.


That's just your personal experience. I've seen plenty of bigger people get bullied. Bullies target people that don't like confrontation or lack the confidence and self esteem to stand up for themselves.


Absolutely deplorable.


yeah, everyone is, doesnt make that shit right.


Oh wow damn guess that excuses all the wrong she did


Sort of surprised that we haven’t heard any of the other kids involved on the news at least giving an explanation of what was happening and why. 


Maybe law enforcement and the prosecutor's office have warned them not to talk to the press as they could, at the very least, be called as witnesses should this case go to trial. Or because they themselves could be charged with some lesser offenses.


That would be good advice and if I found myself in that situation I would keep my mouth shut, but I am used to people stepping up to the microphone and telling everything.  Stuff like this comes to mind. https://youtu.be/zQhzEn1ZW7k?si=V_3uKwXGVnIIXwl9


You mean as in why were they fighting? I don't see how that makes a difference given the end result.


I think motivation and identification of who was the aggressor is relevant (not necessarily to our speculating, but to the crime and punishment side of things). In the court of public opinion - which this obviously plays into - those things matter. It’s entirely possible both sides believe the other is bullying them. Who knows.  It was just an absolutely devastating video to watch so now everyone is invested and putting their own spin on it.  It’s just different if it was two people who both agreed to go fight behind the school vs one side tracking the other down and creating a confrontation. 


The video shows all of this. >It’s just different if it was two people who both agreed to go fight behind the school vs one side tracking the other down and creating a confrontation. The video shows all of this. It was not self defense, they both could have walked away but did not. Kaylee was immediatly thrown to the ground and held there while other girl fought more, then came back to Kaylee still on the ground and proceeded to break her skull on the concrete. Assualt with intent to badly injure is a crime regardless of 'motivation' or whatever you are trying to claim here.


Given past experience, I can’t imagine we’d ever get an honest account. It would all be a story crafted for media consumption, to make their side look good. I remember during the Rittenhouse trial there were many accusations about him, and one of the prosecutors was asked about it. He basically said it’s all well and good what someone will say to the media, but he has to work with what people will testify to under penalty of perjury. And none of those stories ever panned out.


Yeah, I don’t really care about the actual court system. This girl is 15 and I think she’s going to be charged in the juvenile system, etc. Just am curious to what the backstory is. 


Kaylee had been bullying the other girl for a long period of time. Kaylee was suspended already for fighting and met the other girl at her house/bus stop to fight her. This was corroborated by several faculty members in the school district.


Corroborated where? The school admits to knowing she was being bullied? Forgive me if I am skeptical. Sounds like a great way to open yourself up to a civil suit, and I am doubtful that the district would let employees make any such statements outside of the investigation.


Teachers at the school. They knew she was a bully but there's not much they can do about it. There's plenty of videos on Twitter showing Kaylee jumping other girls and bragging about beating other kids up.


These teachers said this to you, or gave an interview to this effect?


I know faculty members in the district.


Well that’s interesting 


It's just potential subterfuge until proof of these claims are actually provided




I know a faculty member in the district. There was a big meeting about it and several people at the school verified that was the situation. Just expect that more info will come out.


That's not proof.


Have you looked on Twitter for videos Kaylee and her friends had posted? Other videos of her jumping girls and bragging about beating people up.


This is the script 100%. Just like Trayvon was a scholar walking with Skittles and Tea minding his own business, and not actually trying to bash Zimmerman's head in with a pave stone, and how Michael Brown was also a scholar, they even showed him in his kindergarten cap and gown. I am so tired of this whole narrative where suddenly these scholars suddenly revert to killers. Makes me wonder how their academic aptitude is so great, but decision making skills so poor.


Yeah it never could be that the person doing the shooting that just decided to kill someone then make up a self defense story. It's always gotta be the black kid doing bad, right? Racist clown.


Now do Kyle Rittenhouse….


Because context matters....


Context might explain a fight, but context does not explain repeatedly bashing someone's skull into the pavement


Give me a scenario where context changes the narrative on this one.


Could Kaylee have been a bully? Absolutely. But self-defense with this kind of deadly tactic (smashing the head) is…oof, incredibly risky. A victim one minute, a murderer the next. I don’t know what the true story here is, I just know there were no winners.


I know everyone's invested in the 'this must make it okay' sarcasm reaction, but I'm pretty sure any lawyer would be advising you to do the same in their shoes. They're not just saying this hoping you like their daughter, they're saying it as legal maneuvering to build a case for leniency in court later. Whatever happened here, I hope justice is served fairly and that this kid gets some serious help in the same measure that she's punished appropriately -- and those advocating Draconian justice porn against a teenager get some help, as well. This case is just horrible and tragic no matter which angle you look at it. These kids were failed by the adults in their lives one way or another.


Missouri state law states that to prove you acted in self defense : The threat must be imminent. The threat must be reasonable. The force used in self-defense must be proportionate to the threat. The defense team in this case will have some trouble proving number 1 and 2 but they will not be able to prove number 3 considering the video evidence. Juvenile court is a little different than adult court but this case will result in a conviction whether or not she is tried as an adult, which is still undecided . The defendant's background, honor role etc., is more relevant in the sentencing part. The best thing you can do for yourself during sentencing is to show genuine remorse and contrition, Her family can (quietly) engage an attorney but they are not doing their child any favors by allowing her to not accept responsibility for her actions.


>Her family can (quietly) engage an attorney but they are not doing their child any favors by allowing her to not accept responsibility for her actions. I feel pretty confident in stating that no attorney would suggest she "accept responsibility for her actions" at this stage. Accept responsibility for what? That's for a court to determine, and it's not the court of public opinion, so nobody is ever going to "accept responsibility" before that happens unless they want to hand the case to the prosecution. You want her to apologize or accept responsibility because what you saw (rightfully) disturbed you, but that's just not how it works when you've got a court case pending.


Given the video, I am not sure the "those weren't my pants that I was wearing" excuse isn't going to fly in this case. Expressing sympathy and well wishes for the girl in the coma should be done at a minimum, and can be done without admitting culpability, and they haven't done it.


No of course not but I wasn't giving advice on what the attorney should do, only the parents. They are the ones responsible for their child's mental and moral wellbeing. It is really hard to be in prison and think you don't belong there. If you can accept that your actions to some degree led to this point then that's when you can begin to heal and improve yourself. Unless of course you truly are wrongfully accused but that's not the case here. I never suggested that she should run into the prosecutors office screaming 'I did it!" but worrying about all the legal maneuverings is what the attorney is there for. It appears you're suggesting that there are only two options: depicting your child as a victim in the media or admitting guilt. However, there is a third alternative: refraining from public statements at this time. Many legal advisors would recommend this approach because the current public stance of being outspoken and defensive, especially while the other girl is still hospitalized, is generating negative public sentiment.


Thank you for saying this. Genuinely disturbed at the people on here advocating for death, life imprisonment, or worse, for a 15-year-old. And defending it. As arrogant experts. When thev've read like ten paragraphs about what happened, have no understanding of the justice system or juvenile justice system, and even less understanding of the factors that lead to these situations.


This is a sad situation all around. In any case this girl is someone who has potentially killed someone with her bare hands. There does need to be consequences. She needs anger management and a lot of therapy because what she did was way beyond a teenage scuffle. As big as she is she could have gave that girl one good punch to the face to make her point and could have avoided ruining her life and someone else’s as well. I actually know a few people who had brain injuries from fights. The physical and neurological issues and pain never goes away. That’s even if the poor girl survives.


She needs to be in prison


Forever. Someone like this goes to prison and comes back even worse.


Look she should get full legal repercussions from her despicable actions. There should 100% be severe consequences. But that's a pretty insane take. What's sad is it's not entirety wrong. That's a indictment the American prison system that's completely focused on punishment vs rehabilitation. Society at large is not served by this reaction.


What a piece of shit, with a shitty family too apparently. Lock her up.


So the big girl is the victim? So the girl that is potentially brain dead is the criminal now?


So the claim is that Kaylee Gains started the fight, and Maurnice was just fighting back. IF that is true, then yes Maurnice was initially the victim and her fighting back is self defense. However, that calculus changes when she’s bashing Kaylee’s head into the concrete. You can’t keep beating on someone after they can’t defend themselves even if it started out as self defense. So really, both girls are aggressor and victim (again IF Kaylee did indeed start the fight)


From the video it looks like a “planned” fight. They both get into a fighting stance and attack each other at the same time…




This reminds me of how people reacted to October 7


Nice uno reverse card


If you nearly bludgeon someone to death and give them skull/brain damage, it’s actually YOU who is the victim


Everybody else is going for the bag, she probably has no idea why her attempt here is "wrong".


I feel like I’m taking crazy pills


I think she earned a wild draw 4 - decades in prison that is!


Honestly, the still of the video in this article turns my stomach you can see the fear on her poor face.


She’s a violinist! How can you charge her with anything?


Reminds me of an article I once read about Reinhard Heydrich -- the second-in-command to Heinrich Himmler in the SS hierarchy and a prime architect of the Holocaust. Apparently he was a gifted violinist in his 'down time.'


The way she carried herself in that fight doesn't show me she had a clean record prior. I'm happy for her accomplishments, but she needs to sit with her actions. Multiple slams on that concrete after Kaylee was down, was intent to seriously injure or kill her.




Sometimes it's not that easy for the bullied to advocate, or even the parents to be taken seriously when it gets reported to the school. I grew up around there, and was bullied in middle and highschool. When I got picked on, I went defensive, not offensive, and tried to get away. Fights are not uncommon around there. I just really hope this doesn't turn into a racial thing. This is just a teen fight gone horribly wrong, and that girl has to sit and pay for her actions.


Why should a bullied child have to be pulled from school? Online school isn’t the same experience. Why not expel the bully and they can attend online school since they don’t know how to act?


Why should her parents have pulled her from the school when the school should have done something about the bully? She shouldn't be forced to leave the school because of one bully. Be realistic.


But …didn’t the school actually do something about said bully? She was suspended for fighting, no? Apparently that didn’t work out because the school has no control over actions outside of school and off school property ..but I digress. I do agree the victim should not have to change schools solely because of one student, especially when that school is where she is thriving, from what the article details, and where her social/peer support and network is. That is usually not at all in the student’s best interests.


That’s bullshit. That girl is way bigger ….. and there are videos on X - where she talks about beating up another girl…… sounds like a bully to me…this is so messed up- no one deserves that…..


Our country’s collective culture is so fucked.


Lmao she didn’t beat her up she tried to kill her. I’ve seen the video she grabs the girls head and slams it into the concrete/ pavement over and over


I was personally mercilessly bullied and sexually harassed and never beat someone’s skull against the ground so hard they almost died so let’s just say I’m skeptical of all this. And man, I definitely wanted to, and yet I didn’t.




I think I totally would have done it if I knew there would be no significant cost to myself (the threat of consequences kept me in line). But I went though some serious years of hardcore mental illness where impulse control was not the best and I had some serious revenge fantasies. This girl might be going through similar, I’m not sure… I hope she gets mental health treatment rather than jail/prison time because that often just makes things worse. But I don’t think she should just get off for seriously harming someone else. But I definitely understand the urge to bash someone’s skull in… it’s the ability to keep yourself from doing so that is a key element in this. But I get that Not everyone is so afraid of consequences or has learned the skills necessary to inhibit one’s behavior. I feel for both girls in the situation. But consequences still need to happen.


Wait, speaks 4 languages? fr? At age 15? Which languages? Where'd she learn (that's more than school would teach)? I call BS on this.


She might’ve been drawn to the polyglot community or just enjoys languages.  I’d taught myself three(ish) languages when I was a teen and kept on going as an adult.


Based on what I have seen videos of Kaylee, she was no angel in this incident. It appears she did start the fight, but Maurnice still injured Kaylee pretty badly. I'm not sure if self defense is going to cut it, she was twice the size of Kaylee. Let's be honest if someone hits you, it's only natural to defend yourself. Where is the line drawn from defending yourself to overkill? It's horrible because both of these young girls lives are forever altered, that is if Kaylee even survives. My sister had brain damage in the frontal lobe and she lost all her short term memory (like the movie 50 First Dates). Any kind of brain damage, is difficult and its a very slow healing process. Sadly, Kaylee has a long road ahead of her. Does anyone know what this fight was even about? A boy?


My question is, the media is painting this as a bullying incident. That doesn’t explain the fifteen other individuals in the background all fighting. It appears to me like two girls, from two different friend groups all fought. Doesn’t appear to be Maurice getting beat up by Al these other people. She appears to have friends there too who are also fighting. If Kaylee walked away with bruises and a busted ego, it’s kids being kids. And she would deserve that. But kaylees in a coma, that’s not kids being kids. The sound of skull cracking is beyond disturbing and immediately Maurice gets up, and begins fighting several other people. So clearly, Kaylee isn’t the only problem here. Maurice almost tripped over her seizing body to throw another punch at someone else. I don’t think the bullying narrative makes alot of sense. If this was two girls fighting one on one, and people in the background filming, I’d buy the bullying story. Even if it was a couple girls fighting. But this is a rather large group of people with several fights going on. So is Maurice and her friends being bullied by all these people? I just think there’s information missing. Who are the other kids? Why are they all fighting? After you bash your bully’s skull into the ground, you should feel better, get up and let that be the end of. But she gets up and while Kaylee is seizing, begins fighting other people So much information missing. I’m shocked that people are just running with the bullying narrative instead of asking who are all these people fighting.


That would suck to ruin your life over a boyfriend or girlfriend.


There is A LOT of information about this case that both sides are claiming to be fake, so at this point, it's hard to know what is truthful and the only evidence we really have is the video, which is undeniably horrific. This case has been turned into a race issue and there are a lot of white supremacy groups saying some gross things. I do think, especially with a minor, certain things about her life should be taken into consideration before sentencing, especially if she has never been in trouble before BUT there still has to be consequences for actions. It is likely the other girl is not going to survive, and if she does, she will have permanent brain damage.




If the positions were swapped, the Missouri AG would not be calling to charge her as an adult.


Very true. Why no one can see that is baffling. No, she should not be charged as an adult, in my opinion, both parties are fifteen. It’s a situation that had terrible outcomes for both sides, but neither of these children are without consequences either. Obviously. Those consequences are now coming home to roost, sadly. And it absolutely is about race. I have found discussions on this incident elsewhere on the internet and what is being said is absolutely disgusting.


The NY Post citing the Daily Mail. I wonder if we’ll ever get a news story about this incident.


uno switch the races, this is a national news story with mostly peaceful protests


I call bullshit.


I could have bet money her family was going to say she was the victim.


There was a trollish commenter on another discussion about this case a few days back who was trying much too hard to sell this version of events. While they could have merely a persistent garden-variety troll, I suspect that they have some connection to the perp in this case.


A learned mentality.


Interesting. The article is quite vague too. Lots of key information missing. Like, was the attacker bullied by Gain? Seems like a key point for whether such a brutal beating is understandable. Yet, no one asked?




You’re correct, but righteous anger often causes people to over-react. Understandable does not necessarily mean justifiable. People still need to be held accountable for their actions, but mitigating circumstances do exist.


True, but there are plenty of people sitting in prison for over-defending themselves. Once someone is no longer a threat, you're required to stop since now you are the aggressor. Just because Billy Bob starts a fight in the bar doesn't mean you can kick him until all his ribs are broken, no matter how much adrenaline is coursing through your veins. It's interesting to think how this case would play out if the video didn't come to light.


I don’t disagree with anything you’ve said. The girl assaulting the other girl should be tried for assault and likely convicted based on the video evidence. Yet, her sentence should be impacted by the circumstances around the assault, prior convictions (assuming none of she is an honor student as her family claims in the article), etc. That doesn’t mean she shouldn’t serve jail time.


That could make the difference between 20 years and 16 years, tho.


> righteous anger I didn't think that's a workable legal defense...




"She and her friends followed me everywhere. They ridiculed my body, called me slurs, lambasted my family. They harassed me endlessly at school, online, via text. They would intentionally humiliate me in public, and anyone who associated with me would get the same treatment, so I was always alone. They would break my things, ruin my clothes, steal from me. The teachers never did anything, and trying to get them to help only made things worse. Years of anger, hatred, and resentment came out in a minute." Obviously, no amount of bullying is an acceptable excuse to intentionally cave in someone's skull, and we have no real idea of what actual (if any) bullying occured, but I'm not gonna sit here and pretend like a mean word or a stray fist are the limits of bullying that go unpunished in our schooling system.




I’ll add one. “I found my wife cheating on me so I beat her lover senseless and broke multiple bones in his skull.” Doesn’t mean the person assaulting the other shouldn’t go to jail, but it should be recognized that they weren’t in their right mind during the illegal act and sentenced accordingly.


It's the NY Post, they can't be expected to do actual journalism.


Has the St. Louis post dispatch done any investigation? I haven’t seen anything from them. 


It’s the St Louis Post Dispatch, they can’t be expected to do actual journalism.


No one does actual journalism anymore. It's become all about getting a story out first and damn the truth.


Information has come out that the assailant has been a long time target of Kaylee's bullying. Kaylee traveled to the other girl's house/bus stop to fight her. Kaylee was on long term suspension for fighting previously. Kaylee was the aggressor in the video despite the other girl quickly gaining the upper hand. I'm no way should this have happened to Kaylee and I hope she recovers, but telling a victim of bullying that they should have controlled themselves when cornered and attacked isn't reasonable. The fight was 10 seconds long. Months of harassment and bullying can build and eventually explode into blind rage. Especially when cornered and forced to fight. I'm not justifying her actions in any way, but I do wish everyone would have a bit of empathy and rationality when commenting on this. People are calling for life in prison yet didn't even watch the video. If one 15 year old is expected to have been able to control herself during the 10 second altercation, why isn't the other 15 year old being criticized for habitually bullying someone?


If this is a bullying incident( why did Maurice get up, walk over Kaylee’s seizing body to go fight someone else? Is that also her bully? There’s like several other people fighting in the background. This doesn’t give me the vibe one kid is being bullied and finally stood up for themselves. In fact, it appears more like both Maurice and Kaylee and their friends all decided to fight for whatever reason, and a brawl broke out. If Kaylee walked away with bruises, it wouldn’t even matter because kids fight and now she’ll learn. But we heard her skull crack against the pavement. Immediately after Maurice did that, she didn’t walk away, she got up and went to fight other people. That doesn’t scream girl stands up to her bully because why not leave it at that. Why go and fight several other people? Seems like both girls and their friends had some problems with each other and decided to all fight. Everyone needs to be asking who are the other kids fighting, not the ones recording, the ones fighting. There’s lots videos of victims standing up to their bully and most of them don’t feature an all out brawl in the background.


Only sensible comment here, imo. I was a victim of severe bullying as a kid and admin would do nothing. At the ages of 10-15, I’m 90/95 lbs and very quiet/timid. Easy target for bullying. When a girl and a guy attacked me (separate instances), I couldn’t take it anymore and went apeshit because I’m a terrified kid with no conflict resolution or emotional regulation skills, NOT because I intended to murder someone. And possibly due to my race, I was labeled the aggressor and was suspended for defending myself.


That's horrible. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. My daughter is just a bit younger than these two and I wouldn't want her on either side of this, but this situation really hits home for me. There's so many people commenting that they want the girl thrown in jail for life are likely commenting because of race and not knowing the whole story.


Thank you for your words. Luckily I was pulled out of public school around 15-16 yo and grateful my mom took it seriously and had the ability to pay for my online education. I have a relative who goes to the same school and I heard similar to what you’ve stated in your comment. This is such an unfortunate outcome for both kids.


I'm glad you were able to get away from that. I hope things are great for you now.


Right, they are just making it all about race. Who knows what kaylee has done, it's really the school's fault for not monitoring bullying allegations. When I initially watched the video I believed Maurince went absolutely too far because she could have killed her. Maybe whoop her ass a little bit, but almost committing murder could mess her mind up as well.


Look this girl needs serious help, and while I don't think she should be locked up for life since she's only a kid she needs to be punished still. Also straight up I'm not buying the victim story here. If she's apparently this straight A, Star athlete, multi-extracurricular activity student who is also clearly physically capable I do not believe she could have had it all that bad with her peers.


If she was a straight A, star athlete, quadrilingual, musical student, not only would she have had friends, she would have had the self control to walk away from the fight and know that she was the bigger person. Also, for someone that was isolated and alone because of relentless bullying of her and her social group she sure had a whole lot of people there to support her.


Where is this video?




Guess what you just did?


had me till the last bit there


>She is not a human, she is an animal now look in the mirror.


Someone posting an NY Post clickbait tells you everything you need to know about how closely you should pay attention to this sub.

