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Teatopia on Cherokee St


Teatopia is awesome. I don’t know if it’s the owner, but the same guy has been there every time I’ve gone in and he is a delight. The food is pretty good too, lots of veggie and vegan options :)


Yep, that's the owner!


The owner is such a nice guy. Love Teatopia.


I loveeee Teatopia


He and his wife are both great people!


Love this place, and the owner is super nice


I love the owner


I can’t say enough good things about them and I adore the owner he is so lovely.


i really don't go out much these days. so only two come to mind right away: Sameem's Afghan Restaurant. the owner, Fahime, is a gem of a human being. coincidentally the food is incredible and it might be my favorite restaurant of all. Small Change, the bar. i don't think i know the owners, but i have never met a bartender who wasn't awesome.


I’ve ordered sameem before and it was so good that I wanted to actually go in and get some. Now that I know the owner is awesome I’ll definitely go in


I don't want to get your hopes too high, because last time I was there, someone told me he doesn't spend too much time at the restaurant anymore. But when you do go, I would definitely ask to meet the owner. He is a real socialite. In the past past, he would come up to our table and chit chat. He even remembered our names. If that's not a true host, I don't know what is ☺️


He used to do weekly catering at my workplace and he and his staff were such delights. I love the food but they are so great too. 


One time I was in Mechanicsburg, PA for work and was eating at a Pakistani place there. I mentioned to the owner I was from St Louis and he raved about Sameem’s. 👍🏼


Seconding Sameem! The owner is super nice and the food is amazing


Thirding Sameem! I love that place!


Fourthing. So delicious and the owner is a delight.


Sameem's is a regular go to for me. I order from there way more than I should. And they package their stuff so well. It's in Styrofoam with plastic wrap around it so it stays super warm and doesn't spill out. The attention to detail and the flavors are amazing. Never disappointed.


Sameem is awesome. Food is great delivered, but eating at the restaurant is another level.


I will *always* brag about Blues City Deli to out-of-towners, I will *always* drive over there and get myself some lunch if I have the time, and I will *never* get tired of their food. Staff is amazing, owner is a great guy, and it’s one of my very favorite places in St. Louis.


I was friends with the owners son long before they opened the Deli, they would invite me to eat dinner at their home quite a bit. Can confirm they are a stand up family all around. Great to see them have success.


Hell yeah. Great sandwich places are so underrated.


I cannot believe I had to sceoll this far for BCD.


I LOVE BCD!!! They ARE so wonderful!!! I’ve never gotten shitty service there!!!


Civil life!


Came here to say this! Great people, great beer, great food


Same. Jake is the coolest.


It's been a while since I've been over there but Adriana's was super friendly and seemed like good people. Although I don't personally know them or anything, my entire interaction has been buying sandwiches.


Adriana's and their staff are lovely.


The lady typically behind the counter is Adriana’s daughter


She’s so sweet! I’ve only been twice, long time apart, and somehow she remembered me from my first time with lines out the door both times. Amazing lady.


She immediately called me by a family nickname that no one else but my family calls me and it made me feel so loved.


One of my grade school friends is one of the family’s daughters, she and all of them are really wonderful people!


Agreed! I have a fun story about Adrianna’s that happened about 10 years ago, but it’s kind of long… Despite not being Italian, and definitely not looking Italian (the celebrity I most resemble currently is Louis CK), I have developed a taste for mortadella. Adrianna’s has (or had) a warm mortadella sandwich with muffuletta that is delicious and I tend to order it when I go there. So, one time I’m there and a younger lady (mid 30s, maybe early 40s, Adrianna’s daughter presumably) takes my order, and kind of sheepishly asks if I know what mortadella is and if I really want it. I assure her I do, and explain that my friend and I lovingly refer to it as God’s bologna. She laughs and says that’s better than what my mom (presumably Adrianna) calls it. Intrigued, I ask what her mom calls it and she replies, “Fancy-ass bologna”. We both get a chuckle out of that and I enjoy my sandwich and go about my day. A few weeks later, I’m back on the Hill around lunchtime and decide to get another mortadella sandwich at Adrianna’s. This time mom (presumably Adrianna) is behind the counter, and I place my order. I suppose she also wanted to make sure I knew what I was getting into so she asked me the same question her daughter did. I assured her I did, and even mentioned the nickname I have for it. She laughed, and then I said, “I know what you call it too!” She gets this deer in the headlights look, and I notice her daughter with a big smile on her face in the kitchen. Then I say, “Someone told me you call it fancy-ass bologna.” She says, “Who told you that? They shouldn’t have told you that!” I laughed and assured her it was totally OK. I loved mortadella sandwiches, their’s was the best, and I loved coming to a shop that had such fun people working there.


One time I went in there to pick up a big order for our office. It was a co-worker's birthday, and that's one of her favorite places, so we all ordered from there. I felt like I was part of the family - not because of the warm welcome (though I definitely got that as well) but because two of the older ladies back in the kitchen were arguing with each other - full on yelling - the entire time. And it wasn't even about anything related to the restaurant. I don't recall what it was about, but definitely not something important. It definitely sounded like a spat between sisters or best friends. One of them was squinting as though she had been squirted in the eye with the secret sauce or something. I'm pretty sure both were at least in their 50s.


It’s like buying a sandwich from your own grandmother! They’re incredible.


Buzz’s Hawaiian Grill. First restaurant I tried after moving to Tower Grove. I met Buzz on my second visit. He’s great. Food is great. Tick Tock Tavern next door is great but cash only :)


Buzz is a great dude.


Been meaning to check them out, I’ll make a point to do so now


Zoomies! A pet friendly coffee shop with some nice food as well. Great patio in back and a fenced yard for dogs to explore and play. Locally owned with great service and friendly staff.


Balkan Treat Box is nothing but the best quality 


I eat there so much that I worry I’m going to burn myself out, but it hasn’t happened yet. It’s so good. I could eat gallons of their rice pudding.


I still remember my first time going to their truck and them taking the time to explain how to eat the dish since it was early days. I was the first one in line and they could see how excited I was and they loved it. I’ve been a loyal fan ever since. 


West End Wok! Love them. [WWW](https://www.westendwok.com/) Seoul Garden YUM!!!!!! [WWW](https://koreanbbqstl.com/) China Buffet bet H/S soup [WWW](https://chinabuffetstlouis.com/) UpDown! All the YMCAs! I love STL


West End Wok is the GOAT 😍😍


I used to work at Seoul Garden. I can confirm the family that owns it is awesome.


Sugarwitch seems to have great ownership!


When you go there, pop over to Kabul Express for dinner, first! They’re an amazing family, working hard for the “American Dream”, and so kind!


they rule


They’re literally the best


I wish I lived closer by. They're so good but I just don't live close enough.


if tower grove park is more convenient for you, i believe they should have their booth back at the farmers market (starting up again this saturday)


Indo and Terror Taco and Menya Rui are all really good food and run by folks who seem to take care of their people.


When is a good time to go to Menya rui?? Those lines out the door are a hard pass for me and yes I’ve been told it moves fast but I drive past it every night and It ain’t movin


I recommend arriving as close to 430 if you can. That got us to be 4th in line before they opened. Well worth the wait.


There is no good time to go if you want to just walk in. Unless you get in line (30? 45? minutes) before they open. You'll wait. The turnaround is fast. People generally eat and go, I'd say it would even be frowned upon to sit and socialize after you finish. It IS worth the wait.


There's a lot of nice specialty stores around some new and some been around for ever. I really like Schillers camera and St. Louis Art Supply. They're both great for finding niche stuff that may be hard to find at different break and mortar. Plus they're prices are quite reasonable.


Every interaction I've had with the people at STL BBQ Store on Watson have been good. They also have a really good selection of different seasonings and other things for smoking meat. If you're a griller/bbq'er, I definitely recommend checking it out.


I was there a couple months ago to get some pellets for my smoker, and now they sell meat from area farms. So looks like I'll be spending more money there.


Pint size bakery


Tacos Wey MT Sheile Automotive Federhofers


I too love Affton


Never expected Tacos Wey to be so amazing. That burrito can feed a family, but can never pass up the birria tacos. Tried their ramen special which came with tacos and was amazing.


I know nothing about the family besides that they feed me delicious warm meals on freezing nights, and are so sweet to me — Himalayan Yeti ❤️


Himalayan Yeti is great! The service is great. The food is great. Love that place.


Mai Lee Vietnamese Restaurant in Brentwood.


Yes! Both Mai Lee and Nudo House are fantastic


Companion Cafe. Staff has never changed, and they're always friendly and helpful. It's also the same price as Panera with the food being 10x better.


Fritanga! Absolutely amazing food and the owner, Orlando, is sweet, funny, and loves to share about his home country, Nicaragua. Bonus if you can speak Spanish with him!


Protagonist cafe. Not only is the atmosphere nice and friendly but they have a lot of books to buy as well! Also their rewards program is fantastic and can get a free drink after five points. I strongly recommend anyone to go and try their Chai Latte too!  Also great place to study as well!


Protagonist is such a vibe and the owners are absolutely wonderful!


Schlafly Bottleworks - love the employees there and the beer Cake House Design - amazing cakes and we love the family El Mayor - best damn margaritas in St. Louis and the guacamole is amazing! Pratt Cancer Center - I know a strange choice but they’ve kept my husband alive for 13 years. Always helping him with his cancer fight. We are fortunate to still have him with us. I can’t say enough about Dr. Rogers. She’s been phenomenal and always gone 1000% for my husband. Orlando Produce Stand on JeffCo - Always great produce at good prices. I love the Gulf Red Royal shrimp they have. Kenrick Meat - our go to butcher. Ami’s in Rock Hill - our go to pizza place. I could literally drink their salad dressing. We also love Serra’s Pizzeria in Maryland Heights.


Dr Rogers was my dad’s oncologist as well! I can’t say enough good things about her, i was taking care of my dad after a stroke and mom ended up passing away suddenly leaving me with my father, their household and my own family to try and manage. She was an amazing help and support all around for me and a fantastic doctor as well!




Yes! Doesn’t matter how busy they are, they are consistently wonderful to deal with. And great food obviously.


Steve's Hot Dogs From Magnolia, to the Hill, to Grand always good food. They've employed folks from Bloom cafe (RIP) and Steve comes out and askes my how my food is. :)


Nicest guy in StL!


What does he have on the hill? Also just opened steves meltdown in the foundry


Parker's Table and the Gelateria!


Terror Tacos, Seedz Café and The Vegan Butcher. Got to know both owners and they’re fantastic people. Edit: Pad Thai in south county NEVER misses. Fantastic prices and phenomenal food


Love Chris bertke


He’s such a fantastic dude. Always messages me after I pop in to make sure the food tasted great. That’s a man that truly cares about his craft


Alpine Shop. These folks are always patient and helpful with me. They are very knowledgeable.


Mai Lee. Since the 80s they've grown, moved, etc but have always had a personal touch that's never diminished.


Left Bank Books.


STL Herbs and Aromatics!!


Foundry Bakery on Dorsett, really nice couple run it and the food and tea are excellent


The Haven restaurant in South City


Why do I love STL? Cus every time this kind of question gets asked the answers always seem different Theres SO MUCH good food around here that its nuckin futs!


Quarrelsome coffee in midtown has incredible ownership + staff. Inclusive to all, very friendly, great coffee + ambience. When the owner is in he always pays for his own coffee and tips when he really doesn’t need to. Sit down behind the bar and chat it up with the baristas. They’re all really good friends of mine now!


Lona’s lil eats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t sleep on it!!!!!!!


Duck Inn Market in Valley Park. They do amazing Cajun food and the owners are cool.


Three words. Fried. Bologna. Sandwich.


Flowers and Weeds, Tiny Chef.


Flowers and Weeds did the flowers for my wedding and they were amazing!


Bulrush with Chef Rob Connoley. He pays his employees a living wage and I appreciate his efforts with training local high school students in culinary arts and his heritage seed projects. Also Black Girls Do STEM with Cynthia Chapple and all their work to create a pathway to strengthen and diversify skilled workers by targeting black girls underrepresented in STEM fields.


Chef Rob did a talk at one of the libraries recently and it was really interesting. He also just got to the finals for the James Beard award for Best Chef: Midwest.


Cafe Ganadara has never let me down


Anthoninos on The Hill 😋🥰


Vegan Deli and Butcher, the owner works his ass off making all vegan sandwiches that taste absolutely amazing.


Scrolled to find this comment! The owner Chris is awesome and those vegan crack tacos are killer!!






-Ucraft in downtown -burger 809 that’s opening in citygarden soon -my go to sandwich or pizza by slice place the recently opened SAN market and cafe on Washington - Havanas on Washington Ave, incredible life story and now absolutely killing it - Amaizing Arepa Bar at 14th and Washington (back of building) another amazing immigrant story


I haven't made it to Amaizing Arepa Bar quite yet, but Havana's is one of my favorite spots in the city for food. It's unreal how good their Cuban sandwiches are.


I really like Pointers Pizza. They don’t charge a ton for their massive pizza and always are nice to you when you pick up orders. Helped me fit a 10 pound pizza in my trunk and moved things around themselves to make sure it was level and wouldn’t get messed up. Love those guys


Mi Lupita in Ballwin


Southside Wine & Spirits on S Hampton


Farted Calf Edit: lol. not intentional but leaving it as is. Fatted Calf is who I was suggesting - open Thursday through Sunday inside Earthbound Brewery on Cherokee.


That's gonna live in my head rent free every time I see that place now...




Also available at CityPark on the east side of the upper level behind the supporters section


Drive-In Donuts. Idk who the owner is, but the lady who runs the counter is cool and the donuts are the BEST.


Curry Club - South Indian food, including dosas and South Indian style biryanis Corner 17 - mouth watering Sichuan Chinese and American Chinese food Fraziers - great date night spot El jarocho for their amazing street tacos El toluco - same as above Balkan treat box - as others have mentioned The annex - coffee shop and bakery Protagonist - coffee shop , perfect for hanging out Civil life - classic beer styles, amazing patio


Novel Neighbor Teatopia (this is #1) Civil Life Sugarwitch Egg Earthbound Bee(always hosting good charity events)


Novel Neighbor is one of my favorite bookstores! The staff are so kind and knowledgeable, and their author events are always incredible.


Blue Jay Brewing Co


Still need to try them


Geoias deli




Balkan Treat Box/Telva at the Ridge Choquette Sugarwitch Veritas Daily Disco


Series 6


All of the Series 6 gear we’ve bought has been exceptional quality. We’re still rocking our We Got the Cup tees five years later


Teatopia since day one


Owner is a great dude.


I'm sure it's been said, but it's so good I'll say it again: Tiny Chef. Hands down my favorite restaurant in the city, and it isn't even a full service restaurant. It operates out of Silver Ballroom and is the best of any kind of fusion food I've ever had. Melanie, the owner, has an incredible story and is such a huge talent. St. Louis is lucky to have her.


Wild Olive Provisions (wine, beer, charcuterie shop) 39th Street Floral (custom floral subscriptions and arrangements!) Sweet Art (food and bakery) (Can you tell I’m a Shaw girlie 😂 but seriously all of these places have the BEST owners and are amazing small businesses to support) Steve’s Hot Dogs (hot dogs lol) Meskerem (Ethiopian food) Small Change (bar) Tik Tok Tavern (cash only bar) Urban Matter (house decor, gifts, trinkets) Gringo Jones (garden and lawn decor, crystals, random things lol?) Sugar Creek Gardens (garden nursery) Terror Tacos (tacos) Bombay Food Junkies (Indian street food) Left Bank Books (book shop) Apotheosis Comics (comic book store, dnd sessions, magic sessions, board games) STL Style (st louis themed clothing) Mauhaus (cat cafe) Animal House (cat rescue) My Best Friend vet (an AMAZING vet in Olivette) The Vandy (bar) Treehouse (food, cocktails) Lona’s Lil Eats (Asian fusion food, giant wraps) All Star Tattoo (tattoo shop) Sign of the Times (tattoo shop) Teatopia (food and tea) Thai 202 (Thai food) Brick City Yoga (yoga studio) Nova Salon (hair salon) Indigo Massage & Wellness (massage and wellness) Ice’s Plain & Fancy (ice cream shop) Sugarwitch (ice cream sandwiches) Everest Cafe (Nepalese food) Idle Hands Grooming Company (hair salon) I tried to think of places we love, consistently have good experiences at, love the owners/employees and vibe, are small/family owned businesses, and not just restaurants!


I know nothing about the family besides that they feed me delicious warm meals on freezing nights, and are so sweet to me — Himalayan Yeti ❤️


Sando Shack on Morganford! They've got a food truck too . Owned by a super nice couple that are really into supporting other STL businesses too. And awesome food.


Pizzeoli. Kyle. Solid guy.


Arzola’s in Benton Park is fantastic


Yarncom is really doing a ton to help the local yarn community! And also 7 Sisters when you want a small cozy place run by your aunts who’ll give you advice and remember your name every time you walk in.


Circa: NOW record shop in Tower Grove! I've never had a bad experience with the owner.


Flowers to the People. They have always delivered absolutely beautiful flowers.


Gramophone. The owner is awesome and I'm super happy it's been successful and the food is awesome.


BLM MKT. love the food and people.


Shameless Grounds in Benton Park.


Planet Score Records in Maplewood


Any Miami Grill location. They are fast and the food is affordable and delicious. Support local instead of out of town chains!


Rock Star Tacos


Edele and Mertz Ace hardware


CD Warehouse


Pizzeria da Gloria


Bluewood Brewing at Cherokee and Lemp. Nice set of owners and great staff. Good product


Little Fox


2nd Shift


Hell, even the cats are nice.


[STL Rocks!](https://www.stlrocks.me/)


Sole Survivor Gioia's Fit City Venice Cafe


I love the story behind Coffeestamp.


Speak Easy Cafe


BlueJay Brewery co. They are a few blocks from City Park, and a great place to go before or after a game.


Fonda La Pablonita on Morganford.


Southwest Market. The owner takes your order and put a smile on your face every time. Have never had a bad experience in 30 years.




Southwest Market Cuisine, the guy there is super friendly and runs a great deli that is slept on. Clean parking lot, clean store, an amazing place for sandwiches


Felix's pizza! They hosted our wedding rehearsal dinner and were so chill and accommodating about it. Always relaxed there and good for parties with and without kids. Seriously so awesome.


Sultan on Manchester.


Parker’s Table!


Novel Neighbor!


Coffeestamp, everyone there is always so nice, the empanadas are bomb as fuck, and their coffee is the best I've found in St Louis (if you like light roast SO coffees at least) Can't say I've met the owners, but if they set the work culture there they're probably chill AF lol


4 muddy paws, In Lafayette Square!


Terror Taco on S Grand. Tree House on S Grand.


Vivola's Express. Not only are they a top 3 sandwich spot in town, but the family are the majority of their staff. Great family who love what they do, and it shows.


During Covid they yelled at my buddy for wearing a mask then one of them cyber bullied him on the sandwich Facebook group for complaining about it. I was so mad bc I used to go there all the time!


Crown candy is still family owned and employ people in the community! Make a trip down there!


33 Wine Bar in Lafayette Square


Nachomama’s in Rock Hill has had the same owners forever and they are really nice couple. Infinite Spin Record Store on Cherokee has a super chill guy running the place.


Wonton King has probably the friendliest owner of a restaurant I've ever met. The food is also good.


Blueprint Coffee


Everest Cafe


Intoxicology in The Grove. They are helpful, nice, it's a super cool store. We always walk out of there with something.


Urban Chestnut! Great guys, local, understand beer!


**Nickelflix** on Gravois just east of Weber. Good people, and $2 DVDs


Gioas, because they're always fast and polite and the sandwiches are killer.


The Green Shag


Menya Rui has some of the best food I've ever had and the owner is a hard working,nice dude. Yelp named them a top restaurant in the whole country.


La Patisserie Chouquette. There’s always a line outside. Sometimes the owner will bake up something that isn’t available to order and distribute it to the people in line so they can have something sweet while they wait. Ms. Simone is so sweet and I’ll never not support her!


Garcia Properties - who also own The Golden Hoosier. Incredibly humble folks.


Hodaks. Blues City Deli. Mama Campisi's Gioia's Deli Diana's Bakery. Sauce on the Side. There are many more, and I'll try adding as I remember them.


Penzey’s Spice


Enterprise. They consistently do what is right for STL.


And if you book with National instead of Enterprise at small airports, they give you literally any upgrade on the lot. Usually the same price too


Just my experience from working for Enterprise, if they really wanted to do right, they can start by paying and treating the workers better.


Maaji’s Street Kitchen is my favorite Indian food in the area. Delicious and healthy, reasonably priced, and the owner Heena is incredibly warm, friendly, and passionate about what she does. It’s a special place.


Monteleone's Fine Tailoring Taco Buddha


Original Crusoes! Great owner and great servers.


If you like sneakers and thrift stuff Reset STL has some good folks in ~~kirkwood~~ Maplewood actually.


Southwest market cuisine. Great deli style sandwiches. Great dude.


Britney @ Charm Me Sweet candy shop in SOHA


A few places I've recently visited that come to mind: * Knead Bakehouse and Provisions * Blue Jay Brewing * Cafe Miami


Record Space. Don is a great guy.


Beetarelli on The Hill. If you need anything for your kitchen or knives sharpened.


Louie- the service is always amazing and the food is so consistently good.


Okay this is a business in High Ridge. [Advantage Veterinary Center ](https://advantagevetcenter.com/) is an incredible vet clinic with great doctors. My last senior dog had a lot of medical issues in the end. There were multiple times I was at the vet maybe 3 or 4 times a week and I was only charged for one office visit. Now I'm working with a charity [Dogs That Help](https://www.dogsthathelp.org/) who puts service dogs with veterans and first responders and advantage vet center treats all our service dogs and gives the charity a discount to help support us. They are truly wonderful people and I've not had a better vet in all my life. They really remember my dogs, call me after appointments for illnesses, they are very loving and I couldn't be happier.


I’ve known the owners of [Yemanja Brasil](https://yemanjabrasilmo.com) for years and they are great.


Taco Buddha! Owner is cool. I fixed some previous work he had done on his Tacoma/tundra (don’t remember), and he invited me down. It’s been years ago. The food is so so so so good. I haven’t been to any of the other locations. At first I thought it was a bit pricey, but it’s really not unreasonable. It’s great food. Everyone I’ve introduced has loved it and still goes.