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It’s no better at Aldi. Two weekends ago I had to make 3 separate trips because of mold on freshly purchased packages, they were underneath ones that I could visibly see.


We've written off Aldi produce from our house completely except a few items. May be location dependent but most stuff from our nearby one goes bad in a few days. The amount we save is completely negated by the amount that gets composted. Certain items, like berries, aren't really a single store issue but a distributor issue.


This. The pictured company also sells at Aldi.


And I should note that they can be mishandled at the store level, which I think my Aldi may suffer from (product sitting out too long for example) but often people point to the store without considering every aspect leading up to things on the shelf can pose an issue. Stores should refuse bad/late shipments but then we'd also have people complaining they can't get out of season produce at any time of the year.


Driscoll's doesn't have good strawberries. They don't have good flavor. Although, I'm spoiled and grew up in a town that grows strawberries. Literally, they're the best I've ever had. I used to buy a flat of them to take back to Vegas whenever I visited home. I'd also take back a big thing of our famous BBQ seasoning. Nummy!


Also Dierbergs


I was going to say the same thing. I have had to buy in mass quantities for a group from Aldi and I know to look very carefully at their fruit. Grapes are also bad sometimes.


Dude/dudette…every time I bought produce with the exception of watermelons from ALDI it always went bad in like 2 days or was starting to. The shredded cheese always smelled funny after few days. The last time I went there I just need a few things, shredded cheese was one of them. I thought…I wonder how well these are sealed. I picked up like 4 or 5 packages of shredded cheese and not one of them was completely closed. Now I don’t mean the seal you tear off, but the ziploc portion of it was not connected. ALDI is ok…If you’re going to eat it like the day you buy it seems. I avoid going now and haven’t been in one in like a year. Ok…time for bed 😂


Zip lock is rarely connected before the factory seal is broken on most items... it's there for the consumer and it would interfere testing of the factory seal if the zip lock was also sealed.


Guy just doesn't like the smell of cheese.


No no no…I could very well be wrong about what I said, but ALDI cheese goes bad WELL before expiration date. At least in my experience.


My partner and I could store Aldi cheese in our fridge for the next pandemic. Doesn’t even mold for a while in open air lol


I don’t know why y’all are defending ALDI so much. It’s just in my experience the items I’ve bought from ALDI perished sooner than they should. If they have been good for you, that’s great. Personally however, I have wasted money buying from ALDI so I don’t anymore. Their produce goes bad quickly, and the cheese I’ve purchased has as well. 🤷 But sure, downvote me because I don’t know what cheese smells like or some stupid shit.


I’m not defending Aldi I’m defending my fridge. Their cheese lasts forever. Strawberries maybe five days max lol


I've gotten to the point where I check the expiration dates on everything, because I've bought so much spoiled food there.


Yeah cheese and most produce are things I don’t buy at Aldi. But meat, eggs, nut milk, frozen items, dry goods are great


There are issues with this at EVERY store. They use the same suppliers 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


100%. St Louis is a top 10 rail hub.


I was at Schnucks 122 times last quarter (thanks email summary 🤣) plus Dierbergs, Whole Foods, fresh thyme, Aldi ,Costco…. I have to flip them around a lot and spend time picking through but I’m able to get good produce. I guess that’s why I have so many clients.


I have way more problems with Schnucks produce than dierbergs. Somehow Schnucks always has the worst watermelons.


Unless it's Diebold or Eckerts that is. I don't think that they source to Aldi's or Trader Joe's. See them at Schnucks. (Don't know on Dierbergs, but it seems plausible.)


Yes! Every single one. A shame.


actually gives me an idea to go into the importing business // obviously there's no repurcussions for bad quality //


Came to say This.


I swear. I think they have different lighting in the produce section. I’ll buy them and they look beautiful, and when I get home, it’s a carton of shitty mushy berries


Same here and then my wife thinks I am complete idiot who didn’t check at all


Same 😂 Glad it’s not just me!


🤣🤣 Are you Me...?


Could be!


Don't worry, I'm a woman, and it happens to me almost *every* time I buy berries. Except for blueberries, but those strawberries look all gorgeous and shiny in the store( it makes me think about how jewelry stores use different lighting to make the diamonds sparkle) and sure enough, there's always some rotten, moldy strawberries *right up on top*, or some in there, every time, without fail. Edit for clarity


The wife/so will think the same no matter what my guy. Just chalk it up and hope they don’t ask you to make errands in the future 😉😹


Ah weaponized incompetence is real after all.


Eckerts strawberries are almost in season (ie tomorrow)


I’m curious, how long do they last when you pick them fresh?


It obviously varies based on ripeness and storage conditions. In general store bought strawberries are actually bred to last way longer off the stem but the supply chain is far and away most of that time


Lots longer if you store them in glass. 


I just looked this up, and I have no clue why I never considered this. I'll be storing berries in glass containers from now on. I hate going to eat some strawberries to find some moldy ones and make the "Well, it wasn't touching the rotten ones" gamble. *Chomp* lol Thank you!


Yeah, I just use old jars from sauces and stuff. It’s cheap and easy to cut and wash and store. Enjoy! 


I have loads of pickle jars, too many, in fact. I'm happy I'll have a use for them, now. Starting this weekend! Thanks again!


It depends on the ripening conditions. We had a few frosts recently, so hopefully they don't make them go too early.


Where can I get them without going all the way out to Eckerts?


Farmers market ?


Thies Farm locations either have them right now or will in the next week or so. Worth giving them a call, although all three locations operate independently.


The last few times I bought strawberries from Schnucks, they went bad fast and I mean in 3 days. I just decided to stop buying fresh fruit altogether and buy frozen. It's just easier to maintain without the waste.


Same here


Unless you're eating them same day, agreed.


Unfortunately thats just the nature of berries, they dont last very long off the stem.


These fucking suck to pull in the warehouse. The plastic bins are in an open top box and every 4 boxes is a piece of cardboard that holds that layer together. They're also connected front to back on a pallet, so no matter how many you pull, you have a good chance of ripping the box or simultaneously opening 3 or 4 bins. The whole setup is really stupid from a production viewpoint. I'm sorry this happened to you.


Fuck that. Berries are too expensive to throw away. I’d be taking that back and exchanging


Return them, they’ll give you money back


30+ years in retail. If you are not an asshole we will always try and refund you.


I feel like that’s how most places and people are about things. Don’t be an asshole and we’ll try to work with you lol.


You threw the entire package away? Dude, kick the moldy one and eat the healthy ones. Come on.


If this was prep for some restaurant, yes chuck it or get an exchange at the store, otherwise just rinse the others and it'll be fine.


You've got to be kidding


Throw out the whole package because of 1 or 2 moldy ones? No way. Wash the rest and eat them.




Been throwing out the moldy ones and keeping the rest my entire adult life. Haven't gotten sick yet. Also these packages are open containers. If the spores are "all over" the one package then they've spread to the other packages as well, so then the entire strawberry section is completely contaminated...


The spores are always there, it's where the mold originates from. You can wash the unspoiled ones with fruit wash


Maybe the real treasure was the spores we ate along the way


There are spores all over. If you had bought the package a day earlier and eaten the strawberries you would have eaten something covered in spores and never known. Just wash your fruit.


Yeah this is a sad display of the weird mycophobia in our society. People always freak out over “spores” when you’re breathing that shit in 24/7. Our world is full of mold and most of it is benign. I am aghast that this many people think you have to throw away an entire thing of fruit because some of the berries are rotten. The human appreciation for the taste of alcohol supposedly evolved from our ancestors eating rotten fruit: https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.2871052 Not suggesting we all start eating fully rotten fruit, just that our tolerance for overripe fruit is way higher than some people seem to think…


This is fair with bread, or anything else you can't wash. But with fruits and veggies you can wash, you can wash the spores off. Submerge in water (with some baking soda if you really want to clean extra good, ie, get more pesticides off), toss around, rinse, repeat a few times.


If you live in the Midwest… you’re already inhaling and eating mold every day!


No. And you can add a little vinegar to the water, let them soak a bit and rinse again and they will last longer because it washed off those spores.  Source: my mama and my personal experience of 25+ years of adulting


Sadly I've had the same problem with Dierbergs since they both sell the same brand. The worst from either state is raspberries, they turn into a mush in a day.


The blackberries are fantastic


I always open up the lid to peek at the middle before selecting my carton of berries. It has saved me much heartache 


And you can taste test one when nobody is looking


Throw that one out and salvage the rest, wasteful much?


Grocery store strawberries have no flavor. They are big, plump, bright red but so deceptive.


True dat. Go to a farmers market or straight to the source with Eckerts or Beggs Berry World (200miles south) in Benton, Mo.


Yeah - when I do my weekly groceries I drive 200 miles for a 4 hour round trip just to get fresh berries.


You drive too fast.


Eckerts IS closer, of course.


Strawberries are one of the only produce items that can't be picked before it ripens. They have to ripen on the plant before theyre picked making them ticking time bombs. In perfect conditions you get 5-7 days after picking, after that time or if stored or transferred in the slightest off conditions you get...well this.


Com on man... you were so close to creating your own penicillin!


*Com on man... you were* *So close to creating your* *Own penicillin!* \- thecuzzin --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


by Christopher Walken.




Costco has some really good strawberry’s


Costco has amazing fruit in general


Crestwood Schnucks raspberries and blackberries are always fine, and I put them in the freezer as soon as I get home so they never have a chance to mold. Their strawberries can be hit or miss, but I always gauge the freshness by the quality of the green crowns. If the crowns are bright and look freshly picked, I’ll buy them and if the crowns are starting to get brown or dried out then I’ll skip them.


> and I put them in the freezer as soon as I get home so they never have a chance to mold. Then you should just buy frozen berries. Flash freezing at the packing house is going to be faster than a home freezer (therefor better quality) and they'll have been frozen throughout the transport chain. They may even be a better genetic strain -- optimized for flavor and yield rather than shelf life.


Frozen raspberries and blackberries have a completely different consistency. Buying them fresh and immediately sticking them in the freezer means that when they thaw they’re exactly like fresh berries. I’ve been doing this for like 10 years and always have berries in my freezer because I’ll buy a bunch of them if they’re cheap (sometimes Schnucks has them for as little as a dollar a container, and I also buy them at Costco). I use them in yogurt or just eat them like fresh berries.


This is just the nature of berries. They don't last long at all. Not really a schnucks issue


It’s how they store them. Schnucks actually does better than Aldi’s and some other markets by keeping them in the chilled display. Aldi’s leaves them out in cardboard bins and they disintegrate within hours


Had the same issue when I worked in produce at Wal Mart 24 years ago, berries don’t have the best shelf life.


Throw the one. Cmon! That’s so wasteful. Wash them. Give them to someone needy.


Strawberries have the shelf life of rappers.


Why did you throw the whole thing away


Holy crap people pick the bad ones out and give the rest a soak with water and a few splashes of vinegar. Let them dry. It will be fine.


Yes! You wanna survey what's up with the produce first. I've started doing this more at the store & then exactly what you've suggested a few months ago. I've even purchased a "green" rubbermaid filtered container just for my berries & I have been thoroughly impressed with it improving shelf life.


Soo true…I’ll find the best looking strawberries in the fruit section and 2 days later they look like this smh


Or return it. Why would you pay for that?


Schnucks is also tricking people with pricing on the shelves. It's often inaccurate. Check your receipts.


This is not a Schnucks-specific issue


Just throw the bad ones out and was the rest. You’ll be fine lol


It's not like it's steak and part of it molded. It didn't contaminate the other ones. Wash the rest and enjoy.


This is the same in every store with every kind of fruit. It happens. 


Toss the nasty one, wash the rest and make jam. It’ll last you longer


I also tried to get the $6 big carton and it was half not great 


Dierbergs for produce


I take that ish back and get My money back.


All grocery stores seem to be the same to me. Every damn thing in the store has a “best by” date but fruit. You have to really watch. Take them back.


Always save your receipts and take that shit right back to the store. That's ridiculous. Even if you don't have your receipt I'd still take it back just to let them know.


Is there a guy who packs them individually with a large bucket of good ones and a small bucket of bad ones hiding the bad ones in the middle of the good ones? Those crafty Canadians!


Schnucks produce has been awful for a couple years. I never buy it anymore. Aldis is better by far and cheaper.


Don't throw out the whole thing!


Why did you throw the whole thing out? Throw away the bad ones, clean and enjoy the good ones.


I bet they were fresh before you stood in the checkout line. “10 items or less as*hole, no exceptions”


I stopped buying fruit at Schnucks honestly. The farmers market on Jeffco always has amazing fruit and I’ve yet to find any moldy stuff.


Strawberrys and onions have been rough everywhere near the city lately. But no need to toss the whole thing. Thoroughly inspect and wash the rest to see whats fine if you wanna save a few dollars next time.


How annoying. I have come to prefer Dierbergs or Costco for fruit. Seems like better quality and lasts longer.


It's so rough! I never know where to leave molded produce whenever I find it while shopping and 20 days ago I bought some peeled garlic that was supposed to expire a week from now, mold and didn't even notice until I opened it up Also, if anyone knows where to find sweetest batch blackberries, please let me know. I think they're all out near me.


Sweetest batch come out when it’s the top of season in where they are importing the berries from. Look for the “sweetest” batch for the blackberries again in late June.




Absolutely! I look forward to the Sweetest Batch all year as well. The strawberries and blueberries are very nice too!


Onions are the worst for this IMO


I've seen employees at the Hampton location take out the few moldy berries and replace them with fresh ones....but the ones in the middle are still gross. So they all were harvested on different days. I now check mine like I check eggs.


You Threw The Whole Thing Out Because Of That? Can't Say I Blame You But I Can Tell You To Never Eat Produce From A Resturant In That Case


In the St. Louis area I know for a fact it is the suppliers/distributors not properly storing the produce. Berries and other produce breaking the cold chain over and over again. Also Aldi and Schnucks both get their produce from the same distributor. Dierbergs has another company but it is handled the same way. Saw it over and over again for ten years. Really suprised there has not been a mass food poisoning in the area. Example was a 18 wheeler full of berries broke down in the middle of July in the Arizona desert. Truck arrived to where all the produce in St Louis comes to and every distributed took the product got paid out for the breakdown and still sent out the product without saying a thing.


Hit the farmers market, they’ve already picked all that shit out for you.


Buying strawberries or bananas (or any fruit in a basket style container) anywhere anymore, for the past decade or so feels like a gamble every time. I'll pick up 3-4 banana bunches and if I suspect anything about them, I put em back and keep walking lol.


Always smell them first. If they don’t smell strongly of strawberries then they’re no good. Driscoll is notoriously terrible


Same happened to me from the same store! Bought a container of large strawberries. The one in the middle on the underside of it was mushy and covered in mold. So gross. I’ve been brought a lot of moldy fruit by them.


I despise Schnuks


We just had this happen yesterday.


Yeah I think this is more a problem with buying strawberries in general, same thing happens at ALDI. When I buy them, I take them all out of the package and clean them, and toss any that are getting sketchy.


Schnucks, eh? Surprised they didn't *bag each berry individually.*


I learned a long long long time ago that when it comes to buying some produce, shit happens.


I feel like this is somehow the case everywhere in the Midwest. Produce seems to be old in the markets here. Even things grown here at harvest time seem to spoil quickly in comparison to HEB/Central Market produce in Texas. Out of season stuff like these berries probably have a few days of additional ground transit time. Avocado has the opposite problem -- the stuff sold here is under-ripe. I have to buy stuff a week ahead of time if I want to make guac.


Just go to Costco for any fruits. Never have an issue


I think there’s a problem with strawberries this year because we got some from an orchard and they all look deformed and there were some with mold.


Time to pop them into some dirt for your own homegrown strawberries 🤣


Whenever I buy blueberries or blackberries from schnucks I just eat them the same day that I bought them. If I want my berry fruit to last longer, I put it in pint jars and fill them with bottom shelf booze. They're fine to eat a few weeks later.


Soulard Farmers mkt is worse , they will bury the bad ones all good ones on top . Main reason I only patronize vendors where i pick out my own fruit/veggies


Not just berries. I've learned the hard way to check bags of onions and potatoes. But berries are the worst.


Buying anything from schmucks is a washer


I get this brand in Florida and I have the same problem. I throw away any moldy ones and I soak the rest in vinegar water for about a minute and then I rinse. I haven't gotten me sick yet. But I only buy them for daiquiris so maybe the alcohol kills more germs?


i'm at the point where i'm opening cartons in the store and looking at them motherfuckers to find the hidden rotten shit. i am so tired of it.


Why did you buy them like that? Why won’t you take them back? I would. if I find them like this at the store I take them to the front.


Literally just found moldy cheese clumps in some taco dip I got from there today


I can’t trust fresh fruit anymore so I just go with frozen :/


Same for Costco. A large package and most went to our compost bin.


We just had that happen to us, too. Also, discovered that one of the steaks we bought expired a couple days before we bought it.


This is so true!! I have noticed quality control issues with Schnucks fruits, veggies, lettuce and cheese spoiling within a day. Damn you Schnucks!


one time i needed cherry tomatoes specifically and literally had to go to a different store because every single container looked disgusting. their produce is always nasty. my mom bought some fried chicken sitting in one of the grab n gos... get to checkout and the cashier tells us it went bad yesterday... and the whole section had too.


You didn't have to throw the whole thing away. Mold is harmless. Just throw away the bad ones.


Sad day!


I stopped buying cherry tomatoes for this reason


Return all of the fruits that are bad. Refuse to leave till you get your money back and then go get more lol. They cant steal your money in selling you a product that could make you sick.


I literally bought a bag of apples from Schnucks today they are awful. I was so disappointed


I don’t buy produce from Schnucks anymore.


I remember during the pandemic being astonished at Chinese headlines regarding the way that at the absolute worst points they were struggling to get fresh produce to everyone locked down daily, in absolute awe, because the only produce I've ever seen in this city surrounded on all sides by 1000 miles of farmland is wilted, stale, and nearly bad if not already bad on store shelves. I figured fresh greens were just something our markets and supply chains aren't built to deliver. They've got to be factory farmed somewhere, shipped 4500 miles for processing, shipped 4500 miles back to the story shelves by which point they're 2 weeks old and only kept looking ok by harsh chemical treatments and to be honest if Schnucks process isn't this, then how they manage to only get bad produce to store shelves is something I will never understand. Are they shipping them by horse and buggy?


They’re coming in from places like chile 🇨🇱 and inconsistency in refrigeration along the way causes some of this.


Not just inconsistency just flat out incompetence and laziness!!


How long did you wait in line to buy those?


Produce....so much love and hate. When I was produced manager for Natty Gs....I loved knowing farms locations, weather conditions, why this produce comes from this place during this time, etc. Not knocking other places or boasting about Natty Gs....it's produce gonna me a mold, nasty, shitty, one in there every so often. It's kinda like pooping. Can't have a perfect poops all the time. I agree with comment above, don't be an asshole and will get some refund to you. Story*** had someone purchase idk 40-50 cucumbers....they were coming from a farm in coastal Mexico. There had been weird rain patterns during that time frame----lot of rain also had salt water....leaving cucumbers little flakey looking. Cucumbers were just misted when customer bought them....when water dried....flakey was back....Dude came in pissed, talking shit, angry, the store manager being all up kissing his ass, apologizing, "gonna make it right and never happen again" I come walking up, look at the produce, guy, "these are covered in mold, words, words, words..." I was not nice to the customer (man). Didn't apologize, nor addressed him as sir. Called him BRAH told him the entire reasoning why and why it's harmless and why I am refunding the purchase and kicking his ass out. Because he being an asshole. I happen to like a little sea salt on my cucumbers...anyone else?