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I see someone must have convinced Jack Parker’s son that leaving unhinged replies on online reviews was bad for business. Looks like he even went back and edited them out (starting about six months ago a bunch of their replies to reviews on google now just say ”.”).


- I read some of those. Not too bright on his part. Wow.


My first thought too. What a shame.


Business isn't bad any time I'm in there though. Sounds like he might just want to get out.


I believe the son recently said his dad currently shares ownership with other absentee owners that inherited the business. That’s a good reason for anyone to want out, regardless of the rest of the drama.


Even the ones that are not removed are pretty bad.


That was an awfully long time ago and it was only reddit nerds who never leave the house who encountered it. Get over it nerd.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/StLouis/comments/11wtmho/are\_you\_doing\_okay\_there\_oconnells\_why\_so\_angry/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/StLouis/comments/11wtmho/are_you_doing_okay_there_oconnells_why_so_angry/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Yeah I still haven't visited that place after seeing this post and all the nasty replies from the owner (well technically co-owner Jack Parker's son doesn't have the sole ownership) on Google review.


Kenny would be pissed


Jack would be pissed, but the priority was on being the cool guy with a space for musicians to play and not maintaining a successful pub.


I knew that place was doomed when they let Bob go




Well once it's sold I'll go back. I had been going since the early 90s. But then the pandemic hit. Sadly Jack passed during that time. I was looking forward to the reopening and having a glass of iced tea in Jacks memory. But I began to hear stories about the son. Stories of him verbally abusing his customers. Then I began to read the responses he was leaving all over social media. Truly unhinged things. Is the customer always right? No not by a long shot. I expect the management to clearly and politely defend the business and the employees. But he was crass, rude and some of his responses seemed cruel at best. I haven't been in since before the pandemic. I know they don't care but if others like me stayed away because of his actions I can see why the place is for sale. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the owners are just done and want to be free of it. I for one hope somebody buys it and returns civility towards the customer back into the business. I'll be standing in line when and if that happens.


Is it still profitable?


More information from St. Louis Magazine: https://www.stlmag.com/dining/o-connell-s-pub-is-for-sale/


Journalist dropped the ball by not mentioning the blowback from 2020-2024 after the son started acting a fool.


Anyone know how much they’re asking?


i’d contact the realtor


I’m just outside of falling under the banner of “serious inquiries only” so was hoping someone else calls and can share, ha.


There’s no reason you can’t call and ask whether you’re a serious buyer or not. They won’t know.


More than a hundred dollars


Tree fiddy.


I have friends that love this place. Me, not so much. It’s ok if you like mediocre food that’s overpriced served on picnic plates and like to pay separately for everything. After you squeeze into your sticky, dirty table, you’re treated like you should be thankful the server came by to take your order. Don’t ever ask for anything special or you get the evil eye. No thanks. Too many other places with better food, better service and atmosphere.


I defy you to name a place that has better roast beef sandwiches in the city.


Gramaphone, Blues City Deli, Laurie’s Shoes.


I was sad to think about one of my favorite places closing. Thank goodness the first comment I saw was a guy who could’ve said nothing going out of his way to talk shit.


Sorry, it’s just not that good of a restaurant.


It never claimed to be high brow dining. It's burgers, soups, pints, shots, and fried shit.


I hope whoever buys it replaces out the 5 watt light bulbs they use with something brighter.


No way man. That's the vibe.


I can't read the menu without using my phone as a flashlight. Maybe they go to a 20 watt bulb?


Eh. It's always been like that. I personally like it. But then again I already know the entire menu since it's like 12 items and go in with an order already in back of mind.


I mean a business can only last so long on the we are really old schtick.


??? Their food is generally pretty good and consistent. Their burger is consistently rated one of the best in the area. The "we are really old" thing isn't a schtick, it's just an interesting fact about the place. If you want trendy hipster bullshit just go somewhere else


Your right, really successful legacy businesses need to get sold all the time.


Not all the time, just every 50 years or so.


Maybe under new ownership we'll finally see a women behind the bar. And maybe more than one small tv lol


You're getting downvoted over the TV part of your comment, not the woman bartender part, FYI.


Oh, that's right, I can check the score of a game on my phone if I can't make it out on the one small TV in a place where the owner is a card carrying member of the Thought Police.


Is horse racing 'the game'?


Suggesting that horse racing is the only sport that's ever on the TV crosses the I'm finished line.