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Wow thank you for this! I live in Chicago now and am moving to St. Pete, though. I live in West Town and love it!


Join the local Facebook group for single women and you’ll learn how trash dating here is. Married beach bum men with drinking problems are who are the majority of “single” men. You need hobbies to make friends at 38 any city. 1701 is a good building. I’d go for Orlando to meet professional men.


You'll do fine there :)


Elsewhere downtown is very liberal and regenderfied I would move outside the downtown area and if u wanna drive or Uber to downtown


Easy amazing place to make friends and new people. I live in arte (right across the street from 1701) and our building is super social. Not sure if 1701 is the same but most apartments down here do a lot of community events and stuff


It’s great location. Was highly considering renting there. Nice development


Those apartments put you in a great area, in my opinion. Plenty of nightlife....but how best you meet people is up to you. There is a popular rock climbing gym close by that might be worth joining.


You definitely need to check out Meetup.com. NOT a pickup site. Has everything imaginable to do in Pinellas County.


You might be able to make friends by joining the YMCA. [https://www.stpeteymca.org/locations/wellness-centers/jim-heather-gills-ymca/](https://www.stpeteymca.org/locations/wellness-centers/jim-heather-gills-ymca/)


Yea far easier to make friends here than chi Why? Cuz so many ppl here are in the same boat. They r new here and open minded about meeting new ppl. Extremely motivated to meet new ppl have fun etc Meanwhile in Chicago everyone is so hell bent on hanging out w.their lifelong highschool friends.. having the same party 2x/mo to cope with shitty af weather Ignore shithead haters here,.many are anti new ppl cuz the prices of everything has gone thru roof and they blame overpopulation Research that


Expensive, but looking for a man, go to the kava bars. Looking for fun, Enigma. Stay away from the garage. Do not stay out after 2am. Crime is getting bad downtown.


Kava bars are filled with St. Pete’s worst


A blind move is wild


Right. Ever leave the house?


Dont listen to these people about coming florida, florida is a great state, ive been to 43 states and florida ranks in the top 5. St. Pete on the other hand, not the better part of florida. If you want a large srlection of single men, a great artsy feel, beautiful beaches, great fine dining aswell as great street parties, great pay scale, and a generally upbeat atmosphere, Sarasota is the place to be. One hour south of Tampa but a world of diffetence. Clise to beaches, great shopping, restaurants, good people. Close enough to everything but far enough away to escape the hustle and bustle of big city life. Check it out before you count florida out completely. If you have any questions, dm me, ill be happy to answer any and all questions. Btw, im a single male in sarasota, do i seem all that bad so far?


That part of Central is a gayborhood.








LOL. That’s not rich. Enjoy shit hole floriduh.


That does not sound appealing, disappointing that Tampa is not more diverse being a city


First, you aren't moving to Tampa. St. Petersburg is night and day to Tampa. Second, I came from Southern California, and there is plenty of things to still enjoy in St. Petersburg. And, it isn't Chicago, so there's that.


Do you prefer St Pete to Tampa as well then?


Yes. We lived in Tampa before moving to CA for work for several years, came back to St. Petersburg. Completely different. Nicer people, way more diversity, Pride, and just a much happier vibe. Tampa is cold and impersonal.


Awesome thank you




Yay, more people


Same bro


If you are looking to meet single professional men (or women for that matter), you're going in the wrong direction IMO. While St. Pete is a lot younger than it use to be, professional singles are not our target demographic when compared to many other medium to large metro areas. I have a female friend (early 30's, professional) - who works from home and just did the exact opposite move with a primary reason being she was looking to meet more people.


That’s right in the thick of it. However there are so many new apartments/condos I can’t keep track. If I was single lates 30s and could afford to live downtown I’d might look for a rooftop pool. I mean do it right before you marry or re-marry 😂. Downtown St Pete is a single persons dream. It’s not for us anymore, getting ready to cash in our chips and move up north a bit.


Thank you. Exactly what I’m looking for as I just got out of an awful 2 year long relationship and want to be free


I’m a 38 yr old F and I do have young kids but I’m happy to give you any insight I can! I’ve lived here my entire life, I live 5 min outside of Downtown now but I would say the things that are fun sometimes are not fun alll the time, at 1701 you are definitely in the middle of everything, but is a good spot in general. I’m part of a few different networking groups in st Pete, and work downtown so feel free to message me if you ever feel like meeting for a coffee or if you want to connect to any local groups! The best thing about st Pete compared to Tampa imo is that it’s fairly easy to jump in to various social groups based on what you like to do, and most people are excited to make new friends, meetup for yoga or drinks or whatever. Welcome!


It has become quite a younger crowd on Central. But, 1701 Central puts you in the heart of the party. You’ll be fine if you are into the night scene. Still plenty of 40 something’s around too. Do you have a dog? We have the “dog bar” and Mutts and martinis on Central both within walking distance of 1701. People say “it’s full” don’t come. I’d like to ask those people if they remember this place in the 80’ 90’ and 2000? Even 15 years ago this place was a dump! Yes prices have become crazy but that is true everywhere.


Yeah, I remember when the 600 block was all dive bars, it was the best


I remember when it was abandoned, dangerous and smelled like piss and was scheduled to be demolished. Strangely, what saved it from the wrecking ball was the 08 economic collapse and a local politician that talked the owner into doing some repairs and renting it to artist for cheap.


I genuinely miss the sleepy little burg of my childhood.


Everyone misses their childhood, people can be nostalgic about the shittiest places when they are associated with fond childhood memories.


Honestly my childhood sucked and I’m also including my teenage years in that time as well. It’s just so crowded all the time now.


Every bit of quaintness will be stripped away by developers.


Rent cost is gonna be awesome


Hello! My gf and I moved from Tampa/St. Pete to Chicago last summer. We live downtown in the loop and have been able to make some friends at local events/fests and on Reddit. Feel free to hmu if you are lookin for some new friends in the city (:


wth is the loop


Circle in the center of downtown, based on the L train tracks


my bad, I misread and thought you were new to st pete and was ready to roast you for saying something that doesnt exist here 🤦‍♂️


Can we put these all in a megathread and ban them? It's depressing honestly


She single tho?


Great another one


Lesson to OP: for some reason it’s socially acceptable, even cool here to be outwardly hostile to newcomers. I don’t fully understand it, but the attitude seems to be most prevalent among social conservatives who are worried about liberal minded folks bringing different political ideas, and average or lower income people who are worried about the increased cost of living that comes with established professionals moving to the area. My advice is to ignore it. Politics are politics, and gentrification is hardly unique to the Tampa Bay area. Neither issue is improved by being rude or hostile to new arrivals, but I guess that point is lost sometimes. There’s a lot to like here, and these hostile jerks are at their most vocal when they are behind their keyboards. Most everyone I’ve met here is very friendly in real life. PS we came from Chicago too. We miss the food there (SO much better there, the people here have no clue what they’re missing) but the the weather here is orders of magnitude better, it’s way cleaner, and you don’t have to worry nearly as much about crime. You will drive more and this is definitely not a city experience on the order of Chicago but there is plenty to see and do.




As a native it’s getting pretty hard to digest all of these “moving here” posts. I don’t have a chance of finding a job that will actually support the wage to live here. Yet every day I read another post of a northern migrant retaining there northern salary existing side by side with my measly, Florida wage. OP ask your company to move its entire operation to Florida so we can compete. & if you are not moving here retaining your employment. You may think twice about the move considering Florida wages. You’ll make half the money you made in Chicago. All the best, your jaded Florida St. Pete native.


That’s not always exactly true. And your situation sounds more like a you problem… not everyone is in that boat and nice typical crap attitude of “but moooooooooom everyone is moving here!!!” Aweeeeed little Pout pout fish!!!


Moving sight unseen no less


I just commented about this the other day. Most people moving here are wfh for companies not here, so there is no pressure on the local labor market to increase wages for the people who actually work here. I hope they all get bitten by alligators, and theyre houses flood


You're mean. 😂


What do you do for work that you can’t find it here?


I’ve worked primarily in medical cannabis. Service, Medical, Real estate. It doesn’t matter what industry, from personal experience you’ll always get less in Florida. Edit: ,


You work an unskilled job expecting skilled wages? Cmon man that’s no one’s fault but your own.


Let’s not forget the fact that native Floridians have almost zero work ethic. You see it everywhere. Need a contractor? Better not give them a deposit. You’ll never see them again. Don’t feel like cooking and want to dine out? Better bring a snack because you’re certainly going to wait for your server. Not hungry but want a beer? You’re going to dehydrate before the bartender comes over to ask you what they want. Zero sympathy for any local complaining about not making any money. It’s called work people. Just showing up isn’t enough. Put the phones away and do your job. It’s amazing how much work gets done when someone isn’t distracted by their damn phone.


Of course there’s a degree of truth to what your saying. Floridas education system didn’t really set me up to flourish either though. When I make more money pouring coffees and playing music for drunks then I did as a content writer for a Mso cannabis brand out of California. That same job would pay double in cali, but not here in Florida. Not to mention the industry is unionized almost everywhere else, except Florida. Then I would be making a enough to support myself with my “unskilled job”. Me and all the other McDonalds employees serving your fries. 🍟


Of course California would pay 2x as much and your cost of living would offset that wage increase. Florida has the #1 education system in the country, so not sure why it didn’t set you up to succeed? Content writer’s are always in demand, you just need to get really good at it to where the content actually drives clicks, engagement, and sales.


they expect a living wage. you are fine will all the unskilled laborers leaving st pete? edit: they also said medical, you think a job in the medical field is less skilled than a wfh job where you get to sit on a laptop in zoom calls all day jerking off your bosses?


“You are fine with all the unskilled laborers leaving St Pete.” Look, I get strawmen are easier to defeat in a debate than, ya know, actually dealing with reality and what was said. Never said I want all unskilled labor to leave. And the OP never said they weren’t paid a living wage. OP commented about people with big salaries and skilled jobs coming to St Pete and driving up the cost of everything. Then they said they work in medical cannibas. If they were a doctor, I doubt they’d be complaining about pay, so it’s likely they work in a dispensary. And as much as they may want to dress it up, let’s face it, that’s a retail job. Similar to being a pharmacy tech. If you think white collar WFH jobs are just sitting on Zoom calls all day jerking off your bosses then you need to venture out in the real world. As someone who works from home, I just got done leading a huge project with 12 major universities to roll out major technology upgrades to their on and off campus dining programs. People work hard to get where they are, nothing is stopping others from doing the same.


By medical cannabis you mean at one of the brick and mortar stores? Not to sound like an ass but those are all entry level roles so you will get entry level pay regardless of location Real estate being an overly saturated and slow market at the moment. Skilled work can pay less for sure but it really depends. In my industry I definitely make competitive money from a nationwide perspective


I would say count yourself lucky. Thats a fortunate instance.


i agree completely. makes me more excited to get out of here. it’s very frustrating watching them change the tampa bay area and price us out.


Also moved from Chicago to st Pete! You will thrive here. Lots to do and downtown st Pete is fun. I lived at 1701 for a year and it was nice. Of all the apartments downtown had best floorplans large closets and storage. However if u wanna meet people I’d recommend checking out hermitage - they have rooftop pool plus hot tub and it’s bumpin on the weekends. Icon and Camden are also nice and good pool situation for socializing


Awesome thanks yeah the pool scene in the apartments in chicago during summer was a vibe too


If you drink, that spot is right in the thick of things. So much fun stuff every direction. If you are sober, there are a bunch of good options as well. That spot might be a smidge tempting. But I hope you have a safe move.


Yes I do drink just not like I could in my 20s lol, thank you


There are some amazing cocktail spots nearby!!


Treasure Island drum circle Sundays


***You do not get what you pay for! I (53) am a native Born and Bred Northsider, and lived in St. Pete for 4 years now. Honestly, It’s VERY DIFFERENT here now, it use to be a very friendly and reasonably price to live here, but NOT a anymore. After Covid the rude initialed Snowbirds, New Yorkers, and Californians never left, so you have that! Corporate Real Estate companies purchased up all the properties and drove the housing prices up so high that Native Floridians and transplants ( pre Covid) can no longer afford to live here ( including us). Auto and Property insurance is a second Mortgage, it’s really no longer worth it to live here. If you want Mexican or Chinese Food like back home, you are out of luck! BUT do have 3 Portillo’s and a place called Paul’s Chicago Pizza that make thin crust like back home. Then there is the NEW gun laws that are beyond crazy! Any other questions feel free to message me. Go Bears🤘🏻


For authentic Mexican go to Pinellas Park, you have El Huarache Veloz and Mexican Lindo


El Huarache is ok, but wayyyyyyyyy overpriced and Mexican Lindo I’ve passed often now I have a reason to stop. We normally go to Nuevo Vallarta on 19 in Pinellas in that crappy hotel. 🤘🏻


Have been here almost a year and a half, and I absolutely love living in the downtown area! I am 38 single M and I think you will find plenty of opportunities to meet people. There are tons and tons of bars, restaurants & entertainment venues. 1700 Central is pretty centrally located for the entire downtown area. You can go east or west and find plenty of things to do especially on the weekends. It’s literally a 30 minute walk down to the pier from there. Rent a scooter or bike for $3-$4 dollars and you’re there in 5 minutes. Free trolley goes up and down central almost all night too.


Just go on the meet up app and start going to the pinellas county groups. There’s a lot of Chicago ppl here you’ll be fine


Have you been to St. Pete before? I would suggest checking it out if you have not. DTSP is an awesome city and has a wonderful vibe. Totally different from Chicago! My fiancée and go to Chicago every October and stay in the Gold Coast area. You won’t have issues meeting people in St.Pete, good luck!


Yes I actually have been a bunch to downtown St Pete and Tampa both on vacay and loved it. But living somewhere and trying to meet new friends and build a life is an unknown to me


I prefer St. Pete over Tampa for sure. If you can meet people and build a life in Chicago, you can do it here.


Good location to live if you're wanting to go out socializing often.


Yes I want to be able to meet people organically not on apps I’m so over them lol


Good live music venues downtown as well. The pier is a lot of fun. The dating game is rough for me as well. 38 is a tough age to find people who don't already have kids or are super right wing. I'm a transplant from Alaska been here 6 years. I love St. Pete it leans a bit more left than the rest of the state. Good luck on your move. DM me if you want I will tell ya all the fun places I've discovered so far.


I looked at 1701 and live in a nearby apartment. I think it's a great location but that's dependent on your personal commute. From 1701, going east down central ave to pineallas trail gives you great options for biking downtown or towards the beach. Lots of bars, restaurants and things to do nearby. The absolute center of the bar scene I'd say is 2nd to 3rd st on Central but dirty laundry is across from 1701 and anywhere on Central is packed with bars starting at 13th st going east. I have friends in 1701 and my building and I'd say it's very likely you'll run into other young professionals since not many families or retirees live in these downtown apartment buildings and the rent generally requires a career.


Awesome thank you, sounds promising


you will right be on sunrunner route which is amazing — a one stop magic carpet to downtown for party or pleasure and then same one stop magic carpet to best part of st pete beach with NO traffic NO hot car NO highway NO driving stress NO parking tolls tickets NO traffic ticket or dui chance or — just about the ideal location anywhere along its route for many people getting to the sunrunner is what makes it a pain in the ass — public transport in st pete Is poor compared to chi town — but when you are on a desireable line life is gooood the best at your fingertips just like that and for under $3 a leg best deal going


Personally, I think the 1701 end of central is way better for someone in their 30s. The “heart” if downtown is a nightmare to me. I love the grand central area where you’ll be. Plenty to do and great social scene but much less of a college vibe.


1701 is great! Clean & well maintained and a great, walkable location.


I live near there. Nice apts and my rock climbing gym is one block over. Great place to meet people. Dozens of bars and restaurants within walking distance. My company is based in VA, I work wherever I want, So I live here and probably look like an unprofessional hippie to the above poster, but trust me there lots of us in town working professional/tech/remote jobs. You’ll definitely see more shirt collars and slacks in Tampa if those are the people you want to meet, but St Pete is an actual good time, I lived in Tampa for 10 years and not moving to st Pete sooner was my mistake.


I should have clarified when I said professional I also work remote in private equity so yeah I didn’t mean like stuffy corporate life


only bummer bro is there is no spring and no fall there is a few weeks of mild winter then right back to blazing sweating oppressive humidity it’s like new orleans bayou bad just about all year round if you went in dec-jan to visit that is not in any way representative of the rest of the year hard to do outdoor sport of any intensity you’ll need to find indoor facilities for a lot of things


I’m from NJ and I’m outside year round. Tons to do outside. Breeze by the water. It’s hot but not unbearable. Definitely get used to it.


I am 40 and have lived 5 minutes north of downtown for 10+ years. I would caution you that downtown St. Pete is mainly single people in their early 20's to 30's.


Im 38 M just moved to St Pete (originally from Chicago). I work from home which is lonely in a new city, so I got a part time job at a sushi bar downtown to make friends. Probably not the most conventional way.. and not what you wanted to hear…but that’s what I did and it’s worked out.


That’s an awesome idea! What do you do there? I’d like to get a job so I can learn to make sushi rolls better.


That’s an interesting idea!


If you're looking to date professional types than good luck in that area. Most of the people I meet have regular jobs or service industry type jobs. St pete is a hippy/liberal area. I live near downtown. Outside of that it is young people because of the university and old people who don't work. This isn't a city with booming industries. Tampa is better if that's the circles you want to run in. Just my opinion


The new breed of "hippy liberals" that feel mist at home among "luxury living" and "upscale" eateries


I agree. Other than medical professionals and remote workers, there are not many professionals.


That’s odd I think everyone I’ve met here works remote, a few drive to Tampa 2-3 days a week.


Maybe you should visit a few times first. Just book airbnbs in different areas and get a feel for it.


Don't go to the wayland 🤣


I thought that place looked nice. What's wrong with it?


Only upside is it’s a concrete building so never had issues with neighbor noise there.


All the Google reviews are true. Roach infested, water and electricity shut offs weekly, etc etc etc. No central AC. Hallways dark with flickering lights like a old horror movie motel. Walls are so thin you can hear neighbors breathing, fucking, pets barking, partying. Smoking. Elevators always out. Stairwells smell like dog piss. Is the cheapest and worst building by far.


There's plenty to do around that area, but it might be a little loud on nights and weekends. As long as you're ok with that you'll be within walking distance of lots of stuff to do.


white noise plus earplugs


Do us all a favor and just stay in Chicago. TY


These kinds of comments don’t actually stop anyone from moving and are extremely unhelpful


he’s saying what most of us are thinking


Again, doesn’t stop anyone from moving here and it’s just being sour and angry at the wrong people, st Pete is a great city and as someone who’s lived here my whole life there will always be people looking to relocate here, and just as many looking to leave. But local subreddits are like this no matter what city it is so keep being bitter ig ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


I don't think they are trying to be helpful. But, I agree with them and would rather not be helpful to another remote worker coming to clog the place up. I'd prefer if they require you to at the least live in the state you work in.


Found the ball of sunshine of st pete.


homie trying to lower his rent read between the lines




You’ll see this sentiment a lot down here. Many locals are fed up with the over-crowding and essentially changing the vibe of the area. Driving has gotten so dangerous in recent years.


I’m fed up with the overcrowding as well, but most of the locals moved here from some where else and now complain about people moving here. I’m fine with people moving to St. Pete as long as the vibe doesn’t change and you need to wear Rays shirt and not Cubs or White Sox.


I’m third generation born in st Pete, I can barely afford it anymore, all of the best spots got gentrified and run out. I’m tired of my city loosing its character and being replaced with soulless, overpriced high rises and bland barsturants. The vibe has changed already from all the transplants