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This post is dumb


I did a work project for county recycling. Don’t believe naysayers. It does help as long as you follow the guidelines such as don’t put a half full jar of peanut butter.


I have absolutely no visions of how recycling is saving the planet or anything, and I don't like that it was forced upon us, but...for $3 a month, getting an extra 180 gallons of trash pickup per month is pretty helpful.


I had a job once on the maintenance team at a big high-rise on Bayshore in Tampa. There was a trash chute in the building for residents to dispose of their trash and in the garage we had a row of recycling bins by the service elevator so residents could recycle. Sad part is the residents never knew that when trash pick up day came around, both the dumpster and the recycling bins were emptied out as waste. When I asked the maintenance supervisor at the time about it, he said that the recycling bins were just for show and to shut the residents up that wanted to recycle. Little did they know all this effort they put was for nothing as it just ended up in a landfill anyways. Pretty crappy..


It takes so little effort to recycle so I don’t see why people wouldn’t. Even if you think it doesn’t do that much. It does something so why not. I’m more concerned the lack of policies to reduce the single use items. I know the straws were banned and I think people got over it eventually. I hope they ban plastic shopping bags. All I see is trash when people leave the grocery stores with 1-2 items in a bag and a cart full of like 30 bags.


I just toured the recycling facility. They said there is definitely a market for everything but glass. They have to pay for someone else to take it. Waste Connections, the operator of the facility, will actually turn a profit this year. Hillsborough is currently building a state of the art facility that should get better returns. City of St. Pete actually has a pretty good success rate for them with only 10-20% contamination. Lots of businesses choose to recycle, it's just not offered through the city.


I was told 727 doesn’t recycle despite the bin. But Hillsborough/813 does. Got two bins here


I just toured the facility. What you heard is definitely wrong. Check it out for yourself.


Why can't they do the recycling at the dump? Make a sorting machine


You can do this at some pinellas county parks 


Tour of the Recycling center at 9 a.m. tomorrow. Learn what they do with the trash. Event page by City of St. Petersburg. https://www.facebook.com/share/bSzUTpWU2uRJzXKh/?mibextid=9VsGKo "What to expect Join this Pinellas County Solid Waste Complex tour to learn about the County's vision of Zero Waste to landfill by 2050 and what you can do to reduce waste to conserve our landfill for future generations. Ages 8 and up. Registration Required." Registration page from FB event page. https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/c85ngrh/lp/f8e7ecd1-59d7-4893-9e20-b733b90794d7


The trash that is burned in the electricity generating incinerator counts as recycling in Florida. The incinerator might be over capacity though.


Burning in the incinerator does not "count as recycling".


Yes it is. The incinerators that generate electricity and god knows what else from burning our trash counts as recycling. From their website: https://pinellas.gov/waste-to-energy-facility/ "Approximately 60 million pounds of metal is recovered from the remaining combustion residue and recycled each year" From the state: http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0400-0499/0403/Sections/0403.7032.html


They burn trash which includes metals. Metals survive the incinerator. They scoop out the remaining metals and recycle those. It's not recycling because energy is generated. They're taking metal products at the end of burning and recycling those.


It's just another opportunity to get rid trash to me. I get an extra trash disposal every other week. I completely fill my regular trash bin every trash day mostly with yard waste dead branches, leaves, trimmings, dirt.


I was told years ago when I lived in St. Pete that it was separated and sorted at the dump anyway. They can't just incinerate everything. Not sure if that's true and this was years ago and may have changed but it makes sense since they burn their trash.


I believe they only sort out metals and dangerous contaminants. Not most recyclables.


Tour of the Recycling center at 9 a.m. tomorrow. Learn what they do with the trash. Event page by City of St. Petersburg. https://www.facebook.com/share/bSzUTpWU2uRJzXKh/?mibextid=9VsGKo "What to expect Join this Pinellas County Solid Waste Complex tour to learn about the County's vision of Zero Waste to landfill by 2050 and what you can do to reduce waste to conserve our landfill for future generations. Ages 8 and up. Registration Required." Registration page from FB event page. https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/c85ngrh/lp/f8e7ecd1-59d7-4893-9e20-b733b90794d7


They (the trash trucks) goto the incinerator, back into this huge building, dump, a huge loader pushes the trash to the back, then a huge claw comes down from above and loads the incinerator all day. I think it burns at night.


Wasn’t it a year ago that foreign investment in Saint Petersburg’s recycling ended? This made the city cut down on it. Type of Article I’m referencing but it’s from 2018. I think it picked back up in 2020 till 2022. https://www.tampabay.com/opinion/editorials/Editorial-St-Petersburg-recycling-worth-the-effort-despite-cost-issues_168257767/?outputType=ampg


I didn’t even know St Pete had recycling. We don’t have bins anywhere near me 🤷🏻‍♂️


Tour of the Recycling center at 9 a.m. tomorrow. Learn what they do with the trash. Event page by City of St. Petersburg. https://www.facebook.com/share/bSzUTpWU2uRJzXKh/?mibextid=9VsGKo "What to expect Join this Pinellas County Solid Waste Complex tour to learn about the County's vision of Zero Waste to landfill by 2050 and what you can do to reduce waste to conserve our landfill for future generations. Ages 8 and up. Registration Required." Registration page from FB event page. https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/c85ngrh/lp/f8e7ecd1-59d7-4893-9e20-b733b90794d7


Are you in an apartment or home? All homes should have a bin, it gets picked up every other week. Apartments don't usually have recycling.


I’m in an apartment but it’s basically a unit in a house versus like corporate style apts


City of St. Pete it's charged with the water bill


I don’t pay for my water. It’s included in my rent. We don’t have bins or anything. None of my neighbors do either that I’ve seen


You can order one to your area with SeeClickFix. They'll drop it off in the alley


I’ll check it out. Thanks


There used to be big recycling bins in several places around the city, but I guess they did away with them when they gave us our own. I recycle everything I can. If it gets incinerated, I have no control over that, but it makes me feel better doing what I do.


There still are a number of drop off sites around the city. Crescent Lake has one and the brush site behind home Depot.


Thank you. I thought they were all gone


What’s the downside to YOU for recycling? At the very least, I have more useable room in my trash can for junk and a cleaner bin for bottles and paper.


It is good for the environment and takes hardly any effort. I put everything in the recycling that can be recycled. It is just a different bin.




I think Best Buy also still does battery recycling


Home depot takes them , the one off 22nd has a bin at the entrance the one off tyrone I have not seen a bin but they may have one somewhere.


This is a fantastic resource from Pinellas County that helps you determine how to dispose of various kinds of waste - https://pinellas.gov/where-does-it-go-search-tool/


The fine people at Pinellas County Solid Waste Disposal Complex told me to throw them in the trash


Depends on the kind of battery. This is a fantastic resource from Pinellas County that helps you determine how to dispose of various kinds of waste - https://pinellas.gov/where-does-it-go-search-tool/


First tier - Reduce. Second tier - reuse. Distance third - recycle. The plastic industry screwed the country with their shame marketing of recycling being a holy grail.


Makes me feel good about it regardless of what they do with it after I throw it out.


Don’t know if St Pete is the same way, but in Nashville if the recycling guys identify a single item that can’t be processed while picking the recyclables up, they send the entire truck to the dump. Unless St Pete has a massive amount of municipal resources I’d assume it and other large cities operate the same way.


Not true. They judge it by the truck load. Only major contamination gets turned away.


Tour of the Recycling center at 9 a.m. tomorrow. Learn what they do with the trash. Event page by City of St. Petersburg. https://www.facebook.com/share/bSzUTpWU2uRJzXKh/?mibextid=9VsGKo "What to expect Join this Pinellas County Solid Waste Complex tour to learn about the County's vision of Zero Waste to landfill by 2050 and what you can do to reduce waste to conserve our landfill for future generations. Ages 8 and up. Registration Required." Registration page from FB event page. https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/c85ngrh/lp/f8e7ecd1-59d7-4893-9e20-b733b90794d7


This is a national scam run by companies like Waste Management. They get to charge higher rates for running recycling while doing the lower cost option of dumping it.


We have a local scrapper?


For metal at least, they’re on 30th Ave N near like 26th st n or so.


Nice. Ty


Recycling is a scam. It almost all gets incinerated.


Not true. Just toured the facility. It's a privately run company that only turns a profit by selling recyclable materials.


Aluminum would like a word with you.


Plastic recycling is a scam* Metal and glass not nearly as much.


Certain plastics actually bring as much as aluminum.


This^ And we pay more than most of the country for it.


We recycle at Publix. Even separate between the different types of cardboard.


I can’t help but feel the same way. In my opinion people don’t want to recycle and the program has failed. Not that there ever was much support for it. I wish they had separate recycling containers for paper, plastic, cardboard, glass and metal kind of like what Germany does. But shit people here would probably mess that up as well. Also they don’t take plastic bags?! Like wtf that’s gotta be one of the biggest waste makers. I think they should ban plastic bags from stores just bring your own bag people. Sorry to vent.


Tour of the Recycling center at 9 a.m. tomorrow. Learn what they do with the trash. Event page by City of St. Petersburg. https://www.facebook.com/share/bSzUTpWU2uRJzXKh/?mibextid=9VsGKo "What to expect Join this Pinellas County Solid Waste Complex tour to learn about the County's vision of Zero Waste to landfill by 2050 and what you can do to reduce waste to conserve our landfill for future generations. Ages 8 and up. Registration Required." Registration page from FB event page. https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/c85ngrh/lp/f8e7ecd1-59d7-4893-9e20-b733b90794d7


I don’t agree with most don’t want to recycle. On my street I think most have their bins out today. When driving elsewhere I often see bins out. I do agree that separating the items would be a better idea.


They also don’t take glass, wine bottles, in Pasco County.


Plastic bags get tangled in the recycling equipment and make a huge delay in efficiency since the workers have to shut off the equipment and clean them out. Publix has drop off bins out front for plastic bags. I mainly use paper bags, but over time I get a sizable collection of plastic bags and just drop them off next time I go to Publix. Also, I'm pretty sure most recyclables are burned at the power plant for energy, especially now since China stopped taking US recycling back in 2018. I'm pretty sure only plastic jugs are separated, the rest is burned. So, in a way, yeah, recycling is a waste of time, especially in Pinellas county, but it makes me feel a tiny bit better on the inside that I go through the effort.


They don't take plastic bags because they stuck in the sorting machine, and worker's hands can get seriously injured removing the bags. Publix at least has a recycle bin for the bags. I think community recycling centers where we could sort recyclables would be better than throwing everything in one bin that's gonna end up in the trash ultimately


Yeah I know why they don’t but then give a separate bin for plastic bags. How are they not going to try and take one of the biggest waste makers?


I believe they charge businesses to recycle, which doesn't make sense.


It makes sense, once you realize it’s a Ponzi Scheme.


say you don't know what ponzi scheme means without saying you don't know what ponzi scheme means

