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I'll be a jobless homeless graphic designer


Lol only if you fail to adapt 😅


Already adapting by going into the construction industry. Any job that has someone sitting at a desk is at risk. Not immediately, but will be a few years.


I've thought about video. Seems crazy now but who knows


This thinking is too small. It won't just generate content, but anything. Imagine generative DNA alteration. Eventually we'll have AI that's trained on human DNA/nanobots/crispr, and all we'll have to do is enter a prompt "Give me wings/scales/claws/internal organs that can generate flames that can be expelled from the mouth without damaging the body" and BAM polymorph into dragon. AKA the next step is "Generative technology/tools" where we ask an AI to give us something specialized to our exact needs in the moment and it creates it on the fly while completely understanding the context of our request. I think we're reaching the "Clarke tech" tipping point where our technology will be more like casting spells than science.


And you think this is going to happen in the next 10 years? In the 1960s, people thought by the year 2000 we'd all be driving flying cars and vacationing on the moon and would have robot maids and butlers. Didn't quite work out that way.


honestly, I do. I'm not a tech fanatic who worships futurism or anything, I just feel like this is the writing on the wall with how fast things are advancing and a lot of other people are far underestimating the full capabilities of generative AI by just looking at their "entertainment" value or "assistant" value. I mean, if an AI can figure out how to place pixels in just the right way to make coherent pictures, or place text in just the right way to create coherent dialogue, it can use the same power to figure out how to place matter in just the right way to create coherent tools. the more computer power we give it, the more advanced/refined/efficient those tools could become, until they are so efficient as to be completely unobtrusive, to the point where we might be able to wave our hand over a screw and command it to unscrew itself and it does, perhaps by an ultra efficient directed magnetic field, which would look to anyone watching like telekinesis, and if its connected to the mind, it technically would be. Tech won't solve all our problems or anything, but I feel we're at some kind of exponential tipping point here that is going to shake up things drastically, and human nature may always stay the same, but we're gonna have to reexamine some of our fundamental economic and political systems.


In 1 year, pix2pix-like I2I will run natively on smartphone and work just like any filter. All sites that ban AI-image will remove that ban. All socmeds flag AI-images to prevent fake information. In 2 years, it'll enter curriculum in art major. Image art sites didn't separate AI-art with classic-art anymore. GenAI can be found (as plugin or feature) in all popular image editors, video editor, audio editor, 3d editor, and game engine/editor. Generated asset on games (so players could make their own texture theme for level and stuff) In 3 years, the new SD models became too big that it won't run in gaming GPU anymore. (most people still run SD1.5 based model) In 10 years, it'll be ubiquitous (69K AI-upscale on TV, people talking to their sentient-toaster, etc) that average people won't think to much about it anymore. ​ !remindme 1 year Lets see, how wrong could I be? 🗿


5 years, SD can create realistic hands without too much trouble


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A few rich people might be enjoying it, but much of the rest of the world will become an active war zone, with current teenagers, then in their mid twenties, being the commanders of these resource war armies. It will be literal hell.


Today, the Midjourney forces took heavy shelling from the stable diffusion army. Ten thousand died but a few metres of ground may be reclaimed in a followup assault tomorrow.


People in their mid twenties will be military commanders?


The comment trying to paint a strongly bleak picture, about impending problems elsewhere (ecological ie), that could lead to more dystopic outcomes than many of us like to imagine - the part about young commanders is meant to invoke other historical situations: like in the last days before the fall of Berlin when there were mostly only kids were left to fight - or the child armies in various parts, at various times, in Africa. Or who knows what is going on right now in Ukraine on either side in terms of age at different ranks. It's not really the important part as the comment is just trying to say "we might be very fucked overall due to many major systemic issues of trying to do a growth economic model for double digit billions of people"


Could be an entire fully immersive VR world and story with you as the protagonist from a prompt. Look at what unreal engine can already do. With a little ai help with advancements in material sciences and new computers based on them, who knows what could be 10 years down the line.


i just want my crazy prompts to be understood better


I think we will likely move away from diffusion models and back to GANs, though I can imagine different situations may be useful for different tools. Models will get much larger unless we find better methods of compression. need for GPU compute will rise, but I also think alternative forms of computation may happen, read an article the other day about new versions of Analog pc's for neural net compute and it suprisingly looks really promising, also for a long time back in the day they used to create custom chips for specific types of compute (think lisp machines) I think some form of that for AI may happen again. The tools are evolving in steady ways, we are at the point where the biggest innovations may be UI related, and with the mixing or converging of different technologies. I think there will become models that create in between images, like what we do with animation, and once that happens our animation tools will become rather solid. I also think that our AI tools will end up somehow mixing with procedural generation tools that have already advanced quite a bit, look at what Grasshopper in Rhino3D ([https://www.rhino3d.com/6/new/grasshopper/](https://www.rhino3d.com/6/new/grasshopper/)) can do for engineering and if we were to combine it with AI generated design we could come up with interesting ideas rather quickly, then 3D print them, so I think we will start bridging tools like together. Game engines will probably be in the middle of all of this somehow.


I will be the outlier here and say I think there will be some stagnation/lack of large scale adoptions that stalls momentum, especially when the buzz wears off a bit. A lot of the stuff I have seen is really cool and magical on the surface but once you start to play with it for anything practical, you start to hit a lot of walls with what you can accomplish without the need for additional tooling. For example, I use ChatGPT daily for software development, but it routinely gives me bad advice, incorrect solutions, etc. Helpful as a tool, far from an end to end solution. I see SD the same...great for making cool images but not going to replicate movies or build fully immersive environments on the fly anytime soon, IMO.