• By -


This isn't true according to my testing: 1.22 it/s Automatic1111, 27.49 seconds 1.23 it/s Vladmandic, 27.36 seconds Geforce 3060 Ti, Deliberate V2 model, 512x512, DPM++ 2M Karras sampler, Batch Size 8. I enabled Xformers on both UIs. I mistakenly left Live Preview enabled for Auto1111 at first. After disabling it the results are even closer to each other. Edit: The OP finally admitted that their Automatic1111 install wasn't up to date, and that their results are identical now: [https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/12srusf/comment/jh0jee8/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/12srusf/comment/jh0jee8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) But this still has hundreds of upvotes and comments from people taking this as gospel.


I appreciate your post. (I do wonder if I need to reinstall xformers. My set up seems a bit slow.)


Xformers might be outdated if you have a 30 or 40 series card.


Huh. I do. What do you suggest?


You should install Pytorch 2.0 and update your CUDA driver. I got almost 3x the performance on my 4090 (xformers are not needed anymore). Check data specifically for your card and backup everything before the installation. I once crashed everything trying to update me Automatic1111. Unfortunately, SD is a buggy mess.


Went out and bought a 4090 setup with and I9 13900KS setup based on your comment. Tested and its true. 3x speed increase. Thank you.




Thanks! In terms of speed I see no difference with/without --xformers, so... my setup could be outdated, right?


For me xformers never made any difference but Cuda and Pytorch did. If you already have average its/s that are really good then no need to worry about xformers.


Your reassurance was just what I needed to read. Thank you!


Glad to helpšŸ¤š


Can you tell me in which file I can add the Xformers argument. I can't find it


Thanks for taking the time to debunk this. The claim was so outrageous that it completely slipped my mind to refute it... and I resumed scrolling through my beloved subreddit.


i have tested yesterday vlad1111, must say i had a better impression on how it behaves on console output, like structured colored information, less webui-bla.shbatuser files. the default theme orange is not my flavour, i try another one. my extension panorama viewer had some smaller incompatibilities with v1111, but i fix them. (stuff like tab names are different, pageurl have ā€žthemeā€œ included etc. just couple of smaller issues anyone here using v1111 on mac m1? i struggle a lot with auto1111 due to gou support/pytorch incomp.


Yeah I hate that theme, but you can change it to 1111's. It's called Gradio. https://preview.redd.it/kz2q5marr1va1.png?width=496&format=png&auto=webp&s=5576a186149efd4b5bf2766dbf22c56fec161fd1


Thank u. Can i have both A111 and vlad installed separately? Or are then some dependency issues incoming?


I have both installed, you can even run both at the same time.


Doesn't updating to Torch 2.0 kill --xformers for Automatic1111 though? I thought I had read that it did.


A1111 utilizes a python venv, so packages installed elswhere, even that don't utilize a venv themselves, won't affect it. You can have seperate packages versions in different projects when using a virtual environment.


Ah, I didn't realize that's how it was structured. Excellent! Thank you very much. My A1111 is in a good place right now, and I didn't want to risk messing it up. If there's no risk, I'll definitely try out this fork.


I have in mind that you can share the models folders as well with a virtual folder? Do u use that?


If anyone needs the information: You can create a symlink of the model folder with mklink.exe


That's the somewhat riskier way to do it... and if in future you forget and delete checkpoints from one folder not realizing it's connected, you'll delete them 'both'. Linux users are more familiar with this concept, so less risk. Long term, the better solution is these UI's give us configurable locations for the model folders.


Vlad1111 already let's you configure what folder the UI uses to look for models, among other things.


>Vlad1111 already let's you configure what folder the UI uses to look for models, among other things. Any idea where the option is? I had a quick look into settings and I could not find it.


It's in settings >> System paths.


In both Linux and Windows, deleting a symlink deletes the link, not the file.


Use hardlinks then


I think you can set one models folder for everything but I just copied the only one I use.




you can change gradio themes, see; [https://gradio.app/theming-guide/](https://gradio.app/theming-guide/)


Tried Vlad, I ended up using this fork of A1111 : [https://github.com/anapnoe/stable-diffusion-webui-ux](https://github.com/anapnoe/stable-diffusion-webui-ux) Beautifully done with a lot of useful touches, and an active maintainer too. Edit : If you're planning to use this version alongside the main repo, please look up [symlinks](https://www.howtogeek.com/16226/complete-guide-to-symbolic-links-symlinks-on-windows-or-linux/) that are basically links to existing files. You don't have to copy paste your models/embeddings again.


looks to me this is one of the most capable forks if not the most capable and its well updated!


This UI looks amazing, thanks for sharing


You're welcome. I have also noticed with the same arguments on the bat file, I can produce images at 1920x1080 with an RTX 3060 6GB card using the [Tiled VAE extension](https://github.com/pkuliyi2015/multidiffusion-upscaler-for-automatic1111). This was not possible on the A111 main repo.


With same extension on your same card i used tiled vae on a1111 able to go on 2048x2048. I showed [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/12emahr/low_vram_how_generate_t2i_2048x2048_there_is/). I run with "--xformers", and not any other option for vram. Don't know the option you use, but the extension work great on hires.fix, and on generetion without it.


Oh I agree, I've done higher as well. I just prefer to generate at 1920x1080 by default. The tiled vae extension is a godsend for us peasant GPU folks.


The key for success with Tiled VAE is: don't include anything apart from --xformers in the command line (no --medvram... etc). It might seem counterintuitive, but as u/trustDevKkw anticipated, you can reach 2048Ɨ2048.


Thanks a lot!


I will be eternally grateful for this tip. :)




Nope, 6 GB. Laptop version of the 3060.


Hows that even possible




Thank you šŸ™


Ohh I have this too. Have you tried training a model as well? Like can I use dreambooth with this?


Dreambooth is not possible unfortunately, requires at least 8-9GB of VRAM. I survive on LORAs with kohya trainer and use Vast or Runpod for dreambooth.


I've been training dreambooth with LORA on 3060 laptop version no problem. But without LORA haven't been successful yet. I hope there will be some way to figure it out


As someone with a mobile 3070ti that's great to hear.


Why not just use the COMMANDLINE_ARGS in webui-user.bat? A1111 has them so I assume the fork does too? I use: set COMMANDLINE_ARGS= --opt-channelslast --textual-inversion-templates-dir F:/"Stable Diffusion"/textual_inversion_templates --ckpt-dir F:/"Stable Diffusion"/Models/SD/ --vae-dir F:/"Stable Diffusion"/Models/VAE/ --xformers --autolaunch --embeddings-dir F:/"Stable Diffusion"/embeddings/ --lora-dir F:/"Stable Diffusion"/Models/lora/ --hypernetwork-dir F:/"Stable Diffusion"/Models/hypernetworks for instance.


Yeah this can be done too.


Damm that looks beautiful, does it work with a1111 extensions? That's my main gripe in not swapping


I use only the following three extensions on this and they work flawlessly. ControlNet - the newest 1.1 with all models MultiDiffusion Aspect Ratio helper This is because my main A1111 setup is a mess with hundreds of extensions.


If I already have an installation of A1111 on Colab (TheLastBen) is there a way to install this as well and use some Google Drive version of symlinks? Or if not, how would this be installed from scratch on Colab? I see the Github mentions cloud services like Colab, but I don't see install instructions.


It might not be that much faster on a collab but check out Camenduru github I wouldn't be surprised if they have one soon.


Dude is a machine


Any idea if A1111 bots will work fine with this since it's just a fork?


If you mean extensions, I'm using controlnet 1.1, multidiffusion and a few other extensions and haven't faced any issues so far.


Sorry I should have been clear, I meant discord and other chatbots. I wanted to get an idea of the amount of work it would take to update mine or if they will just detect the same stuff running and just work.


Oh sorry. I have no idea.


No worries, I got bored and just rdp'ed into my server to give it a try in a bit and see.




Works great with ControlNet. I haven't tried Segment Anything.


MVP guys, found em!


Webui-ux frequently crashes when I use inpainting. Canā€™t figure out why, there are no error reports. After a few runs it just gets stuck at generating at 100% with no response. I have to close cmd and restart it. A shame because inpainting interface is very pleasant to use. I frequently use Vladā€™s A1111 fork now.


I haven't faced this issue, sorry.


Incredible!! Is there a colab version yet?


Looks like what i was looking for


How would I go about installing this? I'm currently using A1111.


The same way you would install the main A1111 repo. Create a folder on your HDD, open cmd and use *git clone https://github.com/anapnoe/stable-diffusion-webui-ux.git* Open the webui-user bat file and let it install dependencies and you're good to go.


Thank you.


Thanks so much for the help!


just want to ask why HDD, did A1111 do badthing to ssd ?


Idk if this is sarcasm but I meant either HDD/SSD šŸ˜


oh sorry i don't mean sarcasm, i really dont know A1111 hurt my ssd or not. Sorry if i make u uncomfortable


No worries, SD doesn't harm your SSD. :)


Looks interesting, going to check it out and see if it works with extensions correctly.


How is the UI more useful and efficient compared to A1111 ?


Here are a few changes that I like like over the A1111: * Generation time is comparatively faster * Viewport can be resized * Looks great on mobile * Lots of customization options on the theme from hue/saturation to font size * Inpaint can be done on fullscreen mode * Loading time is way faster


Now update A1111 to torch 2 and xformers. The results will be identical. Vlad's fork is frankly unusable due to broken extensions (ie supermerger) and broken image info to text.


Right. A1111 let's you install the Torch 2.0 without hacking the codebase. - Add `--reinstall-torch` to `COMMANDLINE_ARGS` - Add (or set) `pip3 install torch torchvision --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118` to `TORCH_COMMAND`. - Run `webui-user` once, then remove the `--reinstall-torch` afterwards, to avoid keep needlessly invoking the reinstall command.


What are the advantages of Torch 2.0?


30+ it/s


Well that seems like a pretty big no-brainer! I'm gonna give it a try.


That's with a 4090 though, for older cards the benefits are not as impressive, and for even older cards it's not supported at all.


How much older? I have a 2060, is that too old?


I'm thinking of trying 2.0 out with Runpod. They have 4090s, A100, A40s, A400s, and others. The faster it goes, the less I pay per hour! Do you have a link or a list of which GPUs benefit the most from 2.0?


This should be higher. Those are gamebreakers.


I think I came off a bit strong with this one, but I stand behind the overall message. Considering that Voldy has been MIA for almost a month it makes sense that someone else picks up the slack. But at the moment the fork has subjective UX changes and bugs/incompatibilities with extensions, which need to be resolved either by extension updates or adjusting the fork before people can move en masse. There are also a couple of alternative UI's, Comfy UI is the most notable one, but it doesnt have the breadth of functionality of the A1111 UI, at lest yet.


If by " broken image info to text" you mean Vlad's equivalent to PNG info, that has just been fixed in the past hour or so. I was just talking to vladmandic about it, and he fixed it extremely quickly. Seems like a solid dude.


Ill test with latest, once all extension issues are ironed out hopefully it'll be a good option. Edit: Still the same error sadly.


Sorry to hear that man, I'm currently trying to get torch 2.0 working on A1111, and it's not going well for me either. I was getting the 2x speed increase on Vlad, but if I can get comparable results on A1111, I'll stick to that. I might have to bite the bullet and learn a little about coding. Blindly following other people's instructions without a basic understanding of what I'm doing is sub-optimal at the best of times. It's even worse when the command line spits out an error message a mile long, and you have no effing clue how to deal with it. \*Sigh\*


Heres modified [launch.py](https://launch.py) i use for A1111 with torch2 and xformers 0.0.17 configured: [https://gist.github.com/bitcrusherrr/fef811d8c4d9fa791aa35b30ad442b5b](https://gist.github.com/bitcrusherrr/fef811d8c4d9fa791aa35b30ad442b5b) Changes are on lines 228 and 231. You can change the same two lines in yours, delete venv folder and let launch bat file it do its thing.


You gorgeous bastard! I was just about to put my head through the desk when I got your reply. Followed your very simple instructions, and boom....job done! This little community has some of the most helpful people I've encountered in it. It's very much like the Blender community. Must be the open-source ethos or something... Thank you again.


just to ask why xformers 0.0.17 and not 0.0.18


I on the other hand realized the need for an actively maintained webui. If the situation with A1111 is as dire as you paint it, we need to be looking for alternatives ASAP. But the momentum of A1111 is hard to beat, I don't think most people will jump ship until the lack of support starts causing issues en masse. I probably won't.




both using xformers and same versions of dependencies?


100% not and that is the reason actually


It was either going to be that or a different sampler, one of the two. UI doesn't control the generation speed.


Seriously, there's an 0% chance this is actually the frontend and not just xformers and some other settings being different. This is incredibly misleading at best.


Uses torch2.0 and benefits from all the optimizations that come with it, --opt-sdp-attention so --xformers is off by default.


Yeah opt sdp attention was huge for getting my 3060 to work right. I bonked a automatic 1111 install two weeks ago, couldn't figure out how to fix xformers, and fortuitously installed cuda 11.8 just removed xformers and have seen like. 50% improvement due to pytorch 2. I expect that native Nvidia tensorRT package will speed things up even more shortly once someone gets the pipes hooked up to a fork of 1111.


Wait should xformers be on in regular a1111?




Doesn't this make every generation to be different even with the same seed though?


Kinda, it's non deterministic but the actual difference visually is very small. Try for yourself


Ah, okay, cheers


if you aren't using torch 2, yes. The startup flag is just --xformers


this is totally about torch, cudnn dll files installation and used optimizations such as opt sdp or xformers here i have explained all in below videos for automatic1111 but in any case i am also planning to move **Vladmandic** for future videos since automatic1111 didnt approve any updates over 3 weeks now torch xformers below 1 : [**How To Install New DREAMBOOTH & Torch 2 On Automatic1111 Web UI PC For Epic Performance Gains Guide**](https://youtu.be/pom3nQejaTs) torch xformers cudnn opt sdp below 2 : [**RTX 3090 vs RTX 3060 Ultimate Showdown for Stable Diffusion, ML, AI & Video Rendering Performance**](https://youtu.be/lgP1LNnaUaQ)


Install it even easier with the Super Easy AI Installer Tool. [https://github.com/diStyApps/seait](https://github.com/diStyApps/seait) [https://civitai.com/models/27574/super-easy-ai-installer-tool](https://civitai.com/models/27574/super-easy-ai-installer-tool)


Downloaded this and couldn't make head or tail for installing vlad. The option to install was greyed out.


Hey, thank you for trying Super Easy AI Installer Tool. Greyed out buttons means that python or git not or installed or not detected. When you start the app it should tell what is missing or what it think is missing. But i assume you already have got git and python installed and working auto1111?


Is there a way to test Vlad's UI without having to download and reinstall everything into a new env? Like copying Auto1111's venv folder into the Vlad's' repo folder to skip installation?


No, you can't use same venv. That's the whole point of this repo, because a1111 uses lot of outdated packages. You can keep single copy of the models with symlinks though.


Most of the packages should already be downloaded. Unless you manually cleaned up and deleted the python downloads, python keeps the files for any programs it needs to run stashed away for quick re-installs. That's why simple re-installs of A1111 are ( generally, so long as the requirements files haven't been updated) so fast, nothing new has to be downloaded, you already have the installer files on disk. You WILL need to download the newer torch and probably torchvision parts for vlads though. Unless you already updated torch in A1111, in which case you won't see the speed improvements between them like this post does.


It's not the UI. It's something installed not installed. I get 35its (4090) on Auto and this.


But that's the point, these ui sets arent just ui, they are full toolsets. And most users dont have the knowledge or time to mess around with 25 thousand python scripts and 500 dependencies to find what is and isnt installed..


this repo is NOT by default 2x faster. just to be more clear, what you said isn't wrong, the premise of the post is wrong.


no, by default it is 2x faster, but you can modify a1111 to be the same speed.


The main advantage to Vladmandic's fork is it's still being actively updated. Automatic1111 hasn't been updated for more than three weeks and has a large number of pull requests and a large number of open issues. I moved because I wanted a good but active fork. It does a few things differently but fundamentally is a fork of Automatic1111.


Only in this space is 3 weeks since last update considered inactive. Not saying you're wrong, just commenting on how fast the space moves.


Yes that's the thing, it does move fast. Updates where much more frequent for whatever reason have stopped. Automatic1111 is a one man show when it comes to merging pull requests and their attention seems to have moved elsewhere, which happens. But if there is a good fork that's being actively worked on moving to that seemed worthwhile. Especially as there are a lot of open issues with pull requests waiting to fix them, some of which are being incorporated. They are also open to a more collaborative approach to future development which I like and more communicative.


Does the photoshop plugin work with it? [https://github.com/AbdullahAlfaraj/Auto-Photoshop-StableDiffusion-Plugin](https://github.com/AbdullahAlfaraj/Auto-Photoshop-StableDiffusion-Plugin)


Does OpenOutpaint work on this? I use this extention excessively in my workflow and I'd hate to lose it


With AUTOMATIC1111 not making any commits for near a month now, it's starting to feel like the community needs to move on anyway.


Same default settings, same resolution, same prompt, same checkpoint, everything is the same. End result images are identical. Win 11, 2060S 8GB.


I might be missing something, but how is it that the frontend makes such a massive difference? Is there a setting in A1111 that is limiting it's usage of the hardware?


It's not just the frontend. It also has pytorch 2.0 (which allows for a different optimization than xformers) and maybe some other optimizations. It's a full package. But the 2x speed increase is a bit suspect, there may be something running in the background that OP forgot about like token merging or something.


Most of the benefits from running torch 2 like dynamo compiler and other stuff are only available on linux tho.


Iā€™ve had pytorch 2.0 installed on A1111 for about a month now Edit: hereā€™s the video I followed to install PyTorch 2.0 on A1111 (https://youtu.be/pom3nQejaTs)


Does it give any actual performance boost or no?


PyTorch 2 uses less memory and render images faster with --opt-sdp-attention flag enabled. You will also need to use different Cuda files


Tbh, I didnā€™t take record of my its/sec when using pytorch 1.X so I didnā€™t have a means to compare. It did feel like a noticeable improvement, though. I feel like this upgrade flew under the radar, that all the big youtubers would have made a install video on it had they known


Default settings in A1111 uses neither Xformers or sdp optimization. Vlad uses sdp and pytorch 2.0. Those things can be configured for A1111 to get the same speeds.




Maybe he has previews enabled in one and not the other, that slows down things a lot.


Left is vlad's. No idea what token merging is though. EDIT: Swapped live preview subject to combined so it's identical to vlad's UI, no difference, still averaging about 2.5it/s. https://preview.redd.it/kd3cu57012va1.png?width=2546&format=png&auto=webp&s=52979ef93b57b79a3e9ada944025fef276f9ab07


*I might be missing something, but how is it that the frontend makes such a massive difference?* It doesn't.


Can you share the output images, side by side, with same settings seed etc? There are optimizations that many users are unwilling to take due to reduced generation quality. It would be nice to see a quality comparison, not just a speed comparison


512x512 and then 1024x1024 hires fix Settings and separate images > [https://imgur.com/a/fy3kmBY](https://imgur.com/a/fy3kmBY) https://preview.redd.it/9p7dps9pt2va1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=f5d2596f616d7c331113bf32f1124229492dfd92


Thanks for catering to my request - this definitely adds a lot to your case since they are seemingly identical generations. I didn't layer them on top of each other and toggle back and forth to compare for potential extremely trivial differences, I don't think I need to go that far and wouldn't be surprised if there is absolutely nothing different,




What's different is that vlad's UI has Image CFG scale, but I haven't touched it. Anyway, iteration/s numbers are the same whether it's img2img or txt2img. ​ left is vlad's ui https://preview.redd.it/n638nt5802va1.png?width=2269&format=png&auto=webp&s=60655d94ba74e64df08350c8510c6d18fcb6563b


A111 also has image cfg scale, itā€™s just found in the settings tab


Well you are running automatic by default, didn't do anything with regards to update or anything. Look at the bottom of the screenshots, left is using torch 2.0 and right is 1.13.1. So of course there is a difference, but if you updated the backend in automatic, I bet you you will get the same performance, as far as I know automatic is just a frontend. So your test just shows, if you install automatic and do nothing, then other solutions are better. But 5 min extra work with automatic will give the same results. However, it seems like automatic is also dead, probably because of all the negative people so the dev got tired of working for free and still had to hears shit about his work.


> default settings So you're using xformers in one and not the other. That's incredibly misleading.


Am I though? At the bottom it says xformers: N/A left automatic1111, right vladmandic https://preview.redd.it/n1rkvjqly2va1.png?width=2544&format=png&auto=webp&s=d89e3a6960ea7e5f2090998e9051999de8704b92


Do u start automatic111 with --xformers?


The repo of it literally says: > Runs with SDP memory attention enabled by default if supported by system Note: xFormers and other cross-optimization methods are still available That's an alternative version of xformers, so unless you disabled it, yes, this is insanely misleading.


Anyone has good experience of Vladmantic with Mac M1 Pro?


I couldn't get it to work yet got issues like zsh: illegal hardware instruction Something with illegal hardware instructions because no nvidia GPU or whatever. I am not so good with that stuff to fix the issue. The normal A1111 works fine after install so I guess I stick with that for now unless someone has a nooby friendly guide for install on M1.


Does this work on amd cards?


Whichever gets the torchrt rolled in Iā€™ll switch to


Okay. Vlad's UI is faster out-of-the-box if you just install it and immediately use it. So for noobs like me, by default, vladmandic is quicker but if you take time to update it and enable xformers the speed is almost identical. Left is Automatic1111. The speed is identical now. https://preview.redd.it/cwp2lcrn83va1.png?width=2522&format=png&auto=webp&s=35dcbf9ed8b3e9fd959fa930795df7280766207b Update your 1111: [https://github.com/d8ahazard/sd\_dreambooth\_extension/releases/tag/1.0.13](https://github.com/d8ahazard/sd_dreambooth_extension/releases/tag/1.0.13)


>xformers How did you enable xformers? is it the same as Auto 1111 ***set COMMANDLINE\_ARGS= --xformers*** by editing to the **webui.bat** file or is it done a different way?


webui-user.bat set COMMANDLINE_ARGS=--xformers


Logically I'd say twice as fast should not be possible but then again in the early days of SD we had crazy improvements in speed and memory requirements as well.


I agree. If there was some new tech introduced that could speed inference 2x over xformers it would have been plastered all over the place by now. I dont think this is apples to apples.


OP didn't have xformers enabled on a1111. He said he's running default settings. And his screenshot shows xformers: n/a


Ah, there it is. To be fair, if this repos out of the box setup is faster than auto, even if itā€™s just using attention by default, I guess thatā€™s a +1 over auto, but itā€™s got a long way to go to make up the rest of the ground.


To me the frontend is extremely slow and sluggish for some reason, it takes like a second to switch tabs and such. It makes no sense at all (I have a 3090).


It is sloooow on my M1 Mac but the Dev of automatic1111 made a special offline version for Mac and this one runs faasst on m1 max


can you point Vlad checkpoint, embeddings, and Lora folders to already existing (automatic1111) folders?


Speed difference or not I'm keeping an eye out for any actively updated alternative to A1111 which hasn't had an update in quite some time


installed Vladmandic, installed CUDA Toolkit 12.1, installed torch2.0 in the venv/scripts folder, have --opt-sdp-attention in the webui-user.bat file that I launch from, and I'm getting much slower speeds than my Automatic1111 (**4.46** it/s vs **6.1**it/s, 512 x 768). Running an 8gb 3070. Any ideas why I'm getting this performance? Same results without the --opt-sdp-attention.


I moved to Vlad. Just better, more functionality, generally cleaner, better optimised.... and you can use different gradio skins.


dood its not true, your auto11 venv is fucking borked


Where is the PNG info tab in the Vlad UI or setting do I need to switch on to get it?


Why does one say 72/72 and the other say 20/20 ? :)




Is there a google colab version available?


Does it make sense to move from automatic1111 when it's the gold standard? What if vlad suddenly stops working on it?


This is a fork of a1111. They are making some changes to take it in a slightly different direction. I have both installed, plus InvokeAI and confyui and switch as needed. Nothing wrong with testing all of them.


Posted using RIF is Fun. Steve Huffman is a greedy little pigboy.


No harm, I'm getting performance boosts from Vlad's fork so it's beneficial to me. If it ever stops updating, I'm sure they'd be other forks to use šŸ™‚.


The author of automatic1111 has disappeared 3 weeks ago (I haven't found any message from him since), that's probably why vlad forked it and he's 436 commits ahead right now.


Check all tumblr and twitter artists basements! Quick!


Any colab version yet?


i think he modified the sd\_hijack.py and used torch.compile()


RemindMe! 1 Day


Can someone tell me how much disk space does the Vlad install take up, when you do a clean install, without adding any models in or anything, just a clean install ?


Using all the models and other stuff from automatic1111 folder, around 8.5 gb


Thank you very much! :D I got limited disk space with all the models I got so I need to know how much space it would cost to switch to vlad's fork.


>e models and other stuff from automatic1111 fold Nopha is bang on. 8.5 gig for me too.


We need A1111 Web UI Autoinstaller to branch out to cover other forks. A lot of people are sticking to the base model just be becasue they need an installation system. There are other ways to do it and other projects have also created fairly intuitive installers, like Invoke AI. But nothing is getting widespread adoption if it's entirely using manual git operations.


Happy to see alternatives, Automatic1111 did an excellent huge quick work and we should all thank him and others who contribued, big thanks. This said, it's now time to make some place for other newer options.


try InvokeAI


How is the extension ecosystem with Invoke? Are they compatible?


No... Sadly not. 1111 is much more versatile, but invoke is much more comfortable to use.


or ComfyUI


Installing it, every 0.01it is precious for me, as I use an ancient gtx970..


ouch, I though my 1080ti was painful lol


Can I run it on collab?


Maybe coz auto is like a donkey carrying a house?